Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2658203 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13200 on: January 22, 2016, 01:43:28 AM »
The trending side bar :lol

1) Conservatives against Trump
2) Against Trump
3) Huston we have a problem 

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13201 on: January 22, 2016, 07:41:47 AM »
Cuckservatives in disarray!


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13202 on: January 22, 2016, 08:53:11 AM »

This is the cartoon in the Weekly Standard today. I have no idea what's in his right hand.

I'm sure most Republicans will distance themselves from him as we get closer to the general election but I'm honestly concerned whether the Republican party can rebuild itself after this nomination.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13203 on: January 22, 2016, 10:35:54 AM »

political attack campaigns in the millennial age  :ryker

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13204 on: January 22, 2016, 11:17:05 AM »

LMAO looks like Hillary has learned nothing from the 2008 primaries when she pulled this shit.

Then again, given the rumors about her poor health, maybe she was just too strokey to continue the speech.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13205 on: January 22, 2016, 11:30:21 AM »
OTOH tho, fuck Iowa. They deserve nothing.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13206 on: January 22, 2016, 12:00:19 PM »
Ya sodomize them with corn cobs I say

Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13207 on: January 22, 2016, 12:28:27 PM »
why iowa is considered a bellwether for nomination is baffling to me

it's fucking iowa

Great Rumbler

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13208 on: January 22, 2016, 12:57:31 PM »
Does Iowa even exist, really? I mean, have you ever met someone who actually lives there? I bet not.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13209 on: January 22, 2016, 02:03:43 PM »
Hillary learned something: hire better people, specially the people who beat you last time. But as a candidate? Doesn't seem like she's changed. She gives off such a "hello fellow kids/blacks/Hispanics/etc" vibe with these various appeals to demographic groups.

Thank god the GOP is a mess right now or else I could see her losing a close election. But based on the republican field? Lmao

Van Cruncheon

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13210 on: January 22, 2016, 02:32:26 PM »
Oh boo hoo, now they're have to spent use their EBT cards on bottled water instead of crab legs and take a bath in the crick like real Americans.
Not so fast librul

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Lobster, always lobster :lol

oh clickhole


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Dickie Dee

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13212 on: January 23, 2016, 12:26:25 PM »

Report's a week or two old but just saw today, for fucking fuck sakes.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13213 on: January 23, 2016, 01:16:13 PM »
So there was a school shooting in Saskatchewan yesterday that killed 4 people.

Here is a timeline of Canadian school shootings

Half of these are not even school shootings in the usual sense (since some are robberies or domestic disputes).  You really have to go back to the 89 L'Ecole Polytech to have anything comparable to U.S school shootings.   


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13214 on: January 23, 2016, 01:50:12 PM »

Report's a week or two old but just saw today, for fucking fuck sakes.

That's just what they have to deal with in the short-term. I've tested lead levels in water before and was initially very skeptical that the lead levels in Flint were that bad ("probably just a little higher than normal"). Lead testing in water is a pretty strict process so there's almost no way to dilute your results.

But after reading through the difference in methodology for how the state initially tested the water versus independent groups and their research that came out after it looked like there was a problem, it is clear the water really is several times the 5 microgram/liter federal limit for tap water and that the way the state tested this was to try to artificially decrease the results. In California, you rarely see tap water come close to the limit so my guess is there was a conscious effort to sample water in a way that gives you the minimum possible result (ie: flushing for several minutes or not testing old homes). Things you're specifically not allowed to do afaik. Due to how easy it is to get caught, they probably did this only after it was clear the lead levels were too high.

And now the local water infrastructure is fucked due to the leaching and no one in Flint can trust their local regulators again. Anyone who knew about this should be fired and hopefully there are some criminal charges.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13215 on: January 23, 2016, 02:11:37 PM »
It seems that Snyder, Snyder personally knew about this months ago, while his admnistration was still pussyfooting around. FBI is investigating things as of now, not for nothing.

I'd actually be pretty dang surprised if somebody doesn't hang for this eventually (Rick probably has somebody else take the fall), it'll take a while, but I do expect charges to be brought.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13216 on: January 23, 2016, 03:44:38 PM »

Just cause I really want to rub it in how good Canada is, even if our vegetables are affordable. 

Phoenix Dark

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Synder won't be charged with anything. I'd imagine a fall guy will be found at some point.

The root of this problem is the emergency manager. An un-elected entity who gets to walk into a city and do whatever he wants, all in the name of "saving money." Not to mention the way Snyder's administration has created the need for emergency managers in terms of starving certain cities of tax revenue and sending it to suburbs instead.

Michigan voters soundly rejected the emergency manager referendum in 2012 btw. What did Snyder do? Take it to the legislature, pass a law funding the emergency manager process, and then blocked the ability to reject EM laws by referendum.

