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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5580 on: June 24, 2014, 12:02:20 AM »
Records of dead veterans were changed or physically altered, some even in recent weeks, to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the Phoenix VA hospital, a whistle-blower told CNN in stunning revelations that point to a new coverup in the ongoing VA scandal.

"Deceased" notes on files were removed to make statistics look better, so veterans would not be counted as having died while waiting for care, Pauline DeWenter said.

DeWenter should know. DeWenter is the actual scheduling clerk at the Phoenix VA who said for the better part of a year she was ordered by supervisors to manage and handle the so-called "secret waiting list," where veterans' names of those seeking medical care were often placed, sometimes left for months with no care at all.
It was one of DeWenter's roles to call veterans when appointments became available to schedule them to get a consultation. Sometimes when she made those calls, she'd find that the veteran had died, so she would enter that on their records.

But at least seven times since last October, records that showed that veterans died while waiting for care -- records which DeWenter personally handled and had entered in details of veterans' deaths -- were physically altered, or written over, by someone else, DeWenter said in an exclusive interview with CNN. The changes, or re-writes, listed the veterans as living, not deceased, essentially hiding their deaths.

The alterations had even occurred in recent weeks, she said, in a deliberate attempt to try to hide just how many veterans died while waiting for care, by trying to pretend dead veterans remain alive.
Beginning early last year, DeWenter said she was also instructed to hide the crisis at the Phoenix VA medical center by concealing new requests for treatment. This was at a time when the VA was paying bonuses to senior staff whose facilities met the goals of providing care in a timely manner for veterans, typically within 14 days.

New requests by veterans wanting treatment were actually stuffed into a drawer, to make the books look better, according to DeWenter.

Asked what happened to the new requests for appointments, DeWenter said: "They went into a desk drawer.... That would be the secret list."
Picture this: millionaires and billionaires gathering under tight security in fancy hotels with powerful politicians and operatives to plot how their network of secret-money groups can engineer a permanent realignment of American politics.

Only, it’s not the Koch brothers. It’s the liberal Democracy Alliance.

The 21 groups at the core of the Democracy Alliance’s portfolio intend to spend $374 million during the midterm election cycle — including nearly $200 million this year — to boost liberal candidates and causes in 2014 and beyond, according to internal documents obtained by POLITICO.

While growing sums of that cash are being spent vilifying the billionaire conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch over their own network’s political spending, the documents reveal the extent to which the Democracy Alliance network mirrors the Kochs’ — and is obsessed with it.

“Conservatives, particularly the Koch Brothers, are playing for keeps with an even more pronounced financial advantages than in recent election cycles,” reads the introduction to a 62-page briefing book provided to donors ahead of April’s annual spring meeting of the DA, as the club is known, at Chicago’s tony Ritz-Carlton hotel.

The briefing book reveals a sort of DA-funded extra-party political machine that includes sophisticated voter databases and plans to mobilize pivotal Democratic voting blocs, air ads boosting Democratic candidates, while also — perhaps ironically — working to reduce the influence of money in politics.


It makes public for the first time details of the complete organizational flowchart of the big-money left, including up-to-date budget figures and forecasts, program goals and performance assessments for the 21 core DA groups, including the Center for American Progress, Media Matters, America Votes and the Obama-linked Organizing for Action.

It also includes a “Progressive Infrastructure Map,” with 172 other groups to which the DA recommends that its rich liberal members — including billionaire financier George Soros and Houston trial lawyers Amber and Steve Mostyn — donate.


But the prospect of such scrutiny being directed back at the DA was enough of a concern that the group distributed a memo to board members ahead of its Chicago meeting including suggested responses to questions about the club’s secretive rules and closed-press policy, as well as photos of reporters who it was feared might crash the Ritz shindig.

“The truth is political strategists and funders frequently gather to discuss their plans without inviting reporters to listen in,” said DA spokeswoman Stephanie Mueller. “The Democracy Alliance was organized to provide a forum for people with a shared set of principles to coordinate their resources more efficiently and effectively to achieve their common goals – it doesn’t represent a single industry or family, and doesn’t give money directly to organizations.”


When Freedom Partners convened the Koch donor network for its semi-annual seminar last week at the St. Regis in Dana Point, California, it bought out all the rooms at the hotel, and security ushered reporters off the premises.

“High levels of security, concealment, deception and oaths of silence — that doesn’t sound anything like a typical conference,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday in his latest speech from the Senate floor condemning the Kochs. “It sounds more like a cult. But instead of being a religious movement or a secret sect, this is a cult of money, influence and self-serving politics. This is the cult of Koch.”

