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seagrams hotsauce

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7440 on: November 05, 2014, 03:02:38 AM »
Can someone explain to me how I voted in the last presidential slash whateverthefuck last years election was and am now somehow not registered to vote?

Human Snorenado

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7441 on: November 05, 2014, 03:03:32 AM »
Are you black?


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7442 on: November 05, 2014, 03:47:49 AM »
Are you poor?


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7443 on: November 05, 2014, 08:01:50 AM »
Christ AIA is the worst poster on this board

Not when Squiddy/Methodis post here. No.

I don't get why he supports a party that has shown they don't have his interests in mind due to his race in general, but I can't blame him for it. Just like I can't blame "log-cabin republicans" for viewing things like the crazies in the GOP despite them having a venomous hate toward the log-cabins (of course this is slowly breaking).

Also AIA: Himu's comment was more "why are you conservative" more than "why do you support the GOP." At least that's how I read it.

I think that's a very slanted liberal viewpoint being fostered by the media. As a black man who has some assets, I look at what is best for my children, not myself.

My generation of moderate minority conservatives is right around the corner. We are more numerous than you think, and we have no issue with the gay population at all.

We want stricter laws against immigration.
We want more opportunities for the less privileged minorities that are earned, not given
We want the federal government to reduce taxes across the board, not just the rich
We want a stronger military
We want everything pegged to the dollar again
We want complete educational reform
Fuck highways, build better schools
We want more higher paying jobs created by tax relief and if need be, pegged to it.
We want small business to thrive again, bring back the mom and pop hardware stores we've lost the last 16 years


I am not George Bush. I don't want to be George Bush but I appreciate some of the things he worked towards.

TL/DR    Republicans in 2020 will start trending towards a middle viewpoint while liberals turn more and more into borderline communism. I don't need you to tell me how to live my life, I need you to protect my interests.

We're here and we've been through more shit than you. And we aren't going away.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 08:12:19 AM by Am_I_Anonymous »


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7444 on: November 05, 2014, 08:23:51 AM »
Connecticut holding that line ,

unfortunately, that line is still Connecticut.  :goty2


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7445 on: November 05, 2014, 08:35:09 AM »
Connecticut holding that line (Image removed from quote.),

unfortunately, that line is still Connecticut.  :goty2



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7446 on: November 05, 2014, 08:42:57 AM »
All that time, money and effort spent in turning Walker, Brown and Kasich into villains and all three won thier elections.



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7447 on: November 05, 2014, 08:43:37 AM »
All that time, money and effort spent in turning Walker, Brown and Kasich into villains and all three won thier elections.




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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7448 on: November 05, 2014, 09:10:35 AM »
:comeon if there is going to be any communism in america, it's sure not coming from the Democratic Party.

Sure it isn't.  Obama increased spying on his own citizens and turned the TSA into a form of federal enforcement (pulling people over on the highway, wtf?).....

But I suppose you will say "Oh bush started it" and you're right, but at least he told you about it.



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7449 on: November 05, 2014, 09:13:26 AM »
:comeon if there is going to be any communism in america, it's sure not coming from the Democratic Party.
turned the TSA into a form of federal enforcement (pulling people over on the highway, wtf?).....

a problem so widespread that even theblaze picked up on it


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7450 on: November 05, 2014, 09:17:41 AM »
So you see no issue with spying on your own citizens and having us need Snowden to find out?

You see no issue with the TSA acting as state owned highway enforcement?

You don't see how this effects your individual freedoms?


In addition, socializing healthcare without taking the time to actually understand how it works wasn't a good idea.

PS: Your 280 dollar a month healthcare is about to jump up about 200% if you're in the unions...but that's cool right?

Also more people receive FEDERAL support than ever in history (even during the depression)  Someone under the thumb is less likely to speak out against impinged rights. That's just common sense.

I don't like it.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7451 on: November 05, 2014, 09:20:17 AM »
Are you going to answer the question? Are those things communism?

They are definitely the path towards it, yes. And we sit here on our hands and let it happen.

Oh and you know what IS communism? How the federal government has fucked with the news outlets. Unbearable.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7452 on: November 05, 2014, 09:25:39 AM »
No, that's not communism either.

One just does not simply "go" communist. Roads must be paved first. Even you have to admit there are definitely some avenues that have been created that could be utilized to control personal freedoms.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7453 on: November 05, 2014, 09:27:07 AM »
slippery slope arguments, how "bush" league 


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7454 on: November 05, 2014, 09:28:51 AM »
slippery slope arguments, how "bush" league



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7455 on: November 05, 2014, 09:31:48 AM »
:heh at any rate, I think the notion that the United States' Democratic Party will start drifting toward the abolishment of private property as an end by 2020 is a pretty ambitious prediction.

