Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 499886 times)

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  • Banana Grabber
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Polls mean nothing to me right now.  It's not October yet, shit's gonna change by then.

I'm still pretty confident Obama'll win.


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I have to admit that it was quite cute to see little Peggy Agar, regularly seen reporting on poor plowing and resulting traffic jams, pressing McCain like none of the big reporters ever seem to have the balls to.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 11:22:06 AM by duckman2000 »


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It's just almost unfathomable to me that we could elect a Republican after the last eight years. Not that there haven't been some good Republican leaders in the past, but aren't we kind of obligated to change the party in power at this point?

Why bother, when the party itself has changed! McCain said so. These guys want to drill for oil in wildlife sanctuaries and they care about the environment. They hate war, except justified ones, particularly ones that Jesus are on board with. They are also going to build new nuclear power plants everywhere, and invest in all sorts of alternative energy too, all while lowering taxes for everyone. How can you not be on board with this plan?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 11:39:48 AM by duckman2000 »


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #123 on: September 08, 2008, 11:54:29 AM »
It seems to me that the fundamentalist Christians should be environmentalists given that the Bible commands people to exercise good stewardship over the earth, but for whatever reason they're perfectly fine with letting hundreds of species go extinct every year and all gung-ho about desecrating one of the finest nature preserves on earth for oil that will hardly make a difference if consumption trends don't change. My father is like this. Very conservative Christian, but he gives my sister and I a ton of shit about our environmentalist leanings. Makes no sense to me.
Christians are also not supposed to kill other people, even when protecting yourself.

Does religion ever make sense? It doesn't have to, that's part of its charm.



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It blows my mind that the reason people vote for McCain now is a corrupt inexperienced crazy alaskan.

Human Snorenado

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The problem here really isn't the Republicans- they're just doing what they do every four years.  The problem is the American public, which is apt to vote in a completely distinguished mentally-challenged manner on a host of issues that don't matter and won't get addressed no matter who is President.  "They wanna take away mah guns and kill babies!  I'ma stop that!"  Well dipshit, it doesn't really matter who you voted for.  No one is gonna take away your guns and babies are gonna get killed no matter what.  But there are some issues that could have been addressed if you weren't dumb enough to vote like a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow, just minor stuff like massive imbalances in wealth, soaring health care costs, the climate crisis, etc etc.  You know, the little things.

The problem is that Americans are prone to vote for vengeful yahoos who represent the worst in them.  You've got to be MEANER than the other guy.  Clinton got that and so did his wife.  Every once in a while Americans will take a flier on an inspirational leader (Kennedy) but more and more, I'm starting to think that's not the case this year.  The only good news is that the Dems will undoubtedly add to their majorities in both houses and will probably be pissed enough to actually do something about McCain.  Of course they won't have enough to override vetoes but oh well. 

Long term, the news is good.  More and more places are becoming less Republican, and as there are more people without white skin in the country this will only increase.  But this year I'm about as pessimistic as I've ever been, and if McCain wins this year even a dem victory in 2012 could suck if it was a moderate dem like Hillary.


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Its easier for me to blame republicans than a bunch of loosely affiliated people


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For alot of people, it comes down to tax laws or perceptions when choosing between Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans are seen as anti-tax across the board, though this isn't necessarily the case (i.e. Bush's deductions for PGA golfers), it is the perception. The Democrats are seen as redistributers of wealth.

Personally, I don't have a problem with redistribution of wealth. There are very few persons with lots of money that have earned or deserve their money, in my experience. They are no more hard working or intelligent than persons of similar education and experience.


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Human Snorenado

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CNN Poll showing right now has them tied at 48%. 

I'm breathing a *little* easier at the moment. 

Gallup daily has McCain up 49-44, Gallup/USA Today has him up 54-44.

But yeah, polls are pretty much useless right now.  If McCain can keep building or maintain at the end of this week or next I'll start getting worried.


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I dont get where he gets votes all of a sudden. People just cant be that stupid about Palin :(

Eric P

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I dont get where he gets votes all of a sudden. People just cant be that stupid about Palin :(

why did people watch baywatch and charlie's angels?

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #132 on: September 08, 2008, 01:45:10 PM »
Summer 2008 was Obama's time.  The fact that he was only able to get scant leads over McCain was pretty troubling.  The GOP for the most part at that time was pretty much silent.  Obama should have steamrolled McCain.  Instead, he had single digit point leads.  I believe Obama has spent most of his political capital and could barely maintain leads.

