you know, I finally tried Furi last night and as a fan of character action games I didn't like it. Once I saw it had Kingdom Hearts style multiple lifebars I was iffy, and then I saw that each life bar is basically one set of attack patterns, so bosses are actually like 5-6 bosses in a row and I might be wrong on this but if they take one lifebar away from you they get one back on their side. Basically seemed like a game where the boss fights are long and by 3-4 lifebars in I get bored. Also I felt like sometimes the parrying didn't work like if i hit them and they immediately parried and I immediately parry I'd still get hit. The dodge dash is also a bit finicky.
It's ok, but I prefer my action games to be glass cannon hard and fast. Git Gud, dodge everything, and win the fight in a minute or three at full intensity. So 15 min drawn out boss fights of repeating patterns just isn't my thing.