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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2280 on: October 02, 2013, 11:16:21 PM »
At least from my view the Tea Party is mainly disaffected/disinterested Republicans plus some of what were once called Reagan Democrats/Perot voters.

They're socially conservative, but not actively so like the religious right.
They're fiscally conservative for others, but not for what they're "promised." (Because they "earned" that.)
They're overly patriotic, potentially nationalist. Populist in conceptualization.
They have a "semblance" of politics, but don't pay real attention to it really beyond "X is screwing up America!" And this is more of an animating force than the real specifics of either the social or fiscal issues. (And I think part of why they created the rise and fall from Bachmann to Perry to Cain to Gingrich to Santorum.)
I don't think direct overt racism actually is a significant force but notions of the "other" and a favorable opinion of "Christian white male" culture as "American" do make it...easier for the acceptance of "X" being the one screwing things up. Like Japan in the 80s, or Mexicans "stealing" jobs and education.

In other words, Hank and Peggy Hill. Hank has the "gut-feeling ideology" but isn't all that down with the protesting and such, while Peggy thinks the protesting is we're just being so wild and crazy! (And Bill is there because Peggy is.)

The problem is you can't square these things with the specifics of daily politics and build an actual stable base of support. So while they "support" Romney, Christie (remember those days?), Cain, Gingrich, Santorum, Rubio, Cruz, Paul, etc. You can find at least one component in each that'll break the sudden fleeting interest and the unification needed to get one past the post. And you'll never get that unification for long in legislative politics. (With the religious right you at least had a simple formula. God hates fegs and abortions. And they're sold on whatever else sounds good.)

Which leaves you stuck with the blanket formless and often inconsistent opposition to Obama/ObamaCare. (And as the GOP powers lurch around trying to "grab" these people it's how the ones who tactically "know better" go from mandates to proclaiming ObamaCare as the end of the world because of government health care to backing Romney to complaining it harms Medicare and on and on... See also: Everything regarding the War on Terror/NSA/Drones/etc. as Rand Paul on one wing is condemning things and some of those side are looking back to a less interventionist GOP and meanwhile you still have the Johm McCain/Peter King wing that wants to firebomb the entire planet as the significant force in the party. So again it lurches weirdly from criticizing Obama for going too far and not going far enough.)

Either unfortunately or thankfully depending on your view of a capable Republican Party they can probably string things along just rebranded as anti-Clinton. But I see the 2016 primary as potentially very messy. And would suggest the potential is higher for a short-lived splinterish third party that rises and crashes into flames than it has been since Perot.

And that's my silly dumb waiting for Always Sunny ramblings on semi-interesting topics. Enjoy or despair.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2281 on: October 02, 2013, 11:38:33 PM »
Curious, is there ANYTHING Dems can do about all the gerrymandering crap, or are we fucked until 2020?

Human Snorenado

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2282 on: October 03, 2013, 12:36:41 AM »
Shorter benji: they're ill-informed and kinda dumb

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2283 on: October 03, 2013, 02:58:24 AM »
Am I the only one seeing this as a case of domestic abuse?

The husband beats the wife and tries to blame her by saying "see what YOU made ME do?"

Edit: Maybe this is more of a family drama where the wife kills the kids and blames the husband for making her do it.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 03:07:03 AM by Premium Lager »


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2284 on: October 03, 2013, 02:58:36 AM »
Shorter benji: they're ill-informed and kinda dumb
The largest group of voters!

I'd imagine any crash and burn third party/independent bid would be some kind of semi-famous socially moderate business elite/Eastern governor who would run on claims to be a pragmatist rising above ideology. As the Tea Party and religious right mobs overwhelm the Republican primary to nominate Palin/Santorum or something. Unfortunately I can't think of very many who would have Presidential ambitions...

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2285 on: October 03, 2013, 08:11:52 AM »
and his response was that the people of Texans wanted it that way.

as i read more it really does seem to be Perry, Palin and all the other douchebags saying , in a roundabout way, "It's the right of every low IQ uninformed American to make choices they aren't equipped to make to the benefit of our backers. THIS IS AMERICA! ROAR!"