McCain will most definitely lose the debates and Palin will get slaughtered.  It is pretty much up to Obama/Biden to make sure that McCain's leads are almost negligible, ensuring that after the debates, Obama can have a strong enough lead.  Also, keep in mind that the convention bump is still going on.  You guys sold Palin far too short.  She will end up being an asset for the campaign.  Granted, everything that comes out her mouth will be rigorously screened before she says them but she comes off better than Quayle.

Obama = Dukakis 2008


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Sold Palin short? Or gave Americans too much credit?


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I'll worry if McCain holds a lead after the debate.  I'm still waiting to see if the media sharpens their claws on this trooper story, or it the GOP effectively chastened them post-convention.

I saw one George W Bush getting fairly squished in debates some years, yet the man went on to win. It may be different this time, but I don't trust debates to account for shit these days.

On the McCain v Obama deal, as annoying as this is, it'd seem as if it's simply not possible to win an election here without a strong shit-flinging campaign. McCain has nothing but the old empty promises of fulfilling every wish, irrespective of how incompatible the means and ends are. Environmentalism and profit minded oil drilling, lower taxes yet still more of everything for everyone, choice yet not choice, etc. And he gets away with it! This Is Change... because we say it is. Trust us™.


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I guess our only hope now is europe creating a black hole with their super collider.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #137 on: September 08, 2008, 02:17:45 PM »
For every Huffington Post or Dailykos article posted I should be able to legitimately use a Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity sound clip.

But I wont. Because, guess what, I dont listen to or read drivel.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Someone needs to open their borders for American refugees :(


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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For every Huffington Post or Dailykos article posted I should be able to legitimately use a Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity sound clip.

But I wont. Because, guess what, I dont listen to or read drivel.

boobobobobobobobobo. she says what she says. This isn't like that pie in the sky republican bullshit.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #140 on: September 08, 2008, 02:19:59 PM »
Someone needs to open their borders for American refugees :(

I hear Venezuela is going to be the next workers paradise.  ;)

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #141 on: September 08, 2008, 02:38:42 PM »
I'll worry if McCain holds a lead after the debate.  I'm still waiting to see if the media sharpens their claws on this trooper story, or it the GOP effectively chastened them post-convention.

Same here. Also I'm not particularly sold on Palast and his conspiracy shit. We'll see. I trust the Obama ground game enough to assume that they'll catch any possible bullshit and deal with it.


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  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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I'll worry if McCain holds a lead after the debate.  I'm still waiting to see if the media sharpens their claws on this trooper story, or it the GOP effectively chastened them post-convention.

Same here. Also I'm not particularly sold on Palast and his conspiracy shit. We'll see. I trust the Obama ground game enough to assume that they'll catch any possible bullshit and deal with it.

Doesnt matter if McCain n Palin are caught on bullshit. 'Merica don't care they TAKE OUR GUNS SHE FAMILY MA WHO CAREZ HER BAKGROUND!


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If they want to talk about earmarks, they are welcome to do so. It's not favorable ground for either their party or their ticket, and they run a huge risk of getting demolished on it via ads.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #145 on: September 08, 2008, 05:05:44 PM »
Trust me, if McCain wins, you will really want to watch my actions online.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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They apparently dont care. They just shout and accuse with the hands over their ears and hope the media is dumb enough to feel guilt over doing what mccain should have done before choosing her, and the rest of america is dumb enough to vote for an unknown quantity of a VP and a man that has flip flopped his stance on everything several times in one run.


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« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 05:24:47 PM by MrAngryFace »

Human Snorenado

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I think that ignoring Palin is a mistake, and that Obama and his advisers have bought into it.  You have to punch back on her, but don't make it about her:  if you can't paint her as unacceptable, then you can't use that against McCain.  And that really should be easy to do.

I still think that the next couple of weeks are going to be absurd re: Palin.  She's not just the GOP base's shiny new toy, now she's the press' as well.  They get tired of talking about the same old shit, and they've been covering Obama and McCain for almost two years now, and Biden is a known quantity.  I'm hoping once someone figures out that the new toy, while shiny and interesting, is covered in lead paint maybe some adult will step in and take it away from the toddlers.  Or something.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #149 on: September 08, 2008, 05:34:32 PM »
Trust me, if McCain wins, you will really want to watch my actions online.


