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Van Cruncheon

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12720 on: December 07, 2015, 09:40:46 PM »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12721 on: December 07, 2015, 10:56:56 PM »
It's the best new emoticon, isn't it?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12722 on: December 08, 2015, 12:20:31 AM »

thats an awesome video. 


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12723 on: December 08, 2015, 04:58:27 AM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12724 on: December 08, 2015, 09:33:42 AM »
Think you mean go back, no?

Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12725 on: December 08, 2015, 04:03:58 PM »
The GOP seems to think Trump has a decent chance of being the nominee:

Baker’s memo, titled “Observations on Donald Trump and 2016,” amounts to a clear-eyed approach to the Trump challenge, to which many Republican elites have responded with only hand-wringing and the vague hope that somehow, someday it will disappear. In fact, the memo posits that Trump could build a powerful enough coalition to win the general election. Regardless of how far Trump’s candidacy ultimately goes, the memo is evidence of the effect he has had on his party.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12726 on: December 08, 2015, 04:56:19 PM »
It's less than 2 months until actual voting takes place, and 3 1/2 to 4 until the nomination is probably wrapped up by whoever. Trump has been in the lead pretty consistently since entering the race, so unless a bunch more candidates drop out and "not Trump" voters can consolidate behind one person, that's a pretty reasonable reaction to have at this point.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12727 on: December 08, 2015, 04:59:29 PM »
I'm sure there will be some hanging chads in favor of Rubio in FLA.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12728 on: December 08, 2015, 05:44:07 PM »
Radio this morning said something about Cruz passing him up. Would almost prefer Trump.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12729 on: December 09, 2015, 01:36:17 AM »
One day early in 2011, Ron met with Jesse Benton — the young political strategist he shared with his son — to break the news that he wasn’t going to run for president again. …

Benton was disappointed, but with Ron out of the picture, he decided it was time to start grooming Rand for a presidential run. He approached the younger Paul and pitched him on mounting an insurgent bid for the Republican nomination in 2012. He was adamant that Rand’s polish and pragmatism would make him a far more serious candidate than his dad ever was. Benton argued that, between the fiery base of supporters Ron had built up and the new voters Rand could attract, he would be a real threat to win the White House.

Rand ate it up. He told Benton to start putting out feelers for a 2012 bid, and the strategist moved quickly to schedule a trip to the early primary state of South Carolina. On March 23, 2011, Rand made a surprise appearance at the Charleston Meeting, a gathering of Palmetto State Republican elites, and news of the visit set off sirens in the political punditocracy. Rand fanned the speculation by announcing future trips to Iowa and New Hampshire as well. The buzz was building, the strategy was working, the wheels were in motion — and then, suddenly, it all came to a screeching halt.

A couple of days after Rand’s headline-grabbing South Carolina trip, Ron called up Benton. He had been giving some more thought to the idea of a 2012 presidential bid, and he’d changed his mind.

I’ve decided I’m going to run, Ron said. And I want you to manage my campaign.

Rand, it went without saying, would have to take a seat.


One of the most jarring episodes took place inside a green room at a 2012 Republican primary debate, when Sens. Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham approached Ron and began effusively complimenting his son:

They gushed about how Rand was a joy to work with in the Senate, a real contributor, someone with whom they felt they could work productively despite their ideological differences.

Finally, Ron snapped, “Well, if he’s so great, he should run for president himself.”

DeMint was taken aback by the outburst and quickly shut up. But Graham didn’t seem to catch on, because he just kept spurting commendations for Rand in his courtly Southern drawl, as Ron’s face twisted into a cranky scowl.


After 2012, many in the Pauls’ concentric inner circles felt compelled to pick sides — with the more pragmatic political pros signing on with Rand, and the true-believing purists sticking with Ron. The two camps have spent much of the past three years bitterly feuding behind the scenes (and trying to knife each other in interviews for my book). But those closest to the family say Rand genuinely admires his father and is anxious to make him proud by building on his legacy. And Ron?

