You know, the craziest thing about the Benghazi Witch Project was that Gowdy and his idiot colleagues seemed legitimately shocked that they fucked up so bad. I mean, really? You goons had no organization, no coordination, no actual fucking points to any of the shit that you brought up, including the "new" evidence, which in many cases wasn't new at all, but rather re-packaged to appear new. And yet you goobers are shocked that you weren't able to get Hillary to confess that she ordered the hit on Ambassador Stevens?
This reminds of that other wonderful moment in politics where Diamond Joe went up against the golden Boy of the GOP during the debates. After having his balls washed by not just Republicans, but mainstream pundits and commentators as well, for being the premiere "serious thinker" of the Republican party, Paul Ryan really did seem to fool himself into thinking that he was in fact the teenage prodigy that everyone held him up to be. And so the boy genius went into the debates thinking that he would easily make short work of the buffanooish Vice President, only to realize that while speaking in complete sentences might have qualified him to be considered "gifted" among Republicans, it would do him no favors against anyone outside that sphere. He learned that while he could brag about being the tallest midget, at the end of the day, he was still a midget.
And I feel that that's what happened during the lead up to the hearing yesterday. Republicans (once again) fooled themselves into thinking that the reason they hadn't caught Hillary was not because they didn't have squat on her, but because Darrel Issa was doing an incompetent job investigating her. So this Trey Gowdy jackass comes onto the scene and Republicans and the mainstream media start praising him as the "serious" and "competent" prosecutor with years of experience who would be able to succeed where Issa failed. Just like with Ryan, Gowdy probably let this newfound laudation go to his head, and probably figured he'd have Hillary in handcuffs before lunchtime.
Of course, also like Ryan, Gowdy failed to realize that a flat earther with a PhD in geology, is still, in fact a flat-earther.