Back in 2008, a very right-wing acquaintance of mine said "I know you support Obama, but there's a video I'd like you to see" and it turned out to be a Youtube clip narrated by Ben Shapiro (the Jewish Erick Erickson) on how Israel will be overrun and subsumed into a global caliphate if Obama's elected. When he asked me about it a week later I told him "I think Israel is... more resilient than that guy seems to think."
It was a bit insulting that he thought of me that way. "I'll tell the Jew about what Obama will do to Israel, that's gotta be the first thing he'll care about!" But I don't think it was a reflection of his low opinion of me so much as how he views the world. The driving force behind his politics is antipathy towards immigrants, black folk, Muslims, and anyone he sees as a threat to his own ethnic group (vaguely protestant honkeys), so of course that's how I'd think and everyone else would think as well.
Similarly, I can see why Michelle Bachmann is hurt by other people's lack of enthusiasm for religious wars.