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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4500 on: April 10, 2014, 06:47:14 PM »
Sebelius resigning.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4501 on: April 10, 2014, 06:55:03 PM »

Human Snorenado

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4502 on: April 10, 2014, 07:05:01 PM »
Republicans have helpfully provided a shortlist of preapproved potential replacements:

William Kristol
Besty McAughey
Joe the Plumber


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4503 on: April 10, 2014, 07:12:50 PM »
I've always wondered, can a President appoint himself to a Cabinet position?

You can't remain a legislator but can you stay President and also be, say Secretary of HHS?

Obama should be the test case I think.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4504 on: April 10, 2014, 07:29:46 PM »
Glad Sebelius is gone, even though the ACA has rebounded quite nicely since the shit start. Now to find someone competent.

Great Rumbler

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4505 on: April 10, 2014, 07:47:50 PM »
Glad Sebelius is gone, even though the ACA has rebounded quite nicely since the shit start. Now to find someone competent.

Looks like Sylvia Mathews Burwell, director of the Office of Management and Budget, is going to get the nomination.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4506 on: April 10, 2014, 09:26:17 PM »

Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4507 on: April 10, 2014, 09:30:08 PM »


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4508 on: April 10, 2014, 09:33:56 PM »
I didn't see the t on this at first.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4509 on: April 10, 2014, 11:27:54 PM »



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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4510 on: April 11, 2014, 11:14:48 AM »
"You know, I'm impressed by the new renovations at the library. I want to thank you for showing them to me. Former presidents compare their libraries the way other men may compare their, well... Just wondering how LBJ would've handled that."

-- George W. Bush, quoted by First Read, at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library.

Dickie Dee

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4511 on: April 11, 2014, 06:01:22 PM »

hat tip to Dubya


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4512 on: April 11, 2014, 09:04:53 PM »
Quote from:  @lolgop
CNN is so afraid the plane may be found that it's asking @DarrellIssa to take over the search.


Human Snorenado

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4513 on: April 11, 2014, 11:50:09 PM »
*throws up the Mandark Google Fu symbol*

So, my google fu skills have completely failed me. For a macro economics project, I'm supposed to compare several different economic indicators for six different countries... and a couple of them are income share for the top 10 and bottom 10 percents. For some of my countries, this has been no problem- Costa Rica, Egypt, and Venezuela. Shockingly, data for MORE DEVELOPED countries is harder to come by. Which is headscratchingly weird, to me.

We were given some links and like I said, I tried myself but have mostly come up empty. I need this data for the US, France, and South Korea for 2011/2012. I found one piece of it in an article- the top 10% in the US made just over 50% in 2012. Which is nuts.

This is one link I've used and ran into a dead end:

It references the CIA factbook, which seems to be useful until you realize that you can't fucking sort the data by year. Awful, I hope they die in a fire or whatever. If anyone has any resources they could point me to, that would be much appreciated. Not asking anyone to do this work for me, just point me in a different direction, cause I'm stonewalled currently.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4514 on: April 12, 2014, 01:06:23 AM »
Yeah, that's tricky cause the US and a lot of other countries seem to regularly calculate stuff by the quintile, rather than the decile.

I think the inequality research by Emmanuel Saez should have pretty recent info on the share of income for the top 10%, but not so sure it'll include stuff about the bottom 10%.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4515 on: April 12, 2014, 01:11:11 AM »


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4516 on: April 12, 2014, 01:13:50 AM »

edit:  I think this is the same thing benji found.  Not super up-to-date, but looks like the best thing out there.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4517 on: April 12, 2014, 01:25:30 AM »

Has 2011 for South Korea at least. Also has 2004 for France which sounds old but both the Worldbank and OECD datasets don't have information for France past 1995.  :lol

The EU probably has France data, but IIRC you can't find anything on their fucking site because it's all divided between ten thousand different commissions and agencies and committees and the search only lets you pick so many things at once and so on.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 01:28:16 AM by benjipwns »

Human Snorenado

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4518 on: April 12, 2014, 08:19:17 AM »
Mid 2000's is fine- I can and have jumped around on other data points as far as years go. You guys are heroes.  :american

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4519 on: April 12, 2014, 02:04:48 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4520 on: April 12, 2014, 03:26:06 PM »
There may be some racism left in America, but who cares?

