The real flaw in libertopian/objectivist thinking is that people will always do the best or right thing, or that the best or right thing for one person will produce the best or most correct outcome for society. It's a bunch of shit, and you know it is because you can just look at the basic, fundamental problem in the equation: human beings.
Humans are stupid, short-sighted creatures. You can explain to them that a robust and awesome education system will produce a smarter, more productive society with fewer criminals, and they'll still balk at it BECAUSE MAH TAXES GOAN GO UP, AND THAT'S TYRANNY HUR HUR HUR. Basically, the vast majority of human beings are too stupid to be entrusted to make correct decisions, which is why we have to have minimal safety standards, FDA food consumption guidelines, etc. And yes, education. Because I don't trust you to properly educate your children. You're all too fucking stupid. I know this because I see the television you watch, and it makes me want to throw all of you into the fucking sun.
tl;dr- people are stupid and this is why we can't have nice things. Now please stfu now and forever, libertopians, about how your precious fucking liberty is being assaulted.