Author Topic: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read  (Read 515691 times)

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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3420 on: September 22, 2023, 02:40:44 PM »
On Era someone suggested Michael B. Jordan as Law and fuck, that would be awesome. He has just the right style for the role. Now the show needs to get to Saobody in S5 to see if that can happen.

If they get S3, will be super curious who they hire to play Teach/Blackbeard. That is going to be a tough roll to cast. Need someone as jolly as Luffy but with an violent edge to it.

Outside of Jamie Lee Curtis for Kureha, I don't see getting any big names for the Robin/Baroque Works/Ace/Smoker/Tashigi castings. Maybe Crocodile. The rest of kind of too small fry characters for any bigger name to want to play them.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3421 on: September 22, 2023, 03:26:21 PM »
MBJ as Law is butt fucking distinguished mentally-challenged.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3422 on: September 22, 2023, 03:41:00 PM »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3423 on: September 22, 2023, 06:13:10 PM »
 Hate unnecessary race changes. Usopp, Lucky Roo, Yasopp, Nami's sister have always been darker skinned. Law is white as shit. Apparently Law is German equivalent.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3424 on: September 22, 2023, 06:44:29 PM »
Are you going to be ok with Alabasta? Most likely the entire cast outside Crocodile like Vivi will be dark skinned given it's a desert country.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3425 on: September 22, 2023, 08:06:55 PM »

Alabasta being full of brown people (which is canon) is pretty different than casting a white boy like Law as Michael B Jordan.

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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3427 on: September 23, 2023, 06:47:19 PM »
That post would be fine (One Piece is still a shounen manga and not for everyone), but saying OP is mid with a Bleach avatar is  :thinking
« Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 08:54:47 PM by Bebpo »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3428 on: September 23, 2023, 08:32:37 PM »

When you feel like the only person that feels OP was top tier from the first page. The first chapter is incredible.

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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3429 on: September 23, 2023, 08:46:46 PM »
I do wonder how I would feel reading the comics if I wasn't already into the anime show.



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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3430 on: September 23, 2023, 11:15:18 PM »
Otoko still gets me :tocry


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3431 on: September 24, 2023, 02:14:27 PM »
Caught up on the manga. Hadn't read since the start of Egghead.

Spoilers cause I can't tell if Filler only watches the anime.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
The arc is good, but the world building outside of the arc is a bit weird for me. I've never liked the Celestial Dragons part of the story and the stuff with the EVIL BAD and the ancient weapons feels really out of character for One Piece to me. The Evil Bad feels like something from Naruto and even has the Naruto eyes.

I like One Piece for the whimsy pirate v pirate island arcs. Blackbeard is a "bad guy" but also a really fun One Piece kind of character and he'll be a great final boss.

But it's pretty clear Oda's setting up this immortal island destroying Naruto character as the final boss and ehhhh, not feeling it. Hopefully Blackbeard kills the shit out of them mid-way through the finale and the final challenge is still pirate v pirate.

That said, every scene with the crew is still fantastic. Egghead arc has been real good and exciting.

Going back through One Piece arcs in One Piece Warriors 4, it reminded me that Sanji really should've gotten married to Pudding back in Whole Cake Island just because it would've been a good turn for his character. He'd stop being a simp to every woman and have someone waiting for him and he could just be a cool character. It sorta looks like maybe Oda is still doing that now? With Bonney? I sure hope that's where this is going because yeah Sanji has been pretty pathetic for a long, long time outside some jokes and Cake Island. Sanji needs a GF stat to calm the fuck down.

Hope they actually go to Elbaf next.

Also I think Oda should've killed Garp. Bringing him back in whatever form later just feels like stretching it out. Guessing Blackbeard will use Garp against Luffy.

I'm still assuming that Aokiji is undercover. I mean he's always been the most "do the right thing" admiral, so it's weird he's sticking with Blackbeard. Going to assume in the finale he'll betray him and create an opening for Luffy or Koby or someone.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3432 on: September 24, 2023, 03:33:04 PM »
Disagree about Imu. It has been established for years that the final arc with be a final war between Strawhats and the government. Why create the government as this big bad that has enslaved whole populations, destroyed Robin's island, had a massive arc at Enies Lobby and Marineford if the final villain isn't the WG? Feels like bad writing and I would be pissed if Blackbeard is the final villain. Once Luffy becomes the Pirate King, who gives a f about other pirates? All this set up, ancient weapons, void century, 800 year rule, celestial dragons, sky piea, the redline, Marineford, enslaving multiple characters (Kuma, Hancock, Jinbei, Arlong who is likely a slave right this second in story), five elders, Mariejois, Sabo, the Revolutionary Army, Luffy's deeply segregated home island, the entire existence of Robin as a character, poneglyfs, joy boy;etc. if all comes down to pirate vs pirate? I would feel cheapened out of twenty years of reading and probably burn all of my OP volumes. Would be wack fan fiction shit. My opinion.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 03:59:11 PM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3433 on: September 24, 2023, 04:21:56 PM »
Yeah, we've been through this and know each other's stance on this.