Yet Reid’s colleagues and allies up to and including Vice President Joe Biden have attended DA meetings, which can be similarly secretive. Though reporters aren’t always barred from them entirely, they aren’t exactly made to feel welcome, either.

DA board members were warned before the meeting in Chicago that reporters might stake out the meeting and were given a list of about 20 journalists — including photos — to watch out for. POLITICO obtained the list, which included four of its own journalists, including this reporter, as well as Jennifer Haberkorn, Tarini Parti and Byron Tau.
• Voter data: Soros and other DA backers laid the seed money in 2005 for the for-profit company Catalist, which pioneered the privatization of political data. Late last year, he committed an additional $2.25 million to Catalist, which is now seen within the tech community as lagging behind other Democratic outfits, though the DA briefing boasts that “conservatives are investing heavily to catch up in this area, using Catalist as a model.” Koch-related nonprofits have poured at least $24 million into Themis, a voter database now considered the class of the conservative data universe.
• Hispanic voter outreach: The DA in the 2014 cycle expects to steer $3.9 million from its donors (out of a total $6.2 million budget) to the Latino Engagement Fund, which is working with other groups to register 250,000 new voters in eight key states, while Freedom Partners in 2012 donated $3.1 million to the LIBRE Initiative, which has aired anti-Obamacare ads targeting Latino voters.
• Millennial outreach: The DA expects to steer $1.7 million to the Youth Engagement Fund, which aims to register 200,000 voters in nine key states and to “conduct millennial polling research to craft effective messaging that demonstrably improves organizations’ ability to engage and mobilize young people.” Freedom Partners in 2012 donated $5 million to Generation Opportunity, which has spent heavily on ads and other outreach urging young voters to oppose Democratic politicians and policies.
• Women voter outreach: The DA expects its donors to give $2 million to the Women’s Equality Center, which plans to push to “increase turnout among low-propensity women voters in the 2014 elections in 10 states,” according to the briefing, while Freedom Partners in 2012 gave $8.2 million to Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, which pushes to elevate conservative social issues.
• Ground organizing: DA partners have donated at least $1.87 million to Organizing for Action, the nonprofit created to mobilize activists to support Obama’s agenda, which appears on pace to meet a $19 million 2014 fundraising goal. Americans for Prosperity, the most aggressive political group in the Koch network, plans a 2014 budget of more than $125 million, which will be spent on everything from ground organizing to television ads bashing Democrats.
• Judicial advocacy: The DA predicts its partners will provide $1.5 million of the projected $4.7 million 2014 budget of the American Constitution Society, which last year helped get “five members of ACS network confirmed to federal bench, including three of four new D.C. circuit members,” according to the DA briefing. The Federalist Society, which advocates on conservative judicial issues, since 2010 has received $3.4 million in grants from foundations associated with donors in the Koch network.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5581 on: June 24, 2014, 12:09:55 AM »

Reminds me:
With today’s three unanimous opinions, the Court has been unanimous in 41 of the 62 cases decided after argument this term.  This means the Court will have been unanimous in a clear majority of cases decided this term no matter what happens next week.  This will be the first time the Court has been unanimous in a majority of argued cases in quite some time. And even were the Court to split 5-4 in all of the remaining cases, this would account for only one-quarter of the Court’s decisions from this term.

Human Snorenado

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5582 on: June 24, 2014, 01:08:03 AM »
So what the fuck is the conspiracy.

The initial conspiracy was that the IRS was only "targeting" conservative groups, but that turned out to be a lie pushed by Darrell Issa. As for why it still persists...well...a BLACK BLACK BLACKETY BLACK BLACK Democrat is still in the White House, is why.


Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5584 on: June 24, 2014, 09:03:15 AM »

Which is why all money, regardless of its source, needs to get out of politics.

"While Harry Reid demonizes conservative billionaire donors, George Soros!"


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5585 on: June 24, 2014, 09:46:44 AM »
Although Islam has a religious component, it is much more than a simple religious ideology. It is a complete geo-political structure and, as such, does not deserve First Amendment protection."

-- Georgia congressional candidate Jody Hice (R)


Oh, this guy has a history of crazy talk:
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 09:49:38 AM by ToxicAdam »


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5586 on: June 24, 2014, 01:24:32 PM »
It is well known that the first amendment does not protect political speech. This is why tea party groups are careful to remain nonpartisan.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5587 on: June 24, 2014, 01:31:00 PM »
Don't republicans often essentially argue Christianity is a geo-political ideology?


