Christ AIA is the worst poster on this board
Not when Squiddy/Methodis post here. No.
I don't get why he supports a party that has shown they don't have his interests in mind due to his race in general, but I can't blame him for it. Just like I can't blame "log-cabin republicans" for viewing things like the crazies in the GOP despite them having a venomous hate toward the log-cabins (of course this is slowly breaking).
Also AIA: Himu's comment was more "why are you conservative" more than "why do you support the GOP." At least that's how I read it.
I think that's a very slanted liberal viewpoint being fostered by the media. As a black man who has some assets, I look at what is best for my children, not myself.
My generation of moderate minority conservatives is right around the corner. We are more numerous than you think, and we have no issue with the gay population at all.
We want stricter laws against immigration.
We want more opportunities for the less privileged minorities that are earned, not given
We want the federal government to reduce taxes across the board, not just the rich
We want a stronger military
We want everything pegged to the dollar again
We want complete educational reform
Fuck highways, build better schools
We want more higher paying jobs created by tax relief and if need be, pegged to it.
We want small business to thrive again, bring back the mom and pop hardware stores we've lost the last 16 years
I am not George Bush. I don't want to be George Bush but I appreciate some of the things he worked towards.
TL/DR Republicans in 2020 will start trending towards a middle viewpoint while liberals turn more and more into borderline communism. I don't need you to tell me how to live my life, I need you to protect my interests.

We're here and we've been through more shit than you. And we aren't going away.