Why. they already are. Your cell phone calls are no longer personal.

Well, at least they told us.....Oh wait.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7456 on: November 05, 2014, 09:39:55 AM »
Your cell phone calls are no longer personal.

not sure what youre talking about, my obama phone works great  :yeshrug


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7457 on: November 05, 2014, 09:41:47 AM »
Why do you want a stronger military, AIA? Our military is already strong enough and saps up tremendous amount of resources from other programs. I want America to cut the military budget in half, and funnel the rest towards education and science.

Mom and pop stores died not from the government but from competition.

I'm also not sure there as many minorities who represent your views as you think there are. At the very least, if there are, I don't think they'll be voting for the republicans. Who knows.

And right now, the democrats are really far away from communism. If anything, the democrats - to this socialist - are the moderates you crave. They're not perfect, but they're moderates. Especially Obama. The republicans in 2014 are far, far away from moderation or a centrist position. You realize this, yes? And it will only get worse.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7458 on: November 05, 2014, 09:54:51 AM »
:heh at any rate, I think the notion that the United States' Democratic Party will start drifting toward the abolishment of private property as an end by 2020 is a pretty ambitious prediction.

Why. they already are. Your cell phone calls are no longer personal.

Well, at least they told us.....Oh wait.

The programs for spying were started under Bush. For a centrist surely you should realize that both parties have their hands dirty when it comes for this issue?

Positive Touch

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7459 on: November 05, 2014, 10:03:08 AM »
argue with a conservative and expect coherent answers :ufup

Phoenix Dark

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7460 on: November 05, 2014, 10:04:29 AM »
lol @ AiA pretending the establishment GOP doesn't fully support the NSA and civil liberty abuses. Every subsequent president will be worse on this issue. Obama is worse than Bush on it, and Clinton will be worse than Obama. Hell, she's out here praising Henry Kissinger like it's funny.

The libertarians won't topple the establishment anytime soon. Rand Paul seems to be attempting to move towards the establishment - why is he doing that? He knows who controls the purse. Same reason he suddenly supports foreign aid to Israel.

The future of the GOP is more extremism. I'll predict the future for you. Congress will work together with Obama to get a few things done, thus infuriating the far right. Another "moderate" republican will win the nomination in 2016 and get shitcanned by Hillary. And republicans will spend the next two years going insane while claiming the party wasn't conservative enough.

Great Rumbler

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7461 on: November 05, 2014, 10:16:13 AM »
I'm foreign, what's your excuse?

Jon Stewart's excuse was that he moved recently and couldn't be bothered to figure out where his local polling place was.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7462 on: November 05, 2014, 10:24:08 AM »
Once again solidifying Colbert superiority.


I'm a Puppy!

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7463 on: November 05, 2014, 10:24:38 AM »
So communistic my friends

Great Rumbler

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7464 on: November 05, 2014, 10:29:33 AM »
Jon Stewart came out later on his show and said that he actually did vote and what he said earlier on CNN about not voting was just a flippant joke, so don't get so upset, guys. :neogaf


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7465 on: November 05, 2014, 10:44:47 AM »
It's ok guys. Now that the gop has the majority in both houses, they have to govern. They can't sit back and do nothing and blame the dems anymore. They have to govern now and when the gop governs is when they are awful.
I'm glad Brownback won because now he gets to own it.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7466 on: November 05, 2014, 10:53:18 AM »
It's cute when people say that the US government is becoming more communist or at least socialist.  :heh

Live in a plutocracy where a good chunk of the population thinks the proletariat is bringing about communism, brehs. :goty2

Phoenix Dark

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7467 on: November 05, 2014, 11:22:32 AM »
I could sort of understand basic ignorance about complex socioeconomic systems in the 80s, but it's 2014 breh. You can google "communism" on your smartphone and learn something in no time.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7468 on: November 05, 2014, 11:23:49 AM »
Let's be honest, PD -- that's probably exactly what AIA did.  He just clicked on the wrong search result :noah

Steve Contra

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7469 on: November 05, 2014, 11:33:57 AM »
Yeah, anyone who thinks the democrats are ushering in socialism or communism is actually dumb in a real, objective sense of the word dumb. 

Also Brownback :dead I can't even fathom how he was voted in again

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Just kidding I can totally see why, see my first sentence

Great Rumbler

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7470 on: November 05, 2014, 11:47:42 AM »
Quote from: Rand Paul
I think that yesterday was a repudiation of Hillary Clinton.


