This episode was easly one of the better ones, though I can't quite put my finger on why that is
Eel said the hand-me-down Zune was his first MP3 player -- yikes. Welcome to the 21st century. What took so long?
Eel's advice on budgeting bordered on brilliance, but stopped a step short. He said, "Look at all that crap around your house -- you can sell it for money to buy more games." It's not a bad piece of advice, but it barely treats the symptoms. A slightly more apt (if not wordy) piece of advice would be, "Look at all that crap around your house, and think about how badly you wanted it and whether or not it was really worth the price you paid." Invariably nothing really lives up to that Day 1 hype, and if you can snap yourself out of it by taking a long gander at the other useless paperwights you blew your money on, then you're being smart about your habit rather than just looking for desperate ways to feed it.
I thought an interesting sidetopic to the budget gaming discussion would be "Games you've bought because of message boards." Drinky addressed the fact that message boards can overhype games, but that's not really what I mean. Sometimes I find myself buying stuff not because it's hyped and I think it will be amazing, but just so I can be a part of the immediate post-release discussion. I coughed up the full price for Too Human on Day 1, just because I wanted to be able to have an opinion on it at the pinnacle of the game's hype and controversy. I don't regret it, but at the same time I doubt I would have had much interest if it weren't the subject of so much pre-release discussion.
I didn't really get how FF7 wouldn't work as a re-make. The cutesy, iconic characters wouldn't work as well in a realistic style, but there isn't anything dictating that a realistic style would be mandatory for any remake.
Janet sounds a lot nicer and a lot more cool when Drinky isn't hogging the good microphone. I actually appreciated the insight on why women's restrooms are almost always far more filthy than men's rooms (despite the fact that a man's aim control is far worse). Here's something I might like to see her address -- we were recently forced to put a second trash can in the women's room at work, and because apparently it isn't safe or sanitary to let women toss their used "female supplies" into a regular garbage can. Of course we can't use any signs or labels that read "Put your tampons in here!", so I wonder if women actually understand that's what it's there for. I obviously don't go in any ladies' rooms outside of work, so I'm not sure if the double trash can setup is particularly common.