In the 80's when AIDS was rampant in the lgbt community, gays and lesbians held a mass protest at Wall Street and other institutions over the complete and utter silence from the government, and in the Reagan administrations case, laughter. During those times, the crisis facing lgbt people was HIV and AIDS. Sure, there was mass poverty, threat to life and safety through being murdered by fellow citizens, but the main concern was AIDS, which the government gave two shits about. Protesting in mass numbers forced the governments hand. Your "economy is the main plight facing Black Americans" rings hollow. Put in another way, it almost sounds like,"socio-economic is the main issue facing lgbt people" in the light of my previous example, when no, the main concern from the community was AIDS. Socio-economics can wait, but what's more pressing are people dying in crazy numbers, especially at the hands of the very people sanctioned to protect us, while the government and politicians look on like literally nothing is happening.
Yet somehow, you expect people not to sound their voice, and simply be satisfied that someone is talking about change in socio-economic policy? Politcital candidates by their very jobs are supposed to handle the topical, yet you think that's a problem with black people demand similar treatment towards an issue that's killing us? How can I take you serious on this matter at all?