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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13020 on: January 12, 2016, 01:44:12 AM »
Got fifteen seconds into that video, paused it, thought "I bet Regnery's publishing that," and checked on Amazon.

Yup.  10 points for me.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13021 on: January 12, 2016, 01:51:28 AM »
My favorite part is Steve Doocy's first question and realizing as he asked it what he needed to add onto it to make it not/less racist sounding.

Also the shockingly frightening FOX & Friends transition at like 27 seconds.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13022 on: January 12, 2016, 02:05:38 AM »
I knew this was a growing industry  but I didn't realize just how big it was getting. All published post-Obama. :lol

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13023 on: January 12, 2016, 02:17:27 AM »
Seven of those have subtitles beginning "How..."


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13024 on: January 12, 2016, 02:25:49 AM »
My favorite part is Steve Doocy's first question and realizing as he asked it what he needed to add onto it to make it not/less racist sounding.

Also the shockingly frightening FOX & Friends transition at like 27 seconds.

That's not really racist when that was the strategy of the GOP over the last 50 years (gather all the angry white people together).  The most well-known ACTIVE Republican politician is Donald Trump who she makes sure to endorse by saying black people in should consider Mexicans their biggest enemy. I'm assuming because of competition for manufacturing/service jobs.

But then she says some shit about J-1 student visas and I'm lost.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13025 on: January 12, 2016, 04:15:45 AM »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13026 on: January 12, 2016, 09:18:00 AM »
PPP polls actual valuable questions for Iowa Republicans:
Did Carly Fiorina rooting for Iowa over her alma mater of Stanford in the Rose Bowl make you more or less likely to support her for the Republican nomination for President, or did it not make a difference?
More likely

Less likely
Are you offended by bilingual phone menus where you press 1 to continue in English and 2 to continue in Spanish, or not?
Offended by bilingual phone menus

Not offended by bilingual phone menus
President Obama teared up while announcing an executive action on gun control this week. Do you think his tears were sincere, or do you think he faked them?
Obama’s tears were sincere

Obama’s tears were fake

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13027 on: January 12, 2016, 09:59:59 AM »
How many of those books have you read Benji. I know you read Please Stop Helping Us.  :doge


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13028 on: January 12, 2016, 10:19:46 AM »
I only read the first two chapters and gave up. :shh

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13029 on: January 12, 2016, 11:30:17 AM »
*david brooks trigger warning*
In 1997, Michael Wayne Haley was arrested after stealing a calculator from Walmart. This was a crime that merited a maximum two-year prison term. But prosecutors incorrectly applied a habitual offender law. Neither the judge nor the defense lawyer caught the error and Haley was sentenced to 16 years.

Eventually, the mistake came to light and Haley tried to fix it. Ted Cruz was solicitor general of Texas at the time. Instead of just letting Haley go for time served, Cruz took the case to the Supreme Court to keep Haley in prison for the full 16 years.

Some justices were skeptical. “Is there some rule that you can’t confess error in your state?” Justice Anthony Kennedy asked. The court system did finally let Haley out of prison, after six years.



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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13030 on: January 12, 2016, 11:43:12 AM »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13031 on: January 12, 2016, 11:55:46 AM »
President Obama's effort to stack the audience with those who support his causes at his last State of the Union Address is being rebuffed by conservatives inviting guests that challenged Obamacare and gay marriage.

The Family Research Council told Secrets late Monday that they arranged for Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to approve marriage certificates for gay couples, to sit in the House audience. They also got a seat for her attorney Mat Staver.

Obama has invited Cincinnati's Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff in the court case that led the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13032 on: January 12, 2016, 12:17:15 PM »
*david brooks trigger warning*
In 1997, Michael Wayne Haley was arrested after stealing a calculator from Walmart. This was a crime that merited a maximum two-year prison term. But prosecutors incorrectly applied a habitual offender law. Neither the judge nor the defense lawyer caught the error and Haley was sentenced to 16 years.

Eventually, the mistake came to light and Haley tried to fix it. Ted Cruz was solicitor general of Texas at the time. Instead of just letting Haley go for time served, Cruz took the case to the Supreme Court to keep Haley in prison for the full 16 years.

Some justices were skeptical. “Is there some rule that you can’t confess error in your state?” Justice Anthony Kennedy asked. The court system did finally let Haley out of prison, after six years.

Teddy definitely seems like that dude.  We all have one in our social circles.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13033 on: January 12, 2016, 12:47:31 PM »
President Obama's effort to stack the audience with those who support his causes at his last State of the Union Address is being rebuffed by conservatives inviting guests that challenged Obamacare and gay marriage.