One senior staffer in Rand’s Senate office told me that after years of closely observing the dynamic between the two men, he was left stupefied by Ron’s antagonism toward his son’s career.

“He should be proud of Rand, but he’s not,” the staffer said. “It’s a really weird relationship.”

Graham :lol


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12730 on: December 09, 2015, 03:11:04 AM »
Repeating identical comments he had made in June, July, August, September, and twice in November, increasingly nervous local man Aaron Howe responded to Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. Monday by once again stating this would be the end of the Republican frontrunner’s campaign, sources confirmed. “Well, that’s it—you just can’t say those kinds of things and expect to be taken seriously any longer,”


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12731 on: December 09, 2015, 08:02:10 AM »
One day early in 2011, Ron met with Jesse Benton — the young political strategist he shared with his son — to break the news that he wasn’t going to run for president again. …

Benton was disappointed, but with Ron out of the picture, he decided it was time to start grooming Rand for a presidential run. He approached the younger Paul and pitched him on mounting an insurgent bid for the Republican nomination in 2012. He was adamant that Rand’s polish and pragmatism would make him a far more serious candidate than his dad ever was. Benton argued that, between the fiery base of supporters Ron had built up and the new voters Rand could attract, he would be a real threat to win the White House.

Rand ate it up. He told Benton to start putting out feelers for a 2012 bid, and the strategist moved quickly to schedule a trip to the early primary state of South Carolina. On March 23, 2011, Rand made a surprise appearance at the Charleston Meeting, a gathering of Palmetto State Republican elites, and news of the visit set off sirens in the political punditocracy. Rand fanned the speculation by announcing future trips to Iowa and New Hampshire as well. The buzz was building, the strategy was working, the wheels were in motion — and then, suddenly, it all came to a screeching halt.

A couple of days after Rand’s headline-grabbing South Carolina trip, Ron called up Benton. He had been giving some more thought to the idea of a 2012 presidential bid, and he’d changed his mind.

I’ve decided I’m going to run, Ron said. And I want you to manage my campaign.

Rand, it went without saying, would have to take a seat.


One of the most jarring episodes took place inside a green room at a 2012 Republican primary debate, when Sens. Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham approached Ron and began effusively complimenting his son:

They gushed about how Rand was a joy to work with in the Senate, a real contributor, someone with whom they felt they could work productively despite their ideological differences.

Finally, Ron snapped, “Well, if he’s so great, he should run for president himself.”

DeMint was taken aback by the outburst and quickly shut up. But Graham didn’t seem to catch on, because he just kept spurting commendations for Rand in his courtly Southern drawl, as Ron’s face twisted into a cranky scowl.


After 2012, many in the Pauls’ concentric inner circles felt compelled to pick sides — with the more pragmatic political pros signing on with Rand, and the true-believing purists sticking with Ron. The two camps have spent much of the past three years bitterly feuding behind the scenes (and trying to knife each other in interviews for my book). But those closest to the family say Rand genuinely admires his father and is anxious to make him proud by building on his legacy. And Ron?

One senior staffer in Rand’s Senate office told me that after years of closely observing the dynamic between the two men, he was left stupefied by Ron’s antagonism toward his son’s career.

“He should be proud of Rand, but he’s not,” the staffer said. “It’s a really weird relationship.”

Graham :lol
My word!  A selfish Libertarian.  Who would have thought?


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12732 on: December 09, 2015, 08:19:06 AM »
A rationally self-interested Libertarian.   :wag


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12733 on: December 09, 2015, 08:24:09 AM »
Mandark, you just reminded me I need to go read all the comments on the various Paulite sites regarding this. There already was a good low level civil war going over exactly how much is Rand betraying his father.

Thanks, buddy.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12734 on: December 09, 2015, 08:38:21 AM »
I imagine Ron Paul in 2010 taking his son to a storage unit with stacks of bankers boxes, filled with draft legislation that never got to the House floor, Paul '08 bumper stickers, and back issues of newsletters that he denies authoring.

"One day, all this will be yours."

