Want to sell some gaming shit laying around.
Saw an offer that popped up on the PS4 dash, of all places, of a site called Back Market, where they offered an additional $100 trade in for a PS4, towards some other Sony hardware. Definitely piqued my interest , as I have a spare PS4 collecting dust now... But when going on their site and generating their offer, not seeing where you can get that extra credit applied, or show what you can trade towards... Have you all heard anything about Back Market? Reddit posts/reviews seem to be hit or miss. Never heard of them, but sounded a bit less of a hassle than say ebay or Gamestop.
Ultimately, I'd like to basically trade-in my spare PS4 (box and everything), PSVR1 (box and everything) with 3 Move controllers.... and if the kids allow, the Switch and like 10 games,
towards a PSVR2. Everything I've read seems to all suggest ebay is still the best for the most bang for the buck.