Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656107 times)

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  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13740 on: February 13, 2016, 08:10:30 PM »
so if the court is at 8 members, doesn't that mean they can't get a majority rule on, well, anything?
are they just on an indefinite break until they've got another dude or dudette on the bench? Do they still do stuff but put things on hold when they tie? What in the blue hell is going on here if they can't/wont  get another jurist until 2017?

ps: Isn't it kinda nuts to not use whatever leverage the GOP has now to get a more palatable option in the court then to wait until the election and hope for the best? I mean, the senate is/was highly likely to flip no matter who wins the presidency this year, this seems like a really stupid gamble to make with no real upside (best case scenario, we still block the courts for a year).

Apparently, if there's a 4-4 tie then the lower courts decision becomes affirmed but does not become considered a Supreme Court precedent. But it's very unusual for a court to go a year with an even number of justices. That's why it makes sense that Obama will try to pick somebody that the senate will accept.

For the Republican Party, which can't be feeling too popular with conservative voters right now, it might make sense to delay it until the next president in order to give conservative voters the morale boost to turn out and vote in November. This will be a fun year (not really).

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13741 on: February 13, 2016, 08:12:10 PM »
Not going to lie;  I'm watching 'The Supremes' episode of the westwing right now/

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13742 on: February 13, 2016, 08:13:57 PM »
so if the court is at 8 members, doesn't that mean they can't get a majority rule on, well, anything?
are they just on an indefinite break until they've got another dude or dudette on the bench? Do they still do stuff but put things on hold when they tie? What in the blue hell is going on here if they can't/wont  get another jurist until 2017?

ps: Isn't it kinda nuts to not use whatever leverage the GOP has now to get a more palatable option in the court then to wait until the election and hope for the best? I mean, the senate is/was highly likely to flip no matter who wins the presidency this year, this seems like a really stupid gamble to make with no real upside (best case scenario, we still block the courts for a year).

Apparently, if there's a 4-4 tie then the lower courts decision becomes affirmed but does not become considered a Supreme Court precedent. But it's very unusual for a court to go a year with an even number of justices. That's why it makes sense that Obama will try to pick somebody that the senate will accept.

For the Republican Party, which can't be feeling too popular with conservative voters right now, it might make sense to delay it until the next president in order to give conservative voters the morale boost to turn out and vote in November. This will be fun

Its also a moral boost for dems and may split moderate Republicans off, especially given how moderate Hilary is. 


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13743 on: February 13, 2016, 08:21:43 PM »
so if the court is at 8 members, doesn't that mean they can't get a majority rule on, well, anything?
are they just on an indefinite break until they've got another dude or dudette on the bench? Do they still do stuff but put things on hold when they tie? What in the blue hell is going on here if they can't/wont  get another jurist until 2017?

ps: Isn't it kinda nuts to not use whatever leverage the GOP has now to get a more palatable option in the court then to wait until the election and hope for the best? I mean, the senate is/was highly likely to flip no matter who wins the presidency this year, this seems like a really stupid gamble to make with no real upside (best case scenario, we still block the courts for a year).

Apparently, if there's a 4-4 tie then the lower courts decision becomes affirmed but does not become considered a Supreme Court precedent. But it's very unusual for a court to go a year with an even number of justices. That's why it makes sense that Obama will try to pick somebody that the senate will accept.

For the Republican Party, which can't be feeling too popular with conservative voters right now, it might make sense to delay it until the next president in order to give conservative voters the morale boost to turn out and vote in November. This will be fun

Its also a moral boost for dems and may split moderate Republicans off, especially given how moderate Hilary is.

I think most of them will still vote for a Trump or Cruz candidate but the good reason for Republicans in Congress to delay this is that it makes conservative voters consider the down ticket Senate races important. If the Democrats control the White House and the Senate, then that's the worst possible situation for them.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13744 on: February 14, 2016, 02:30:28 AM »


Joe Molotov

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13745 on: February 14, 2016, 02:36:46 AM »
RBG outliving Scalia. :lawd


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13746 on: February 14, 2016, 12:32:45 PM »
Obama should appoint Hillary, allowing Sanders to become the nominee, for her own good, the good of the country and the good of the Democratic Party.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13747 on: February 14, 2016, 01:20:25 PM »
Last night Donald Trump said that Planned Parenthood was good for providing services for women's health, said that the war in Iraq was a disaster, and that Bush ignored the warnings about 9/11.