Anyhoo - what i'm now wondering - what is all this noise really hiding? After they drop their opposition what are the other "and we want..." conditions that are going to sly in - no doubt some crushing of some pro-environment stuff? Some dodgy oil deal or pipeline? More areas opened up to thracking or something?

There's a huge song and dance taking my attention <--- this way so what is it that the GOP are hiding behind the curtain?

“We’re not going to be disrespected,” conservative Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind., added. “We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2286 on: October 03, 2013, 08:43:15 AM »
yeah i get this feeling that the GOP have internally acknowledged that folding now will significantly weaken their position come the debt ceiling, which is where the real party is gonna be. i can see them riding out this next fortnite like a kid counting the school days till christmas.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2287 on: October 03, 2013, 08:53:13 AM »
yeah i get this feeling that the GOP have internally acknowledged that folding now will significantly weaken their position come the debt ceiling, which is where the real party is gonna be. i can see them riding out this next fortnite like a kid counting the school days till christmas.
They're gonna fold within the week.

G The Resurrected

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2288 on: October 03, 2013, 09:18:37 AM »

Screw that just stop paying them! If they aren't gonna work for the people that put them in office they don't deserve to be payed period.

Great Rumbler

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2289 on: October 03, 2013, 09:30:33 AM »
"This is about the happiest I've seen members in a long time, because we see we are starting to win this dialogue on a national level," she said.


Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2290 on: October 03, 2013, 11:38:59 AM »
Plan G, just keep saying "We want to negotiate" over and over until eventually people start to believe it:

“I just did CNN and I just go over and over again ‘We’re willing to compromise, we’re willing to negotiate,’” Paul said, having just concluded an interview with Erin Burnett. “I don’t think they [Democrats] poll tested, ‘We won’t negotiate.’ I think it’s awful for them to say that over and over again.”

“Yeah, I do too,” said McConnell, who himself had just been at a “candid” meeting with President Barack Obama and other congressional leaders, during which little progress on the stalemate was made. “I just came back from that two hour meeting with them and that was basically the same view privately as it was publicly.”

“I think if we keep saying, ‘We wanted to defund it, we fought for that, but now we’re willing to compromise on this,’ they can’t—I know we don’t want to be here, but we’re gonna win this, I think,” Paul said.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2291 on: October 03, 2013, 11:54:41 AM »
the "we want to negotiate" thing is -really- annoying already


you either fund it or you don't - end of argument. If you want to use this as a forum for discussing concessions from each side then the DEMS need to go spend some time thinking about which dogshit proposals you like that we need to snuff out - seems like there's a lot, might take some time....

... have people tried to repeal obama care again yet or are we still in a government slimdown?


Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2292 on: October 03, 2013, 01:01:56 PM »
... have people tried to repeal obama care again yet or are we still in a government slimdown?

There have been what, 40 some odd failed attempts at repealing ACA now?

This negotiate shtick is terrible. There's no negotiation, they're throwing a fit that there is a LAW on the books that they don't like, and can't do anything about.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 01:03:39 PM by Mr. Gundam »

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2293 on: October 03, 2013, 01:43:14 PM »
the "we want to negotiate" thing is -really- annoying already


They gotta get the media back on the "both sides do it/why is Obama being so unreasonable?" bandwagon. R's have been getting killed over the shutdown for the past few days, but nothing makes the political media swoon more than the idea of compromise and negotiation.


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Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2296 on: October 03, 2013, 02:07:07 PM »
Help, the angry racists that I fund are being angry and racist! #1percentproblems

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2297 on: October 03, 2013, 02:14:02 PM »

Good Lord.  :what

Edit: The sad part is, I'm sure this video is being played right at this moment on Fox News as proof that brave Republicans are out that fighting Obama's socialist minions who are putting up Barry-cades because they hate our troops.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 02:28:11 PM by Joe Molotov »

Great Rumbler

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2298 on: October 03, 2013, 02:28:48 PM »
the "we want to negotiate" thing is -really- annoying already

Never mind that Democrats have already compromised by agreeing to lock in the sequester for another year. They already went to the halfway mark, but Republicans are still at their end screaming at the Democrats to meet them halfway [i.e. at the quarter mark].

