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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8400 on: March 18, 2015, 07:51:28 PM »
According to Lewandowski, “Apprentice” producer Mark Burnett personally called Trump to offer another season of the “Apprentice” but Trump turned him down.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8401 on: March 18, 2015, 07:55:50 PM »
He farred all dem genrals that twarnt gunna nuke charlestan when dey came ta git muh shootin' airns.   :'(

Gonna start sayin' SEP TEM BAH irl.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8402 on: March 19, 2015, 08:34:32 AM »
"I have a great love for our country, but it is a country that is in serious trouble. We have lost the respect of the entire world. Americans deserve better than what they get from their politicians – who are all talk and no action! I have built a great company, created thousands of jobs and built a tremendous net worth with some of the finest and most prestigious assets in the world – and very little debt! All Americans deserve the same opportunity. Our real unemployment rate is staggering while our manufacturing base is eroding on a daily basis. We must rebuild our infrastructure, control our borders, support local control of education, greatly strengthen our military, care for our veterans and put Americans back to work! We must stop other countries from totally taking advantage of our representatives who are being out-negotiated at every turn. I am the only one who can make America truly great again!"

He has a team of political advisers based in New York and he has hired staff in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Senior political adviser Corey Lewandowski, who is a Granite Stater, was hired in February.

Lewandowski cited Trump’s vision and leadership and called him a problem-solver.

According to Lewandowski, “Apprentice” producer Mark Burnett personally called Trump to offer another season of the “Apprentice” but Trump turned him down.

“Nobody in the history of television has turned down a renewal,” Lewandowski said in a phone interview with the Union Leader. “But Mr. Trump can do that.”

Fuck Trump


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8403 on: March 19, 2015, 10:38:36 AM »
You can't hate on Trump for being the truest republican in America AiA.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8404 on: March 19, 2015, 10:39:22 AM »
You can't hate on Trump for being the truest republican in America AiA.


Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8405 on: March 19, 2015, 10:43:43 AM »
dude was a democrat just a few years ago lol


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8406 on: March 19, 2015, 10:44:27 AM »
dude was a democrat just a few years ago lol

Dude has been an idiot for about 30 years.

He's the only guy who fucked up a football league AND a casino because of false he's got that going for him.



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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8408 on: March 19, 2015, 12:41:25 PM »
Looks like somebody there discovered Tumblr recently.

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8409 on: March 19, 2015, 01:09:21 PM »
About as effective as your grandpa trying out the "hip slang" of young millennials, and every bit as embarrassing.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8410 on: March 19, 2015, 01:13:31 PM »
About as effective as your grandpa trying out the "hip slang" of young millennials, and every bit as embarrassing.

To be fair they show more understanding of using gifs than Obama does of maintaining our position as the top economy in the world.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8411 on: March 19, 2015, 01:31:20 PM »
Obama tried but it was filibustered by congress.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8412 on: March 19, 2015, 01:35:51 PM »
Obama tried but it was filibustered by congress.


Or handed over to Pelosi to bumblefuck through.

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8413 on: March 19, 2015, 01:42:10 PM »
Then the keys got handed off to Boehner because he said that jobs was going to be his number 1 priority, but instead he held about 100 pointless repeal votes on Obamacare instead.

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Joe Molotov

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8417 on: March 19, 2015, 02:12:48 PM »


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8418 on: March 19, 2015, 02:21:17 PM »
I thought that was going to be a humor site link when I clicked it, not house dot fucking gov. :snoop

Dickie Dee

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8419 on: March 19, 2015, 02:49:29 PM »
CONCORD - Fourth graders from Lincoln Akerman School in Hampton Falls received a warm welcome at the State House last Thursday. They and their teacher, James Cutting, were guests in the Gallery.

That reception quickly turned chilly as students got a glimpse of the cold, harsh realities of politics in the Granite State.

In the spirit of learning by doing, students drafted a bill to learn the process of how a bill becomes law. They proposed House Bill 373, an act establishing the Red Tail Hawk as the New Hampshire State Raptor. Even though it passed through the Environment and Agriculture committee with a majority vote, some representatives were far from receptive.

Rep. Warren Groen, a Republican from Rochester said, "It grasps them with its talons then uses its razor sharp beak to basically tear it apart limb by limb, and I guess the shame about making this a state bird is it would serve as a much better mascot for Planned Parenthood."

That comment, considered offensive by many, was made while the fourth graders sat, watched and listened. The tough lesson didn't end there.

Rep. John Burt, a Republican from Goffstown said, "Bottom line, if we keep bringing more of these bills, and bills, and bills forward that really I think we shouldn't have in front of us, we'll be picking a state hot dog next."

In a 133-to-160 vote lawmakers killed the bill and perhaps the civic enthusiasm of some 9-and-10-year-olds.