If there was one event that might stop his momentum, it was last night.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13748 on: February 14, 2016, 01:22:01 PM »
The boos on that and the applauds that turned these things on dems was crazy. 

And Jebs comeback from the attack that his brother fucked up the middle east was that he thinks his mom and dad are great :lol

Great Rumbler

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13749 on: February 14, 2016, 02:57:41 PM »
Jeb is the most milquetoast dude ever.

Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13750 on: February 14, 2016, 04:15:43 PM »
Obama should appoint Hillary, allowing Sanders to become the nominee, for her own good, the good of the country and the good of the Democratic Party.

I hope the Republicans obstruct the appointment and it gets pushed to the next president so Hillary can appoint constitutional law professor Barrack Obama.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13751 on: February 14, 2016, 04:38:15 PM »
Technically, there's nothing stopping Obama from appointing himself that I'm aware of.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13752 on: February 14, 2016, 04:40:24 PM »
Really? Oh that would be grand. Though I think I've read him saying he wants out of the political bubble at the end of his term.

Trent Dole

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13753 on: February 14, 2016, 04:45:13 PM »
Technically, there's nothing stopping Obama from appointing himself that I'm aware of.
There's not some rule about people occupying spots in two of the three federal branches at once?


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13754 on: February 14, 2016, 04:49:00 PM »
Well, I mean once confirmed, he would resign the Presidency and let Diamond Joe take over for the last however many months. Similar to justices appointed out of the Cabinet/Senate/Governorships/etc.

EDIT: Earl Warren was Governor of California when appointed by Eisenhower as a recess appointment to be Chief Justice, he wasn't confirmed for another six months.

Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13755 on: February 14, 2016, 04:58:08 PM »
Well, I mean once confirmed, he would resign the Presidency and let Diamond Joe take over for the last however many months. Similar to justices appointed out of the Cabinet/Senate/Governorships/etc.

EDIT: Earl Warren was Governor of California when appointed by Eisenhower as a recess appointment to be Chief Justice, he wasn't confirmed for another six months.

Is that the longest confirmation?


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sanders v Trump
« Reply #13756 on: February 14, 2016, 05:22:37 PM »
After appointment? Probably? Brandeis took 125 days in Congress. The confirmation process has changed such that I'm reluctant to compare back farther really.

Nixon had a hole on the court for over a year after Abe Fortas resigned. His choices kept getting rejected by the Senate before Harry Blackmun was confirmed.

John Tyler had all his appointments to two seats rejected because he was a man without a party. Polk came into office and only got one of his two original appointees to the seats approved initially.

Bork went 114 days before being rejected, and then Reagan switched to Kennedy who went 65 days before being confirmed. Combined that beats Brandeis.

Random fact: Taft served only one term and appointed six justices. (Including the last justice without a law degree.) Only two of whom he later served with.

FDR served three terms and appointed eight justices. And that was with half the court basically agreeing to retire.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13757 on: February 14, 2016, 11:21:07 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13759 on: February 15, 2016, 06:37:35 AM »
"It's clear monetary police has shot its wad." - Barack Obama's first words to Christina Romer; November 21, 2008.

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13760 on: February 15, 2016, 10:19:27 AM »
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), another member of the Judiciary Committee, suggested another candidate: "someone like" Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Hatch serves as the president pro tempore of the Senate, and is the most senior senator among the GOP caucus.



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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13761 on: February 15, 2016, 11:05:31 AM »
@realDonaldTrump 2 hours ago

Now that George Bush is campaigning for Jeb(!), is he fair game for questions about World Trade Center, Iraq War and eco collapse? Careful!

Human Snorenado

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13762 on: February 15, 2016, 11:37:08 AM »
How you feelin' about 2016, AiA?

Well, there it was, on a stage in South Carolina, the prion disease that has been afflicting the Republican party since Ronald Reagan first fed it the monkeybrains almost 40 years ago broke out into the general population. During the ninth debate of the Republican candidates for president, we saw actual facts booed (by my count) three times before the first commercial break. We saw two sons of Cuban emigres duke it out over who can make the lives of Hispanic immigrants more miserable. We saw a vulgar talking yam dare to tell the truth about C-Plus Augustus while standing next to his brother, and we later saw the vulgar talking yam call Ted Cruz the biggest liar he's ever seen. And still, after it was over, serious people got on the electric teevee machine to talk about who had the best night, and who won and who lost, and not one of them mentioned the obvious fact that one of our two major political parties suffered a complete mental meltdown on national television. The big winner was either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Rodham Clinton. The big loser was participatory democracy all the way back through history to Pericles. No wonder Ben Carson kept nodding off into the Western Isles. He was safer there.