Sit back down...


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
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I predicted as much when they were promoting this interview last night. Nutless, subservient motherfuckers. Peggy Agar for President of USA and snowplowing in the Detroit area, Gibson for Presidential shitpot.

I think that ignoring Palin is a mistake, and that Obama and his advisers have bought into it.  You have to punch back on her, but don't make it about her:  if you can't paint her as unacceptable, then you can't use that against McCain.  And that really should be easy to do.

Well, isn't this what Biden is for?

Fresh Prince

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Democrats should hit them hard, make them look like the clowns they are. Really it's time to play on people's fears now especially regarding Palin.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I predicted as much when they were promoting this interview last night. Nutless, subservient motherfuckers. Peggy Agar for President of USA and snowplowing in the Detroit area, Gibson for Presidential shitpot.

I think that ignoring Palin is a mistake, and that Obama and his advisers have bought into it.  You have to punch back on her, but don't make it about her:  if you can't paint her as unacceptable, then you can't use that against McCain.  And that really should be easy to do.

Well, isn't this what Biden is for?

No, apparently the directive from on high in the Obama campaign is to ignore her and focus on McCain, which is good in principle and theory but elections are won on beating the other side senseless.  People like Rendell who aren't beholden to Obama so much will punch her, which is awesome, but the guys on the ticket and the more loyal Obama surrogates (Napolitano, Sebelius, etc) aren't going to really deviate so much from the line they've been given to toe. 

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #153 on: September 08, 2008, 06:52:52 PM »
I'd rather have Biden/surrogates going at Palin, while Obama focuses on the top of the ticket. Overall the focus should be on McCain, but I think it's a good idea to really tie McCain and Palin together as a ticket of hypocrisy. McCain has spent his life complaining about so many issues - while doing nothing - earmarks being one of them. And here he is once again being a hypocrite. Not too long ago he slammed Alaska over their rampant earmarks. It's time to expose that rift.

Just today the McCain camp claimed Obama got a billion in requested earmarks. The media isn't going to call him on this bullshit, nor will they even touch the Bridge to Nowhere bullshit - despite Palin mentioning it every fucking time she speaks. Enough of this "politics of the past blah blah" bullshit Obama, punch someone in the face

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #154 on: September 08, 2008, 07:02:16 PM »
oh shit, Obama got the message


that's how you hit back. :bow

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Obama needs to be more and more vicious.  Since the GOP has moved into earmarking and experience, these are by far some of the weakest points of the GOP.  Palin is not some untouchable element; if she flings shit, she should get it back.  The most annoying thing about the Democrats is that they try to be above certain things where the Republicans have no rules whatsoever.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #156 on: September 08, 2008, 07:20:14 PM »
Obama needs to be more and more vicious.  Since the GOP has moved into earmarking and experience, these are by far some of the weakest points of the GOP.  Palin is not some untouchable element; if she flings shit, she should get it back.  The most annoying thing about the Democrats is that they try to be above certain things where the Republicans have no rules whatsoever.

Which is why I still think Clinton would crush McCain. They know how to play the game; didn't work in the primaries this year but it's definitely effective in national elections

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #157 on: September 08, 2008, 07:26:42 PM »
Obama needs to be more and more vicious.  Since the GOP has moved into earmarking and experience, these are by far some of the weakest points of the GOP.  Palin is not some untouchable element; if she flings shit, she should get it back.  The most annoying thing about the Democrats is that they try to be above certain things where the Republicans have no rules whatsoever.

Which is why I still think Clinton would crush McCain. They know how to play the game; didn't work in the primaries this year but it's definitely effective in national elections

I think Obama is still thinking that he needs to have the image of the guy above all the bullshit.  However, people are responding well to the bullshit so pretending to be above it is a surefire way of losing the election.  No matter what anyone says, the public loves mud slinging.  Obama needs to take off the kid gloves and begin hammering the GOP.  If he waits too late, he can be painted as desperate.  If Obama gets a spine now, combined with winning the debates, he has a good chance of winning.

