Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656046 times)

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  • Senior Member
But Reagan actually was a terrible president/complete fucking idiot. Trees cause more pollution than factories? :ufup

The man was a pioneer in derp. :bow :usacry


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 :mindblown :mindblown :mindblown

Great Rumbler

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Senior Member
I'm not really a fan of Seth McFarlane, but I always did like this clip:

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Here’s the really disturbing question:

What does Ted Cruz’s statement tell the US Military?

What does it tell the terrorists? Who cares. The real question is what does it tell America?

That under a Tea Party administration if you’re captured by terrorists, well fuck you, Soldier. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. Our vaunted principles, our inflexible ideology, our unbending politics and our sound-bite simple-minded doctrine is worth more than your life. We don’t negotiate with terrorists (even though we really do, don’t we? Pretty much all of the time). Besides, you’re probably a traitor anyway.

Think about that.

Think about it real hard.

Think about it real hard, especially if you’re the parent of a soldier-age son or daughter.

And then be glad, goddamned glad, that you have a president who was willing to do what it takes to get Bowe Bergdahl home.

Dead or alive, we get our people home, whatever the cost, that’s the one promise that must never be broken.

The day we forget that, the day the fear of “what will the terrorists think” becomes more important to us than that sacred obligation, that’s the day America dies.

Whether or not Bowe Bergdahl is a hero or a deserter or just a hapless fool who screwed up under the enormous pressures of war, he’s still an American.

He’s one of ours and and there’s only one thing to say:

Welcome home, Soldier.

Welcome home.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I'm not really a fan of Seth McFarlane, but I always did like this clip:

American Dad doesn't count despite him doing voices for it.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Pelosi manages to sound nearly as dumb as Sarah Palin whenever I hear her talk.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Jacc Trippa35 minutes ago
white people need to rein in their crazies, but you never do. hence, mass murders every week and world imperialism.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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I believe in most cases, the United States has historically been not too concerned about "regular joe" military or civilian defectors, it's the intelligence ones whose knees they want to break as soon as they get their hands on them.

This guy deserted in the 60s and they even gave him his medals back and the ones he "earned" while gone before court-martialing him and giving him 30 days:

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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So far we've got:

1. Obama violated the Constitution and should be impeached
2. Bergdahl is a deserter who deserves to be executed
3. Bergdahl's dad is a terrorist sympathizer

I just can't with this anymore, brehs. :goty

Human Snorenado

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My favorite is:

-Obama should have done a rescue mission instead of a prisoner swap!
-Soldiers died looking for this guy!



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Just use drones to take out everyone in a hundred square mile radius around him, then use a robot claw to pick him up and fly him back to America where we enhance interrogate him then line him up against the wall and shoot him.


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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This is typical of Obama's weak "leadership" style. President McCain would have rescued this man without swapping terrorists on his first day in office, and then would have executed him on the 2nd day for treason.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Typical weak on defense liberal bullshit. President Johm McCain would have never allowed anyone to be captured. And nobody would have deserted or converted to Islam while growing beards because everyone would love this country again.

Johm McCain. Country First.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Plus Bowe couldn't have wandered off and been captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan because he would have been in Iran. Or Syria. Or Yemen. Or Libya. Or Russia. Or...


  • Senior Member
I almost feel obliged to quote stuff from just for this thread. If anyone wanted to see how deep the conservative rabbit hole goes.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I almost feel obliged to quote stuff from just for this thread. If anyone wanted to see how deep the conservative rabbit hole goes.

Spin spin spin.

Sure seems like this AWOL dude was an agent for Taliban and so is his dad. Both are under protection of Obama over objection from State.

CIA Station Chief did not make it through the swap before being outed by the Whtie House. Must be that the CIA objected.

This is a BOLD-faced lie by CNN.
Bergdahl Sr. DID NOT speak Pashto - he spoke Arabic, he said at Obama's side: "bism allah alrahman alraheem” – which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful” – which are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an.

This was a black flag being planted at the White House for the Islamic world to see. And they did not miss the meaning.

CIA Station Chief did not make it through the swap before being outed by the White House. Must be that the CIA objected.
^^^ THIS^^^

Was no "accident". That was a deliberate WARNING to anyone in the know about this 'deal' to keep mouth shut or you will end up DEAD - because we will turn your ass over to the Jihadists for killing. Remember Stevens?