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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13763 on: February 15, 2016, 12:10:10 PM »
Donald Trump’s Moment
By now it’s a cliché that Donald Trump can say anything he wants, and his supporters don’t care. They love him for his attitude and bluster, which has become a proxy for their rage against the political machine. Maybe that will be true again after Saturday night’s debate in South Carolina, but someone has to point out how the GOP presidential frontrunner has adopted the political left’s worldview on fundamental questions—including blatant distortions of fact.

Take his full-throated endorsement of the conspiracy theory that the George W. Bush Administration deliberately lied to get the U.S. into the Iraq war. “You call it whatever you want. I wanna tell you. They lied,” Mr. Trump replied to a question by CBS moderator John Dickerson. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.”

Despite years of investigation and countless memoirs, there is no evidence for this claim. None. The CIA director at the time, George Tenet, famously called evidence of WMD in Iraq a “slam dunk.” Other intelligence services, including the British, also believed Saddam Hussein had such programs. After the first Gulf War in 1991 the CIA had been surprised to learn that Saddam had far more WMD capability than it had thought. So it wasn’t crazy to suspect that Saddam would attempt to rebuild it after he had expelled United Nations arms inspectors in the late 1990s.


But peddling false conspiracy theories ought to be disqualifying behavior in a presidential candidate because it corrodes public trust in democracy. Mr. Trump is claiming that government officials lied so they could send Americans to their deaths, and for what? So Mr. Bush could nearly lose an election over the war in 2004, and Republicans could lose Congress and the White House because of it in 2006 and 2008? and others on the left have spread these lies for years because they have an unrestrained will to power and they really do believe the United States is the main source of trouble in the world. But this is not a worldview that conservative leaders have adopted, at least until now.

We have enough respect for voters to appreciate that they support Mr. Trump for rational reasons. And we’d like to see him start to act more presidential in case he does become the GOP nominee. But his willingness to indulge the most crackpot left-wing conspiracy theory shows the tremendous risk Republicans would be taking if they make him their standard-bearer.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13764 on: February 15, 2016, 12:18:51 PM »
You know what still pisses me the fuck off and makes me depressed/sad at the same time? The "Colin Powell, a well respected figure by all, confirmed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction..." defense

It's like the ultimate troll trap card. And even though he didn't want to give that testimony...he still did it, and we're all still paying for it. And I don't even feel like defending him or arguing against it.

Someone needs to make a seeded bracket of all the Iraq fuckery, so we can determine what was #1. Is is Powell's testimony, is it Ahmed Chalabi, etc. And we need a play-in round between Cindy Sheehan and [insert some dated fuckery I forgot].
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 12:25:32 PM by Phoenix Dark »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13765 on: February 15, 2016, 12:24:41 PM »
Is Fahrenheit 9/11 a #2 seed? #3? Hard to tell. "General governmental incompetence" has to be a #1 seed, but when you're talking about the modern Republican party, that's pretty much a given. Surprise! The party that spends all their time yelling that government is evil and unnecessary turns out to be not so good at, you know, governing. Why anyone votes for these assclowns is beyond me. Why, look at the situation in Michigan...


Joe Molotov

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13766 on: February 15, 2016, 12:27:31 PM »
But peddling false conspiracy theories ought to be disqualifying behavior in a presidential candidate because it corrodes public trust in democracy. Mr. Trump is claiming that government officials lied so they could send Americans to their deaths, and for what?


Madrun Badrun

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13767 on: February 15, 2016, 12:35:53 PM »
Maybe people should just start referring to him as "Colin Powell, a well respected figure by all, until he lied to the U.N. and the world". 


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13768 on: February 15, 2016, 12:36:49 PM »
I know people who still think Powell actually took anthrax or whatever into the U.N., it was part of the Bushpigs threat you see.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13769 on: February 15, 2016, 02:09:34 PM »
Sanders is having a rally not far from where I live. Drove by during lunch and the line is long as fuck.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13770 on: February 15, 2016, 02:50:20 PM »
Someone needs to make a seeded bracket of all the Iraq fuckery, so we can determine what was #1. Is is Powell's testimony, is it Ahmed Chalabi, etc. And we need a play-in round between Cindy Sheehan and [insert some dated fuckery I forgot].

I'd nominate:

* The media coverage of Jessica Lynch's capture.

