Barely encouraging sign (for me anyway because you gotta take what you can get) from the crosstabs of the legal gay marriage positive/negative/no impact:
Paul 35%, Christie 32%, Bush 13%, Cruz/Rubio 3%, Ryan/Jindal 2%
Negative: Cruz 20%, Christie 18%, Bush 17%, Paul 14%, Ryan 9%, Rubio 6%, Walker 5%, Jindal 4%
No Impact: Christie 31%, Bush 13%, Paul 12%, Ryan 10%, Rubio 9%, Cruz 7%, Jindal 4%, Walker 3%
Now the amusing thing, from the favorable/unfavorables for Paul:
Positive: 31%/46%
Negative: 69%/10%
No Impact: 54%/23%
He has the largest favorability gap for any of the candidates (among any of the gay marriage categories) with people who think gay marriage is a negative thing, but he's the most popular candidate only in the positive group. Oh statistics, you old scamp!
Here's the poll, they also asked if Republicans support $10 minimum wage, believe man made climate change is occurring and if the recent cold weather disproves global warming: leads 45-12-11 (Bush-Paul) among Republicans who think man made climate change is real, 0% of them support Cruz...while he barely leads the opposite: 20-18-15-14 (Christie-Cruz-Bush-Paul)
Similar for the polar vortex proves it's a fraud, those who agree go 20-19-16-15 for Cruz-Paul-Christie-Bush while the fraud deniers go: 45-16-9-9 (Christie-Bush-Rubio-Ryan) and Cruz drops to 2%.
Cruz seems to be the front-runner in the whatever you want to call it group that often makes up GOP caricatures. I wonder if he similarly goes from 0-5% to 20% in other states/nationally/etc. I'll have to try and remember to peek at that in future polls.
Andrew Cuomo is 58%/10% fav/unfav with those over 65, but 20%/30% with those 18-45. Do the old folks think he's his dad?