The Family Research Council told Secrets late Monday that they arranged for Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to approve marriage certificates for gay couples, to sit in the House audience. They also got a seat for her attorney Mat Staver.

Obama has invited Cincinnati's Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff in the court case that led the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage.

Keep capitalizing those Ls, cons.  :neogaf


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13034 on: January 12, 2016, 01:02:33 PM »
Now that he has raised questions about Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) Canadian birth and American citizenship, Donald Trump has started playing Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" before campaign rallies, according to reports in The Weekly Standard and the Texas Tribune.



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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13035 on: January 12, 2016, 02:06:51 PM »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13036 on: January 12, 2016, 02:14:25 PM »
INFINITY 1 year ago
 I am so glad you made this video I am a 45 year old Black man and I can tell you racism is a lot worse now than it has been in my life time as a child in the 70's I have lived in an all white neighborhood in the deep South and everyone was very nice to me several of the families would even take me on fishing trips and picnics and never once did I experience any racial hatred.We drove around the country a lot because my father was in the military and we never once were we pulled over.What changed in this country was the death of the fairness doctrine after it was killed by Reagan that was when all these right wing nuts went on the radio with no opposing view and starting making outrageous claims about minorities and convincing whites that they were getting something they were not. That they were all getting affirmative action benefits or were on welfare.The only way to end this nonsense is to bring back the fairness doctrine 

Also, do you think Noam Chomsky ever turns down a request to do an interview for a documentary?


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13037 on: January 12, 2016, 02:49:45 PM »
I am quite pleased to see Bernie get the endorsement


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13038 on: January 12, 2016, 03:51:56 PM »
That's actually kind of brilliant. :lol

What a troll.

Dickie Dee

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13039 on: January 12, 2016, 04:39:36 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13040 on: January 12, 2016, 10:16:55 PM »
State of The Union

I'm gonna miss that guy


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13043 on: January 13, 2016, 12:23:21 PM »
« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 02:04:21 PM by Brehvolution »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13044 on: January 13, 2016, 02:05:07 PM »



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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13046 on: January 13, 2016, 04:14:28 PM »
also that hat is fake lol
inb4 *whoooosh*

also hilldog taking shots at bernie over HC
buckle up

Trent Dole

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13047 on: January 13, 2016, 06:13:57 PM »
Her attacking at all means Bernie is now seen as a credible valid threat. :punch

Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13048 on: January 13, 2016, 06:33:22 PM »
Most recent round of polls has the Clinton camp in shaken mode I'm guessing

Still don't see Bernie winning the nomination tho

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13049 on: January 13, 2016, 06:38:02 PM »
yeah, seems dumb for Hillary to go out on the attack at this point. All she's doing is giving him media time and making herself look desperate.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13050 on: January 13, 2016, 06:38:29 PM »
Man, Iowa really doesn't like her huh. Third place in 08, now she's losing to Sanders there.

I maintain that once the states become browner, Sanders is toast.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13051 on: January 13, 2016, 06:45:46 PM »
It's idiotic to have Iowa go first. I mean you'd be hard pressed to find a state less representative of the population of the united states.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13052 on: January 13, 2016, 06:55:20 PM »
It's idiotic to have Iowa go first. I mean you'd be hard pressed to find a state less representative of the population of the united states.



I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13053 on: January 13, 2016, 06:57:32 PM »
True, but if you said, "Hey, let's have Utah (or Idaho or Montana or Wyoming) go first!"
You'd be laughed out of the room.
Yet Iowa doesn't bat an eye.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13054 on: January 13, 2016, 06:58:46 PM »
dat corn tho


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13055 on: January 13, 2016, 07:01:53 PM »
Iowa and NH's laws call for them to move ahead of any state that attempts to go before them.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13056 on: January 13, 2016, 07:07:14 PM »
Someone remind me why don't they do the primaries all at once?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13057 on: January 13, 2016, 07:11:42 PM »
Wouldn't that be expensive, thus benefitting candidates with the most money? Focusing on four states first, and then moving to large contests, seems a lot more fair.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13058 on: January 13, 2016, 07:14:38 PM »
It'd be too costly for candidates.

The GOP attempted to do a regional primary* where each it'd be one-fourth of the U.S. every second week or something (the order rotating every year) but the state parties and Democrats put the kibosh on it. The "early states" have their tradition written into the law too.


The GOP also considered implementing this, where each color would be held the same day, notice the states increase in size population wise from red to yellow to green to blue:
« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 07:20:59 PM by benjipwns »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13059 on: January 13, 2016, 07:15:26 PM »
Iowa and NH's laws call for them to move ahead of any state that attempts to go before them.

