Author Topic: Pallando will return in "Never Say Never Again"  (Read 1495994 times)

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Well, the girl I was on a "break" with called me to end things.... she was pretty pissy about it in her voicemail (I didn't pick up). I handled the breakup really poorly... told her I wanted a "break" and then proceeded to not call her for a week and a half and move on with my life. Now she never wants to talk to me again. Oh well, what can ya do?



  • Senior Member
My girlfriend left today to study abroad in Ireland for the semester (3 months) and she'll be back December 19th. I'm so sad now. :'( I've been tracking her flight online to make sure she gets there okay.


  • Senior Member
Well, the girl I was on a "break" with called me to end things.... she was pretty pissy about it in her voicemail (I didn't pick up). I handled the breakup really poorly... told her I wanted a "break" and then proceeded to not call her for a week and a half and move on with my life. Now she never wants to talk to me again. Oh well, what can ya do?

Meh, it's how my breaks have tended to be.  Breaking well and remaining friends is seriously hard to pull off.  I'm trying to be more mature and do that now, but it's tough.


  • Senior Member

Are you going to post here more?

Maaaayyybeeeeee! I browse each and every post in every thread but I never feel compelled to actually post anything. I'll contribute where I can though! I'm still always on AIM and Skype as TylertheHood and Steam as FatalT if you ever want to chat though! I'm up for playing anything as well. Lately I've been hooked on Heroes of Newerth.

Her flight says it's delayed to 6:51 est and it's 7:26 est now. The first flight to Boston went just fine and was only delayed about 10 minutes. This worries me...


  • Senior Member
I honestly never had problems staying friends with girls afterwards, mostly cause the I usually stay friends with the sane ones. The batshit crazy ones can bitch all they want I'm happy they don't exist in my life anymore.

I dunno, it's hard to say "yeah I don't feel anything toward you; I'm going to find someone better; stop calling me" to a girl without becoming THE BAD GUY (or vice versa).  Which doesn't really facilitate staying friends.  Plus the rejected side, by sticking around the rejector doesn't get over them without great difficulty so it's easier for the rejected to just cut all ties.


  • The Panty-Peeler
  • Senior Member
I honestly never had problems staying friends with girls afterwards, mostly cause the I usually stay friends with the sane ones. The batshit crazy ones can bitch all they want I'm happy they don't exist in my life anymore.

I dunno, it's hard to say "yeah I don't feel anything toward you; I'm going to find someone better; stop calling me" to a girl without becoming THE BAD GUY (or vice versa).  Which doesn't really facilitate staying friends.  Plus the rejected side, by sticking around the rejector doesn't get over them without great difficulty so it's easier for the rejected to just cut all ties.

someday.. someday i'll get to say this to a very special girl.  :'(


  • Senior Member
But you've got balls of steel; I mean you opened a wine company and that takes massive cajones.

Us mortal men don't get those moments.


  • Senior Member
to get my crazy off my case i had to be a total dick to her so she'd "fall out of love" with me. I called her up, said i was sorry that I wanted to get back together, she was happy. Then we had phone sex. Reminder: I just came back to Texas from NYC, so she was in NY, I'm in Texas. Despite that she STILL wants to get back together. Yeah. So the next day she's calling me and texting me and I don't answer a single one. A week goes by and she's like YOU USED ME!!!! and stopped hitting me up.

Felt so good.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 08:26:25 PM by Stringer Bell »


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Yeah, I have stayed friends with a few of my ex's, so I kinda thought this might have had a chance. I totally should have killed it off then and there, no mention of "break" stuff. I've always suffered from lack of assertiveness, it's definitely something I want to change. No offense, Himu, but I don't want your dick in me...  :-*

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You can sure as hell bottom for me though  :-*

Date tomorrow with Alabama girl, we're meeting up at John Harvard's (a local brewery), my first date since '09, it begins anew.....


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  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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No idea, I didn't stay around long enough to figure that out!

It's a relief to be single...
+No more driving to the Nassau/Queens border (almost 40 miles) to go out with her since she didn't have a car
+More time to DJ
+More time to go clubbing in NYC (she hated the club scene)
+More time for games
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 09:13:31 PM by tiesto »


  • Senior Member
Sounds good to me!

Have you moved into your new place?


  • Senior Member

this is why i said to wait a while. Who knows what the surprise could have been?!?! what if it was awesome?! Now i'll never know what would happened!