Human Snorenado

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2299 on: October 03, 2013, 02:35:51 PM »
Someone took the idea of the government being shutdown a little too far, methinks...

Great Rumbler

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2300 on: October 03, 2013, 02:54:21 PM »
And we're only just three days into the government shutdown!


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2301 on: October 03, 2013, 02:57:02 PM »
Welp, it's all falling apart.  Wait til we default.  People will be marrying goats, hermaphrodites will control the streets and I'll be happy as a clam.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2302 on: October 03, 2013, 03:05:51 PM »
Lock down already lifted. Nothing exciting ever happens, sigh

Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2303 on: October 03, 2013, 03:19:05 PM »
Someone took the idea of the government being shutdown a little too far, methinks...

A woman rams the gates with a kid in her car? WTF.

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2304 on: October 03, 2013, 04:57:07 PM »
"Reports of gun fire on Capitol Hill; unfortunately no casualties have been reported."

Great Rumbler

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2305 on: October 03, 2013, 06:06:18 PM »
HOWELL: Do you think that federal workers, when this ends, are deserving of their back pay or not?

VARNEY: That is a loaded question isn't it? You want my opinion? This is President Obama's shutdown. He is responsible for shutting this thing down; he's taken an entirely political decision here. No, I don't think they should get their back pay, frankly, I really don't. I'm sick and tired of a massive, bloated federal bureaucracy living on our backs, and taking money out of us, a lot more money than most of us earn in the private sector, then getting a furlough, and then getting their money back at the end of it. Sorry, I'm not for that. I want to punish these people. Sorry to say that, but that's what I want to do.

JACOBSON: But it's not their fault. It's not the federal employees' fault. I mean, that's what I'm sick of, I hate and it makes me anxious, to see people who are victimized because of a political fight.

VARNEY: I take your point Amy, it is not directly their fault, but I'm looking at the big picture here. I'm getting screwed. Here I am, a private citizen, paying an inordinate amount of money in tax. I've got a slow economy because it's all government, all the time. And these people are living on our backs, regulating us, telling us what to do, taxing us, taking our money, and living large. This is my chance to say "hey, I'm fed up with this and I don't miss you when you're on furlough." Sorry if that's a harsh tone, but that's the way I feel.

Jim Varney's a real piece of work.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2306 on: October 03, 2013, 06:31:38 PM »
 :drudge :drudge :drudge 

Butch Matthews is a 61-year-old former small business owner from Little Rock, Arkansas who used to wake up every morning at 4 A.M. to deliver canned beverages to retailers before retiring in 2010. A lifelong Republican, he was heavily skeptical of the Affordable Care Act when it first passed. “I did not think that Obamacare was going to be a good plan, I did not think that it was going to help me at all,” he told ThinkProgress over the phone.

But after doing a little research, Matthews eventually realized how much the law could help him. And on Tuesday, his local Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) provider confirmed that he would be able to buy a far better plan than his current policy while saving at least $13,000 per year through Arkansas’ Obamacare marketplace.

  :drudge :drudge :drudge

The thing that Republicans feared the most has happened.

R.I.P. Murka :usacry


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2307 on: October 03, 2013, 07:20:40 PM »
The thing that Republicans feared the most has happened.

indeed - as per yesterdays root around  all the noise the GOP stances seems to boil down to "but this means that Americans cannot have the freedom to be ripped off by big private companies - that's against the constitution and stupidity is a god given right how dare the government do this!"

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2308 on: October 03, 2013, 07:24:58 PM »
The thing that Republicans feared the most has happened.

indeed - as per yesterdays root around  all the noise the GOP stances seems to boil down to "but this means that Americans cannot have the freedom to be ripped off by big private companies - that's against the constitution and stupidity is a god given right how dare the government do this!"

