My favorite Blizz game is definitely Brood War; I played it for a decade basically, and while SC2 is better in some ways I won't be able to say it's ahead of BW until I play it for a few more years.
I was obsessed with WoW for a long time; it was my first MMO which probably impacts my views. I really loved the interactive nature of it, and it helped that I played on a relatively small server. It felt cool having a player base you went from low levels to max levels with. Back then it felt like your server actually meant something. I loved getting online and having people automatically ask if I wanted to tank something - or likewise, when I saw a friend get online I'd ask if he/she wanted to heal something with me, etc. Or putting together dungeon groups in trade chat and having people invite you based on past performance/reputation.
I miss that feeling in the game. Now, you can just auto que and find a group of people from random servers to do an instance or raid. It seems like the community aspect of servers is dead since no one needs to form groups anymore.
And of course the actual dungeons were fun. I loved the vanilla and BC instances, and didn't start raiding until WOTLK (when I finally had enough time to do it). Naxx, Ulduar, that shit was fun.
I like what I've played of Pandaria, the new zone is amazingly fun. I'm certainly going to buy the expansion, but moreso because I'm always hoping for that old atmosphere to return. With every major patch or expansion, old faces show up briefly only to disappear once the content gets boring, easy, etc. So I'm always hoping for the old gang to re-form.
edit: this post is kind of limp wrist but fuck it, a nicca had to speak his mind