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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I didn't think it would be fair for her to spend money or any of that, then have me break up with her :P

Bebs, not yet... it still needs a bunch of work (painting, carpeting/floors, bathrooms) and I need furniture. I went to Macy's and Raymour looking for couches and bedsets today but didn't find anything that jumped out at me.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, I just went through the same situation.  I like the places that deliver furniture within 24 hours because then you can wait until the last minute when everything else is in place and figure out what works.


  • Senior Member
Also I was in a relationship once where the girl is like "I just went to victoria secret and got a SURPRISE FOR YOU" and then we broke up and I never found out the surprise.  //shrug, I'm sure her next bf enjoyed it.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #316 on: September 01, 2011, 03:26:10 AM »
My girlfriend left today to study abroad in Ireland for the semester (3 months) and she'll be back December 19th. I'm so sad now. :'( I've been tracking her flight online to make sure she gets there okay.

Really where is she studying? I can show her around.


Also too bad you don't play LOL, just got hooked on that :)


  • relapsed dev
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #317 on: September 01, 2011, 08:03:56 AM »
text her pics of your dick.  that would be hilarious.  Even more hilarious would be texting her pics of your dick in another girl.
Text her pics of Himuro's dick.  Even more hilarious would be texting pics of Himuro's dick in you.


She'd probably feel better about why things didn't work out!


  • relapsed dev
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #318 on: September 01, 2011, 08:05:54 AM »

this is why i said to wait a while. Who knows what the surprise could have been?!?! what if it was awesome?! Now i'll never know what would happened!

Two words:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
"anal virgin."


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #319 on: September 01, 2011, 02:03:30 PM »
My girlfriend left today to study abroad in Ireland for the semester (3 months) and she'll be back December 19th. I'm so sad now. :'( I've been tracking her flight online to make sure she gets there okay.

Really where is she studying? I can show her around.


Also too bad you don't play LOL, just got hooked on that :)

Dublin Business School. I skyped with her on my lunch break and she's not enjoying it at all. She wants to come home. :(

What flight ticket websites would you all suggest? I'm looking at Expedia right now.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #320 on: September 01, 2011, 03:08:23 PM »

I dunno, it's hard to say "yeah I don't feel anything toward you; I'm going to find someone better; stop calling me" to a girl without becoming THE BAD GUY (or vice versa).  Which doesn't really facilitate staying friends.  Plus the rejected side, by sticking around the rejector doesn't get over them without great difficulty so it's easier for the rejected to just cut all ties.

Make sure you're at a private place, don't use cliche lines, be calm and be honest while leaving out things that shouldn't be said. Just say "Look, hanging out with you is a lot of fun and I like being around you, but I don't have any romantic feelings for you. I'm sure you don't see this relationship going anywhere in the long term too. So why not just break this off and stay friends? No use holding grudges" or something like that, the sane ones either agree and feel the same way or get a little upset then come around eventually. The crazy ones I always yell "YOU FOUND NEW VAGINA DIDN'T YOU!?" or something of that sort. Just be honest without being hurtful.

Wish I had this advice a few years ago, Wraith, I really like this... but oh well, no use crying over spilt milk.

Bebs needs to come to NY and I can wing for him. He would clean house with all the Jewish girls here wanting a nice lawyer guy, and I can have their goyim friends :)


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #321 on: September 01, 2011, 03:25:49 PM »
Nevermind, she's going to stick it out.

109 days to go! :'(


  • cooler than willco
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #322 on: September 01, 2011, 03:31:52 PM »
3 months isnt a big deal... your GF is a crybaby. Stick it out.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #323 on: September 01, 2011, 03:36:12 PM »


  • relapsed dev
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #324 on: September 01, 2011, 06:07:05 PM »
3 months isnt a big deal... your GF is a crybaby. Stick it out.

I'm in total fear of the next four words but: I agree with Demi.


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #325 on: September 01, 2011, 06:14:13 PM »
I closed my account at OKC this morning.  Too exhausting.  Going to focus on self-improvement and living a more enjoyable life and then when I'm comfortable I'll start dating again.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 07:13:46 PM by Bebpo »


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #326 on: September 01, 2011, 08:04:15 PM »
3 months isnt a big deal... your GF is a crybaby. Stick it out.

I'm in total fear of the next four words but: I agree with Demi.

I have difficulty accepting advice from someone who has never been in a serious relationship before. If I were you, I'd have trouble agreeing with said advice.

Also, your favorite sock doesn't count.


  • The Panty-Peeler
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #327 on: September 01, 2011, 08:11:49 PM »
I closed my account at OKC this morning.  Too exhausting.  Going to focus on self-improvement and living a more enjoyable life and then when I'm comfortable I'll start dating again.

