Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656044 times)

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14100 on: February 27, 2016, 09:57:42 AM »
he U.S. economy got a double dose of good news Friday. Economic growth in the final three months of 2015 didn't slow as much as previously estimated, and consumers roared back to life in January, spending at the fastest clip in eight months.

The Commerce Department said that consumer spending increased 0.5 percent last month, the best showing since May and far higher than the tiny 0.1 percent gain in December. Economists are expecting stronger consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of economic activity, to lift overall economic growth in the new year after a fourth-quarter slowdown.

In a separate report, the government said the gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic health, grew at an annual rate of 1 percent in the fourth quarter. That's an improvement from the first estimate of 0.7 percent, though just half the 2 percent growth posted in the third quarter.
Speaker Ryan doin' work

too bad he shaved the beard, that probably means a recession

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14102 on: February 27, 2016, 01:09:52 PM »
Voted *pats self on back*  :doge

Purrp Skirrp

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14103 on: February 27, 2016, 06:34:58 PM »

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14104 on: February 27, 2016, 08:14:13 PM »
LOL, with 36% reporting, Clinton has 75% of the vote and Sanders has 24%.  Even though Sanders had no shot winning, this is an even bigger loss than a lot.

Bernie is finished.  Will be interested to see if Sanders keeps his zombie campaign lurching along or if he just backs out.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14105 on: February 27, 2016, 08:24:43 PM »
Apparently his rallies haven't been selling out lately either. Benji since you are the resident Pauline expert...were Paul rallies abandoned once it started looking like he was fucked?

Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14106 on: February 27, 2016, 09:30:13 PM »


Black lives dont matter. And this is coming from a WOC.
Sorry yall but i got to be real for a minute. I quit my job in the middle of the ferguson shit to be part of a movement. To protect black people from institutional racism.
The past year has been incredible. We have received so much support from so many organizations. Anyway 2 months ago i joined the sanders campaign and it was fantastic. I was so hopeful that we would get all this dirty white money out of politics. That black people would turn out and vote for bernie like they did for obama.
And what the fuck happens?
These nappy headed morons turn out for basically the wicket witch of the west.
I Have not slept for the past 2 days yall. I am exhausted beyond comprehenshin. I never went to college. Nobody in my family went to college. I was hoping to be the first because bernie was going to make it free.
I dont want to go back to work. I wanted to make something of myself but now I cant.
Not because of racism.
Not because of dirty white money in politics.
But because black people are so hopeless and stupid as a hole that they cant even vote in their own interest.
I quit the sanders campaign tonight. I have to go get a job I have a baby girl to feed and this campaign is going to cut me off of money soon when he decides to drop out. I need a stable job yall.
just thought i would give my 2 sense.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14107 on: February 27, 2016, 09:34:03 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14108 on: February 27, 2016, 10:05:23 PM »
isn't all your guys money green?

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Trent Dole

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14111 on: February 27, 2016, 10:56:00 PM »
A-at least he helped shift the dialogue a bit? :-[

Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14112 on: February 27, 2016, 11:25:17 PM »
At least he's spawning some amazing trolls.

I'm using a throaway account because I have friends and family who are aware of my reddit account and don't want them to worry about me even more.
That being said, I can't do this. I've thrown all my cards on the table and I think I'm done. Me and my wife have been arguing nearly every day since October. She thinks I'm spending money on another woman because funds have been mysteriously disappearing from our account. Well, that "other woman" is Bernie Sanders. She got upset after I donated over $500 to his campaign and told me not to do it again "or we're going to have serious issues" she said. We've been on hard times ever since I was laid off my old job. I was the breadwinner so now it's both of us having to pull the plow and make end's meat, I make very little compared to my last job and get very little hours but we're persevering. I keep assuring her that things will get better WHEN (NOT IF) Bernie wins and to just bear with me for a while longer.
I would rather have her think I'm cheating on her than have her find out I'm "wasting money" donating on Bernie. At least it'd be another reason to go to the marriage counseling shes been whining about for the past year.
Anyways, please get out there and vote. I'll take the day off work and I'll be out there on Super Tuesday manning the phones and handing out brochures.
God bless.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14113 on: February 27, 2016, 11:27:33 PM »
God bless.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14114 on: February 27, 2016, 11:41:19 PM »
Sanders seems like a genuinely good man, with the best political views that actually make sense for a modern world. I thought he was unlikely to get the nomination though for lots of reasons but mostly because he's a guy who looks like he's in his 70's/80's and he's not a speaker on the level of an Obama. You can have the most wonderful package of beliefs and policies but in America you have to look the part and talk the part.

That being said I was also fine with Hillary as I was the last time.