Great Rumbler

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7471 on: November 05, 2014, 11:55:30 AM »
And here's the one chart that sums up the midterm:



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7472 on: November 05, 2014, 12:15:20 PM »
argue with a conservative and expect coherent answers :ufup

Not really, I just think it's healthy for people to be made fun of for using words they don't really know the meaning of.

(Image removed from quote.)

Oh my turn. I appreciate how intelligent and socially aware you are. It's just too bad you contribute nothing but "you should's" and "you shouldn't" to every conversation despite actually doing none of what you recommend.

Hey AiA you should help your people
I do, I run two charities and coach what do you do?
Play videogames, I have no time to or am I inclined to donate my money or time.
I see
I still help more than you because moral superiority breh


How Pat Robertson of you.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7473 on: November 05, 2014, 12:17:40 PM »

It's interesting if you look at the voter turnout over the past 50 years and you can see the effect the baby boomers had as they moved through the age groups. They were raised with a greater sense of civic duty (plus had the spectre of Vietnam as they hit voting age). They started voting as young people and kept voting all through their lives.

You wonder what happens when the baby boomers die off and Gen X becomes 60+ years old. I don't think you'll see similar participation rates (unless things really go to shit).

« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 01:03:40 PM by ToxicAdam »


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7474 on: November 05, 2014, 12:20:28 PM »
:rofl are you actually bragging to me about your charity work because I called you out on not knowing what communism is?

:ohhh and you know enough about me to assume I do no charity work?

I never said we were communistic. I said pathways are laid. You assume I think we'll be worshiping Stalin in 10 years. I don't like manipulation and we are chalk full of it. And again, the older conservatives want to control, not me.

I guess I really need my own party. The abortion is okay but fuck you taxes party.

Anyway as for contributing, just returning the favor since casting aspersions seems to be the thing today.

I also think you have a small penis.



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7475 on: November 05, 2014, 12:21:04 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

It's interesting if you look at the voter turnout over the past 50 years and you can see the effect the baby boomers had as they moved through the age groups. They were raised with a greater since of civic duty (plus had the spectre of Vietnam as they hit voting age). They started voting as young people and kept voting all through their lives.

You wonder what happens when the baby boomers die off and Gen X becomes 60+ years old. I don't think you'll see similar participation rates (unless things really go to shit).

This is just depressing. Nobody votes but everybody wants to be heard.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7476 on: November 05, 2014, 12:21:53 PM »
remember this?


Steve Contra

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7477 on: November 05, 2014, 12:25:00 PM »
All my charity work is for abortion access charities :lawd


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7478 on: November 05, 2014, 12:25:04 PM »
No, you said that the democratic party (or leftists) are making overtures towards communism. I think that's hilariously wrong, given that they consistently make moves to support big business. Liberalism and communism are two separate ideologies, fundamentally.

No idea what has you thinking about my penis, but that's interesting.

LOL just being a dick.

Anyway, I believe they are. We are entitled to believe what we want.

Also how exactly are you helping corporations?.....Pay attention they are moving overseas in droves.

Fact is neither side is helping us maintain our market share at present.

That's not some little guy either, that's a strongside F500.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7479 on: November 05, 2014, 12:29:36 PM »
Corporations moving because of overhead and tax reasons doesn't mean the democratic party isn't highly tied up in corporate interests. I'm kind of surprised you're making this argument since Republicans typically like to point out areas where the dems and big business/corporate finance interests overlap.

Because I own a business?

And Federally and Locally democrats who is who I deal with, especially locally)  do their level best to make that as hard as possible. When Obamacare fully sets in (funny how that was after these mid-terms, but that's another discussion) I am probably going to have to lay off a few employees. My costs are going to skyrocket.

And 6% doesn't sound like a lot, but if your average margin of profit is 18%, one can see how that effects our bottom line.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 12:34:27 PM by Am_I_Anonymous »


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7480 on: November 05, 2014, 12:43:38 PM »
But no matter how much you crank up the taxes and social problems,  that doesn't make you a communist. It's an attempt at using aspects of the market and state to address  income and class discrepancies. Thats still basically liberalism. communism addresses the problem of class strata by ending the concept of private property and making the means of production public.

I understand that. In order to facilitate this you need a collapse of the current system. Whether it be intentional or poor management. And trust me we are closer to collapse than we are to a surplus, unfortunately. People really don't understand that the middle class is holding on by threads now and those nice jobs aren't coming back quickly. And who really holds up this country? You got it, the middle class. 

