So why do you doubt Hillary Clinton won't be able to do nearly the same thing? She won't excite black and Hispanic votes as much but it won't matter since she'll do better among white voters than Obama. She won't win whites, but she should perform 3-6% better than Obama.
I believe I already said Hilary will win next election. Then that'll be the end of democrats for 16 years...Cycle repeats......
ah my bad breh
I disagree. This is a great website: 2004. The problem today for the GOP boils down to demographics. Bush won with 286 EVs thanks to high Hispanic support in NV, CO, and NM. Today all three states have trended blue due to an enormous shift in Hispanic support. Bush out performed the previous GOP performance amongst Hispanics because he supported immigration reform, wasn't a bad Texan governor with respect to Hispanic issues, etc. Since then the party has shifted hard right on those issues.
If you take those three states away, the GOP is left with 267 EVs. Now take away Virginia, which has shifted blue due to an influx of black and Hispanic voters in N VA. Now look at 2012. Obama could have lost Ohio and Florida and still won the presidency. There simply isn't a viable EV path to victory for the current GOP.
Now look further into the future: Georgia's black vote is slowly beginning to catch up. It will be a purple state soon. Demographics could turn Arizona blue as well. Bottom line: the current GOP is fucked, just as democrats were fucked post 1964 due to demographics. It's going to take republicans time to react to this. They'll control the House for the next decade IMO, which means they'll continue to fuck over immigration reform thanks to hardcore conservatives in lily white districts. And the more they do that, the worse they'll do in states that determine the presidency.
Republicans need another financial disaster to win IMO. I thought it was gonna happen in 2012 but the economy improved. I could see another crash happening under Hillary, who will be another corporate dem. The fed is propping up the stock market, capitol is limited, meanwhile investors are once again propping up junk mortgages thanks to the housing rebound...