* Iraqis pulling down the Saddam statue, which seemed to be a handful of Chalabi's men aided by US forces.

* Fallujah basically being ceded to Sunni insurgents for a year because retaking it would mean casualties and negative press, and it was an election year.

* The Iraqi army being dissolved with no plan on what to do with tens of thousands of disaffected, unemployed trained soldiers.  A decision that nobody takes responsibility for to this day, I believe.

* The US being blindsided by ethnic/religious divisions.

* The US being blindsided by Moqtada Al-Sadr.

* Iran offering the US a diplomatic opening through a Swiss diplomat, and getting completely shut down.

* That fucking deck of cards with all the high-ranking Iraqi officials on them.

* "Warbloggers"

* Warbloggers promoting Healing Iraq (a blog by an Iraqi) in support of the war, until the blog's author had his cousin killed by soldiers throwing him off a bridge for being out after curfew.

* Curveball

* Toby Keith and jingo-country as a genre

* The US moving all those resources to Iraq cause Afghanistan looks like it will be just fine (though good chance it wouldn't have made a huge difference)

* Mission Accomplished

* "I better call my lawyer."

* When death estimates of the Iraq war are published in the Lancet, hawks spontaneously developing very deeply held beliefs about epidemiology and statistical analysis.

* The US telling Hans Blix to get out, and how quickly that was retconned into "well Saddam kicked out the inspectors, so how could we know?"

* That time everyone was freaking out about the Dixie Chicks

* The change from "Bush won't be held back by the stuffy Arabists at the CIA and State!" to "The CIA duped Bush and forced him into invading!"  See here.

* Freedom fries and goofy francophobia in general

* Pre-war predictions from "they'll be building a statue of Bush" to "the oil will pay for the reconstruction."

* Expenses from the war never being included in future budget projections.  The Bush administration taking credit for hypothetically cutting the future deficit, using the assumptions of no Iraq costs and an expiration of their own tax cuts.

* Judith Miller

* Reporters saying stuff like "by late 2003, it was clear there were huge problems with..." but saying it in 2007 and not 2003.

* So many dead Americans.  Dead allies too.

* So, so many dead and displaced Iraqis.

* Bush, that sonofabitch, managing to duck that shoe.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13771 on: February 15, 2016, 02:50:42 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13772 on: February 15, 2016, 02:53:52 PM »
* Bush, that sonofabitch, managing to duck that shoe.

Okay, I was about to say, this list is invalidated if it doesn't have the shoe-throw.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13773 on: February 15, 2016, 02:59:51 PM »
Favorite part of the shoe toss: western media explaining to viewers that in Arab culture feet are considered dirty, so having someone chuck a boot at your head while you're speaking is actually a sign of disrespect.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13774 on: February 15, 2016, 03:03:59 PM »
Gosh Mandark, to listen to you one would think that nothing positive came from the war in Iraq!

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13775 on: February 15, 2016, 03:04:50 PM »

And no one cares about the battles we survived today

I made a Jeff Gannon reference a few weeks ago and no one cared


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13776 on: February 15, 2016, 03:10:44 PM »
Kids today don't know how insane it is that the guy from Little Green Footballs is now the "good" Charles Johnson.



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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13777 on: February 15, 2016, 03:23:15 PM »
That Lancet study was full of shit though.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13778 on: February 15, 2016, 03:24:19 PM »
sure it was, sunshine


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13779 on: February 15, 2016, 03:52:10 PM »
The worst thing is when people still act surprised that Bush "got away" with starting such an unpopular war.

It made sense if you lived in the US back in 2003. Most people felt like 9/11 was an insult and the hunt for Osama had stalled. So may as well attack some other terrorist dude whose ass was already kicked once. The lesson is people get really small-minded and irrational when there's a major national security failure.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13780 on: February 15, 2016, 03:57:42 PM »
Image what the story would be if it had worked.  No weapons of mass destruction?  whatever X 1000


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13781 on: February 15, 2016, 04:37:54 PM »
I never understood how they got away with keeping the expense of the war out of public view.

No war here folks.....  :money

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13782 on: February 15, 2016, 04:45:07 PM »
Someone needs to make a seeded bracket of all the Iraq fuckery, so we can determine what was #1. Is is Powell's testimony, is it Ahmed Chalabi, etc. And we need a play-in round between Cindy Sheehan and [insert some dated fuckery I forgot].