I have one more girl I'm seeing from the site, then if it doesn't work out I'ma do the same thing for a while, too. I'm moving to Thousand Oaks at the end of the month and need to get this apartment cleaned out!


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #328 on: September 01, 2011, 08:25:12 PM »
Yeah I'm seeing a girl on Monday before a concert, but I think we're just friends and that's all there is to it.  Which is fine.  Not going in expecting anything more.  Also I'm taking a girl around town whose moving here next week and showing her the sites and eatings of OC; not expecting anything out of that either, but she's cool so might make a friend there.  And then there's the girl who works at the Trader Joe's near me who said I should stop by and say hi next time I see her when I'm shopping. 

So there's still some lingering threads, but I don't need the timesink of okc right now and 30 min flirt sessions and awkward first dates.  The browsing and being browsed.  Just burnt me out.  I sat down last night and read a book for a few hours before going to sleep and it was nice; I want to have time to do that more often.

I closed my account at OKC this morning.  Too exhausting.  Going to focus on self-improvement and living a more enjoyable life and then when I'm comfortable I'll start dating again.

I have one more girl I'm seeing from the site, then if it doesn't work out I'ma do the same thing for a while, too. I'm moving to Thousand Oaks at the end of the month and need to get this apartment cleaned out!

Well that's a little closer to the LA hotspot  :lol

How come you don't just move to LA?  Where's your job located?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 08:29:22 PM by Bebpo »


  • The Panty-Peeler
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #329 on: September 01, 2011, 08:34:59 PM »
in Thousand Oaks.  :P


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #330 on: September 01, 2011, 10:11:58 PM »
but you need love Bebpo


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #331 on: September 01, 2011, 11:06:35 PM »
The girls I love don't love me, the girls I don't love, love me; I think love is having fun fucking with me right now, so I'll put it aside for the moments being.  Otoh reading song of ice and fire gives me plenty of love so I will stick with that for now ;)

I think I was rushing things a bit with big old 30 coming up in a month, but gotta relax and take life as it flows; no need to have arbitrary deadlines that only bring you down. I'm only 30 when I want to be!


  • The Panty-Peeler
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #332 on: September 01, 2011, 11:08:33 PM »
The girls I love don't love me, the girls I don't love, love me; I think love is having fun fucking with me right now, so I'll put it aside for the moments being.  Otoh reading song of ice and fire gives me plenty of love so I will stick with that for now ;)

I think I was rushing things a bit with big old 30 coming up in a month, but gotta relax and take life as it flows; no need to have arbitrary deadlines that only bring you down. I'm only 30 when I want to be!

I turned 30 in march. I am the same way. I KNOW YOUR PAIN

Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #333 on: September 02, 2011, 12:18:22 AM »
The girls I love don't love me, the girls I don't love, love me; I think love is having fun fucking with me right now, so I'll put it aside for the moments being.  Otoh reading song of ice and fire gives me plenty of love so I will stick with that for now ;)

I think I was rushing things a bit with big old 30 coming up in a month, but gotta relax and take life as it flows; no need to have arbitrary deadlines that only bring you down. I'm only 30 when I want to be!

Welcome to relationships and dating. You'll figure it out eventually, you just waited a while to get started.

You better come here in October, we gon' get you drunk as shit.


  • Poster of the Forever
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #334 on: September 02, 2011, 12:20:56 AM »
The girls I love don't love me, the girls I don't love, love me; I think love is having fun fucking with me right now, so I'll put it aside for the moments being.  Otoh reading song of ice and fire gives me plenty of love so I will stick with that for now ;)

I think I was rushing things a bit with big old 30 coming up in a month, but gotta relax and take life as it flows; no need to have arbitrary deadlines that only bring you down. I'm only 30 when I want to be!

I turned 30 in march. I am the same way. I KNOW YOUR PAIN

I turn 40 next week. How the fuck did that happen

Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #335 on: September 02, 2011, 12:23:20 AM »
I turned 30 a couple weeks ago. No big deal.


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #336 on: September 02, 2011, 12:38:36 AM »
It's crazy how back 10-15 years ago, everyone on the internet was 15-30.  Now everyone on the internet (well, the forums and places I go) are 30-45.  We're basically the internet generation that came with the internet and has stayed with it.  It's not like a continual revolving door with young people coming in all the time and older folks leaving.  I think the only young one we have here is green man.

It's cool because it's like we're all getting older together and you never feel like the odd man out.  When I was a teen I thought 30 was THE END, but now everyone here and everywhere I go is 30 and it's normal.