THAT is the message here.

When are Americans going to wake up that we have a Trojan Horse that is subjugating the country to our enemies??? That he has performed a MarxoFascist coup?

When??? Are this many people clueless about what is about to happen to us?

Yes. The vast majority of American citizens and politicians as well as the press have no clue that Obama led the Muslim Brotherhood to completely subvert the US Government and foreign and economic policy, and that the Administration advances the standing of Al Queda Jihadists as well as criminal terrorist and drug smuggling operations (Afghani and Mexican).

Hardly anybody knows.
Now everyone on The Bore knows in the very least.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 02:29:59 AM by benjipwns »


  • Senior Member

Oh god that's not even the tip of the fucking iceberg when it comes to that site.

Here's a few choice ideas perpetuated by

- Poor/black people should lay down in the street and die

- Black people deserved to have their own section on the bus to protect whites from them, because they're all urban ferals

- Obozo is a gay Muslim Nazi Commu-fascist Kenyan -- the list goes on

- Gay people are total abominations and should be burned alive in the streets (they really love things happening in public, like executions)

- Revolt is coming.

I mean it's like a laundry list of what Republicans already believe but with no filter. And the "filter" that their "moderators" use? Pretty much deletes anything remotely open-minded or liberal. My personal favorites are when the makers of Honey Maid made an ad for their products that featured two gay dads and a happy family, and they called it a sign of the NBO (New Butt Order). They also called the NFL the National F*ggot League after the Michael Sam/Vito kiss on ESPN. Absolutely everything they ever say about gay people is hilarity of the highest order, seriously.

Here's a few more quotes:

If this is true, then we are lost as a nation. Completely.

I see that TV show with the two queers and their adopted daughter and I seen untold manipulation and diversion from the real perversion that is homosexuality.

They show a peck on the cheek and lovey-dovey humanist affection between two people, but they do not show the physical and mental perversion that forms the basis of all their ‘morality’.

God never intended it, Hollywood won’t show the truth - you can only find that via gay porn - and liberals and Democrats only support it because it is a means to degenerate us all. Truly evil people

All I know is that a gay acquaintance tells me that gay porn is about 95% child porn.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 03:46:48 AM by ZephyrFate »


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member
Does anyone know more about the actual roles of these 5 leaders? Were they involved in actual terrorist activity or were they traditional military commanders during the Afghan war? Were they the type of people we keep on Guantanimo for years without charges or did we actually have plans for them that were legal?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member

Oh god that's not even the tip of the fucking iceberg when it comes to that site.

Here's a few choice ideas perpetuated by

- Poor/black people should lay down in the street and die

- Black people deserved to have their own section on the bus to protect whites from them, because they're all urban ferals

- Obozo is a gay Muslim Nazi Commu-fascist Kenyan -- the list goes on

- Gay people are total abominations and should be burned alive in the streets (they really love things happening in public, like executions)

- Revolt is coming.

I mean it's like a laundry list of what Republicans already believe but with no filter. And the "filter" that their "moderators" use? Pretty much deletes anything remotely open-minded or liberal. My personal favorites are when the makers of Honey Maid made an ad for their products that featured two gay dads and a happy family, and they called it a sign of the NBO (New Butt Order). They also called the NFL the National F*ggot League after the Michael Sam/Vito kiss on ESPN. Absolutely everything they ever say about gay people is hilarity of the highest order, seriously.

Here's a few more quotes:

If this is true, then we are lost as a nation. Completely.

I see that TV show with the two queers and their adopted daughter and I seen untold manipulation and diversion from the real perversion that is homosexuality.

They show a peck on the cheek and lovey-dovey humanist affection between two people, but they do not show the physical and mental perversion that forms the basis of all their ‘morality’.

God never intended it, Hollywood won’t show the truth - you can only find that via gay porn - and liberals and Democrats only support it because it is a means to degenerate us all. Truly evil people

All I know is that a gay acquaintance tells me that gay porn is about 95% child porn.



Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Does anyone know more about the actual roles of these 5 leaders? Were they involved in actual terrorist activity or were they traditional military commanders during the Afghan war? Were they the type of people we keep on Guantanimo for years without charges or did we actually have plans for them that were legal?

