Schweitzer is a very good candidate, and could challenge Hillary. Her negatives have really gone up, which I suppose is only natural, and they'll only increase in 2015/2016. There's the issue of Clinton fatigue as well, not to mention that she'll be directly tied to the Obama administration. Who knows how Obama will be viewed in 2015/2016. If the economy continues to improve we'll be around 6.5 unemployment if not lower, Obamacare will have 9-15 million people, etc.
Of course, that's the optimistic take. If the economy crashes again, Obamacare turns out to be a disaster, etc then Hillary will be very vulnerable as the "more of the same" establishment candidate. Make no mistake, Schweitzer is not a blow over, he won't trip over himself, and he's more entertaining than O'Malley and Cuomo. I think Biden is a nonstarter, especially after Gates took a dump on him this week. I had read before that Biden is often the "devil's advocate" in meetings, but it sounds like he really rustles the military's jimmies with that shit.
Republicans: Christie will survive this bridge thing if he's telling the truth. If not, GG. I'd imagine Scott Walker benefits the most, as he is an establishment candidate who doesn't really offend tea party radicals.