Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656034 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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The smirk makes it.  Like 'O got them now'. 


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I like the awkward lady staffer behind him.


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God I can't wait to emigrate from this place.

Madrun Badrun

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God I can't wait to emigrate from this place.

Just move to Florida if you don't want snow.

Phoenix Dark

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God I can't wait to emigrate from this place.

Bibi beckons you to the motherland.


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Bibi beckons you to the motherland.
Isn't that with Father Mike said?


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Why move to Cuba when I can move to Cuba with socialized medicine and classic cars out the wazoo?


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No internet according to Conan O'Brien.


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I think I speak for everyone at the Bore when I say that's a selling point for me.


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But I need you.

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Nobody "likes" my posts as much.

Joe Molotov

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But I need you.

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Nobody "likes" my posts as much.

Rational self-interest. Typical baka capitalist. :tsundere

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Outside of Ilf and Petrov, no one has made me consistently laugh on a purely intellectual level like you do.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8112 on: February 27, 2015, 06:56:46 PM »
Boner can't get it up

Shutdownpalooza II: Electric Boogaloo here we come!


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8113 on: February 27, 2015, 07:08:57 PM »
"a lawless president" :rofl

:piss Usono :piss2

Steve Contra

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8114 on: February 27, 2015, 07:11:33 PM »
If the Republicans stay on message and keep hammering Obama like this they'll get their wish and he won't be president come January 2017.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8115 on: February 27, 2015, 07:56:41 PM »
If the Republicans stay on message and keep hammering Obama like this they'll get their wish and he won't be president come January 2017.

Speaking of staying on message...

Great Rumbler

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8116 on: February 27, 2015, 10:56:20 PM »

CPAC 2015 has more than delivered so far.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8117 on: February 28, 2015, 12:57:05 AM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8118 on: February 28, 2015, 01:00:05 AM »

Trent Dole

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8119 on: February 28, 2015, 01:08:56 AM »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8121 on: February 28, 2015, 07:33:29 PM »
Will he swear in on the Tipitaka, or an Aqua EP? ???


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8122 on: March 01, 2015, 04:03:23 PM »
No one will talk about this waste of resources in 100 years; outside certain circles people don't even talk about Wickard v. Filburn and that case is relevant to a host of these ACA ambulance chasing exercises.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8123 on: March 01, 2015, 05:57:14 PM »
In 20 years, conservatives will denounce AP history for teaching about King vs. Burwell because it makes America look bad.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8124 on: March 01, 2015, 06:21:41 PM »
TPM has really gone to shit in the past few months (ok, it's been going for longer than that, but that was just an absence of quality pieces; now we have to contend with ACTIVELY HORRIBLE SHIT clogging up the fucking site)

It's these awful "idea pieces" that have been cropping up. God they're shit.


This is a handwringing BS piece of the sort you'd expect Andrew Sullivan to write

Pour one out for your dead homie; TPM had a good run of being relevant.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8125 on: March 01, 2015, 06:46:54 PM »
I'm probably butchering this, but it's an IWW slogan so the ansyns can :patel, but if striking wasn't the answer they wouldn't make it illegal.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8126 on: March 01, 2015, 10:18:07 PM »
TPM has really gone to shit in the past few months (ok, it's been going for longer than that, but that was just an absence of quality pieces; now we have to contend with ACTIVELY HORRIBLE SHIT clogging up the fucking site)

It's these awful "idea pieces" that have been cropping up. God they're shit.


This is a handwringing BS piece of the sort you'd expect Andrew Sullivan to write

Pour one out for your dead homie; TPM had a good run of being relevant.

