Yesterday at 6:19pm · Edited ·
Donald, sorry, I've got to interrupt again. You would know something about pathological. How was that meeting with Putin? Or Wharton? Or your self funded campaign? Anyone can turn a multi-million dollar inheritance into more money, but all the money in the world won't make you as smart as Ben Carson.
look at me! look at me!
I thought one of the underrated debate "impact moments" so far was when Trump crushed Carly twice over her failures in her first post-promotion debate while refusing to say she wasn't ugly, and teamed up with Christie to mock her constant interrupting. (which she still seems salty about lol) Killing her boomlet in the cradle like her daughter who died from marijuana basically led to the Carson one since there wasn't anyone else left.
Remember that meme/fantasy about "Obama going Full Bulworth" around 2012-ish that got a bunch of loins wet. Trump's campaign is a tamer probably more accurate yet inverted politically version of the one in the movie. Though I only got a few hits off it on Google.
Also, that whole meme unsettled me because like
American Psycho it was the first time people other were actually talking about the movie when in the past everyone always were like "what?" to me if I ever mentioned it. (And I watched it partly because Oliver Platt was in it and it was on Cinemax one night like six months after it bombed at theaters.) Now we have 40 year old crackers for the Washington Post calling it a "GREAT Political Film*" like it's important historically. If
Ravenous takes off next, I'll really be unsettled.
Worst part is nobody mentions the goofy amazing that was this:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
My favorite part is ODB's rip in peace pbuh verses are the only ones that have anything that could even be considered remotely similar to the plot of the movie/be said by the main character/etc.
My Fellow Americans is actually the greatest political film of the last 20 years. Truth fact.