They've still got the Fox News crowd convinced that Obamacare is going to cost a fortune and that no one will be able to afford it. I heard that a lot around the ol' water cooler today. Also that "a million people visited the Obamacare website, but not one person signed up" and that "if you're going to sign up, you better wait until December, because they start charging you immediately even though coverage doesn't start until January".
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 07:27:12 PM by Joe Molotov »


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2309 on: October 03, 2013, 07:52:07 PM »
I can't wait until the NHS declares ODS* a national epidemic. :bow

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Obama Derangement Syndrome


Phoenix Dark

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2310 on: October 03, 2013, 10:32:39 PM »


I can't even imagine how much a republican's blood boils seeing Barry O shit on them from his cloud


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2311 on: October 03, 2013, 11:02:35 PM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2312 on: October 03, 2013, 11:03:22 PM »
That clip should be playing 24 hours a day on the cable news stations until the shutdown ends.

Great Rumbler

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2313 on: October 03, 2013, 11:03:46 PM »
Seems relevant:


Joe Molotov

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Human Snorenado

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2315 on: October 04, 2013, 12:00:17 AM »



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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2316 on: October 04, 2013, 02:51:50 AM »
Damn, you're still not over it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2317 on: October 04, 2013, 02:58:19 AM »
Damn, you're still not over it.

This is a blanket statement that can be applied to any previous Awesome-O kerfluffle on the intertubes.  Dude holds grudges longer than me, and I still want to waterboard amirox!


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2318 on: October 04, 2013, 03:04:51 AM »


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2319 on: October 04, 2013, 03:41:17 AM »
At least from my view the Tea Party is mainly disaffected/disinterested Republicans plus some of what were once called Reagan Democrats/Perot voters.

They're socially conservative, but not actively so like the religious right.
They're fiscally conservative for others, but not for what they're "promised." (Because they "earned" that.)
They're overly patriotic, potentially nationalist. Populist in conceptualization.
They have a "semblance" of politics, but don't pay real attention to it really beyond "X is screwing up America!" And this is more of an animating force than the real specifics of either the social or fiscal issues. (And I think part of why they created the rise and fall from Bachmann to Perry to Cain to Gingrich to Santorum.)
I don't think direct overt racism actually is a significant force but notions of the "other" and a favorable opinion of "Christian white male" culture as "American" do make it...easier for the acceptance of "X" being the one screwing things up. Like Japan in the 80s, or Mexicans "stealing" jobs and education.

In other words, Hank and Peggy Hill. Hank has the "gut-feeling ideology" but isn't all that down with the protesting and such, while Peggy thinks the protesting is we're just being so wild and crazy! (And Bill is there because Peggy is.)

It's interesting to me how age has become a dividing factor in Obama/Tea Party era politics.  Obama's split between the oldest and youngest voters was 16 percentage points, against about 8 percentage points for Kerry/Gore, and Clinton actually performed strongest among elderly voters (who, way back when, strongly identified as New Deal Dems).  Part of that is obviously that the younger generations of Americans are swarthier, so once you factor out race it's not quite as striking.  But it's still pretty significant, and relatively new.

Been thinking about it because the GOP, including the Tea Party faction, has acted very protective of SS and Medicare benefits for current or soon-to-be retirees, even while proposing major changes to the programs.  Bush's push for SS privatization, Ryan's voucher plan for Medicare, the Romney campaign platform on Medicare all involved scaling back government guarantees, but all of them would spare older and middle-aged voters.  Part of that is just political expediency (like Obama needing to be able to say "you can keep your insurance" when crafting the ACA), but it really is pitting people against each other by generation.

To a degree, the GOP has become the representative of the class interests of old folks, like those Pensioners Parties you see crop up in multiparty democracy (to really bring the conversation into a circle), and which had a dozen or so seats in the Knesset, IIRC.  It might just be random opportunism making it seem that way, but it certainly makes the GOP/Tea Party positions, such as they are, a bit more internally consistent.