I'd like to see a date race so that the primaries get scheduled for last year thus making the results known now. 


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13060 on: January 13, 2016, 07:16:56 PM »
I'd like to see a date race so that the primaries get scheduled for last year thus making the results known now.
This basically happened in 2008, which is why the DNC and RNC either eliminated or cut in half the number of delegates for Michigan, Florida, etc.

And I think Iowa was like Jan 3rd or something.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13061 on: January 13, 2016, 07:36:01 PM »
This cycle is actually a bit more ideal or at least interestingly designed than ones in the past for the GOP. Iowa, NH, Nevada and SC all get their turns, then you have March 1st Super Tuesday and all of these are proportionally allocated. Then from that point it's a mad dash through the rest of the states with almost a state a week. The real problem still is on the backend, they should move April 26th and June 7th both forward a month along with everything else inbetween. Then you'd basically run through all the states March 1st through early May with at least one state each week and with four or five "big" weeks of five plus states.

It's not like many candidates will hang on past March 1st anyway.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13062 on: January 13, 2016, 07:49:35 PM »


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13063 on: January 13, 2016, 08:05:58 PM »
What I'd like to see is the DNC play hardball with New Hampshire and Iowa. They repeal the laws mandating that they go first, or they lose all their delegates.
All 70 out of 3636 total DNC delegates? You monster.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13064 on: January 14, 2016, 01:13:13 AM »
Rand Paul says he's being kept out of the debate by the GOP establishment because of his "unique voice" and that his supporters are "liberty voters."


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13065 on: January 14, 2016, 01:19:01 AM »
He's obviously overselling but I do think the GOP doesn't mind not having his foreign policy up there. Especially after he got into the extended scuffle with Rubio in the last one (?) and in one earlier Trump and Carson jumped in with him on knockin W's foreign policy, leading to Jeb's HE KEPT US SAFE.

The drug thing is a bit silly, he's been pretty milquetoast on that when it comes to debate answer time, especially as others are being even more "rah rah drug war!" and compared to his dad's answer four years back:


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13066 on: January 14, 2016, 01:25:16 AM »
These are just debate clips from his channel, I imagine they wouldn't mind these distractions being off the stage so they could focus on the real issues like the German people's overthrow of Angela Merkel:
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13067 on: January 14, 2016, 01:39:53 AM »
He's obviously overselling but

Nah.  He's trying to turn failure into martyrdom.  I can't blame him for doing it, but I will have a nice chuckle.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13068 on: January 14, 2016, 01:44:59 AM »

The 13th Five Year Plan song was better :doge


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13069 on: January 14, 2016, 01:50:08 AM »
Nah.  He's trying to turn failure into martyrdom.  I can't blame him for doing it, but I will have a nice chuckle.
I imagine there's some real frustration that he's not even doing as well as his dad did.

And against people like Donald Trump.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13070 on: January 14, 2016, 02:00:32 AM »
You have to think his campaign was imagining a scenario in which they inherited his dad's supporters and all their insane zealotry passion and enthusiasm, but also brought in more mainstream or moderate Republicans, especially the young ones.  Sound a bit less strident, compromise on a couple key issues, and you can patch together a viable coalition.  Instead it's all gone the other way.

Would be interested in seeing who former Ron Paul voters are supporting now, but answers to "who did you vote for 4 and 8 years ago?" tend to be really unreliable so we could never know.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13071 on: January 14, 2016, 02:12:55 AM »
That was absolutely their plan, and why Rand was doing some minor sucking up to groups Ron never would have talked to. And trying the whole "constitutional conservative" label.

From my own personal experience they've run to Cruz and Trump and a handful to Sanders. There's a good chunk of that going "if Rand gets competitive again though..." like he was pre-Trump when he was around 10% vs. 15% for Jeb and Walker.

To pull a myself...just from the comments on the last Ron Paul LIBERTY REPORT:

Thomas McIndoe 3 weeks ago
 You and anti Trump crowd yell, "Trump s telling voters what they want to hear". WELL, Why don't the other candidates tell the voters what they want to hear, Why, because they believe the status quo in the answer,AND ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Kalki 3 weeks ago
 Ron Paul is a nice guy. Great guy. But he doesn't know a leader when he sees one. Sad.
Brennt Ramoutarius 3 weeks ago
 I like you Ron Paul but Donald Trump has the hard truth
sheehan1able 3 weeks ago
 common Ron we need you to join Trump not bitch him
Joseph Ureneck 3 weeks ago
 Sad to say that Ron is off on numerous issues  concerning Trump. Have to chalk it up to his personal stake in the election.
George Houghtby 3 weeks ago
 If Rand had been saying the same things as Trump - Rand would be on top right now.
TheOrigen89 3 weeks ago
 Ron is just buttblasted because neither he nor his son could ever develop the popularity that Trump has.