Great Rumbler

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4521 on: April 12, 2014, 05:54:39 PM »
An old white guy said racism is over, so it must be true!


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4522 on: April 12, 2014, 07:50:34 PM »
Tom Shillue as a "Fox Host"  :hitler


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4523 on: April 12, 2014, 09:43:22 PM »
Stolen from PoliGAF thread:
There are five (5) important beliefs that have driven my passion and guided my creation of The Game of Politics over the last 3 years:

1. A majority of Americans love their country.

2. A majority of Americans are realizing that their country is NOT being run in a prudent and wise manner.

3. A majority of Americans are realizing that the arrogant, self-serving, leftist, liberal, socialists who are governing our nation has led to less freedom and liberty, less prosperity, more government bureacracy, a lower standard of living, a higher national debt and the destruction of our moral foundation.

4. A majority of Americans would love a trivia game that reflects a view of this nation from a constitutionally conservative perspective rather than a leftist, liberal, socialist methodology.

5. There is no constitutionally conservative trivia board game on the market today.

The Game of Politics fills this void.

By the way, I am very familiar with what is required to satisfy customers. Meeting deadlines, establishing relationships and keeping happy customers comes second nature to me. A good example is my Ebay track record. I've been a seller since 1999, and have NEVER had a negative feedback...with over 900 transactions.

Trent Dole

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4524 on: April 13, 2014, 07:21:07 PM »
Is there a way to make a kickstarter have less money?

Great Rumbler

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4525 on: April 13, 2014, 07:48:03 PM »
Is there a way to make a kickstarter have less money?

Well, right now it's sitting at $666, which seems appropriate.

Great Rumbler

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4526 on: April 14, 2014, 01:36:32 PM »
Don't pay your bills and then threaten violence against the feds when you're called on it, brehs.

Only works if you're old and white, though.

Joe Molotov

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4527 on: April 14, 2014, 05:08:12 PM »
Don't pay your bills and then threaten violence against the feds when you're called on it, brehs.

Only works if you're old and white, though.

CAC Nonexcellence


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4528 on: April 14, 2014, 07:39:24 PM »
"So it would not be stretching logic to suppose that Hillary arranged to have the shoe thrown at her," wrote Arthur Louis at Goldberg's site. "Remembering the Bush incident [when an Iraqi journalist threw two shoes at President George W. Bush], she may have calculated that this would make her seem presidential. This would explain why Ms. Ernst was not pounded to a pulp by Hillary's bodyguards, and why she seems on the verge of getting off scot free. Don’t be too surprised, the next time you visit Phoenix, if you see her sitting at a table in a downtown Hillary for President store front, stuffing and sealing envelopes."

On Monday, Rush Limbaugh entertained the same idea, telling radio listeners he "can totally relate" to those who believe that "everything the Clintons do is staged or choreographed." Asked about it by a listener, he emphasized that he hadn't studied the incident and isn't too concerned about it, but said people have told him Clinton's reaction "wasn't natural."

"I'm sorry, I'm ill-equipped to comment," Limbaugh said, adding: "Maybe it's because, in my subconscious, I think it was staged, or set up, or whatever. ... I don't know why anybody would be throwing a shoe at Hillary unless -- maybe it's an attempt to make the Benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos."


"What one clearly sees in this video is that Hillary Clinton makes no effort whatsoever to actually 'dodge' the shoe," wrote Sonny Bunch at the Washington Free Beacon. "Rather, she flinches after it has gone whizzing by her head. A far more accurate headline would’ve been 'Hillary Clinton Luckily Unharmed by Her Slow Reflexes.' Typical liberal media, covering up the truth for their favored candidates. ... Whereas Hillary reacts well after the danger has passed, George W. Bush preemptively sees danger coming and positions himself to avoid it."