  • Hail Hydra
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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5588 on: June 24, 2014, 01:49:55 PM »
We create a vacuum and it's being filled. And today, it's being filled by ISIS -- by Sisi (ph) from Syria.

What does the (ph) indicate here? I've never seen that before.

I'm guessing the ph stands for phonetics, like they don't know what the proper/official spelling is so they did their best guess based on how it sounds.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5589 on: June 24, 2014, 01:51:10 PM »
Sisi is Isis spelled backwards  :ohhh


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5590 on: June 24, 2014, 02:24:14 PM »

Which is why all money, regardless of its source, needs to get out of politics.
I agree, but will make a moderate compromise, cut the expense side of the budget by 10% every year (and taxes and fees by 8%) until it's zeroed out.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5591 on: June 24, 2014, 02:25:56 PM »

Which is why all money, regardless of its source, needs to get out of politics.
I agree, but will make a moderate compromise, cut the expense side of the budget by 10% every year (and taxes and fees by 8%) until it's zeroed out.



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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5592 on: June 24, 2014, 02:31:41 PM »
Fine fine, 20%/16% a year. But I just don't think getting rid of all the money in politics at once will work out well.

Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5593 on: June 24, 2014, 02:33:48 PM »


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5594 on: June 24, 2014, 02:39:21 PM »
You did say "regardless of its source" cutie.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5596 on: June 24, 2014, 08:44:20 PM »
They searched for drugs and never found any.
Just proves that the perps had time to flush the evidence. If anything these parents should be in custody for endangering their children by moving them into a house with drugs and bad guys. "I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children."

EDIT: Dammit policeone, I thought I was going farther than you could:
Posted by timruns on Friday, May 30, 2014 09:29 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
    Lesson #1, don't live with meth dealers. The reporter states the mom knew there was "suspicious activity."
I had a warrant not long ago where we were told our house was not known to have firearms, dogs, or kids (the 3 things we note). There were guns and a dog. The CI and surveillance will only provide so much info. The rest is a risk -- by the officers and the people who live there and put themselves in that situation. There are no perfect scenarios.
Posted by mac114 on Friday, May 30, 2014 10:29 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
   OK, so "mom", or the egg donor if you prefer, stays at a residence known for drug dealing. Great decision on her part with the welfare of her children definately not her first priority. The family just hit the ghetto lotto and will get a check for this.
This is the type of story that the haters will pick up on and scream about the jack-booted police using excessive force and injuring children. The story about the two ofcrs pushing the vet home on his broken down scooter? CRICKETs.........
Posted by Kenstah on Friday, May 30, 2014 10:58 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
    Poor baby....hope he recovers from the injury and that he gets a fighting chance at a decent life, not looking good so far with present parentage or lack thereof.
Posted by PISCMARINE on Friday, May 30, 2014 12:20 AM Pacific    Report Abuse

...and's a shame that kid got injured because his parents were willfully stupid and put him in that situation!
Posted by dpsnarc on Friday, May 30, 2014 01:09 PM Pacific    Report Abuse
   In my opinion if the parents sell dope around their children they should be charged with endangering a child. I'm sure the raid entry team feels really bad about the child getting hurt.

The CI is burned to the ground and will need to watch his back.
Posted by 1904-vpd on Friday, May 30, 2014 07:28 PM Pacific    Report Abuse
    Yea, too bad about the kid.... However only one to blame is the D-Bag family, dont put your kid in a drug house.
Posted by BORDERMAN on Saturday, May 31, 2014 04:38 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
    As sad as this is this is not the fault of the Police. The scum bag mother is to blame here.
Posted by DJDUKE on Saturday, May 31, 2014 06:07 AM Pacific    Report Abuse


Posted by joe hoffman on Saturday, May 31, 2014 06:49 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
    While I'm generally not a fan of no knock warrants and it's heartbreaking to see that little boy's injuries, I have to say that I agree with BORDERMAN and DJDUKE here. Alecia Phonesavanh acknowledged that she was aware of "suspicious activity" going on inside the residence and she STILL let her family stay there. That makes her a lousy fucking parent and a lowlife piece of shit as far as I'm concerned.

The police did their homework for this assignment, but we all know there are sometimes unforeseen factors in these situations. While the officers will never be "in the right" on this one, there is more than enough blame to go around for the boy's injuries.
Posted by Smeared1 on Saturday, May 31, 2014 07:37 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
    It's too bad the Officers didn't use their psychic abilities to determine out of town visitors would be at the home at the time of the warrant execution. Here's the truth, the fault lies with the turd homeowner. HOWEVER, the Dept will have to pay.
Posted by DJDUKE on Sunday, June 01, 2014 06:35 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
   Sorry, our department writes reports all caps, so I usually do everything in caps.