Ron is a decent guy but libertarianism is a dead end. Trump is the way forward.
OFFICALcock 3 weeks ago
 I supported Ron all throughout my early years as a voter, ashamed to say that your son is an establishment bootlicker who is unfit for the presidency. Trump is my new guy. -Former Libertarian
Knight Artorias 3 weeks ago
 He isn't wrong, and I respect his opinion. But the Rubicon has been crossed by the left this past year, the time for talk has passed, our liberties are beyond saving if we allow this to go on much longer.

Trump is, the best candidate for the current system and situation.
Solzhenitsyn's Beard 3 weeks ago (edited)
 Ron, I love ya', but I feel like you are off-base here.

I agree strongly with a lot of the principles behind your economic philosophy and your views on the role of government in general, but they are not going to resonate with Latin American Mestizos and Sunni Arabs. Trump is not perfect, I disagree with some of his stances, but he is the only one offering a platform that can possibly save the republic. We can argue about tariffs and the income tax when the United States retains an 80% white majority and is not busy trying to start WWIII. You can argue that Trump is a "one-issue" politician, but I believe that is disingenuous as his issue--immigration--ties into almost every single matter of governance. Issues that whites typically champion; states' rights, responsible/small government, and low taxation (ie libertarian issues) will die when La Raza gains plurality and then majority in this country (think Brazil). I acknowledge that big government and crony-capitalist policies are factors that got the United States in this situation to begin with, but I do not think anarcho-capitalism is going to bring us out of this mess.
DrRamer2 3 weeks ago
 Mr Paul we are on the road to authoritarianism. Unless we rise up a take down the system we have 2 choices right leaning authoritarianism or left leaning authoritarianism. I choose right leaning and Donald Trump. Well what is considered right at the current time. The main problem we have right now is demographic displacement. The millions of Hispanics who have invaded our country in the last few decades don't care about smaller government or our liberties. Neither do the Muslims how have invaded our country or the blacked who are breeding like rabbits at tax payer expense. Oh and neither does the Democratic Party which all of this groups vote for overwhelming. In fact the only group that does care about those things in any substantial numbers are white people. And if you don't want your grandchildren to live in Brazil 2.0 you will get off your high horse. Because right leaning authoritarianism is the only way to slow down and maybe even reveres the real problem to liberty, the left.
Jon Doe 3 weeks ago
MrMorethanexist 3 weeks ago
 Now I always thought Ron Paul was one of the good guys - but if he were true to his 'advertised' principles he too would be supporting TRUMP.......but he would rather hand the election to the democrats. TRUMP is your only choice folks.
filmsforpeace 3 weeks ago
 Nice try Ron Paul but your time has come and gone.  Get with the program, Trump has my vote.  thumbs down, say something relevant not distinguished mentally-challenged.

There's also a good chunk of "your son isn't as good as you, he's a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation stooge" but I just plucked the pro-Trump ones.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13072 on: January 14, 2016, 07:20:03 AM »
I'd bet a large amount of former Ron Paul supporters are now supporting Trump or Sanders. For them it's not about ideology it's about perceptions of outsider status, authenticity, and just being difficult/contradictory as fuck. 


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13073 on: January 14, 2016, 08:20:27 AM »
MSNBC's reporters switched beats for a week:

What stood out most talking to voters?

Benjy: I was caught off guard by how specific and personal Democratic voters’ issues tended to be. One woman told me she had lost a job because she had to take care of a sick relative and wanted paid family leave. Another woman told me her insurance stopped covering a certain medication that had grown too expensive and she liked how Clinton and Sanders talked about lowering drug prices. One man told me his wages were stagnant at his hotel job and he was looking for policies to increase them.

“We’re talking about bread-and-butter issues,” Phyllis Thede, an Iowa state representative backing Clinton, told me when I asked about her constituents’ top concerns.

By contrast, Republican voters tend to be excited by more abstract issues: One of the most common answers I get from Cruz voters when I ask about their leading concern is “the Constitution.” There are fewer “I have a specific problem in my own life, and I’d like the government to do x about it” responses.

Which issues did voters bring up the most?

