WTF kind of banana republic shit is this? 
I am not opposed to proper asset seizure powers
in theory. Attacking the proceeds of crime is an appropriate goal, as it hits organized crime at its core.
But when I read some shit about how it is carried out in practise, especially and specifically this little gem:
Half of the seizures were below $8,800.
I go....."Really? Fucking
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing saying that $5,000 being driven around
can't be the proceeds of crime, that there weren't indicators/grounds for it being proceeds, but....
Seriously?! Fucking
half of all asset seizures under this law in the past 13 years have been under 8k?
Sure, someone driving around with 4k in their glove compartment is automatically an idiot, but with such a low amount, how on
earth do you have the grounds to demonstrate criminal intent with that? Enough to seize it? Really?
If it's the result of solid policework, I have no issues with it. But that $8k average seizure, combined with a 41% return rate on cases where it is challenged, makes even me go "C'mon son."