I do have to say, that I don't have as much tactical experience as some of you, but my child has never stayed in a home were drugs were present. I would not associate with people who do drugs!! I have sheltered many a child for scum bag parents!!
Posted by Smeared1 on Monday, June 02, 2014 08:28 AM Pacific    Report Abuse
    @Kev360, perhaps the "unmarked" has xray vision? Maybe 24/7 surveillance in an FBI type surveillance van would provide enough intel after some time.....MAYBE. Still, would the knowledge that a child was present in the home change the no knock warrant? Would it change the tactical decision to use a flashbang? Maybe....maybe not. Alot of assumptions on your part. One thing still remains fact however...and that is that the true fault in this situation belongs to the home owner.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 10:19:22 PM by benjipwns »

Joe Molotov

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5598 on: June 24, 2014, 09:24:38 PM »
I'd move to a safer neighborhood, like one were the constant gang shootouts and drive-bys keep the cops away.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5599 on: June 24, 2014, 09:27:26 PM »
I'd move to a safer neighborhood, like one were the constant gang shootouts and drive-bys keep the cops away.

Thug Protection TM. Call now and receive a free ratchet.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5600 on: June 24, 2014, 09:54:37 PM »
MS senate run off was today. Seems like it's gonna be tight
@Redistrict 3m

Turnout up 61.9% (!) in heavily black Humphreys Co., Cochran winning w/ 79%. Up 61.2% in nearby Sharkey Co, Cochran at 82%. #MSSEN

wow. I figured Cochran would see an increase but I'm shocked his black vote strategy has worked so well. I understand democrat strategists are furious about this, since they believe McDaniel would be an easier opponent to defeat in November...but honestly I want to see McDaniel lose bad tonight. His ties to racist groups alone are reason to make sure he doesn't get within an inch of the United States senate. If Cochran wins I doubt he'll change his stance on many issues that benefit blacks, even though a win would be thanks to black votes, but I'd be fine with that instead of having McDaniel there.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5601 on: June 24, 2014, 11:05:39 PM »
Cochran wins!  :lol :lol :lol :rejoice

Tea Party :piss2

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5602 on: June 24, 2014, 11:10:51 PM »
Can't wait to see all the Tea Party freakout tomorrow over Cochran using African American Democrats to help him steal the election.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5603 on: June 24, 2014, 11:25:14 PM »
Looking Good for McDaniel
By  Henry Olsen
June 24, 2014 10:15 PM

Cochran is gaining votes in the Delta, but he’s running behind his June 3 performance in the northeast and most other non-Delta counties. In two counties (Wilkinson and Amite) in the SW of the state where results are in, McDaniel won with larger percentages and higher turnouts than on June 3. When Jones and DeSoto start reporting large numbers, Thad’s lead will evaporate. It will be close, but as of now I think McDaniel wins by 1-3 points.

Scott Wilson  des111168 • 27 minutes ago
The Republican senate candidate in one of the deepest red states has just been selected by Obama voters.

Richard Reed • 17 minutes ago
With 97% of the vote in, McDaniel is losing by just under 4300 votes. McDaniel would have won rather easily, had just Republicans voted. But Cochran's typical RINO, last minute trick of soliciting liberal Democratic voters to jigger the GOP primary (even though that is illegal in Mississippi, unless you plan to vote Republican in November) seems to have worked. The left has chosen our candidate for us in Mississippi.

The GOP Establishment, just like their lawless colleagues on the left, will use any corrupt trick to protect their privilege and position. For me, this is the last straw, as far as they are concerned.

This one warms my heart:
Matt E  Richard Reed • 13 minutes ago
I remember back in 2004 when I was young and naiive and used to like guys like Barbour and Karl Rove. These guys are evil SoB's - kind of like the Chamber of Commerce. Too many low information voters. Too many people don't understand the stakes.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5604 on: June 24, 2014, 11:27:49 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5605 on: June 24, 2014, 11:45:09 PM »
reading those comments...actually it's an open primary, which means you can vote in either primary regardless of party, as long as you only vote in one. And in November you can then vote for anyone you want.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5606 on: June 24, 2014, 11:54:41 PM »
Quote from: Mississippi code of elections
No person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nominations made in the primary in which he participates.

But I can't find anything in there about actually enforcing it, so.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5607 on: June 25, 2014, 12:07:45 AM »
sheeit, ok. I thought it was completely open, unlike some of the dem primaries in 2008 where republicans were voting for Hillary to prolong the nomination process.