Yes, the WG has been a threat for a long time and are BAD. But I don't think they should be the final antagonist. The entire manga is about finding One Piece and becoming the Pirate King. Luffy says so from chapter 1 and keeps saying it every arc multiple times re-enforcing his goal.

Pretty sure Oda even commented recently in an interview that One Piece ends when Luffy finds the One Piece.

My take is all the WG stuff will get resolved before Luffy v Blackbeard/Shanks. I personally would prefer if Luffy wasn't even the one to do it. Would rather the revolutionaries and Sabo/Dragon/Kuma/Ivankov take down the WG/Imu, and let Luffy focus on finding the One Piece and fighting pirates.

Though Luffy is probably going to take out the one Elder soon. I'm guessing just in terms of power scaling, now that Luffy has outpowered captains and vice-captains, and with Gear 5 probably outpowers Admirals, Luffy's new WG opponents to match him at Gear 5 will be the Elders.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3434 on: September 24, 2023, 04:50:50 PM »
Why shouldn't they be final antagonist? The story has been about the void century since Alabasta and the WG has been presented as villains way before Blackbeard was even introduced.

Blackbeard is just some dude that wants to be the pirate king. Imu is the ruler of the world. Luffy has toppled rulers (especially fake rulers) throughout the story. Blackbeard doesn't even have a fleet. Imu does. What is the grand fleet going to fight against? A dude in a raft? Luffy gains alliance with all these countries, there's stuff like Reverie, for the final villain to be a fat guy that likes cherry pie?

In order for BB to be the final villain he has to beat Imu and all five elders. Not likely especially since Sabo got one shot by Imu. Especially since this is end game and everyone is trying to find One Piece it makes especially no sense for BB to go to Mariejois to fight the elders and Imu anyways.

WG is the most evil organization in the world. BB is some dude that doesn't like the same pie as Luffy and turned in his loud mouth brother in alive. WG slaughtered every single child that was born where Ace lived just in the off chance they killed Roger's child. If you think BB is more evil than WG you are smoking crack bro.

It has also been established that D is the enemy of Imu and the Celestial Dragons. What does BB get out of any of this shit?

Whitebeard before his death literally says that once the person worthy of finding One Piece finds it, it will create a massive war against the world government. Why all this build up if it doesn't come to fruition?

I still vote burning my manga volumes if it comes to it.

All bets that Imu is Nefartiti Lili.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 04:55:27 PM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3435 on: September 24, 2023, 05:02:29 PM »
Blackbeard is the final boss because Blackbeard is cool.

Too many stories fail by having a lame villain no one cares about and only exists to get the shit kicked out of them. Blackbeard is actually a developed likeable characters that's been through the series from early on. He's a final boss people will enjoy seeing match up vs. Luffy.

I mean Oda's on record saying his favorite real life pirate of all time is Blackbeard. He's been setting him up as the antagonist for like 15+ years. Blackbeard's crew has been getting built up to match up with the Strawhats the whole series since Impel Down.

Luffy v Imu is a fight for people who care about power levels and want to see big powers duking it out.
Luffy v Blackbeard is a fight for people who want to see well developed characters on different sides of ideology duking it out

Though I guess Cross Guild will play into the final battle as well because Zoro needs a rematch.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3436 on: September 24, 2023, 05:37:43 PM »
In One Piece fandom the last year we have been having debates and fights about BB vs Imu. I have been Team Imu since his/her introduction. But team WG as villains specifically for decades. On Reddit someone posted this. It summarizes my viewpoints:


Blackbeard is Direct competition for the Pirate King throne, but remember, Roger was Pirate King, and he still wasn’t able to overturn the government, it clearly shows that beating the WG is a bigger hurdle than Pirate King is, but more than that, it’s been something that’s been happening over and over in the story, Pirates will get into skirmishes but ultimately it’s the WG that’s ultimately above all of that.