Just to give an example:

I'm turning 30, Blackmage just turned 30, Mr. Gundam just turned 30, Howard Alan Treesang is only 31ish, duckroll is turning 30 soon.  It's not like we all grew up together and were in the same high school class.  We're random dudes who met anonymously on the internet and yet we're all fairly close in age.  It's very interesting.  I mean I met duckroll before I knew anything about him and later found out he's like 2 months age difference from me.  Gamers are truly the internet generation.


  • kill me
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #337 on: September 02, 2011, 12:48:44 AM »
It's just the internet circle you interact with, like you pointed out. I talk with a bunch of baseball bloggers on Twitter and some of them are teenagers. :-\

Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #338 on: September 02, 2011, 12:50:11 AM »
Teens are all over the internet, you just don't run into them much.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #339 on: September 02, 2011, 09:09:07 AM »
I just recently turned 29 myself but haven't really felt much pressure that I'm gonna be 30. Most of my friends are a year older than me and so they have already hit that age.

So I went on a date last nite with Alabama girl, and I had a great time. Girl was very cute, nice round face, brown hair, a bit on the thick/stocky side, and actually knew how to dress (this is a big deal since my last girlfriend wore nothing but baggy t-shirts and baggy jeans and sneakers no matter what the occasion). We talked about all sorts of stuff, I got to hear a bit about her job at Gamestop... then she asked me if I ever heard of a game called Chrono Trigger, and another called Earthbound... nope, can't say I have! I was telling her about the music festival I'm going to this weekend, and she said that she wanted to go to see Tiesto (!!!) but couldn't get off from work.

Since she is very new in NY, I think she is mostly just looking for friends... I wouldn't mind either friendship or a relationship at this stage of the game but would vastly prefer a new woman.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #340 on: September 02, 2011, 09:48:21 AM »
3 months isnt a big deal... your GF is a crybaby. Stick it out.

I'm in total fear of the next four words but: I agree with Demi.

I have difficulty accepting advice from someone who has never been in a serious relationship before. If I were you, I'd have trouble agreeing with said advice.

Also, your favorite sock doesn't count.

Pronouns and suppositions. Now I don't have any idea who you're talking about. Am I a sock?

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #341 on: September 02, 2011, 09:51:16 AM »
3 months really isn't long Fatal T.

Why doesn't she like it? You'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't enjoy 3 months in Ireland imho.

Tell her she should go to Wicklow Mountains for a weekend hike, it's lovely and like 40 min from Dublin.


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #342 on: September 02, 2011, 12:14:44 PM »
So I went on a date last nite with Alabama girl, and I had a great time. Girl was very cute, nice round face, brown hair, a bit on the thick/stocky side, and actually knew how to dress (this is a big deal since my last girlfriend wore nothing but baggy t-shirts and baggy jeans and sneakers no matter what the occasion). We talked about all sorts of stuff, I got to hear a bit about her job at Gamestop... then she asked me if I ever heard of a game called Chrono Trigger, and another called Earthbound... nope, can't say I have! I was telling her about the music festival I'm going to this weekend, and she said that she wanted to go to see Tiesto (!!!) but couldn't get off from work.

That sounds awesome!  It's great to go on a date with someone and actually have things in common to talk about together :)


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #343 on: September 02, 2011, 12:59:23 PM »
It's crazy how back 10-15 years ago, everyone on the internet was 15-30.  Now everyone on the internet (well, the forums and places I go) are 30-45.  We're basically the internet generation that came with the internet and has stayed with it.  It's not like a continual revolving door with young people coming in all the time and older folks leaving.  I think the only young one we have here is green man.

It's cool because it's like we're all getting older together and you never feel like the odd man out.  When I was a teen I thought 30 was THE END, but now everyone here and everywhere I go is 30 and it's normal.

Just to give an example:

I'm turning 30, Blackmage just turned 30, Mr. Gundam just turned 30, Howard Alan Treesang is only 31ish, duckroll is turning 30 soon.  It's not like we all grew up together and were in the same high school class.  We're random dudes who met anonymously on the internet and yet we're all fairly close in age.  It's very interesting.  I mean I met duckroll before I knew anything about him and later found out he's like 2 months age difference from me.  Gamers are truly the internet generation.

ten years ago, those kids who were 15 are now 25 aka me, cajole and others. It's more like 25-40.

but cajole's right, teens are still on the internet.