McDaniel can't run as a third party, the registration is closed. However he could run as a write in...which could potentially throw the race to the democrat (who is apparently electable according to what I've read).


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5608 on: June 25, 2014, 12:19:14 AM »
It is completely open, party loyalty oaths are unenforceable with a secret ballot and I would assume the Supreme Court probably would find them unconstitutional.

MS has a sore-loser law anyhow.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5609 on: June 25, 2014, 12:24:53 AM »
Sounds like he's gonna run as a write-in candidate after inevitably losing the legal challenge. He just refused to concede lol.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5610 on: June 25, 2014, 02:17:01 AM »
the Cheney and co talks about some huge nuke attack on the US sound more and more like their personally fantasy


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5611 on: June 25, 2014, 02:34:10 AM »
This MS thing is actually kinda interesting as it brings up all these old forgotten laws. The AG said this:
Crossover voting prohibited
Crossover voting is prohibited in the State of Mississippi. Crossover voting is defined as participation in the first primary of one political party and participation in the runoff primary of another party. Thus, a voter who cast his/her ballot in the Democratic Primary Election on June 3 is prohibited from casting his/her ballot in the Republican Primary Runoff Election on June 24, and vice versa. See MS AG Op., Brown (April 7, 1988).

And the Democratic Party actually attempted to find a way to enforce this law in their own primaries against crossover voting:

Quotes in the spoiler:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
In June 2003, the Mississippi State Democratic Party and Mississippi
State Democratic Party Executive Committee (collectively “MSDP”) asked the
state attorney general (“AG”) how the party could enforce § 23-15-575, which it
had not done before. The MSDP wanted to curtail alleged “party raiding” and
crossover voting “whereby voters in sympathy with one party designate
themselves as voters of another party so as to influence or determine the results
of the other party’s primary.”2 This practice is forbidden by the plain language
of § 23-15-575. The AG responded with an opinion (“Cole Opinion”) stating that
a party may challenge a voter in a primary only in accordance with Miss. Code
Ann. § 23-15-579, which outlines strict procedures for challenging a voter. The
AG stated further that a voter may be challenged only for the reasons listed in Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-571

According to the AG:
[W]e find nothing that would allow a poll worker, poll watcher or
another voter to ask a voter if he or she intends to support the
nominees of the party once the voter presents himself or herself to
vote. Challenges may be made . . . for the reason that the voter
does not intend to support the nominees of the party per Section 23-
15-575 . . .
If a challenge of a voter is properly initiated in strict accordance
with Section 23-15-579 and the voter then openly declares that he
or she does not intend to support the nominees of the party, the poll
workers could find the challenge to be well taken and mark the
ballot “challenged” or “rejected” consistent with the provisions of
said statute. On the other hand, if the voter openly declares his or
her intent to support the nominees, then a challenge is not proper
under Section 23-15-575.
. . . .
[W]e have previously opined that absent an obvious factual situation
such as an independent candidate attempting to vote in a party's
primary, the stated intent of the voter is controlling. . . . No past
action by a voter can form the basis of a valid challenge under
Section 23-15-571(3)(g) and Section 23-15-575.


In August 2003, the MSDP sought preclearance to implement the semiclosed primary system that § 23-15-575 allowed. The MSDP did not seek
preclearance to implement a closed primary system in which the voters must be
registered Democrats. Due to the vagueness of the party’s submission, the DOJ
could not understand what changes MSDP sought to effect, and it found the
party’s filing incomplete and not “ripe for review,” and warned that any changes
to voting procedures that the MSDP may have adopted were legally
unenforceable without preclearance.
he MSDP turned next to federal court, filing a complaint against
members of the Mississippi State Board of Election Commissioners
on the basis
that § 23-15-575 unconstitutionally infringes its First Amendment right of association.

The party asserts a First Amendment right to exclude nonDemocrats from participating in Democratic primaries. Most pertinent are its
requests for a judgment declaring Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-575 unconstitutional
and the AG’s  Cole Opinion inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s decision in
California Democratic Party v. Jones.
The MSDP also sought an injunction permanently restraining the state
defendants from: (1) conducting any partisan primary without affording the
MSDP reasonable opportunity in advance of that primary to exercise its rights
to define participation in that primary; (2) conducting any partisan primary
without (a) implementing a reasonable mechanism for that primary to effectuate
the MSDP’s exercise of its right to limit participation in that primary, and
(b) providing a means for the MSDP to verify who participated in its primary
and communicate with its supporters and members who identified themselves
by participating in the primary; and (3) encouraging or facilitating, directly or
indirectly, party raiding by Republican and independent voters in connection
with any partisan primary except to the extent expressly authorized by the
MSDP for that primary.