Dadan tells Ace something along the lines, that his enemy is “The World” when talking about the WG and Celestial Dragons, when Spansam refers to Robin’s enemies, he speaks about “The World”

no Pirate Crew is ever spoken about in such a grandiose manner. Whitebeard spoke about the upheaval that would happen when that treasure “The One Piece” is discovered as well.

I understand why so many people think Blackbeard is the final villain, because of how much he’s a foil to Luffy but I really think that Luffy overcoming Blackbeard is just him essentially “surpassing himself” to finally be strong and powerful enough to face the WG.

It’s also in the presentation, while we’ve seen skirmishes with Blackbeard where he can take a bit of an L, Imu has never appeared less than calculating and powerful, the most recent being when Imu destroyed an island, and had so much control over everything that they can just rewrite it to “That island never existed”. Blackbeard has never been shown to be this villainous.

The only way BB becomes the final villain is if he beats Imu. One problem: he doesn't even know Imu exists. The entire thing with government is a giant mystery. We just found out the Elders' powers just weeks ago.

From the first page of this story the government has been set up as the villain who doesn't want others to find Rogers' treasure. If a fat ass who has no relation to the government or CDs is the main villain I'll eat my hat. He's just a foil for Luffy to topple in his journey to become the king of the pirates. Nothing more. Blackbeard is Luffy's nemesis but WG is Joy boy's and this story is about inherited will. For 800 years the government has supplanted and enslaved those that rebel and oppose them. Blackbeard makes me shrug. WG makes me boil. The sheer stakes against WG as final villains are huge. The government has Gods Knights, Five Elders, Imu, Pacafistas (who have had a serious upgrade), CP forces, and the Marines, and any allied countries in their corner. Blackbeard has a fucking raft. I can't think of a more rip off of a story to end it with having a dude that has made allies all over the world duel with a fat guy with a raft for a ship when there's an entire government with endless forces on the side. Oda would be spitting in his legacy's face. We should all be thankful that's not how this story is going.

Also Bebop you should look at Enies Lobby again. Notice the giant hole layout. I'm betting WG destroyed that island before and then put Enies Lobby on top. Compare the hole with the recently destroyed island.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 05:43:15 PM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3437 on: October 05, 2023, 07:57:29 PM »
Holy. Fucking. Shit.

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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3438 on: October 05, 2023, 08:59:27 PM »
has luffy vs kaido fight been stitched together by anyone?

I'd like to see it without all the interruptions and breaks between episodes
« Last Edit: October 05, 2023, 09:27:51 PM by team filler »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3439 on: October 12, 2023, 11:20:27 AM »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3440 on: October 12, 2023, 04:30:25 PM »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3441 on: October 12, 2023, 04:52:09 PM »

People think that either Ginny is Bonney's mom or Luffy's mom. I've concluded she's both and Dragon is Bonney's real father.

We have all known that and seen throughout the story that Kuma is willing to sacrifice and do anything for the Strawhats repeatedly because of his dedication to Dragon.

In Revolutionary flashbacks there's always a woman in the background as seen here:

Luffy didn't even know his father was Dragon until after Enies Lobby. It's like his true parentage has always been hidden to him.

Perhaps, for some reason, due to Dragon's notoriety, they split the two siblings up and Kuma, in a sacrifice for Dragon, acted as Bonney's father when he really wasn't. This entire thing is so Star Wars like that I wouldn't be surprised if Bonney is in a Princess Leia situation where she was raised by adoptive parents for her own safety.

The one chink in this theory's armor is that Kuma being an adoptive father isn't as safe Princess Leia being adopted by a family of royalty on Alderaan. Perhaps they felt Bonney would be most safe in a royal environment and it just didn't work out that way. It makes sense.

**TLDR** Dragon and Ginny are the parents to both Luffy and Bonney and they are siblings.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2023, 05:26:54 PM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3442 on: October 12, 2023, 07:12:23 PM »

People think that either Ginny is Bonney's mom or Luffy's mom. I've concluded she's both and Dragon is Bonney's real father.

It's plausible, but unlikely that Dragon is the father of Bonney.

However, it's possible that Ginny was the mother to both of them. I could see a woman falling in a polyamorous relationship with two revolutionaries.

The logic? Just the name really.

Ginny->Bonney(Bonny) is the most likely scenario.

But then again, Luffy also follows the naming pattern to a degree.