Shit is like OCP brehs.

Human Snorenado

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Vote for the Republican, brehs



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Someone dug up this tweet the Trump campaign's spokeswoman made in 2012:

In case she deletes it, it reads "Perfect Obama's dad born in Africa, Mitt Romney's dad born in Mexico. Any pure breeds left? #CNNDebate"

Trump poached her from Cruz.  I don't have much to add, really.

edit: unsurprisingly there's a bunch more.


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Re: Donald Trump Making America GOAT Again |OT| - 1/5/16 the day freedom died
« Reply #13220 on: January 23, 2016, 10:30:37 PM »

Just cause I really want to rub it in how good Canada is, even if our vegetables are affordable.

How's that oil-based economy working out? :hitler


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Olivia Wilde Homo

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Michael Bloomberg considering running:

If I were the DNC, I'd be begging and pleading for Joe Biden to reconsider running.  Even though the first caucus is next week, he could still win the primaries.  Even though I doubt Bloomberg will make the run, it shows that the Democrats are really vulnerable for 2016.  People here saying that a Democrat is guaranteed to be in the White House in 2016 is kidding themselves; it isn't a guarantee by any means.

Great Rumbler

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I see Bloomberg's talk of running as an independent as more of threat directed at Dems who are thinking about supporting Bernie over Hillary, more so than an actual intent to run at some point.

Phoenix Dark

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Clinton would have way too much money for Biden to overcome right now imo.


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He's just threatening Sanders to pressure him to drop out even though he may only win a couple states in the primary.


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If I were the DNC, I'd be begging and pleading for Joe Biden to reconsider running.

Even though the first caucus is next week, he could still win the primaries.
No he couldn't.

Joe Molotov

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:drudge :drudge THE GOVERNMENT'S GONNA PAY FOR IT  :drudge :drudge

:drudge :drudge MAKE A DEAL WITH IRAN  :drudge :drudge


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Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Sunday applauded Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's response to the water contamination crisis in Flint -- even though the situation was caused by Snyder's own administration.

"I admire Rick Snyder for stepping up right now," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union." "He's going to the challenge. He's fired people and accepted responsibility to fix this."



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Heckuvajob, Snydie.

Steve Contra

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Someone who went to college was arguing with me the other night that we shouldn't worry too much about Planned Parenthood because uncle Bernie will bring about single payer and Planned Parenthood will be irrelevant.  And people wonder why Bernie is popular mainly with white dudes :beli

Human Snorenado

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The "Bernie's going to wave a magic wand and give everyone unicorns" mentality of Bernie's most fervent supporters is clearly my biggest issue with supporting Bernie, even though I do.

Steve Contra

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I honestly don't know what Bernie would be able to accomplish right now.  Certainly nothing that is exciting people about his run.  I mean he won't go to war with Iran, but other than that?

Trent Dole

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His ideas are what should be happening imo, but of course the current administration can barely get anything through so these hyper progressive programs he wants have literally no chance of getting through Congress.
I honestly don't know what Bernie would be able to accomplish right now.  Certainly nothing that is exciting people about his run.  I mean he won't go to war with Iran, but other than that?
Could he maybe do the bank breakup that he harps on about all the time? :yeshrug


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I think getting him in is our best shot at any sort of real campaign finance reform, voting rights, better banking regulation. Anyone who thinks he's a cure all is a dumbass, surely, but even that black dude got some shit done despite all the opposition

Steve Contra

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No.  And banks don't really need to be broken up, they need to be regulated a ton.  A bunch of smaller banks still pose the same systemic risk that a few big ones do if they're allowed to do whatever.

Phoenix Dark

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Wow you guys are uninformed. Sanders has already explained he's going to spark a political revolution, jeez. How is Paul Ryan going to say no to 60% tax rates for the rich when one hundred thousand young white students rush into his office demanding change?


Steve Contra

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I'm also not in favor of literacy tests for voting, but we really should stop people from voting who talk about taxes but don't how a progressive tax code works.  How can you have paid taxes for 45 years and not have the slightest idea?


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I like Sanders, but man does that guy attract a ton of self-righteous middle class honkeys.


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Whether Sanders wins or not I think the best thing he's able to do is get people talking about his ideas in a somewhat serious manner even though most have no change in hell of ever happening. 