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #344 on: September 02, 2011, 06:34:28 PM »
Girlfriend is coming home tomorrow. I'm so happy.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 07:53:35 PM by FatalT »

Positive Touch

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #345 on: September 02, 2011, 06:40:53 PM »
hahaha wtf?  she passed on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because (im assuming) she didnt want to be away from friends & family for that long?

i came in here to tell you that its going to suck for you, that three months without sex while still tied to a relationship is pure hell etc.  but now none of that matters.  good for you, wtf for her!


  • The Panty-Peeler
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #346 on: September 02, 2011, 07:43:43 PM »
Yeah that kind of sucks. She should have given it a chance. On the other hand congratz fatal.


  • Senior Member
Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #347 on: September 03, 2011, 05:34:30 AM »
Was at a grad college party with 50 strangers or something.  Talked to a few people, mostly guys; I tend to mingle with the guys and get friendly but not really women much.  One of the guys said one of the girls was asking about me and was into me so he introduced me and we talked for a little, enough to realize she was fucking psycho.  I kept going back to my friends and she'd grab me and want to talk outside in private and I was like uhhhhh, whatever since there wasn't really anything going on in the party otherwise.  At first she said she had a boyfriend, then the more she talked to me she get complaining how she was single.  I didn't say much, just kind of nodded and listened to her psycho insane stories as she talked FOR HOURS and kept showing me all her facebook and rubbing up against me and so when I left I went for a kiss cause whatever I'm never going to see her again and I don't care but I'm buzzed, she's attractive, and she's into me and I got DENIED, she turned her face away and goes "I'm...shy" and that was that. 

I also feel like a manwhore for trying to hook up with women after women.  I need to stop wanting to lock lips with every girl who thinks I'm hot.  I like kissing, but willpower man.

Also the girl goes "you look like you're 21 because your short.  Being short makes you look like a kid"  :maf fu crazy psycho girl
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 05:37:58 AM by Bebpo »


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #348 on: September 03, 2011, 06:51:05 AM »
put me on the 30-ish list too.

Not a bad place to be actually,.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #349 on: September 03, 2011, 08:54:32 AM »
Wow your gf passed on a oncr in a lifetime experience... As an avid traveker I cant even begin understanding this. One day shell look back in regret.

I hope you tried to make her stay and not come back.

Such a wasted chance :(
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 08:56:37 AM by Premium Lager »

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #350 on: September 03, 2011, 09:38:37 AM »
After how many days did she give studying abroad?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #351 on: September 03, 2011, 11:14:01 AM »

I'm turning 30, Blackmage just turned 30, Mr. Gundam just turned 30, Howard Alan Treesang is only 31ish, duckroll is turning 30 soon.  It's not like we all grew up together and were in the same high school class.  We're random dudes who met anonymously on the internet and yet we're all fairly close in age.  It's very interesting.  I mean I met duckroll before I knew anything about him and later found out he's like 2 months age difference from me.  Gamers are truly the internet generation.

Hey, I'm 30 too.   :(



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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #352 on: September 03, 2011, 12:16:17 PM »
I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about her coming back anymore. You guys are making me feel bad about it even though it was ultimately her decision. :(

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #353 on: September 03, 2011, 12:25:00 PM »
Sorry dude. You say ultimately her decision which makes it sound like you kind of asked her too come back or something.


  • kill me
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #354 on: September 03, 2011, 12:26:57 PM »
Bebpo's posts in this thread are always so long, jeez

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #355 on: September 03, 2011, 12:35:43 PM »
Bebpo meets a girl a day, waddya expect ;-)

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #356 on: September 03, 2011, 05:52:47 PM »
Yeah I didnt mean it bad mate, sorry.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #357 on: September 03, 2011, 09:14:59 PM »
Don't worry about it guys. Lol Wrath you'll get more FatalT time! I'm always here and I'll try to post more often. She won't look back and regret this decision because we're going to take trips all over the world when we have the money together.

Sure it's really weird for her to go over there and come back but you just have to know all the details of the situation and what type of person she is. This is the best decision to make for the both of us. Yeah, I did reinforce the decision to come back home instead of staying but I believe it was right and so did she.

I'm meeting her to pick her up from the airport in about an hour! WEEEEEEEE!

Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #358 on: September 04, 2011, 02:09:12 AM »
You make like a billion dollars a year, right? Can't you get with any girl in your extended social circle?

I've asked Bebs this a million times and he's never responded to it.

I'm guessing that lawyer related girls:

1) Lack whimsy
2) Don't love the animu
3) Really lack whimsy
4) Aren't "interesting"
5) Scare him

« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 02:10:50 AM by Mr. Gundam »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: The thread of your life tied into a neat knot with the 'other'
« Reply #359 on: September 04, 2011, 10:35:38 AM »
lol @ gundam