I don't really post much about my political views even though I'm fairly political and extremely left leaning, because in a sense I feel pretty apathetic toward the whole thing (though I do make sure to vote).
I basically feel like the world is fucked at this point, global warming, wealth inequality, the lack of real working as a global community to ensure human survival (see Russia doing whatever the fuck they want lately) and I think for the most part it's too late to change a lot of this stuff and within a few generations we'll all be dead and gone for the most part. Even politics seem trivial as in the long term scheme of things the Republicans will roar the most but their increasingly pushing out moderates and offending everyone who isn't old and white means they're not going to be electable, but because of gerrymandering their gonna keep congress and because of that the slightly left democrats will keep winning and policies will slowly move in the right direction (gay marriage, transgender equality, weed legalization, getting rid of the death penalty, single payer healthcare, better systems for low income people, higher taxation and penalties of the top 1% and incredibly slow reigning in of the destructive ultra capitalism, pro-electric energy, etc...) but it's all gonna be too little too late. It'll slowly increase the quality of our current lives, but I can't help but feel we are one of the last generations on the planet. That the industrial revolution and capitalism combined with inherent human greed basically fucked our civilization for good (and most of it was born out of the USA).
I'll still keep voting on issues and people for the rest of my life, but (especially being in California and a 90% republican district of California) I can't help but feel like almost nothing really matters and it's just a feel good thing. Eh, my $.02.