Also, Hank is not spiteful or panicky enough to be in the Tea Party, and Peggy would not let herself admit to being frightened of anything new and popular with young folk.  The Tea Party is the party of Cotton Hill.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2320 on: October 04, 2013, 05:23:31 AM »
I'm not sure if the GOP is going to be alone there and it's simply a function of how the boomers will affect the strength of the Social Security/Medicare/Pension bloc. Especially how many people will be voting on it in regards to something that will now be immediate or near immediate in their lives.

I've been thinking, in no original manner certainly, that trying to create an ideological and consistent framework for either of the two parties (let alone trying to place many of their factions) is increasingly a fools errand and part of a big reason the low hanging fruit of hypocrisy/coherence is there and ever present. That in reality the two parties exist primarily, and have existed, more as signaling cultural identities. The most animating interests always seem to be things like abortion or gays. Maybe something like cosmopolitan vs provincial.

And that both now and historically the "ideologies" have been not complex or principled coherent frameworks like say Socialism or Liberalism or the "original" Conservatism but instead "conservatism" and "progressivism" in the most simplistic forms of the concept. It's almost like one party strives to piecemeal preserve an idealistic "America" from a generation ago and the other looks to piecemeal advance to an idealistic "Europe" from a generation ago. But because both of these end goals are fabricated fantasies they take on these cargo cult notions. And the primary reason you even get the idea that there are animating ideologies driving the two parties is because of that generational slog over an entirely hypothetical No Man's Land in "the middle." And this swirling around two essentially meaningless poles is what produces in some sense the "governance" failure so many are fond of spotting along with how ultimately nonsense the elections are.

I think the party switches came about because of a post-New Deal generational "solution" to the contradictions in the two parties that Bryan/Wilson/Bismark introduced because of the Second Industrial Revolution. With World War I/FDR's long reign/World War II as the catalyst that produced the reactionary response. That prior to this you had the cosmopolitan Federalist/Whig/Republican "progressive advancement" towards Hamilton/Clay's vision and the provincial Democratic "conservative preservation" of Jefferson's until the Civil War and then a listless opposition to the Republicans after which made them open to the Populist movements takeover.

How's that for a moronic and troublesome simplistic grand unifying theory?


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2321 on: October 04, 2013, 06:12:13 AM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2322 on: October 04, 2013, 11:01:06 AM »



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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2323 on: October 04, 2013, 11:11:33 AM »
That may be the most rapid, pathetic pivot to 'truth is in the middle' that I have ever seen.

"Well you did say you didn't like the original phrasing, moving on!"


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2324 on: October 04, 2013, 11:38:16 AM »
The best analogy for the marriage of two people of the same sex is ... oh wait... the marriage of two people of differing sex.

MARRIAGE OF TWO PEOPLE - it's like the marriage of two people !

See? issue solved.

Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2325 on: October 04, 2013, 03:29:04 PM »
NPR tried to call McMorris-Rogers on her hypocrisy yesterday, but she just jumped around the question.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2326 on: October 04, 2013, 04:09:31 PM »
NPR tried to call McMorris-Rogers on her hypocrisy yesterday, but she just jumped around the question.

She seems so disingenuous whenever I hear her talk, as if everything is a focus group tested talking point, especially when she discusses "what women think." The GOP has really lurched from one stunt to another thus far, perhaps culminating with the WWII vet grandstanding. And it's so easy to see through. Fox News isn't calling the shutdown a "slimdown" for no reason - it's almost certainly Frank Luntz group tested bullshit, repeated over and over.

You don't go to war unless you think you can win IMO, yet republicans don't have an endgame.

Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2327 on: October 04, 2013, 04:16:21 PM »
The poor liberals in Spokane must be going nuts with her as their representative.

Dickie Dee

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2329 on: October 04, 2013, 07:04:23 PM »
THe fox news alternate reality peddling is amazing to watch. It's going to crash and burn so hard. Hopefully this tarnishes the gop for a century.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2330 on: October 04, 2013, 09:54:14 PM »
It feels like most people aren't even aware that there is a shutdown right now.