National Review's Jonah Goldberg favorably cited Bunch's piece and found a way to make his point with a Benghazi reference.

"I don't expect reporters to say 'Hillary Clinton instinctively cowered from shoe like it was the unavoidable truth about Benghazi.' But, as the guy who was hit by a Ford pickup truck told the police, that was no Dodge," he wrote.

Great Rumbler

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4529 on: April 14, 2014, 07:55:27 PM »
It's worth noting that these are the same people who think Hillary faked a concussion so she could delay her Bengahzi testimony by a few days.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4530 on: April 14, 2014, 08:10:40 PM »
and the people who believe the White House hires actors to faint at Obama's events.


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Joe Molotov

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4532 on: April 14, 2014, 08:50:32 PM »
maybe it's an attempt to make the Benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos."

Well, mission accomplished, I guess!

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4533 on: April 14, 2014, 09:55:28 PM »
via treesong

Joe Molotov

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4534 on: April 14, 2014, 10:00:16 PM »
It went down a lot, good job Florida!

Oh wait...

Great Rumbler

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4535 on: April 14, 2014, 10:09:00 PM »
A lot of people died, yeah, but think of the record profits for the firearms industry!


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4537 on: April 15, 2014, 12:06:28 AM »
Don't tell anyone but the APSA is just a front for collecting a list of essentials for the Koch Purge of the Working Class.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4538 on: April 15, 2014, 09:15:59 AM »
Don't pay your bills and then threaten violence against the feds when you're called on it, brehs.

Only works if you're old and white, though.

That's not over, I'm sure the feds are just regrouping.

conservatives have been dreaming of an Obama Waco situation, they may get their wish. Apparently one of the militia guys planned on using women as human shields.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4539 on: April 15, 2014, 09:27:53 AM »
Actively incite your listeners to break the law brehs.

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4540 on: April 15, 2014, 09:29:03 AM »
Actively incite your listeners to break the law brehs.



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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4542 on: April 15, 2014, 01:05:02 PM »
The righteous indignation of Clive Bundy is such white entitlement. You don't pay grazing fees because it's your land, but I bet he hasn't ever paid taxes for that land. I hope everyone supporting him are publicly humiliated.

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4543 on: April 15, 2014, 02:33:14 PM »
I hope everyone supporting him are publicly humiliated.

That would require those people to have shame, and they do not.

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4544 on: April 15, 2014, 04:31:06 PM »
While women prefer to HAVE a higher-earning partner, men generally prefer to BE the higher-earning partner in a relationship. This simple but profound difference between the sexes has powerful consequences for the so-called pay gap.

Suppose the pay gap between men and women were magically eliminated. If that happened, simple arithmetic suggests that half of women would be unable to find what they regard as a suitable mate.

Obviously, I'm not saying women won't date or marry a lower-earning men, only that they probably prefer not to. If a higher-earning man is not available, many women are more likely not to marry at all.

Take that, feminists. Can't argue with science and math. :smug


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4545 on: April 15, 2014, 04:33:45 PM »
At first I was like "whoa, isn't she dead!?"  Then I realized I was thinking of Jeanne Kirkpatrick.

All white people look alike.   :yeshrug


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4546 on: April 15, 2014, 07:12:46 PM »
When I first saw that chart on Twitter I was thinking the "catch" must be that the drop just came from killings that would previously have been considered "murder" no longer being counted as such thanks to the definition changing under SYG  :lol I r dumdum, should be retroactively (bale-)fired from ever having worked on Excel (did I mention I used to work on Excel)


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4547 on: April 15, 2014, 08:30:52 PM »
Last week, former presidents and dignitaries celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, which bans many forms of employment discrimination and whites-only lunch counters, among other things. This week, a Republican congressman declared that he’s not sure if the Civil Rights Act is even constitutional.
Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL), a freshman congressman aligned with the Tea Party, held a town hall Monday evening in Gainesville where he fielded a wide range of questions from constituents. One such voter was Melvin Flournoy, a 57-year-old African American from Gainesville, who asked Yoho whether he believes the Civil Rights Act is constitutional.
“Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act?” the Florida Republican replied. “I wish I could answer that 100 percent. I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land.”