In its cross-motion, the MSDP disclaimed authority to hold a closed
primary under § 23-15-275 because there is no party registration in Mississippi
and no way to verify whether a prospective primary voter “intends” to support
the same party in the primary and the general election. The MSDP further
argued that its claims were ripe for judicial review because it has no means to
enforce § 23-15-275, and the issue of the statute’s constitutionality affects past
and future primaries.


The party unquestionably pleaded a constitutional injury by alleging that
Mississippi’s semi-closed primary statute requires it to associate with members
of the other party during its candidate-selection process.


MSDP primarily relies on the Fourth Circuit’s opinion in Miller to support
its argument that it has standing. In that case, a local GOP organization sought
a declaration that Virginia’s open primary law violated its First Amendment
right of association.  Miller, 462 F.3d at 316. The GOP amended its “Plan of
Organization” to exclude voters who participated in the nomination process of
another party within the preceding five years before the primary.  Id. at 314.
The Fourth Circuit, reversing the district court, held that the GOP had standing
because Democratic “party raiding” was inevitable and the GOP had to know
what process would govern candidate selection.
MSDP contends that, like the GOP in Miller, it has standing to challenge
a statute that produces imminent harm by altering the nature of its candidate
selection process.  See Clingman, 544 U.S. at 600, 125 S.Ct. at 2043 (O’Connor,J., concurring) (“[T]he choice of who will participate in selecting a party’s
candidate obviously plays a critical role in determining both the party’s message
and its prospects of success in the electoral contest.”). But  Miller is
distinguishable because while the GOP had made and attempted to implement
plans to hold closed primaries, the MSDP has done neither.


It is certainly conceivable, for instance, that the party’s mere public
announcement of its intent to challenge suspected non-Democratic voters would
discourage raiding attempts. Further, the party admitted in discovery that it
was unaware of any primary voters who did not support Democratic Party
principles or intend to support the party’s nominees. In sum, while it might be
true that § 23-15-575 permits party raiding, the existence and extent of such
raiding are factual questions that cannot be assessed until MSDP has made
some effort to enforce the existing law. Only after § 23-15-575 has been enforced
can the novel legal issue of its effect on the MSDP’s associational rights be
compared with the blanket primary at issue in Jones.

Now I'm not so sure that McDaniel doesn't have some kind of a tiny case to try and throw out any crossover votes if they can somehow identify them. (EDIT: MS uses separate ballots for each parties primary.)

This crossover voting thing has been such a big deal in Michigan they changed the law to block it, then changed the law to allow the parties to decide and the parties went back and forth for cycles before they finally decided to change the law and make them open primaries around 2000. But the best part is that BOTH parties actually have a convention to determine who primary candidates can be. (Or at least used to, I know GOP still does.)

But I'm a dorkus who has found it interesting how the primary vs. party establishment battles have been going on for over a century now and the closest thing to a possible "solution" is the Republicans plan (if they're still going to try it, haven't checked on that) for their next Presidential Primary which if it works might actually succeed in making the primaries relevant but also better controlled by the party.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 02:51:48 AM by benjipwns »

Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5612 on: June 25, 2014, 08:05:03 AM »
the Cheney and co talks about some huge nuke attack on the US sound more and more like their personally fantasy

We saw what they could get done because of 19 guys with box cutters, imagine what kinds of laws they'd get passed if an American city got blasted to hell.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5613 on: June 25, 2014, 09:04:03 AM »
Crossover voting law  :lol

They should just have a law that blacks can't vote in gop races.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5614 on: June 25, 2014, 04:36:02 PM »
Glenn Beck got really ticked off at Republicans today over the defeat of Chris McDaniel to Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran. How pissed was he? While his radio show was going on, Beck (who did his show remotely from his ranch today) jumped off for a minute to walk outside and shoot his rifle.


Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5615 on: June 25, 2014, 05:21:53 PM »
de Blasio finally settled with the Central Park Five [$1 million per year in prison]; Donald Trump is still furious about it, although for different reasons this time:

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5616 on: June 25, 2014, 05:54:31 PM »
Nate Silver @NateSilver538

Without an increase in vote from Democratic-leaning, African-American counties, Cochran would have lost by ~8%.


