I was just grabbing names really, they've been polling Warren almost every time for whatever reason. Wikipedia indicates that Howard Dean is interested in running again. Deval Patrick isn't.
The "potential" candidates list has some sensible and laughable ones: Jerry Brown, Cuomo, Gillibrand, Gregoire, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, Jack Markell, Napolitano, Schweitzer, Sebelius.
I can't imagine most of these that would be serious couldn't "punt" until 2020/2024. Except Hickenlooper and Sebelius maybe.
The GOP list of "publicly expressed interest" is great. John Bolton, Scott Brown, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Christie, Cruz, Huckabee, Huntsman, Ted Nugent, Rand Paul, Perry, Santorum, Trump. Here's hoping for a Bolton/Carson/Nugent/Trump debate possibly.