And it would explain Kuma's behavior with Luffy a lot more. Dedication to Dragon? Absolutely. But then there's the fact that if Kuma knows that Luffy is Ginny's son that can also hold a lot of weight.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3443 on: October 12, 2023, 07:32:06 PM »
I think Ginny being the Rev's baby popper wouldn't look good and there's no precedent in that in the series besides with Big Mom, who uses other men to build her an army. It also takes away from her character in a way. Why go from Dragon to Kuma? Explaining a poly amorous relationship in a comic for teenaged boys seems a bit much. That just overly complicates things which is precisely why, although I considered it, it's more likely I think that Bonny and Luffy being full blood siblings would be the more impactful plot twist.

I think this twist would also fit the series better because One Piece is a story full of surrogate parents: Garp -> Koby and Helmeppo, Dadan -> Luffy, Oden -> Yamato, Bellemere -> Nami and Nojiko, Whitebeard -> Ace, Doctor Hiriluk -> Chopper, Zeff -> Sanji, Luffy/Sabo/Ace being brothers but not through blood;etc. it's a story full of parents that aren't their parents by blood or birth to show that sometimes the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. It's a story of inherited will, not through blood but through sharing dreams and promises. So Bonny being Dragon's blood daughter but Kuma being her "real" dad absolutely tracks with the series' themes and messaging far more than a polyam relationship between Dragon, Ginny, and Kuma.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2023, 08:19:56 PM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3444 on: October 20, 2023, 01:46:59 PM »

One Piece still getting lauded by Netflix as a major global appeal show. Don't see it becoming less popular in future seasons around the world, so seems pretty likely it's a lock for at least a few more seasons.

Obviously excited to see Alabasta in this version.
Really excited to see what an edited down compact Jaya/Skypiea season looks like.
Very excited to see this group do the Water 7/Enies Lobby stuff

Next decade of OP Netflix going to be good eating.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3445 on: December 01, 2023, 06:29:38 AM »
This Kuma backstory...


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3446 on: December 01, 2023, 12:38:31 PM »
This Kuma backstory...

Good or bad?

I took a break at the start. I get bored reading backstories weekly, so would rather just wait until they're done and catchup so I'm back to the story.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3447 on: December 04, 2023, 01:07:13 PM »
Great, but it's not done yet. You should still wait a bit.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3448 on: December 21, 2023, 06:24:29 PM »
Kuma is a top 5 OP character. Holy fucking shit. Oda I'm begging to make Bonney a Strawhat.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3449 on: December 21, 2023, 06:32:46 PM »
fuck you Oda, you can't be doing that to my heart.

jk I love you man, but you're playing with my emotions.

Bebpo, the flashback is over, it's time for you to reunite with us.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3450 on: December 21, 2023, 06:40:18 PM »
One Piece is a literary masterpiece.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3451 on: December 27, 2023, 03:00:45 PM »
This chapter was a master class in writing.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I felt the fullest circumference of human emotions here.

Laughter - from Luffy eating food

Shock - from the reveal of "8th wife"

Excitement - from Kuma coming after Bonney and attacking Saturn

Love - experiencing the bond between Kuma and Bonney

Sadness - Vegapunk embracing Bonney

Anger - Saturn.

Respect - for Vegapunk and Kizaru (for giving Luffy food seemingly)

Awe - Kuma's offensive against Egghead

Just wow.

Master class.

Guys, this storyline is utterly incredible. I
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 11:45:34 AM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3452 on: December 28, 2023, 06:23:40 AM »
Someone's getting punched into next year.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3453 on: December 28, 2023, 11:44:17 AM »
Someone's getting punched into next year.

Technically this is the first chapter of 2024 but yes.


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3454 on: January 07, 2024, 04:43:38 PM »
They're. NOT. Missing!


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3455 on: January 07, 2024, 09:09:46 PM »
Yeah I saw that OP and it's incredible. I watch OP anime weekly these days. The destruction of Lulusia and Zoro cutting the bubble were :delicious


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3456 on: January 09, 2024, 09:47:29 AM »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3457 on: January 09, 2024, 01:02:59 PM »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3458 on: March 15, 2024, 10:39:16 PM »

The latest chapter is like a four course meal with extra dessert. Good Lord, this arc is fucking impeccable.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 11:01:01 PM by Himu »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3459 on: April 27, 2024, 06:47:03 PM »


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Re: One Piece Thread: The best comic you haven't read
« Reply #3460 on: May 23, 2024, 07:31:36 PM »
Good Lord. How is it possible for one arc to continually one up itself with holy shit moment after holy shit moment? Holy shit.