Yeah, I can't read TPM these days. About the only Liberal wank I read anymore is Charles P. Pierce's blog on Esquire. Maybe drop by Dailykos and Balloon Juice once a week.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8127 on: March 02, 2015, 09:49:42 AM »
Remember the time protesters went to Scott Walkers house and he wasn't there but his parents were and Scott Walker valiantly defended them by going on Fox News to complain about people being mean to his parents. Profiles in Courage shit right there. :bow2

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8128 on: March 02, 2015, 10:21:23 AM »
TPM has been pretty boring ever since Brian Beutler left, but now it's straight up bad. I still visit daily because I like the editor posts, namely Josh Marshall's opinions on Israel/Bibi/etc. But I'm not really into the "5 reasons why x is in a bad spot" pieces that prop up. Also the liberal slant is more pronounced now. It's a liberal site I know, and I'm a liberal...but for instance they reported that Jeb Bush had a rough time at CPAC...whereas just about every other news site I read said he handled himself well, protests weren't as big as expected, etc.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8129 on: March 02, 2015, 10:40:43 AM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8130 on: March 02, 2015, 02:44:03 PM »
Throw TPM in the bushes, brehs. Read Media Matters, Al Jazeera America, and Mother Jones instead.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8131 on: March 02, 2015, 03:35:58 PM »
The mediaite comments section. :lawd Take your commenters and Dailykos/TP commenters and put them together and watch the magic happen. :aah


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8132 on: March 02, 2015, 04:27:59 PM »
Mediaite's comments on their opinion pieces are even better. Because there's at least ten dudes who have a hardon hatred for the writer, no matter what they post about. And they'll make like 90 posts responding to every other comment talking about how the guy eats shit or something.

I just go to this and click through:

You get vital stories like this:
Utah is considering a bill that would allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to be treated with edible forms of marijuana. If the bill passes, the state's wildlife may "cultivate a taste" for the plant, lose their fear of humans, and basically be high all the time. That's according to testimony presented to a Utah Senate panel (time stamp 58:00) last week by an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"I deal in facts. I deal in science," said special agent Matt Fairbanks, who's been working in the state for a decade. He is member of the "marijuana eradication" team in Utah.


Fairbanks said that at some illegal marijuana grow sites he saw "rabbits that had cultivated a taste for the marijuana. ..." He continued: "One of them refused to leave us, and we took all the marijuana around him, but his natural instincts to run were somehow gone."


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8133 on: March 02, 2015, 04:34:40 PM »
Devil's lettuce indeed.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8134 on: March 02, 2015, 04:58:01 PM »
I only get my news from trusted publications: People's Daily, People's World, and People Magazine.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8135 on: March 02, 2015, 05:23:56 PM »
looooooool :dead

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has turned away an appeal from same-sex marriage opponents in California who want to keep the identities of their campaign donors secret.

The justices on Monday let stand a lower court ruling against, the National Organization for Marriage and other supporters of a 2008 ballot initiative that outlawed same-sex marriages in California until the ban was overturned five years later.

The groups sought to conceal their past and future campaign finance records because they feared harassment of donors. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against them in part because the names have been publicly available for five years.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8136 on: March 02, 2015, 06:41:53 PM »
I only get my news from trusted publications: People's Daily, People's World, and People Magazine.
I see a specific shall we say Revolutionary newspaper missing...


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8137 on: March 02, 2015, 08:46:54 PM »
I only get my news from trusted publications: People's Daily, People's World, and People Magazine.
I see a specific shall we say Revolutionary newspaper missing...

Revolution's website is straight up GeoCities. :dead


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8138 on: March 02, 2015, 09:19:26 PM »
Anyone following this stupid Hilary story

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8139 on: March 03, 2015, 10:54:18 AM »
Anyone following this stupid Hilary story

Sounds serious. Not in terms of electoral consequences (she'll be fine) but in terms of being of being an abuse of government. It smells bad, government officials know they aren't supposed to do it - the fact that Hillary did it anyway, while also knowing she'd be running for president in a few years, strikes me as a problem. Either she didn't give a shit or the benefits outweighed the negative. I'd want to know what that benefit was.