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2331 on: October 05, 2013, 10:57:00 AM »
"This is beyond not wise. You don’t do that unless you’re building a thugocracy,” Beck said. “You come in with your stormtroopers and you say ‘shut it down,’"

lol - Beck on the closure of everything that has to be closed due to the GOP forced shutdown - but it's the Obama side that's the storm trooper nazi thugs? erm - okay.

As he says "we are dealing with a whole new breed of people" - we sure are : most the people making these comments have IQs lower than Lottery Numbers.

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2332 on: October 05, 2013, 11:09:01 AM »
Beck said this earlier in the week:

The only people who should be afraid of a shutdown are the progressives who have been making a living lying to people, convincing them they couldn’t live without government handouts.  Shut them down. Please.

The truth is that America cannot afford non-essential spending bonanzas. It can’t. It is time to boil things down to the essentials. We’re done playing the game, and we’re not going to let progressives do things like scare us with a government shutdown debate. I don’t know about you, but I celebrate that idea.


Phoenix Dark

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2333 on: October 05, 2013, 11:51:50 AM »
Man, conservatives have really been paralyze by the rapid decline of the deficit. They don't know how to respond, so they continue with the same outrage.

btw no BLS report yesterday due to the shutdown. Guess that means 0 jobs were created in September amirite :smug

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2334 on: October 05, 2013, 03:34:40 PM »
btw no BLS report yesterday due to the shutdown. Guess that means 0 jobs were created in September amirite :smug

Obamacare is supposed to stifle job creation by forcing our galtian overlords to pay a few extra cents on healthcare for their employees, so this seems accurate.

Human Snorenado

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2335 on: October 05, 2013, 05:19:15 PM »,34101/

I'm just saying, both sides do it.  Remember how in 2007 after the Democrats won control of Congress they demanded one of the Bush twins?

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2336 on: October 05, 2013, 05:23:42 PM »
I demanded both of them! :drool

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Not really, I'm not into the whole coke-chic.

Dickie Dee

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2337 on: October 05, 2013, 05:29:47 PM »
“I don’t think that the government should be involved in health care or health insurance,” says Greg Collett, a 41-year-old software developer in Caldwell, Idaho, who would rather pay the fine for now — $95 the first year — than signup.

“I calculated it out and it is cheaper for me for the next four years to pay the fine rather than get coverage,” Collett said. “At some point where it would make financial sense to pay for insurance rather than pay fines, I will make the decision from a financial standpoint.”

Collett counts himself among the 29 percent of people who said in an NBCNews/Kaiser poll they are angry about the health reform law. “The issue for me is that it is not the proper role of government,” he said.

Collett, who is married and has 10 children, says the kids are covered by Medicaid, the joint state-federal health insurance plan for people with low income and children who are not covered.

But it’s “absolutely not okay,” that they are, Collett says quickly. “There are a lot of people out there that’ll cry foul.”

Collett, whose children are home-schooled, likens taking Medicaid to sending children to public school. He also does not approve of government-funded public schools. “The government is taking your money. They are spending it on things they shouldn’t be,” he says. “Trying to get whatever you can back — I have nothing against that. You have to at some point try and get your tax dollars back.”

« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 05:31:35 PM by Mamacint »

Joe Molotov

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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2338 on: October 05, 2013, 05:37:10 PM »
Collett, who is married and has 10 children, says the kids are covered by Medicaid


If the interview had gone on a little longer, I suspect we could have gotten to...

survival bunker


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Re: GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #2339 on: October 05, 2013, 06:12:57 PM »
Collett, who is married and has 10 children, says the kids are covered by Medicaid, the joint state-federal health insurance plan for people with low income and children who are not covered.

But it’s “absolutely not okay,” that they are, Collett says quickly. “There are a lot of people out there that’ll cry foul.”

So why not take them off then?

I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't want the kids to be punished for their dad's shitty ideology, but he doesn't even try and justify why he keeps them on.  He just says that he's mad about it, like that makes it all better.