"Bubububu a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted on the CRA!"

Joe Molotov

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4548 on: April 16, 2014, 07:50:01 AM »
Obama was not the hero we needed, but he was the hero we deserved.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4549 on: April 16, 2014, 10:32:00 AM »
What is President Petulant Pissant up to today?

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4550 on: April 16, 2014, 12:21:09 PM »
What is President Petulant Pissant up to today?

Scheming the takeover of the rest of Ukraine.


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4551 on: April 16, 2014, 12:25:00 PM »


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4552 on: April 16, 2014, 05:29:03 PM »
"This is not your grandfather's NATO anymore."--Thomas Friedman, New York Times, March 30, 2003

"Friends, we are in the midst of an energy crisis--but this is not your grandfather's energy crisis."--Friedman, New York Times, Jan. 20, 2006

"Well, my general view is that this isn't your father's recession; it's your grandfather's recession."-- Paul Krugman, New York Times website, Feb. 13, 2009

"To appreciate the problem, you need to know that this isn't your father's recession. It's your grandfather's, or maybe even (as I'll explain) your great-great-grandfather's."--Krugman, New York Times, Feb. 20, 2009

"I've been saying for almost a decade now that what we have these days aren't your father's recessions, they're your grandfather's recessions."--Krugman, New York Times website, Jan. 17, 2011

"And this is the relevant history we should be looking at: this isn't your father's slump, it's your grandfather's slump."--Krugman, New York Times website, Sept. 19, 2011

"If Israelis want to escape that fate, it is very important that they understand that we're not your grandfather's America anymore."--Friedman, New York Times, Nov. 11, 2012

"This is not your grandfather's battlefield."--Friedman, New York Times, Feb. 2, 2014

"We're not dealing anymore with your grandfather's Israel, and they're not dealing anymore with your grandmother's America either."--Friedman, New York Times, April 16, 2014

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4553 on: April 16, 2014, 05:42:44 PM »
Missouri Mayor Says He 'Kind Of Agreed' With Alleged Jewish Center Shooter

The mayor of a small Missouri town has mostly nice things to say about the white supremacist accused of killing three people at Jewish facilities last weekend.

Marionville, Mo. Mayor Dan Clevenger spoke warmly this week of Frazier Glenn Miller, who allegedly went on a killing rampage on Sunday in Overland Park, Kan.

"He was always nice and friendly and respectful of elder people, you know, he respected his elders greatly. As long as they were the same color as him," Clevenger said while laughing, according to television station KSPR. "Very fair and honest and never had a bit of problems out of him."

Clevenger said he sympathized with some of Miller's views, but didn't like to broadcast that.

"Kind of agreed with him on some things but, I don't like to express that too much," Clevenger, the owner of a local repair shop, said.

He told CNN this week that he didn't buy some of Miller's claims.

"He had a lot of hate built up inside of him," Clevenger said. "And every time he'd come down here, he'd go on about different races -- mainly Jews. He claims they're all bad, but I don't believe that."

However, KSPR unearthed a letter to the editor that the mayor sent nearly a decade ago to a newspaper in Aurora, Mo. in which he expressed admiration for Miller's mission.

"I am a friend of Frazier Miller helping to spread his warnings," Clevenger wrote, according to KSPR. "The Jew-run medical industry has succeeded in destroying the United State's workforce."

Is this the Stoney Mason approach to antisemitism?