They were former Taliban officials that we've been holding since 2002:

And there's this:

But the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday night that the U.S. intelligence community had evidence of Bergdahl's failing health, based on a secret analysis of two videos of the soldier in captivity that were provided to U.S. officials. One was shot in 2011 and the other in December 2013, the latter of which has never been publicly shown.

Officials who saw the recent video described Bergdahl's condition to the Journal as "alarming." The analysis of the videos showing the accelerating decline of Bergdahl's health partially convinced some holdouts within the Obama administration, like Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, as well as leaders in the Pentagon to back the proposed deal, according to the Journal.

One anonymous defense official summed up the calculus behind the exchange: Bergdahl's value as a prisoner was declining rapidly, along with his health, as U.S. troops were slated to pull out of Afghanistan.

"We believe they saw Bergdahl as a golden egg. That is why they kept him alive and as healthy as possible. But as he deteriorated, some people believe he became more of a burden to them," the official told the Journal. "And as the war was ending some of them [Taliban] came to doubt his value. He was more of a liability as his health declined."
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 09:37:14 AM by Great Rumbler »

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
They were former Taliban officials that we've been holding since 2002:

That early 00s boy band craze really was out of control


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
And there's this:

But the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday night that the U.S. intelligence community had evidence of Bergdahl's failing health, based on a secret analysis of two videos of the soldier in captivity that were provided to U.S. officials. One was shot in 2011 and the other in December 2013, the latter of which has never been publicly shown.

Officials who saw the recent video described Bergdahl's condition to the Journal as "alarming."
Great, now the liberals probably want to give him free medical care.

And he'll probably get to cut right to the front of the secret wait lists at the VA.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Fox News regular Keith Ablow speculated on Wednesday morning that President Obama orchestrated the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay because the commander-in-chief “doesn’t affiliate with patriotism” and “wants out of America.”

“Barack Obama does not have the will of the American people, Americanism in his soul,” Ablow, a forensic psychiatrist who is part of the Fox News Medical A-Team, explained. “And this swap, somebody who may not feel very American for five people who definitely don’t, is symptomatic of that.”

Referencing evidence that Bergdahl may have deserted his brigade in Afghanistan and grew disillusioned with America’s war mission, Ablow speculated that the Bergdahl family “may have a tendency to distance oneself from institutions, to diminish the rule of law and to elevate the individual above all else.” He also specifically referenced Bowe Bergdahl’s history of dancing in a ballet to suggest that he is narcissistic.
Try disagreeing with a forensic psychiatrist you supposed science lovers.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
Is he that dickhead they always have on? As in his head literally looks like a dick?

Edit: GIS says yup
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 01:08:41 PM by Mamacint »


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
The 2nd term president doesn't have the will of the American people? Ballet mean Bowe is narcissistic? Ablow needs some major psychotic meds cause he doesn't seem to live on the same planet as everyone else. What a fantasy land! :heh


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Plus, who wants to live in a country where it's up to republicans to decide if you are worthy enough to come home from their war?


  • the ex-XFE, now 3rd in-line for SFE
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“may have a tendency to distance oneself from institutions, to diminish the rule of law and to elevate the individual above all else.”

oh you mean like Cliven Bundy ?

the right have totally jumped the shark now - there is nowhere for them to go from here.

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
  • Senior Member
Let Americans die in the custody of the enemy brehs


  • Senior Member
I'm not really a fan of Seth McFarlane, but I always did like this clip:

American Dad doesn't count despite him doing voices for it.

Really? Well that actually makes some sense since AD is actually occasionally funny.


  • Senior Member
Yeah, then it turned to utter dogshite.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Let Americans die in the custody of the enemy brehs

VA Hospital crisis solved!

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Ablow is the guy Fox has on anytime they feel like claiming that Obama has daddy issues or that he's anti-colonialist/anti-American so that it'll sound more plausible since Ablow has a "Dr." slapped in front of his name.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Ablow is the guy Fox has on anytime they feel like claiming that Obama has daddy issues or that he's anti-colonialist/anti-American so that it'll sound more plausible since Ablow has a "Dr." slapped in front of his name.