:rofl :rofl :rofl



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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8420 on: March 19, 2015, 02:54:37 PM »
I couldn't imagine being so cynically butthurt all day everyday.

Phoenix Dark

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I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8423 on: March 19, 2015, 09:41:07 PM »
You see that terrrist writtin'? He's a terrist I tells ya!


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8424 on: March 20, 2015, 09:21:40 AM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8425 on: March 20, 2015, 10:11:47 AM »
Too Many Crooks


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Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8429 on: March 20, 2015, 07:29:27 PM »
I assumed that nuke rumor was somehow tied to the story about a nuke nearly detonating in NC in 1961. Maybe someone conflated the issues, threw Obama's name in there, modernized it, etc. But nope it's an entirely different ball of nonsense.



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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8430 on: March 20, 2015, 08:01:04 PM »
Quote from: Rep. Steven King
"Here's what I don't understand, I don't understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their President."

Being accused of disloyalty for not having an allegiance to a foreign country.  Odd times.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8431 on: March 20, 2015, 09:24:52 PM »
This isn't the first time Gentiles have bemoaned rootless cosmopolitanism. :larry

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8432 on: March 21, 2015, 11:33:44 AM »
Honestly. I was once called "unamerican" because I dared say that Israel was a plenty strong enough country to look after itself.

I guess leave it to the jews to have the best marketing.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8433 on: March 21, 2015, 01:29:22 PM »
The evangelical obsession with Israel reminds me of the witch fattening Hansel up. That endgame ain't pretty, brehs.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8434 on: March 21, 2015, 01:32:21 PM »
I think a lot of Americans mistakenly think of Israel as an American aircraft carrier, ergo not supporting it is not supporting America by proxy.

Please understand, these are people who objectify human beings to such a degree that the actualization of national self-determination is assessed by whether or not it facilitates the return of their god to judge the living and the dead like it's the Cadaver Synod outchea.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8435 on: March 21, 2015, 02:58:09 PM »
I overheard a German national, naturalized American who's old enough to know better (i.e. a pensioner) insinuate that President Obama would find a way to keep himself in the presidency after his term is up. :stahp

I still said Gruss Gott at introduction doe. :hitler


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8436 on: March 21, 2015, 03:29:29 PM »
:lol Is he the type that would vote AfD now?

Kohl was in power for 16 years. Is he old enough to remember Adenauer?


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8437 on: March 21, 2015, 03:36:13 PM »
From my napkin math the latest they could have been born was 1948 so Adenauer seems possible.

AfD struck me as a younger racist's racist party, and also not huge in Bavaria. Am I off the Deutsche Mark with that? (And you thought my currency puns were gone. :ufup)


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8438 on: March 21, 2015, 04:11:45 PM »
Hm, AfD skews towards middle class. Not sure about age actually... If he fears Obama might pull a Putin though I'd peg him as eurosceptic as well. And yeah, CSU still reigns supreme in Bavaria, so you're on the mark (sigh :goty ).


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8439 on: March 21, 2015, 07:49:32 PM »
I think a lot of Americans mistakenly think of Israel as an American aircraft carrier
America wouldn't bomb its own ships  :ufup

Joe Molotov

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8440 on: March 21, 2015, 08:01:43 PM »
I think a lot of Americans mistakenly think of Israel as an American aircraft carrier
America wouldn't bomb its own ships  :ufup

We bombed Charleston already, nothing's off the table. :bolo


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8441 on: March 21, 2015, 08:39:24 PM »
They fired on Fort Sumter first.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8443 on: March 22, 2015, 02:21:20 AM »
pretty early isn't it? but if all you want is a spotlight it's perfect.

For comparison Obama announced his candidacy in December 2007.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8444 on: March 22, 2015, 02:28:31 AM »
I think a lot of Americans mistakenly think of Israel as an American aircraft carrier, ergo not supporting it is not supporting America by proxy.

Please understand, these are people who objectify human beings to such a degree that the actualization of national self-determination is assessed by whether or not it facilitates the return of their god to judge the living and the dead like it's the Cadaver Synod outchea.

yeah, it's usually when reading theopolitical polemic from this camp that I start thinking "hmm, maybe the plot of xenogears wasn't so sophomoric after all"

Human Snorenado

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8445 on: March 22, 2015, 02:51:10 AM »
pretty early isn't it? but if all you want is a spotlight it's perfect.

For comparison Obama announced his candidacy in December 2007.

Gotta be first out of the gate.

I'm sure he saw that and was all, "Oh no you don't Rand Paul"

Human Snorenado

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8446 on: March 22, 2015, 03:00:43 AM »
Also, re: wingnuts views on Israel- TPM mostly sucks nowadays, but Josh Marshall had a really great turn of phrase for how the Thunderdome set views Jews: "yahwistic lawnjockeys, mascots for a certain type of militant defense policy and museum pieces in the historical imagination of right-wing Christianity."