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4554 on: April 16, 2014, 05:43:54 PM »
He seemed to stand by those positions in his interview with KSPR, blaming Jews for the country's economic woes.

"There some things that are going on in this country that are destroying us. We've got a false economy and it's, some of those corporations are run by Jews because the names are there," he said. "The fact that the Federal Reserve prints up phony money and freely hands it out, I think that's completely wrong. The people that run the Federal Reserve, they're Jewish."



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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4555 on: April 16, 2014, 05:44:50 PM »
"And every time he'd come down here, he'd go on about different races -- mainly Jews. He claims they're all bad, but I don't believe that."
"Just the Jews, and they got what's coming to them."

Positive Touch

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4556 on: April 16, 2014, 09:56:25 PM »
sometimes i wish the volcanoes in missouri were still active


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4557 on: April 16, 2014, 10:52:41 PM »
Quote from: Greg Gutfield
Yay, it's tax day! Or for seventy million households: Tuesday, because for them they pay no federal income tax so they're left wondering why everyone's at the post office sweating through their shirts. I don't blame them, I envy them! A tax form to them is like a coupon for Head and Shoulders if you're bald. This is how dependence works, big government is grand if you don't feel it's hand.

Lucky duckies!

Phoenix Dark

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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4558 on: April 16, 2014, 11:25:27 PM »
Surely he acknoedges they pay state taxes, right. Right?


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Re: UNSKEW OBAMACAREGHAZI! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #4559 on: April 16, 2014, 11:26:41 PM »
yup, thats my state :dead
Guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about:  :yeshrug
The professor who invited Miller to speak was David Embree, an adjunct professor of religious studies, reports Inside Higher Ed. The class was an interterm course on cultural and religious subgroups.

“One of the groups that students were pretty fascinated by and wanted more on was white supremacists,” Embree said, according to Inside Higher Ed. “One of the things I’ve found with many of these groups is that if I tell the story myself, [the students] don’t believe me. They just think I’m trying to make them look bad.”

In no uncertain terms, Embree explained that he detests Miller and everything he stands for.

“My acquaintance with Glenn Miller is a couple of phone calls and one hour in a classroom,” Embree added, according to Inside Higher Ed. “He epitomizes the worst possible manifestation of white supremacy/British Israelism and demonstrated to the 12 students who heard him speak that his philosophy is repulsive and truly threatening.”

In an email, a Missouri State spokesman called the Springfield, Mo. school a “marketplace of ideas.”

After the class, a person representing himself as Miller showed up on the Vanguard News Network, an antisemitic, white supremacist website, to vent about his appearance in shockingly racial and anti-Semitic terms.

“The two extremely ugly kikes, one fat one skinny, did not deny one single charge I made against the jews,” Miller seems to have written under his screen name, Rounder. “Their several questions were incredibly stupid, really. They did remain defiant with frowns the whole time, though. Noses stuck up in the air as if to dare me to do something about jewish attrocities [sic].”

“Time flew” during the two hours he was in the class, Rounder recalled. Topics included the “holyhoax” (presumably the Holocaust), “black crime, Federal Reserve” and “jewish leadership of the bolshevik revolution.”

“[A]t one point, I raised up and blurted out, ‘Hell yes, I hate you and all jews, and you all deserve my hate for what your people have done to mine,’” Rounder wrote.

He quotes himself as saying, “I’ve proven in simple math that our race is dying out rapidly. I’ve also given you evidence that the jews are responsible.”

Rounder ended  his Vanguard News posting with the words “Heil Hitler !!!”

Under Rounder’s posting, there is a lot of dialogue about the class discussion—much of it by Rounder.

“You are an inspiration, Rounder,” wrote Vanguard member elbwgreez (who identifies himself with an image of a young Adolph Hitler). “Judging from your excellent radio interviews I know you were prepared and a quick wit, as always. However, I suspect that that your opponents under-estimate your debate skills, leaving them at a disadvantage.”