Clinton cronyism.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8140 on: March 03, 2015, 11:37:39 AM »
I'd want to know what that benefit was.
It makes FOIA more difficult. Look at the EPA case.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8141 on: March 03, 2015, 11:40:36 AM »
but decent people wouldn't ... think of policy-making as a game.
Congress wishes to issue a protest.

There was an Arkansas law that if read literally would repeal all statutes in the state. Where was the moral pontificating about holding administrations to the clear letter of the law then?

Right, it didn't happen, because people were adults and not partisan hacks trying to advance a failed agenda through any means necessary.
Damn, missed opportunity.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 11:45:55 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8142 on: March 03, 2015, 11:48:30 AM »
benji for governor of Arkansas. :rock


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8143 on: March 03, 2015, 12:09:46 PM »
The plain text of the law has myriad instances in which FFEs are clearly referred to as exchanges established by the state. The plain text of the law says that if a state fails to establish its exchange by the deadline, the exact equivalent exchange is set up by the HHS.

The plain text of the law also seems to contradict itself if you go with the narrow definition of state exchange, and when that happens, we should settle on an interpretation that makes sense given the context of the law as a whole, which the plaintiffs' interpretation utterly fails at.

This is really going to get hung up on interpretation isn't it? At first I thought it was a bad joke.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8144 on: March 03, 2015, 12:10:46 PM »
If so, then why did they vote yes on it and why did the President sign it?
Because they were about to lose their 60 votes.

Steve Contra

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8145 on: March 03, 2015, 12:12:10 PM »
Reads the WSJ opinion page, argues with JayDubya.  Might be time for ol' Glen Shinobi to take an internet break.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8146 on: March 03, 2015, 12:14:04 PM »
Reads the WSJ opinion page, argues with JayDubya.  Might be time for ol' Glen Shinobi to take an internet break.

I have to agree and I sit firmly across party lines from most of you.

Look, this whole plan was never well thought out, executed, and pretty much was pushed through without a ton of review due to congressional seating changes. It's going to fail eventually, we can't afford it. However this isn't the way to go about it.

I guess I liken it to building a nice truck before they even approved a highway for it to drive on.

I'm just waiting for a president to adopt the House of Card's "Reform entitlements and eliminate social security" and actually mean it.

Honestly the math doesn't work in your favor here, we can't keep stuffing the cash drawer for this. I actually like the idea but the concept has always and will always be flawed. However that's another discussion.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 12:24:38 PM by Am_I_Anonymous »


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8147 on: March 03, 2015, 12:30:23 PM »
Is the purpose of law justice or order? If you believe it to be the former, then you cannot be a literalist. Unless of course you think things like multi-state simultaneous residency for income tax purposes (which is perfectly correct by the letter of the law) is just.

As someone unencumbered by logical thought and paid to generally poke holes in the dike built by society to shore up its own bullshit, I do appreciate legal literalism. My job would be exponentially less entertaining without it.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8148 on: March 03, 2015, 12:34:13 PM »
Is the purpose of law justice or order? If you believe it to be the former, then you cannot be a literalist. Unless of course you think things like multi-state simultaneous residency for income tax purposes (which is perfectly correct by the letter of the law) is just.

Sir I maintain a residence in Texas purely for the tex-mex and ancillary benefits of a warm climate. I assure you it has nothing to do with any type or form of taxation.

(They literally tell you to do this when you get to the professional level of sports)


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8149 on: March 03, 2015, 12:36:50 PM »
I realize you "living document" tards like to pretend the Constitution is sooooo old and sooooo complicated that it needs to be "reinterpreted" (read: insert whatever the fuck you want and pretend it's been there the wholetime)
Is this not how the judicial branch has operated since day 1? (Sincere question)


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8150 on: March 03, 2015, 12:36:58 PM »
Sir I maintain a residence in Texas purely for the tex-mex and ancillary benefits of a warm climate. I assure you it has nothing to do with any type or form of taxation.