Steve Contra

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5617 on: June 25, 2014, 06:04:07 PM »
Get mixed up with neo-confederate groups brehs :neogaf


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5618 on: June 25, 2014, 07:59:03 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5619 on: June 25, 2014, 08:04:11 PM »
No lies detected. If you were black and from Mississippi, what would you think when you heard "extremist republican candidate sending election observers to polls to prevent fraud"? Let me answer that for you:



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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5620 on: June 25, 2014, 08:09:59 PM »
Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) defended the constitutionality of his plan to restore the voting rights of some felons, making an argument for the authority of Congress to regulate federal elections that is analogous to his theory for why he can run for president and reelection to the Senate simultaneously.

Paul invoked the Supreme Court’s decision invalidating an Arizona attempt to add a requirement to how people register to vote in federal elections. “The Supreme Court in the Arizona case said that Arizona could not add additional regulations to federal elections but they could to state elections,” Paul told reporters Wednesday. “So the Supreme court said state and federal essentially are different jurisdictions. So, federal elections, congress does have jurisdiction. We wouldn’t be affecting state voting rights.”

Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that Arizona could not “requir[e] a federal form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself,” as Justice Antonin Scalia wrote.

“If the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Arizona case is concluded out you’d actually have two ballots,” Paul said. ”It’d be a little weird, but, you’d have a federal ballot and a state ballot and there’d be different rules. I don’t think state legislatures are allowed to legislate on federal ballots, and the federal is not on the state, but I think we are allowed to make restrictions on what the rules are for voting for federal ballots.”

Paul’s argument in this case is analogous to the one his team is making against a Kentucky law that bans a candidate from running for two electoral offices at the same time.

“I hadn’t thought of that, but maybe there is a little bit of analogy,” the prospective presidential candidate allowed. “The Supreme court said Washington state could not pass a term limit on federal legislators because that would make them different from the rest of the states. It would probably be the same with regard to someone running for president.”

The Zman • 2 hours ago
This another example of why you can never trust libertarians. Of all the pressing issues facing the country, this guy picks felon voting to champion. Maybe he was concerned that he had not secured the wacko vote and decided this was the winning issue.

The Doctor  The Zman • 2 hours ago
Are we sure he's really a libertarian, and not an agent from the looney-left trying to screw things up for conservatives again?
Jalamanta • 2 hours ago
Rand Paul: Establishment RINO/Democrat/Socialist/Communist
Amatorem Veritatis  Combat Override • an hour ago
The Founders had a vigorous and legitimate debate regarding the appropriate basis for earning the privilege to vote, including whether women, felons and those who are not property owners have the requisite sense of responsibility to exercise the vote. They got it right regarding women & felons, and should have also required property ownership as well. Things have been going to Hell since women received the franchise (truth sometimes is painful, Sweetie), and we can certainly see the effects of those who have no sense of ownership regarding their time, talent and treasure. Adding convicted felons only makes a bad situation worse.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5621 on: June 25, 2014, 10:20:48 PM »



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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5622 on: June 25, 2014, 10:29:16 PM »
"Establishment Communist"?

Is that what Cheezmo and his crew call me behind my back?  :goty2

Joe Molotov

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5623 on: June 25, 2014, 10:29:42 PM »
PD, how much did you get paid for that ad?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5624 on: June 25, 2014, 10:48:18 PM »
hey maybe black people should walk around with automatic weapons and intimidate people, I'm sure it'll be ok oh wait

Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5625 on: June 26, 2014, 09:12:13 AM »
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Wednesday confirmed he's planning on filing a lawsuit to challenge the Obama administration's executive actions.

"I am," he told reporters. His intentions were leaked on Tuesday afternoon.

Boehner didn't provide details on which executive actions he'd challenge, saying, "When I make that decision, I'll let you know." He said that "when there's conflicts like this between the legislative and administrative [sic] branch it's our responsibility to stand up."


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5626 on: June 26, 2014, 03:55:12 PM »
"I'm suspect," Dr. Keith Ablow said Thursday on "Outnumbered" as the US men's national team faced off against Germany. "I am suspect because, here's the thing. Why, at a time when there are so many national and international issues of such prominence -- I'm a little suspicious of yet another bread-and-circus routine. Let's roll out the marijuana, pull back the laws, and get people even more crazy about yet another entertainment event."

Ablow's four female co-hosts weren't buying it, interrupting him with protests of "what?" and "what's wrong with you?"

"This is a way to distract people," Ablow continued. "This is like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup --"

"What are you talking about?" interjected Kimberly Guilfoyle, who said her son plays soccer. "This is encouraging for kids to get out and play sports, and you can play soccer from a young age."

Ablow continued to insist he found it odd that "people are playing games more than ever" when there are other pressing issues to pay attention to. He didn't enumerate what those issues may be.


