benj, you speaking from any particular knowledge of either the financial industry or the history of banking crises
What would you consider particular knowledge? I don't work or specialize in finance or banking if that's what you mean. (Nor am I Jewish.)
In any case, feel free to consider it intuitive since my argument is that if you have a whole bunch of ideas (that you might be getting incentive towards carrying out), being told to not worry about it going south because you'll be taken care of doesn't make you less likely to engage in those behaviors.
That essentially, in this instance, any smidgen of hesitance by the bad banks (since not all banks engaged in these things) was probably overwhelmed by the belief they could pull it off (with the backing they were getting) and that in the long odds they couldn't, it'd be worse case like with the Savings and Loans because of the size of the assets they were dealing with and who had oversight. Risk was essentially eliminated from corporate considerations because of policy.
And the evidence I've seen seems to confirm this because I dismiss anything that runs counter to my superior and unchanging viewpoint.
I don't consider it the source of the bad ideas though, no.
I know that you're trying to joke, but that's 100% the actual position of libertarians.
Mostly goldbugs and bitcoin fanatics unfortunately.