Oh god that's not even the tip of the fucking iceberg when it comes to that site.
Here's a few choice ideas perpetuated by FreeRepublic.com:
- Poor/black people should lay down in the street and die
- Black people deserved to have their own section on the bus to protect whites from them, because they're all urban ferals
- Obozo is a gay Muslim Nazi Commu-fascist Kenyan -- the list goes on
- Gay people are total abominations and should be burned alive in the streets (they really love things happening in public, like executions)
- Revolt is coming.
I mean it's like a laundry list of what Republicans already believe but with no filter. And the "filter" that their "moderators" use? Pretty much deletes anything remotely open-minded or liberal. My personal favorites are when the makers of Honey Maid made an ad for their products that featured two gay dads and a happy family, and they called it a sign of the NBO (New Butt Order). They also called the NFL the National F*ggot League after the Michael Sam/Vito kiss on ESPN. Absolutely everything they ever say about gay people is hilarity of the highest order, seriously.
Here's a few more quotes:
If this is true, then we are lost as a nation. Completely.
I see that TV show with the two queers and their adopted daughter and I seen untold manipulation and diversion from the real perversion that is homosexuality.
They show a peck on the cheek and lovey-dovey humanist affection between two people, but they do not show the physical and mental perversion that forms the basis of all their ‘morality’.
God never intended it, Hollywood won’t show the truth - you can only find that via gay porn - and liberals and Democrats only support it because it is a means to degenerate us all. Truly evil people
All I know is that a gay acquaintance tells me that gay porn is about 95% child porn.