Human Snorenado

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8447 on: March 22, 2015, 03:04:08 AM »
pretty early isn't it? but if all you want is a spotlight it's perfect.

For comparison Obama announced his candidacy in December 2007.

That is factually incorrect. He announced his candidacy the month before he won in Iowa?

This is like, the first result for "barack obama announces candidacy 2008" on google you fucking dunce. You'll note the date is May 2, 2007.

Are you EVER gonna stop taking L's from that election cycle?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8448 on: March 22, 2015, 03:34:13 AM »
Hey man it's late and a state of Mormons just fucked up my NCAA tournament bracket. I looked it up on YouTube and saw the video was posted in December 07. Now that I think about was quite a sunny day for December in Chicago.

I'll take my L. But at least I'm not Ted Cruz :heh


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8449 on: March 22, 2015, 11:53:12 AM »
I think a lot of Americans mistakenly think of Israel as an American aircraft carrier, ergo not supporting it is not supporting America by proxy.

Please understand, these are people who objectify human beings to such a degree that the actualization of national self-determination is assessed by whether or not it facilitates the return of their god to judge the living and the dead like it's the Cadaver Synod outchea.

yeah, it's usually when reading theopolitical polemic from this camp that I start thinking "hmm, maybe the plot of xenogears wasn't so sophomoric after all"


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8450 on: March 23, 2015, 02:17:43 AM »

 :dead :dead :dead :dead

Haven't watched any of this but saw it in the part on the right list on YouTube that eventually shows "recommended" videos (I was watching a couple Conan clips and suddenly it's MMT videos in the list :lol)

As an aside that economist the Senate Democrats recently hired to be their Chief Economist explains MMT on Russia Today for some reason:


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8451 on: March 23, 2015, 02:20:30 AM »
But does the government *need* to tax and borrow in order to spend? *perky head bob*


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8452 on: March 23, 2015, 02:31:40 AM »
The cashier example. :snoop

Just pay a guaranteed minimum income fer chrissake. :stahp

e: "The market never sustains full unemployment." Yes comrade it's called the reserve army of labor.

