lol - Bush letting Lehman go under was absolutely nothing to do with the parties stance on wall street and more to do with utter incompetence.
Congrats on instigating a run on the bank! Bail out 3 other banks, let Lehman go, then rescue AIG the next day because "but people are saying we bail everyone out!" - which, oh, you ended up having to do at a much higher cost -and- you still had that run on the bank because confidence in the financial system was flushed -GLOBALLY- . When Lehman wasn't bailed what do you think investors were doing? #facepalm - how they couldn't see this would happen is completely beyond me and how Ann Coulter can spin this utter failure of leadership as some sort of "hey we aren't Wall streets pall" is absolutely ridiculous and i doubt she even believes it herself.
For further reading : of the crazy and stupid people on right wing media aren't actually crazy or stupid, they just know that their audience is
yeah, they're just spinmasters - as per above , she's trying to make something positive out of what will be viewed as a huge failing of the Bush administration - and likewise anything Obama does is Satan's work. This extends to fainting women. Sheesh.
Also : "Romney was pretty ideal" sums up these people - NO, you tell me what YOUR ideas are. Stop pointing at what other people thought. It's rare to see these people lay down what they think should happen in each of these vitally important areas.