Stumbled across a pretty good PS2 emu on Android; DamonSX2, so it sent me in a frenzie to try different stuff on there. FFXII runs well on there so far, but the game I completely forgot that existed that I gave a whirl on there, is Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. Back then, I had no interest in it albiet having good reviews.. However, the past decade or so, I've leaned much more heavily into classic Fantasy genres.
So far, this game is really impressive. Of course, it uses clips frrom the movies like the EA action games did (which were fantastic at the time), but you play as, now canon, Berethor; a Gondorian Knight in search for Boromir, as the events of the trilogy unfold. All cut scenes are narrated by Ian McKellen himself and the combat is straight up turn based, a la FFX. So far I'm really liking it. It's nice to be reminded of what EA use to be.