Author Topic: Borecast 48: Metro 2033, Minecraft, Recettear, Disciples III, Deathspank...  (Read 4621 times)

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Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member

Robert returns for another All-Playlist episode.  Games discussed include Metro 2033, Necrovision and the Necrovision: Lost Company expansion, Minecraft, Recettear, Trinity Universe, Disciples III, Deathspank, Clive Barker's Jericho (listen for how you can win a copy!)


Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Crysis 2 pre-hate!


  • Senior Member
Nice game set.


  • Senior Member
Is there a mod to change the characters in Recettear from lolis into burly barbarians and scantily clad wizards?

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
hahaha, i would play brocettear


  • Senior Member
Just checked out Metro 2033 on and it is listed at 44.99. Is it really that much cheaper in-store?

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
i bought it during the THQ online store's summer sale as a digital download

it seems like one of those titles that go on sale a lot, give it some time and i'll bet steam runs the same (or similar) deal on it


  • Senior Member
Oh, guess I heard wrong - thought Doug mentioned it being super cheap at gamestop. Best I could find is $40 plus the 25% used coupon.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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it was half-off at area gamestops


  • Senior Member
i made a thread about recettear here on bore but it went like straight to the second page like some sort of ninja thread...

i don't think putting a trailer would have helped :-[

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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I'll be interested in it when it hits Steam.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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i am borderline "if it isn't on steam i won't play it" with regards to pc gaming these days

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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My HDD died a few weeks ago and I had to buy a new one, and it was amazing not having to dig out CDs and CD-Keys and redownload a ton of patches and No-CD cracks. It's just like "Oh, here's all my games, let's see which ones I need to download/install first by clicking a single button."

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
i wish publishers/devs were quicker about getting patches on there, though

and i also don't care for it when a game has several layers of "services" running in the background (steam, gfw live, misc server systems, etc) - if you put your game on steam, fucking let them handle it with steamworks and drop all the extra bullshit baggage

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
I was thinking the other day that if I ever bought another laptop (instead of the cheap $300 netbook I have now) it would probably be the m11x or something where I could still play games fairly well without compromising the portability of it.  Then I noticed it doesn't have any disc drive and few computers that size do.  PC games at retail clash with that sort of stuff.  That's why I like Steamworks (and I think Blizzard does this) where you buy a game at retail, you get the disc and all that, and once you register that game it is treated as a digital download purchase.  I'm ignoring all the no-CD patches you can find out there.  I don't actually know what this steam talk is about here.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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For some reason I always thought this list was long and extensive (games that will register on steam with retail key). Steamworks is gonna push this further right?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
There are a lot of Steamworks titles coming up later this year. That I know of, there's

- Civilization V
- Mafia II
- Kane & Lynch 2
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Darksiders
- Brink

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Just finished listening to the Borecast, I'm going to have to play my $1.69 copy of Jericho now. :lol

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Due to scheduling conflicts we will be on hiatus for the next two weeks. I've received everyone's contest entries, and the winner (?) will be announced on the next recorded show. We'll have an extra-length episode to a) make up for any listener disappointment, or b) extract revenge for any detractor celebration. Summer sucks, my work shirt is like a salt lick.

Mmm, salt lick.  Loved the analysis of varying degrees of loli.  The 50% off thing for Metro 2033 was going on at my local shop as part of a catch-all dump bin thing.  There was a pretty decent mixture of total shit and titles that seem fairly interesting, and I had to use an Edge Card to take advantage of the markdown.

I totally dig what I've played so far.  It certainly has some of that Eurogame jank, especially when it autosaves in the middle of someone talking and the voice track skips.  The whole game drips with atmosphere and since there are those little graphical perks like using your lighter and a notepad to look at objectives or checking a watch to see how much longer you have on a gas mask filter - rather than just another HUD setup/PIPboy half-HUD of some sort - it's easy to get immersed in the world.  THANKS EEL

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
you're welcome

aside from the piss-poor optimization i really like it

haven't played much further since the show, but i'm in a section on the surface now and to me it's creepier than the tunnels

Eric P

  • I DESERVE the gold. I will GET the gold!
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i am borderline "if it isn't on steam i won't play it" with regards to pc gaming these days


minecraft is awesome once you get past the learning curve


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I'm just getting caught up with this episode and you don't owe me an apology, Eel. I am a very bad teacher and you can verify that with my wife.  :lol Thanks for trying it with me. I was drinking so I was probably rambling on a bit.