Alex: One word: ISIS. Though New Hampshire and Iowa are thousands of miles from Syia, Paris or San Bernardino, terrorism and national security was easily the most important issue on the minds of Republican voters I talked to. It wasn’t even close. “If you don’t have national security, nothing else really matters,” Sandra Nueberger told me at a Cruz town hall in Mason City, Iowa.

Was it different reporting on the other side?

Benjy: Goodbye, access! I e-mailed a Clinton aide before the candidate’s Iowa tour to ask which of her stops were most likely to include a “media avail,” which is shorthand for a brief Q&A with reporters. The aide sounded confused by the question. When I talked to the candidate’s traveling press corps the next day, they told me Clinton hadn’t held an avail with them for a month.

In Sanders’ case, I attended what the campaign billed as a “press conference” on paid family leave on Friday. After speaking for a bit on the topic, Sanders asked the reporters if they had any questions, waited just under two seconds, and then, before anyone could respond, he moved onto an audience member’s question and left without talking to us. It was bizarre.

Based on my experience covering Republicans, Alex, I’m guessing your week was different?

Alex: Hello, access! I’ve covered Hillary Clinton for more than a year and half and gotten only a tiny handful of questions answered by the candidate and very limited personal interaction with her. But for Republicans, ironically, considering their love of bashing the media, the press is a crucial potential ally to be courted, not a liability. I participated in four media avails in as many days with GOP candidates, and I was always able to watch them work crowds up close. The one exception was Trump, who now has Secret Service protection, but he gives out interviews like candy at Halloween.

In his stump speech, Cruz says that under his administration, newspaper reporters and editors will be forced to “check themselves into therapy,” presumably because he’ll put the media in its place. But – and I’m sorry to reveal this, Sen. Cruz – his traveling press corps was perhaps the most content I’ve encountered and gets along swimmingly with the senator and his staff. (It also might be too late for reporters to start therapy.) Bush has also made a point of being very accessible, and he and his team have good relations with the press.
First of all, how does the world not know that Trump, who seems eager to end the GOP primary with a testosterone-measuring contest, chooses to score his raucous mega-rallies with Andrew Lloyd Webber? All of his events begin and end with “The Music of the Night” from the “Phantom of the Opera” and “Memory” from “Cats” (a song about a former “Glamour cat”), along with some Adele tunes. Perhaps that’s real authenticity? Easily the most surprisingly bit of my week.
Bush was almost exactly as advertised, competent and reasonable, though funnier than on television. Unfortunately for him, the skills required to run for president are only tangentially related to the skills required to be president. He seemed to view humans from the detached view of a think tank fellow. When a woman at a town hall in Meredith, New Hampshire, shared a heart-wrenching story about her daughter’s murder, Bush addressed her policy question on gun control before her personal story. “OK, well. I’m happy to answer that and my heart goes out to you and your family,” he said. The conclusion to his answer invoked a famous moment from a Hollywood presidential candidate: “I’m sorry for your loss. Look, there’s lots of crazy things going on in this world each and every day,” Bush said.
Ted Cruz’s stump speech seems reverse-engineered after a careful study of the conservative base. It’s a clever format, inviting his audience to imagine the opening hours and days of a Cruz administration as he ticks through a right-wing wish-list of actions. But it loses some of its magic when you see it more than once, since he delivers it exactly the same – intonation, jokes, pauses and all – at stop after stop. Every politician has a stump, but this is different.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13074 on: January 14, 2016, 09:23:02 AM »
Which issues did voters bring up the most?

Alex: One word: ISIS. Though New Hampshire and Iowa are thousands of miles from Syia, Paris or San Bernardino, terrorism and national security was easily the most important issue on the minds of Republican voters I talked to. It wasn’t even close. “If you don’t have national security, nothing else really matters,” Sandra Nueberger told me at a Cruz town hall in Mason City, Iowa.

This stuff confuses me... When I think terrorist targets, Iowa isn't exactly the first place that comes to mind...

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13075 on: January 14, 2016, 09:26:48 AM »
Tfw you realize ISIS doesn't even know what an iowa is :fbm


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13077 on: January 14, 2016, 11:31:23 AM »
Nice reporting, Benji.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13078 on: January 14, 2016, 11:53:50 AM »
dat corn tho

A socialist utopia and of course a red state.

I was reading about free trade disputes recently and had to smugly chuckle at the welfare our cotton farmers receive. (If you want guaranteed income sell on a futures contract or become a doctor.) America, America never changes.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13079 on: January 14, 2016, 01:40:32 PM »
Nice reporting, Benji.
I'm undercover using the pseudonym.  :shh