(They literally tell you to do this when you get to the professional level of sports)

Conversely, I'm fairly certain that I'll still be a resident for California income tax purposes 15 years after I'm dead.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8151 on: March 03, 2015, 12:37:27 PM »
Conversely, I'm pretty sure that I'll still be a resident for California income tax purposes 15 years after I'm dead.

Now that's funny.   


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8152 on: March 03, 2015, 12:38:20 PM »
I realize you "living document" tards like to pretend the Constitution is sooooo old and sooooo complicated that it needs to be "reinterpreted" (read: insert whatever the fuck you want and pretend it's been there the wholetime)
Is this not how the judicial branch has operated since day 1? (Sincere question)

Nah, they operate according to who's party actually put them on the bench. This works up from the guys deciding how much to fine you for speeding up to the supreme court.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8153 on: March 03, 2015, 12:42:02 PM »
But moving on to a less stressful subject,

Which one of your democraps is going to tell me Israel is fucking over your party? Waiting for a 5000 word essay on that...oh wait GAF has that covered.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8154 on: March 03, 2015, 12:47:41 PM »
No thank you.  I'd rather continue pointing out why you're wrong.

You've been factually incorrect about multiple legal doctrines and don't seem to have a grasp of how policy is written or the fact that muddy text happens all the time.

You're more out of your depth here than I'd be trying to score a touchdown on AIA in his prime.

Applying interpretation to the written word is the job of our judicial system (and Valarai apparently), can't argue that. What I can say is that the person figuratively standing over them telling them how to do so is frightening.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8155 on: March 03, 2015, 12:49:24 PM »
But moving on to a less stressful subject,

Which one of your democraps is going to tell me Israel is fucking over your party? Waiting for a 5000 word essay on that...oh wait GAF has that covered.

5,000 words? If they can't do that in one sentence, then they shouldn't be talking politics to begin with.


Great Rumbler

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8156 on: March 03, 2015, 12:52:46 PM »
Fuck yes.  Although the very existence of a "" is absolutely revolting.

A government-maintained store front used exclusively by for-profit corporations? Yeah, forget about wars and stuff, that's the REAL tragedy.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8157 on: March 03, 2015, 12:53:02 PM »
But moving on to a less stressful subject,

Which one of your democraps is going to tell me Israel is fucking over your party? Waiting for a 5000 word essay on that...oh wait GAF has that covered.

5,000 words? If they can't do that in one sentence, then they shouldn't be talking politics to begin with.

LOL, can't argue with that response.

Here's my personal take. Despite saying it's "Not about the politics" Netanyahu is clearly about the politics. Israel is banking on a conservative president next election and are putting all their cards on it.

He gave a great speech (minus the stupid clapping, so tasteless) and was clearly targeting American Jewish (who typically vote Liberal) during it.

I'm obviously not on your side here, but again, lately politics is more humorous then seinfield with the thinly veiled attacks and all. Our parents are all passive aggressive trolls aren't they?


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8158 on: March 03, 2015, 12:55:38 PM »
No thank you.  I'd rather continue pointing out why you're wrong.

You've been factually incorrect about multiple legal doctrines and don't seem to have a grasp of how policy is written or the fact that muddy text happens all the time.

You're more out of your depth here than I'd be trying to score a touchdown on AIA in his prime.

Applying interpretation to the written word is the job of our judicial system (and Valarai apparently), can't argue that. What I can say is that the person figuratively standing over them telling them how to do so is frightening.

All I'm saying is that if they want to be consistent with established legal doctrines, they should rule in favor of the administration.

Hmmmm, sounds a little dangerous don't you think?

Steve Contra

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8159 on: March 03, 2015, 12:56:27 PM »
I'm curious when the big break with the Israel Right and American Jews is coming?  The older generation is dying off and no one I know has anything but contempt for Netanyahu and folks like him.