It certainly is suspicious that the article is listed as appearing in "mid February 1972." Why no specific date? Are these coincidences just happenstance, and is any of this connected to the Community Reinvestment Act? Hopefully looks into this.
Bernie Sanders left office as Mayor of Burlington in April 1989, the CRA was first
extensively amendeded in the summer of 1989. Bernie Sanders joined the House in 1991, three bills were passed (
3) in his first term alone that made changes to CRA requirements.
In 1991, Pat Robertson released his book entitled
The New World Order.
World Order is a Japanese band formed by MMA fighter Genki Sudo. ripped off their videos for #thatPOWER.
#thatPOWER features Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber is Canadian. Part of the New World Order's plot involves a North American Union. One of their key plans was the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Rick Perry supported the Trans-Texas Corridor, Kay Bailey Hutchison attacked him in the 2010 Texas Gubernatorial primaries over this. She lost but the Texas legislature passed a bill killing the project. KBH was elected Treasurer of Texas in
She was succeeded in the Senate by Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz is also
running for President. He has attacked Hillary Clinton repeatedly, but called Bernie Sanders' candidacy "honest" and "healthy."