Phoenix Dark

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Honestly I don't even like that argument. As an example, people have been arguing about single payer for years, most notably since 2010 and the ACA debates. Bernie Sanders and "his ideas" haven't sparked the conversation on this or most other things. It's getting to the point where I'm reaching borderline disdain of a guy I generally agree with solely due to his stans and the narrative. I can see it now. "Yes, Hillary bought the nomination BUT Bernie's ideas were the real winners"  :doge

fuck me

Steve Contra

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The people who made those fake ass Planned Parenthood videos were indicted because the Governor of Texas wanted PP investigated. :lol

Joe Molotov

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Grand Jury be like


Phoenix Dark

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To paraphrase Herzl, if you believe it, there is no lie Dude.  :doge

tom delay says his friends in the fbi told him they're about to indict hillary clinton

tom delay  :aweshum

And people wonder why Bernie is popular mainly with white dudes :beli

I like Sanders, but man does that guy attract a ton of self-righteous middle class honkeys.

The Myth of the Bernie Bro


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The Myth of the Bernie Bro

lol the author of that piece on was twitter talking about coordinating harassment on female journalists earlier today. year long tirades are chill tho

u doe eyed americans getting wet about 'democratic socialism' being the great leveler should look to europe and the long established tradition of how progressivism and good old bigotry co-exist with little issue.


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Whether Sanders wins or not I think the best thing he's able to do is get people talking about his ideas in a somewhat serious manner even though most have no change in hell of ever happening.
You mean like Trump and immigration?  :win

Van Cruncheon

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no dem president's doin' SHIT beyond a few end-of-term executive orders (and maybe some drawn-out media circus judicial appointees) as long as the republicans control congress.


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no dem president's doin' SHIT beyond a few end-of-term executive orders (and maybe some drawn-out media circus judicial appointees) as long as the republicans control congress.

Pretty much.

I wonder how many months it would take of President Sanders not accomplishing shit before all the librul thinkpieces on how we've been deceived and betrayed and he's not really one of us.

Van Cruncheon

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if we don't have free health care 4 all by february 2017, bumper stickers will be peeled off with RAGE

Phoenix Dark

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March 3rd, 2017

"What's the difference between President Bernie Sanders and George W Bush? Nothing"

Van Cruncheon

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on the upside, MAYBE we'll get a few "hey, obama wasn't all THAT awful" retrospectives from media shillberts

on the downside, conservative hillfolk will be all OBAMA'S NIGHTMARE LEGACY CONTINUES, BE AFRAID OF THE (BLACK) SHADOW

Van Cruncheon

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and if there's a large terror attack, god help us all

the hand-wringing from the left will make more cradles than fox news can have kittens

Phoenix Dark

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BREAKING (via @maddow): Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder asking for Medicaid to be expanded to cover ALL children in Flint, regardless of income


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on the upside, MAYBE we'll get a few "hey, obama wasn't all THAT awful" retrospectives from media shillberts

on the downside, conservative hillfolk will be all OBAMA'S NIGHTMARE LEGACY CONTINUES, BE AFRAID OF THE (BLACK) SHADOW

Oh God, I can't wait for conservatives to go with "Obama Hillary/Bernie a radical!  We may have disagreed with Bill Clinton Obama, but at least he was someone you could work with!"

:bow retconning :bow2

Human Snorenado

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I can't wait for the media to let them get away with it


Phoenix Dark

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Can't wait for Chuck Todd to write a book. Barack And Boehner: When Washington Worked And What Hillary Can Learn.



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no dem president's doin' SHIT beyond a few end-of-term executive orders (and maybe some drawn-out media circus judicial appointees) as long as the republicans control congress.

Pretty much.

I wonder how many months it would take of President Sanders not accomplishing shit before all the librul thinkpieces on how we've been deceived and betrayed and he's not really one of us.

"Bernie's 100-day plan? Failed. Clintonites win again"


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(New York, NY) January 26th, 2016 - As someone who wrote one of the best-selling business books of all time, The Art of the Deal, who has built an incredible company, including some of the most valuable and iconic assets in the world, and as someone who has a personal net worth of many billions of dollars, Mr. Trump knows a bad deal when he sees one. FOX News is making tens of millions of dollars on debates, and setting ratings records (the highest in history), where as in previous years they were low-rated afterthoughts.

Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away. Roger Ailes and FOX News think they can toy with him, but Mr. Trump doesn’t play games. There have already been six debates, and according to all online debate polls including Drudge, Slate, Time Magazine, and many others, Mr. Trump has won all of them, in particular the last one. Whereas he has always been a job creator and not a debater, he nevertheless truly enjoys the debating process - and it has been very good for him, both in polls and popularity.

He will not be participating in the FOX News debate and will instead host an event in Iowa to raise money for the Veterans and Wounded Warriors, who have been treated so horribly by our all talk, no action politicians. Like running for office as an extremely successful person, this takes guts and it is the kind of mentality our country needs in order to Make America Great Again.
this. is. amazing.