If he keeps trying to play with the rules, he is going to lose.  McCain and Palin's attacks have been shameless at the very best.  They clearly don't care about facts or ethical campaigning.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #158 on: September 08, 2008, 07:30:04 PM »
Obama doesn't realize that he lost his "above politics" luster after the Wright fiasco. People just don't buy that anymore. There's an obvious danger in attacking McCain too hard and coming off disrespectful but that doesn't mean he can't punch back. Consider Gov. Rendell's comments today where he just lambasted Palin's lies, as well as McCain. This ad is a good starting point imo.

People AGREE that McCain is like Bush but polls suggest they don't care. That's a fucking problem.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #159 on: September 08, 2008, 07:37:54 PM »
God, I'm so angry about all of this that I've switched from NPR to Air America.



  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Obama doesn't realize that he lost his "above politics" luster after the Wright fiasco. People just don't buy that anymore. There's an obvious danger in attacking McCain too hard and coming off disrespectful but that doesn't mean he can't punch back. Consider Gov. Rendell's comments today where he just lambasted Palin's lies, as well as McCain. This ad is a good starting point imo.

People AGREE that McCain is like Bush but polls suggest they don't care. That's a fucking problem.

The real problem are the American voters that tie themselves to weird things about a candidate rather than anything relevant to being president. These "with my gut" or "I just do" (ie. Applejacks) voters are the biggest danger to any ticket trying to run entirely on issues.

Flannel Boy

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I'm too busy not reading my law shit, but some of you might want to read What's the matter with "What's the Matter with Kansas?"

cliff notes:

-Rich, educated whites are more interested in social issues than poor, uneducated whites.
-working-class whites care more about economic issues than social issues.
-Working-class-whites are not that socially conservative and actually lean Democrat on many social issues, like abortion and gun control. But are actually closer to the Republicans on economic issues.

Van Cruncheon

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yeah, the pro-palin folks i know -- anecdotally -- are all educated, college degree'd white folks living in rural areas. RURAL is the thing, not income/education level. living in the boonies makes you stupid.

Eric P

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Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #164 on: September 08, 2008, 09:03:01 PM »
I'm not believing that until I see a decent source

Eric P

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HB 270 : Passed! Chapter 57, SLA 2000 An Act relating to sexual assault and sexual abuse and to payment for certain examinations in cases of alleged sexual assault or sexual abuse.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #166 on: September 08, 2008, 09:13:56 PM »



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op-edna believes gore won the election!?! what universe is she from where gore was president and not bush I WISH TO SEE IT

Eric P

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now that doesn't mean that wasilla was actually charging the victims for the cost of the rape kits

but here is the bill itself according to the AK legislature


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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alaska is a crazy place

Eric P

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the fact that this would even need to be put into law is kind of amazing and horrifying to me.

Van Cruncheon

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alaska is an amazing and horrifying place

Eric P

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i figured it would be the bastion of small gov't politics coupled with a strong sense of "leave me alone" type sentiment.


Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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it's actually packed to the gills with religious kooks

three types live in the woods: criminals, crypto-libertarian roughnecks and religious nutters too crazy to have a city church

palin is a three-fer!


  • green hair connoisseur
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alaska is an amazing and horrifying place

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #175 on: September 08, 2008, 09:44:08 PM »
yeah, the pro-palin folks i know -- anecdotally -- are all educated, college degree'd white folks living in rural areas. RURAL is the thing, not income/education level. living in the boonies makes you stupid.

Same here. My only friends who are pro-Palin live in unincorporated Pierce County. Well, I do have a friend in West Seattle who is voting for McCain, but I don't know how he feels about Palin. The rest of my friends either live in Tacoma or Seattle, and are heavily backing Obama.

All my friends are college-educated, though.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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i suppose when you live in an insular small community with limited culture, you feel more comfortable at a "gut" level with someone who seems more like a local yokel and less like an "uppity" smarty man, i.e. palin. i guess it's the feeling that he/she is more in touch with the issues that might affect you, even if they really aren't.


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Thankfully MSNBC was commenting that McCain has probably given up on turning Oregon and WA

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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our hillbillies don't trust alaska hillbillies

:bow :bow crazy wa-or non-religious libertarian hicks, our kind are the best :bow2 :bow2

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #179 on: September 08, 2008, 09:51:53 PM »
Thankfully MSNBC was commenting that McCain has probably given up on turning Oregon and WA

Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia cancel out the rest of Washington, just like Portland and Eugene cancel out the rest of Oregon.

:rock LIBERAL CITIES :rock