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8454 on: March 23, 2015, 02:12:13 PM »
Exactly five years ago today, the White House hosted a signing ceremony in the East Room for one of the most important policy breakthroughs in a generation. Policymakers from both parties have talked about providing health security for all of the nation’s families for roughly a century, but on March 23, 2010, officials gathered not just to talk but to celebrate action.
Vice President Biden introduced President Obama to the audience and, in comments that weren’t intended for the public’s ears, said to the president off-mic, “This is a big f***ing deal.” Five years later, there’s little doubt that Biden was entirely correct.
If you’d told me five years ago that on March 23, 2015, the Affordable Care Act would exceed expectations on every possible metric, including reducing the nation’s uninsured rate by a third, I’d say “Obamacare” would look like a great success. And fortunately for the country, that’s exactly what’s happened.
Anniversaries are a good time to pause, reflect, and take stock, and when it comes to health care reform, objective observers are going to find it easy on the ACA’s fifth anniversary to appreciate the law’s triumphs. But it’s also a good time to take a moment to acknowledge those who told Americans exactly what to expect from the Affordable Care Act – and who got the story backwards.
Failed Prediction #1: Americans won’t enroll in the ACA
In 2009 and 2010, it was widely assumed among Republicans that Democrats had fundamentally miscalculated public demand and consumers would show no real interest in signing up for coverage through the Affordable Care Act. Indeed, among some on the right, this was a foregone conclusion – Americans wouldn’t trust “Obamacare.” We now know, of course, that the opposite is true and that millions of families have eagerly signed up for benefits through the ACA.
Failed Prediction #2: The ACA won’t meet its enrollment goals
OK, so maybe some consumers would enroll, Republicans eventually said, but the ACA would inevitably lose the numbers game when the enrollment projections proved overly ambitious. In reality, both this year and last year, enrollment totals exceeded the Obama administration’s preliminary projections.
Failed Prediction #3: Insurers will want no part of the ACA system
Conservatives were absolutely convinced that private insurers would refuse to participate in the ACA’s exchange marketplaces, repeating the prediction over and over again. This also proved to be the opposite of the truth, as insurance companies have been eager to compete for Americans’ business.
Failed Prediction #4: The economy will suffer terribly because of ‘Obamacare’
Among Republicans, there was near-certainty that 2014 – the first full year for ACA implementation – would be an abysmal year for the American job market. After all, it seemed obvious to the right that “Obamacare” would crush job creation and push unemployment higher. In reality, 2014 was the best year for American job creation since the ’90s; the unemployment has shown sharp improvement; and there’s literally no evidence that the ACA had an adverse effect on economic growth at all.
Failed Prediction #5: Even if Americans enrolled, they won’t pay their premiums
When the evidence started looking good for the ACA, Republicans got a little desperate, looking for ways to downplay good news, and the “people won’t pay their premiums” talking point took root. It was, however, completely wrong.
Failed Prediction #6: Even if people pay their premiums, the flawed ACA structure will send premiums soaring
Those hoping to see the American system fail counted on soaring insurance premiums. This just hasn’t happened and the ACA model has proven to be quite effective.
Failed Prediction #7: The ACA won’t reduce the uninsured rate because it will only help those who already have coverage
This was a GOP favorite for quite a while, right up until the evidence proved the right had this backwards, too.
Failed Prediction #8: The ACA will lead to a “net loss” on overall coverage
This line was pushed by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for a while, with the Republican leader arguing a year ago that “Obamacare” would end coverage for more people than it would expand coverage to, “a net loss.” Boehner said, “I actually do believe that to be the case.” As it turns out, his actual beliefs were ridiculously wrong.
Failed Prediction #9: The ACA will lead to higher deficits and a weaker fiscal footing for the nation
One of the projections that never sat well for Republicans, who sometimes pretend to care about the deficit, was that “Obamacare” would reduce the nation’s deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming years. The GOP assumed the non-partisan budget analyses were wrong and proceeded to tell the country the law would make the deficit larger and “bankrupt” the country. According to the Congressional Budget Office, however, Republicans got this backwards, too. In fact, the overall price tag of the ACA is now smaller than previously projected.
Failed Prediction #10: Americans will end up hating the coverage they receive through the ACA
Customer satisfaction rates came as a huge surprise to Republicans, who expected the opposite results: “A majority of Americans give good reviews for insurance they recently acquired through government exchanges within the past year, a new poll shows. With the second round of Obamacare enrollment set to begin on Saturday, 71 percent said their coverage through the exchanges was good or excellent, according to a Gallup poll released Friday. Another 19 percent said the coverage was fair, while 9 percent rated it poorly.”
That’s 10 failed predictions and we could keep going. ACA critics were wrong about the “death spiral.” And “rate shock.” And the notion that young people wouldn’t enroll. And assertions that Medicare patients would suffer. None of these predictions – literally, none of them – stood up to scrutiny.
Making matters slightly worse, five years later, none of the prominent figures in Republican politics who were wrong are willing to take responsibility for their failed predictions. On the contrary, there’s apparently no real accountability at all – the same GOP policymakers who’ve been wrong about every aspect of the debate haven’t even tried to offer an explanation for their mistakes and misjudgments. They’re far too busy scheduling dozens of floor votes to repeal the successful law and have neither the time nor the inclination to explain their abysmal predictive powers and fact-free critiques (or offer a credible alternative).
The debate has descended into an unsatisfying dialog between those who can point to evidence and those who say the law is a “disaster” out of habit, without regard for substance or reality.
Five years after the White House signing ceremony, however, the facts are not in dispute among those who choose to see them.



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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8455 on: March 23, 2015, 02:13:22 PM »
Well to be fair on ACA, putting a penalty for not signing up (which should be illegal) probably helped spike that number.

Let's talk about them deductibles though.....:ufup


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The Lone Ranger of the Apocalypse and his Jewish sidekick eschaTonto
« Reply #8456 on: March 23, 2015, 06:54:10 PM »
I think a lot of Americans mistakenly think of Israel as an American aircraft carrier, ergo not supporting it is not supporting America by proxy.

Please understand, these are people who objectify human beings to such a degree that the actualization of national self-determination is assessed by whether or not it facilitates the return of their god to judge the living and the dead like it's the Cadaver Synod outchea.

Yup yup yup.  Not just the Christian millenarians, but also the hawks who see Israel as fighting against an undifferentiated Muslim-Arab-Persian-brown-terrorist threat.

When your worldview revolves around dehumanizing the members of other cultures to the point where mass slaughter is justified, you're no real friend of the Jews, no matter who your current bogeyman is or how much you pretend to give a shit about antisemitism in France.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8457 on: March 23, 2015, 07:47:26 PM »
It's going to be so fun to watch Ted Cruz to try and run for president.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8458 on: March 23, 2015, 08:17:46 PM »
Not sure I'd underestimate him, at least not for the primaries. He's a better debater and will raise more money than the other fringe candidates (Carson/Huckabee/Santorum/Jindal/etc). And there are a good amount of southern primaries early scheduled, especially in March.

Still think Scott Walker will be the nominee though.


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Re: Official Thread of American Politics - FCC rams ObamaNet down our throats!
« Reply #8459 on: March 23, 2015, 08:17:59 PM »
It's going to be so fun to watch Ted Cruz to try and run for president.
And imagine the fun when he is President.