The Red Army was astonished at the living standards of 1930-40's Eastern Europe when they were raping and pillaging it, the Kitchen Debate was in the 1950's, by the 1970's the Soviet elite themselves were admitting shit was all fucked up and Brezhnev was senile. That's around the time they didn't make any toothbrushes in the entire Union because somebody forgot to put it in the Plan. The Soviet economy had already fully collapsed by the late 1970's. They were being shown up in total consumer goods by lesser Warsaw Bloc nations ffs. The numbers for production were made up and nobody knew the truth about anything in the entire nation, worse than under Stalin because Stalin would kill you when he found out, Brezhnev would give himself another medal. Skimming off the top was even more prevalent without the..."enforcement" mechanisms the Soviets had previous.
One of Reagan's favorite jokes: "they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work."