I'd nominate:

-Promoting Pat Tillman as a war hero, then being forced to admit that he was killed by friendly fire

-"You don't change horses midstream!"

-"We'll be welcomed as liberators."

-"The war will pay for itself."

Human Snorenado

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13783 on: February 15, 2016, 04:56:03 PM »
-"Unknown unknowns"

-John Ashcroft singing "Let the Eagle Soar"

Steve Contra

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13784 on: February 15, 2016, 05:26:55 PM »
Colin Powell has to be number one like Jordan, what you're arguing about is the rest of the top ten.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13785 on: February 15, 2016, 07:15:55 PM »
-feeling like Keith Olbermann was a national hero


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13786 on: February 15, 2016, 07:39:51 PM »
I remember my English teacher using one of Bush's speeches arguing for invading Iraq as an in-class example of a persuasive essay. And my history teacher telling us our generation would have to fight World War III against the Iranians and the North Koreans. 2003 was a more innocent time.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13787 on: February 15, 2016, 09:33:43 PM »
-Promoting Pat Tillman as a war hero, then being forced to admit that he was killed by friendly fire

Might be the biggest one for me besides the whole lies to get into Iraq in the first place (WMD). The revelations of him dying to friendly fire was a bigger WTF when he was telling them who he was while being shot.

I remember my English teacher using one of Bush's speeches arguing for invading Iraq as an in-class example of a persuasive essay. And my history teacher telling us our generation would have to fight World War III against the Iranians and the North Koreans. 2003 was a more innocent time.

TFW you write an essay on patriotism telling your History teacher you don't feel very patriotic just because some assholes felt the need to crash planes into towers and cause terrorism and a bullshit war. :lawd Being sent to the dean over that and your parents knowing you don't buy into their conservative "you're with us or against us" bullshit. :lawd :lawd

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13788 on: February 15, 2016, 09:53:27 PM »
I remember when I almost bought a Dixie Chicks album out of #solidarity

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I think I copped Get Rich Or Die Trying instead


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13789 on: February 15, 2016, 10:11:22 PM »
You forgot the whole Valerie Plame affair.

That and Republicans mocking Kerry's war record made it clear to me that there is no group of people Republicans will hesitate to attack that don't tow the Republican line.

edit: shit, Mandark made that post like 20 posts ago.  :doge
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 10:16:44 PM by Oblivion »


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13790 on: February 15, 2016, 10:19:10 PM »
@realDonaldTrump 2 hours ago

Now that George Bush is campaigning for Jeb(!), is he fair game for questions about World Trade Center, Iraq War and eco collapse? Careful!

Trump is a goddamned SAINT. :bow

How Republicans have used failing to prevent the worst terrorist attack in the country's history as PROOF as to why they should be in charge of defending us is probably the most bizarre thing I've witnessed in politics.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13791 on: February 15, 2016, 10:49:43 PM »
How Republicans have used failing to prevent the worst terrorist attack in the country's history as PROOF as to why they should be in charge of defending us is probably the most bizarre thing I've witnessed in politics.

I don't get it, I really don't get it. And then they inevitably follow that up by trying to pin the blame for 9/11 on Clinton not taking out OBL when he had the chance.


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13792 on: February 15, 2016, 11:00:43 PM »
Serious question: has the party of personal responsibility (tm) EVER taken responsibility for anything?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13793 on: February 15, 2016, 11:08:17 PM »
Serious question: has the party of personal responsibility (tm) EVER taken responsibility for anything?

The utter defeat of the Soviet Union

Benji  :ussrcry


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13794 on: February 15, 2016, 11:34:59 PM »
-feeling like Keith Olbermann was a national hero

 :lol (not just me)

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13795 on: February 15, 2016, 11:36:36 PM »
Serious question: has the party of personal responsibility (tm) EVER taken responsibility for anything?

How can the party be responsible when responsibility is a personal thing?   :doge

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13796 on: February 16, 2016, 07:58:59 AM »
Hillary is now barking during her speeches.

2016 is probably the most interesting election I've followed (I've been paying attention since 2000).


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13798 on: February 16, 2016, 09:35:00 AM »
I don't buy it, no way the extra large soda lobby lets him in the race


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| "All I said was 'Gimme one more Justice'!"
« Reply #13799 on: February 16, 2016, 10:02:52 AM »

2016 is probably the most interesting election I've followed (I've been paying attention since 2000).

Really? I thought 2000 and 2008 were way more interesting and dynamic.

Nothing will top 1992 though. That shit was bananas.