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12735 on: December 09, 2015, 03:09:56 PM »
Another satisfied customer.  :obama



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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12736 on: December 09, 2015, 03:12:45 PM »
But what about the cigarette carton prices?!?!?

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12737 on: December 09, 2015, 03:13:37 PM »
They're the lowest. :doge


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12738 on: December 09, 2015, 05:54:16 PM »
Just filled up the tank with some ethanol free premium at $2.71. :obama


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Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12740 on: December 09, 2015, 07:37:26 PM »
Two weeks is a pretty quick turnaround from "conservative 13 year old wunderkind!" to endorsing Bernie Sanders for President, but there you go. THE TRANSFORMATION IS COMPLETE.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12741 on: December 09, 2015, 07:55:30 PM »
Two weeks is a pretty quick turnaround from "conservative 13 year old wunderkind!" to endorsing Bernie Sanders for President, but there you go. THE TRANSFORMATION IS COMPLETE.

Dude was complaining about big government just a few weeks ago.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12743 on: December 09, 2015, 08:07:19 PM »
Care what a 13 yearold thinks about politics  :picard

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12745 on: December 09, 2015, 11:56:34 PM »
Two weeks is a pretty quick turnaround from "conservative 13 year old wunderkind!" to endorsing Bernie Sanders for President, but there you go. THE TRANSFORMATION IS COMPLETE.

Dude was complaining about big government just a few weeks ago.

There's prolly some cute nerdy chick at school that's feelin' the bern, let the kid live.  :yeshrug

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12746 on: December 10, 2015, 12:16:11 AM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12747 on: December 10, 2015, 12:25:53 AM »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12748 on: December 10, 2015, 12:50:43 AM »

lmao, Erick Erickson is a fuckstick, so I laffed
Ms. Erickson: What do you think of Jesus Christ?

Gawker: What do I think of Jesus Christ? He is obviously an important figure in Christian theology.

Erickson: Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior, Mr. Trotter. He is the King of Kings. And he is coming again. So I hope and pray that you are Christian, Mr. Trotter. I will add you to my prayer list. [Hangs up.]

She makes praying for someone sound so threatening.  :lol


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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12749 on: December 10, 2015, 12:57:05 AM »
Bless you, Yeti.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12750 on: December 10, 2015, 09:27:34 AM »
Just saw Michelle Obama's "go to college" rap. The white house saying it's part of their plan to address the US's seriously falling college graduation rates.
Yeah, I'm sure lack of a rap is main reason for that.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - China? China! China?! China.
« Reply #12752 on: December 10, 2015, 05:10:16 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Great Rumbler

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - Can't Stump the Trump
« Reply #12755 on: December 11, 2015, 10:33:33 PM »
An intriguing report Thursday in the Washington Post revealed that top Republicans leaders huddled at a restaurant in D.C. Monday night to scope out what to do if the GOP convention next summer ended up being contested convention.

With Donald Trump the commanding frontrunner now for months, it wasn't immediately clear why party leaders would be anticipating that the convention would be contested or deadlocked or anything other than a coronation of the new nominee. The scenario being laid out was more of how the party establishment would stop Trump on the convention floor.

"Several longtime power brokers argued that if the controversial billionaire storms through the primaries, the party’s establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight, in which the GOP’s mainstream wing could coalesce around an alternative," the Post's Robert Costa writes.

According to the Post, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus dined with 20 party elites but said little during the meeting, although they "did acknowledge to the group that a deadlocked convention is indeed something the party should prepare for."

If Republican party bosses continue meeting to discuss how to derail Donald Trump at the convention, Trump won't be the only one to turn his back on the GOP. Now, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson says he'll leave too.

"If this was the beginning of the plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace them with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party," Carson said.

Remember when people thought there was no way that 2016 could be a bigger clown show than 2012? :neogaf

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America Great |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12756 on: December 11, 2015, 11:08:09 PM »
I dunno, seems like this election could be more of a clusterfuck somehow...

Okay, now I'm ready for 2016.