It looks good on paper that Becky who use to make 60 grand a year at Corp X and then was laid off....went back to work at Corp T for 35,000 but it doesn't fix the problem. Becky's ecosystem of people she supported has now shrank.  And honestly we have shed so many middle class wages since Bush that the real problem in this country is reliance on government assistance from a whole segment who never had to previously which prohibits them spending on items that aren't necessity. The days of the 3 car family are about over.  This in turn causes shrinkage everywhere else...etc etc.

GM is a good example of this. Bad sales + poor management = Layoffs of people making decent living wages.

Not too mention we are flooding the market with overqualified applicants due to them staying in school to get a masters rather than seeking employment after graduation.

Hell the guy who does my law care has a master's degree. He can't find a job...and he's been looking for 3 years.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 12:50:07 PM by Am_I_Anonymous »


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7481 on: November 05, 2014, 12:51:01 PM »
I have no doubt that taxation and labor laws affect the rate of job creation in this country. That said, I'm not that tied up about it since automation is going to lay the axe to most of those jobs anyway, just a matter of time :yeshrug I also do not own a business.

We need to push to more tech oriented business models but retraining those over 40 would be a cost that even our printing money government could not sustain.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7482 on: November 05, 2014, 12:54:20 PM »


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7484 on: November 05, 2014, 01:11:58 PM »
Not a fan of these personal attacks. Especially on Esch who is just trying to argue the point that America isn't turning into a communist state.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7485 on: November 05, 2014, 01:17:03 PM »
Not a fan of these personal attacks. Especially on Esch who is just trying to argue the point that America isn't turning into a communist state.

They were made tongue and cheek sir. You'll see somewhere where I reference that. I like everybody here (except Squiddy, oh hell even squiddy)

I don't take politics personally.

Now football 

 :beli :beli


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7486 on: November 05, 2014, 02:15:49 PM »

Which one of you guys were spouting republican poll bias?

« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 02:37:08 PM by Am_I_Anonymous »


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7487 on: November 05, 2014, 02:58:33 PM »
America, where people vote for legal pot, abortion access, higher minimum wages... And republican representation?

 :lol wut


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« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 03:13:09 PM by sarslip »

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7489 on: November 05, 2014, 03:06:47 PM »
America, where people vote for legal pot, abortion access, higher minimum wages... And republican representation?

 :lol wut

last election the dems had 1/3 more votes cast for them, but repubs still got more seats. gerrymandering yall.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7491 on: November 05, 2014, 03:14:39 PM »  :patel

I imagine he's somewhere right now softly crying into his 1 dollar mcdonalds coffee while cursing out voters in North Carolina.

Joe Molotov

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7492 on: November 05, 2014, 03:38:39 PM »
When the new Senate convenes and Yertle the Turtle gets Ted Cruz's premission to be in change, Mitt Romney still ain't gonna be president. :patel


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7493 on: November 05, 2014, 03:39:02 PM »  :patel

I imagine he's somewhere right now softly crying into his 1 dollar mcdonalds coffee while cursing out voters in North Carolina.

i liked the post, but im still a combo  :fbm :umad right now


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7494 on: November 05, 2014, 03:39:28 PM »
It's ok guys. Now that the gop has the majority in both houses, they have to govern. They can't sit back and do nothing and blame the dems anymore. They have to govern now and when the gop governs is when they are awful.
I'm glad Brownback won because now he gets to own it.

Elected to not govern.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7495 on: November 05, 2014, 03:45:14 PM »
America, where people vote for legal pot, abortion access, higher minimum wages... And republican representation?

 :lol wut

Well it's like America is made up of 50 different countries so I makes sense

Steve Contra

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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7496 on: November 05, 2014, 03:46:56 PM »
I was just listening to people who voted for Brownback in Kansas being interveiwed.  Not a single one had any idea what was going in their state :dead

That's basically what the rest of the red states are going to look like soon.


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7497 on: November 05, 2014, 03:48:52 PM »
I was just listening to people who voted for Brownback in Kansas being interveiwed.  Not a single one had any idea what was going in their state :dead

That's basically what the rest of the red states are going to look like soon.

Come on man. It gets damn tiring that people who receive some edification by simply regurgitating talking points continue to think we conservatives are some goddamn cavemen.

Protip: Nobody is impressed you watch a lot of CNN or read the USA today.



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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7498 on: November 05, 2014, 03:51:06 PM »
good christ


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Re: PERMANENT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!!! Thread of American Politics
« Reply #7499 on: November 05, 2014, 03:53:27 PM »
good christ

100 bucks says if I ever came across you in public you couldn't name 15 senators. This intellectual superiority bullshit reminds me of my little girl when she fights with my son.

I'm right I'm right nah nah
*gets proven wrong
I'm right I'm right nah nah

On the bright side I finally found somebody on here I have no use for. So at least I have that going for me.