Fox only loves the doctors that are willing to come on and say crazy stuff on teh teevee.


  • Senior Member
Some Kossack rounded up a bunch of examples of right-wingers supporting Bergdahl before they realized he was the worst soldier in U.S. history:


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Soldiers died...trying to save another soldier? IMPEACH.

fuck these people, seriously.


  • Senior Member
Didn't think it was possible, but this has actually become an even dumber scandal than BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI!

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Honestly? I wish they would. Stop threatening impeachment and just do it. Get it over with, then take their well deserved L.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member

Oh god I wish this was in better quality


  • Senior Member
FUCK you stole my post. I would make an emote out of that with the quickness if it wasn't so blurry


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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When I first saw the pictures I said "that's a hotel gym" and video says it's a Marriott. I thought it was probably just some dope they checked over and everything who wanted to workout too and take some video. And Obama didn't give a shit. Greta disagrees.

Best part is Obama on the TV in the background giving a speech.  :lol

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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The comments section on that website is literally brain poison. Just a few seconds was roughly equivalent to drinking seventy-five Bud Lights.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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voters25 • 13 hours ago
To him this is a big playground all his planes ,money, and all the toys while he sets back and Sorros leads him around like a puppy on a leash, the problem and the difference is puppy's are loyal
voters25 • 13 hours ago
He acts like a 2 yr old trying to do a mans job.He is certainly a disgrace to the Americans .No wonder people don't respect us. Him and Killary need to move to a deserted island and stay and don't show there face. Both are a disgrace to USA

Bcash • 12 hours ago
These are 3 different Pic's #1 black jacket white tee and white writing #2 brown tee ??? #3 Black jacket with red writing. This is all B.S.

Mariatwo  Bcash • 12 hours ago
Good observation.... Greta's team has to pay more attention... instead of running like chicken without heads calling on fire.... it is a PHOTO OP...


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Oh lawd, Obama's form is so god damned terrible. The president of the United States doesn't have a legitimate trainer?
"I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director."

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Nah, that was Obama circa 2008 sometime I wanna say.


  • the ex-XFE, now 3rd in-line for SFE
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Homecoming canceled - the domestic terrorism is working. The rise of low IQ Fox controlled mob rule.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So if this guy kills himself after canceled parades and months of phone call harassment will Obama morph into Gregory Peck and shame everyone (including me to an extent) who pissed on this guy?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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No, because Obama is not a strong leader like Putin.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Ben Stein: "Hey guys, let me tell you how awesome Nixon was."

Why did the media hate him so much? I have always thought it was because he was vulnerable and showed it when attacked. He did not have the tough hide of a Reagan or an Obama. Like the schoolyard bullies they are, the media went after him for his vulnerability.

But let's look at him with fresh eyes. Unlike LBJ, he did not get us into a large, unnecessary war on false pretenses. Unlike JFK, he did not bring call girls and courtesans into the White House or try to kill foreign leaders. Unlike FDR, he did not lead us into a war for which we were unprepared.

He helped with a coverup of a mysterious burglary that no one understands to this day. That was his grievous sin, and grievously did he answer for it. But to me, Richard Nixon will always be visionary, friend and peacemaker.

And I will never turn my back on a peacemaker.

:bow An hero :bow2

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Saturday Night Massacre. Enough said.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Me: “Who do you think caused families more pain—Obamacare or Osama bin Laden?”

Carson: “Let me explain.”

Williams: “Let him answer the question!”

Carson: “Things that are isolated issues as opposed to things that fundamentally change the United Sates of America and shift power from the people to the government. That is a huge shift.”

Me: “Right. But what do you think caused specific families more pain—Obamacare or Osama?”

Carson: “You have to take a long term.”

Me: “You’re not answering the question.”

Carson: "Will you listen? You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America. You have to be someone who reads. Who is well-read. I want you to go back tonight and pull out what Saul Alinsky says about health care under the control of the government."

*Late 2015 primary debate*

Host: Dr. Carson, last year you were asked whether Obamacare had done more harm to Americans than Osama Bin Laden. Your answer wasn't exactly clear but you seemed to suggest Obamacare was worse, over the long term, and that the attacks of 911 were, in your words, an isolated event. Do you still stand by that claim?


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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