I look forward to hearing an onslaught of attack ads against Gary Peters every six years instead of two years. They always make him sound like a pervert.
I'm kind of surprised at how much attention the Nugent comments have gotten this week. Man, just imagine how insane republicans will go next year when the Hillary train starts going; they're already throwing old shit at her. I always debate whether it's easier to get away with racism or sexism, politically. My friends tend to disagree but I still think racism is easier, especially in this era where if something doesn't meet the Webster dictionary definition of racism, it's not racism. Example: "Nugent didn't say Obama was inferior due to his race, why are you playing the race card."
Republicans have said so much slick shit about Obama since 2007 without sparking outrage (food stamp president, only own because of white guilt, etc), outside of liberal corners. But I can't see republicans getting away with blatant sexism against Hillary in the next two years. I'd bet money we will hear comments about women shouldn't be the head of the house/presidency, "that time of the month," is she strong enough, is she smart enough, presidents shouldn't cry, etc. Good luck with that shit, especially with women voters.