Joe Molotov

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5627 on: June 26, 2014, 04:03:08 PM »
There wasn't a World Cup last year, now this year there suddenly is one, right when Obama is finally starting to face some criticism? Seems pretty convenient.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5628 on: June 26, 2014, 10:34:09 PM »
Obama is such a genius he somehow conspired to create a world footballing event before he was even born in order to throw people off whatever it his he is supposed to be concentrating on other interational issues.

It's weird that only Soccer has this distracting ability and all traditional US sports don't seem to cause any sort of issues even though we are reminded that Soccer (short for Socialist Cancer) is not popular and Americans hate it ... except Obamsy because he's a Kenyan Muslim Communist Europig i guess - bet he's at home watching it every night. Lazy.


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5629 on: June 26, 2014, 10:58:45 PM »
the La Crosse Jai Alai Championships in October to distract from the midterms is going to be even more exciting.

Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5630 on: June 27, 2014, 08:36:05 AM »
“The suit is a stunt,” Obama told ABC New's George Stephanopoulos in an interview during a visit to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

“You notice that he didn't specifically say what exactly he was objecting to,” he added. “I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing."

"The majority of the American people want immigration reform done," he said. "We had a bipartisan bill through the Senate, and you're going to squawk if I try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority? While you're not doing anything?"


Phoenix Dark

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5631 on: June 27, 2014, 11:58:02 AM »
Lorie described one precinct where a “little sixteen year-old blonde female” McDaniel supporter was holding a sign and older men would drive by and threaten her.

did I hear a feint whistle?


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5632 on: June 27, 2014, 12:46:22 PM »
Just proves that you're the real racist if you can hear the whistle!

Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5633 on: June 27, 2014, 12:49:14 PM »
Lorie described one precinct where a “little sixteen year-old blonde female” McDaniel supporter was holding a sign and older men would drive by and threaten her.

did I hear a feint whistle?

The state legislature is controlled by Republicans, they could have changed the open vote rules if they really wanted to. :heh

Eric P

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5634 on: June 27, 2014, 02:27:14 PM »
well damn

The highly contentious Republican Senate primary in Mississippi turned extremely tragic today following incumbent Thad Cochran's narrow victory over a tea party challenger. Mark Mayfield, an attorney and the vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party, was found dead today of an apparent suicide. The 58-year-old was arrested last month and charged with conspiracy in an alleged plot to photograph Cochran's ailing wife for political use in the campaign.

The felony charges came when Mayfield allegedly worked with conservative blogger Clayton Kelly and a local elementary school teacher to help candidate Chris McDaniel by obtaining footage of the senator's wife in a nursing home. Cochran defeated McDaniel in a run-off on Tuesday.

Mayfield reportedly died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. "This is a terrible tragedy that shouldn't have happened," his lawyer told Reuters.

Trent Dole

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5635 on: June 27, 2014, 03:45:46 PM »
Fucker's existence was a tragedy but fortunately now it's over. :teehee


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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5636 on: June 27, 2014, 04:31:36 PM »
Hasn't every cruz/palin backed candidate lost so far?

Great Rumbler

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5637 on: June 27, 2014, 06:10:19 PM »
On Tuesday, Timothy Ray Murray (pictured) challenged longtime incumbent Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) for the Republican nomination in Oklahoma's 3rd Congressional district. Murray lost, but he did manage to pull in 3,442 votes, good for 5.2 percent of the total. Now Murray says he will contest the outcome of the election. Because, he says, Lucas is dead and has been replaced by a "look alike."

"The election for U.S. House for Oklahoma’s 3rd District will be contested by the Candidate, Timothy Ray Murray," Murray wrote in a press release posted on his campaign website. "I will be stating that his votes are switched with Rep. Lucas votes, because it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike."

On the website, Murray claims that Lucas and "a few other Oklahoma and other States’ Congressional Members," were executed "on or about" Jan. 11, 2011 in southern Ukraine.

"On television they were depicted as being executed by the hanging about the neck until death on a white stage and in front of witnesses," the website claims. "Other now current Members of Congress have shared those facts on television also. We know that it is possible to use look alike artificial or manmade replacements, however Rep. Lucas was not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time."



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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5638 on: June 27, 2014, 06:14:36 PM »
Lose a primary to a Life Model Decoy, breh.

Joe Molotov

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Re: RETURN TO IRAQ: THEY SAVED CHENEY'S BRAIN! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #5639 on: June 27, 2014, 06:30:06 PM »
Frank Lucas, also known by his birthname Franz Soetoro...