So 5th dimensional pixie, Reince Priebus, decided to celebrate MLK day as you would expect from the party of MLK - by bringing up Benghazi: I just ask one question? In fact, it's the ONLY question I've ever had since this farce began: Why the hell would Obama want to have his own ambassador killed?
Right-wing conspiracy theories are generally distinguished mentally-challenged, but with most of them, I can actually sorta understand the line of thinking (using that word quite loosely). The IRS thing? Yeah. Solyndra? Sure. Fuck, even the birth certificate, I can at least understand where they're coming from.
But the idea that Obama for some reason had no desire to help Chris Stevens? It would be one thing if some Republican like Boehner or Cruz was there and he gave a stand down order. At least I could see the wingnuts make an argument for that. But as it is right now? Makes even less sense than the usual bullshit these idiots peddle.