Supreme Court Says Texas Can Reject Confederate Flag License PlatesThe Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that Texas did not violate the First Amendment when it refused to allow specialty license plates bearing the Confederate battle flag. Such plates, Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the majority, are the government’s speech and are thus immune from First Amendment attacks.
The vote was 5 to 4. The court’s other three liberal members joined Justice Breyer’s majority opinion, as did Justice Clarence Thomas.
In dissent, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote that the majority opinion “establishes a precedent that threatens private speech that the government finds displeasing.”
Texas has hundreds of specialty plates. Many are for college alumni, sports fans, businesses and service organizations. Others send messages like “Choose Life,” “God Bless Texas” and “Fight Terrorism.” The license plates are, Justice Alito wrote, “little mobile billboards on which motorists can display their own messages.”
He mocked the notion that, say, plates saying “Rather Be Golfing” or celebrating the University of Oklahoma conveyed a government message. The first, he said, cannot represent state policy. The second, in Texas at least, bordered on treason during college football season, he wrote.
The Supreme Court last considered what the First Amendment had to say about license plates was in 1977, when it ruled in Wooley v. Maynard that New Hampshire could not require people to display plates bearing the state’s motto, “Live Free or Die.”
Justice Breyer said Thursday’s decision was its mirror image. Texas cannot force the heritage group to convey its message, he wrote, and the group “cannot force Texas to include a Confederate battle flag on its specialty license plates.”
how is this even a case, i don't want to read their dissent but are they really suggesting the states have to make a customized plate for any group that wanted one?
thomas-sotomeyer team-ups continuing to produce the best opinions
Rep. Kinzinger Blames Drudge For Obamatrade DelayIllinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger Wednesday morning in an interview with 1440 WROK blamed Matt Drudge’s Drudge Report and other new media outlets for delaying Republican leaderships plans to give President Obama “fast track” trade authority and ultimate approval of the Trans Pacific Partnership(TPP), also known as Obamatrade.
Kinzinger said, “(TPP) Does not exist yet, so there’s been a lot of, you know, if you look at Drudge or you look at Obamatrade(website), people are saying ‘you know Paul Ryan said its in secret and you’ve gotta pass it to find out whats in it’, well that’s not true.”
Kinzinger also said, ” A lot of where this misinformation has come from, it’s actually amazing. I saw Paul Ryan on Fox & Friends and even the anchors did not really know the difference between TPA, TAA, TPA. Where a lot of the misinformation comes from by the way I think it’s this website called or something,”
aww the guy gets a little pity link in the corner on drudge with the other stories on OBAMATRADE
Martin O'Malley: Zero out fossil fuels by 2050Saving the world is a goal worthy of a great people. It is also good business for the United States of America.
I believe, within 35 years, our country can, and should, be 100% powered by clean energy, supported by millions of new jobs. To reach this goal we must accelerate that transition starting now.
As president, on day one, I would use my executive power to declare the transition to a clean energy future the number one priority of our Federal Government.
I would create a new Clean Energy Jobs Corps to partner with communities to retrofit buildings to be more energy efficient, improve local resiliency, create new green spaces, and restore and expand our forests so they can absorb more greenhouse gases.
I would retrofit federal buildings to the highest efficiency standards and require new federal buildings to be net-zero, require the federal fleet to be subject to low- or zero-emissions purchasing agreements, and require all federally-funded infrastructure projects to meet climate resiliency standards.
I would set a national, cross-sector Renewable Electricity Standard so our nation is powered by 100% clean energy by 2050, and a national goal of doubling energy efficiency within 15 years. Many states like California and Maryland are already leading the way forward for the United States.
As president, I would support a Clean Energy Financing Authority to support projects to increase efficiency and resiliency upgrades in cities, towns, and rural communities nationwide.
I would prioritize modernizing our electric grid to evolve to support localized, renewable energy generation, reduce electricity waste and increase security from sabotage or attack.
And I would increase our investment in basic clean energy research so the U.S. can reclaim the lead on energy innovation, including advancing development, deployment, transmission and storage for renewable energy and new efficiency technologies.
The fact is, there is no either/or choice between our prosperity and protecting our planet — we can create a future where there are more jobs, and a future with a livable climate. And there is no future for humankind without a livable climate.
The reality, as I learned in Maryland, is that the two goals are indivisible.
Mocking the "saving the world", "no future for humankind", etc. aside, I feel like there's probably at least one Obama/Hillary/Edwards column/op-ed/speech with these same exact proposals from 2007. And a slightly different Al Gore one from 1999. Probably a Kerry one in 2004. And probably not drastically different ones from say Johm McCain or Mitt Romney in 2007.
Oh wait, McCain gave that "straight talk" to Iowa about Ethanol at some point. So maybe Rudy...
I like how all the proposals have CLEAN ENERGY in their name. Like it's some thing that exists out there in the ether ready to be pulled down.
I would set a national, cross-sector Renewable Electricity Standard so our nation is powered by 100% clean energy by 2050
I assume the media will be asking him what exactly this is supposed to mean, look like or be accomplished.