Barry Egan

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12757 on: December 12, 2015, 12:43:09 PM »



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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incom
« Reply #12758 on: December 12, 2015, 06:43:53 PM »
Jeb has a weak looking chest for a man with his frame. Dude should get on a bench press. I heard W used to bench 250 when he was in office.
well, he could lift that because he never had anything on his mind.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12759 on: December 12, 2015, 06:48:01 PM »
He lets the rest of his family do the heavy lifting.  He just carries Jesus every where he goes.  I'm not trying know...I'm just explaining what its means to be him. 


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12760 on: December 12, 2015, 07:00:00 PM »
250 ain't shit. Jeb is a weak ass bitch.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12761 on: December 12, 2015, 07:06:45 PM »
Now Jeb is going to come to your house and kick your ass as X gon' give it ya plays in the background. 

Trent Dole

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12762 on: December 12, 2015, 08:05:43 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12763 on: December 12, 2015, 08:42:59 PM »
That should be the title track for Project Diva X.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12764 on: December 13, 2015, 12:24:35 AM »

The problem, in his view, was that the Party was “governing,” he said, adding air quotes to the word. “If people just want to ‘govern,’ which means bringing more government, they’re always going to choose the Democrat.”

The Modern GOP: If you want a government, choose the Democrat.

Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12765 on: December 13, 2015, 06:04:50 PM »

Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12766 on: December 13, 2015, 06:10:58 PM »

What is going on

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12767 on: December 13, 2015, 06:41:45 PM »

Trump has really changed the way we discuss politics in America.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12769 on: December 14, 2015, 04:29:50 AM »
he's been doing dumb stuff since forever, astroturfing about his comic and all sorts of dweeb shit, but he recently wrote a thing about how he could relate to dudes who join ISIS because if he 'wasn't getting any pussy he'd want to kill everyone too' or some such. fun to see it's not a recent schtick I suppose.

related: this tweet about Dilbert busting a nut in some babe


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12770 on: December 14, 2015, 06:29:42 AM »
I'm confused. Is that Dilbert tumblr thing a parody or not?


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12771 on: December 14, 2015, 07:01:45 AM »
"Taking the words of Scott Adams and combining them with the art of Scott Adams. This is a work of parody. Duh."

It works so great. :lol
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 07:06:06 AM by VomKriege »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12772 on: December 14, 2015, 11:55:30 AM »
I love Dilbert :brazilcry

Scott Adams :beli


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12773 on: December 14, 2015, 03:34:08 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

What is going on

I think Cruz is trying to lock in the ironic twitter vote

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12774 on: December 14, 2015, 05:26:47 PM »
Just had a JayDubya tier constitution lover argue birthright citizenship should be shitcanned because the constitution is a living document and thus must adapt to changing times; this was a Facebook debate btw. I almost fell out my seat. After years of strict constructionism all it took was Trump (and brown babies) to change his mind.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12775 on: December 14, 2015, 05:43:06 PM »
Latest national poll has Trump at 41% ahead of Cruz at 14%.

Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12776 on: December 14, 2015, 05:49:38 PM »
Electability issues aside, this is pretty cool. Six parts.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12777 on: December 14, 2015, 05:52:15 PM »
If the right can take Trump seriously, the left can and should take Bernie seriously


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12778 on: December 15, 2015, 12:26:02 AM »
Just had a JayDubya tier constitution lover argue birthright citizenship should be shitcanned because the constitution is a living document and thus must adapt to changing times; this was a Facebook debate btw. I almost fell out my seat. After years of strict constructionism all it took was Trump (and brown babies) to change his mind.

The people who've been crying bloody murder on "judicial activism" have been pretty quiet about the ACA challenges, affirmative action cases, Shelby County, etc.

It's almost as if nobody gives a shit about judicial philosophy, as long as it delivers the result you want.  See also: states rights.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - Trump/Carson third party incoming
« Reply #12779 on: December 15, 2015, 12:30:23 AM »
I only care about judicial philosophy; fuck the people it affects.