For as much as he was an asshole (and it's a huge notable thing) as a person: Jobs could market shit like it wasn't shit and people would buy it. Apple post-him hasn't had the same "magic" as it had under him.
Apple faltered when they ousted Jobs in the 80s...not surprising that without him they've lost direction again. But for all the bitching and complaining that people do, tons of them still continue to purchase Apple products.
Ditching the Apple ecosystem
I still have an iPhone and iPad but I recently bought a refurbished Kindle Fire tablet for like $30 and that thing is surprisingly decent as a comic reader/web browser/simple apps.
Biggest drawback is you have to side load all of the google services because the amazon App Store is not great.
I’ve had Android phones in the past, and while there are certain things I preferred with them, In my experience, “forced obsolescence” was actually worse on the ones I’ve owned.
I think both of the ones I had, eventually the carrier pushed out an update that upgraded to a new version of Android that basically made them super slow and shitty. This happens on iPhone too... but more slowly.