Bernie supporters can be annoying but that tends to happen with true believer style candidates that attract the most insane "my life depends on this election" style fans.


Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14115 on: February 28, 2016, 09:15:03 AM »
Sanders should stay in the senate. With the way the senate and the house are packed it doesn't make sense to me that you'd get rid of your most liberal voice in the legislative. My biggest issue with him has always been his lack of commitment to down ticket  races, and it seems like he has absolutely no plan for them behind a miracle blue wave.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14116 on: February 28, 2016, 04:18:20 PM »
He couldn't offer his two cents because the big banks backing Hillary and The Blacks stole it.

Apparently his rallies haven't been selling out lately either. Benji since you are the resident Pauline expert...were Paul rallies abandoned once it started looking like he was fucked?
What Rand Paul rallies?

EDIT: This is from when he was polling at 10+% nationally:
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 04:23:44 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14117 on: February 28, 2016, 04:21:04 PM »
Melissa Harris-Perry out at MSNBC.

Speaking of outcast MSNBC anchors and PoliGAF regular David Brock:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I can't get over CNN's promos and on-screen countdowns to the debates and primaries.

EDIT: "Founder, Correct the Road" :lol
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 04:28:27 PM by benjipwns »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14118 on: February 28, 2016, 05:07:30 PM »
Benji: Ron, not Rand.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14119 on: February 28, 2016, 05:20:23 PM »


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14120 on: February 28, 2016, 05:45:02 PM »
Jeff Sessions to endorse Trump.

That's not entirely surprising, but that Trump is getting his nod over his partner in nihilism Ted Cruz is kinda amazing. Ted can't even get the freedom caucus to carry water for him, and the only things he's done in federal government was done with them in unison as their sort of inter-congressional-body leader.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14121 on: February 28, 2016, 05:57:50 PM »
I saw that the DNC Vice Chair had resigned to endorse Bernie and I got excited for a second, but then I saw it was Vice Chair and not Chair.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14122 on: February 28, 2016, 06:03:33 PM »
I saw that the DNC Vice Chair had resigned to endorse Bernie and I got excited for a second, but then I saw it was Vice Chair and not Chair.

It's still pretty huge. I mean, this is clearly breaking from the ranks.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14123 on: February 28, 2016, 06:05:32 PM »
Ended up voting for Sanders, but now that I think of it I should have just picked the Republican primary. My district is so solidly red the most I could do to actually affect the elections is try and vote for the less crazy Republican.

...Plus I get to vote for Trump for the lulz

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14124 on: February 28, 2016, 06:05:55 PM »
Also 'The Judgement to Lead' sounds like a bad Kant translation 

Joe Molotov

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14125 on: February 28, 2016, 06:10:41 PM »
I saw that the DNC Vice Chair had resigned to endorse Bernie and I got excited for a second, but then I saw it was Vice Chair and not Chair.

It's still pretty huge. I mean, this is clearly breaking from the ranks.

I meant I wish Debbie Wasserman Schultz would resign for any reason.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14126 on: February 28, 2016, 06:28:39 PM »
By the time Debbie's finished there might not be any elected Democrats except Hillary.

Benji: Ron, not Rand.
Yeah, there was a drop off, probably always is. But one thing about Ron was that his cult was full of long time supporters, either from his 2008 bid or people who had backed him for years and years.

Sanders was arguably far less well known and supported as a thing more than a curiosity Senator among all sorts of left circles, whereas there were few libertarians that didn't know about Ron and he had plenty of people who were fans of his since the 1988 bid.

Especially for 2012 which is why they went to the mat to get elected to the actual delegate, state/county/local party, etc. positions. I doubt many Sanders people will be doing that months after his bid is done and the general has effectively started. Especially if the Sanders campaign apparatus abandons them if they try, Ron's didn't. (He suspended his campaign in part so they could shift the money/staff over to that...and his family members.)


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Re: Rock Out With Your Caucus Out |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14127 on: February 28, 2016, 10:14:49 PM »
Has anyone done more for income equality than Karl Rove or Mike Murphy? Think about all the money they milked from billionaires and utterly wasted on terrible presidential candidates. I'd imagine the total equals the amount of money payday loans and other scams milk from the lower classes.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14128 on: February 28, 2016, 10:21:05 PM »
 :drudge :drudge
Insiders who were at a recent meeting between the Koch Bros. and Marco Rubio leaked intel on how exactly they’re going to try and steal the election from Donald Trump, GOP strategist Roger Stone revealed.

The Koch Bros. met with GOP millionaires and billionaires Thursday night to pool together over $75 million to stop Trump and are going to use Mitt Romney as ‘Plan B’ if Rubio fails to gain traction on Super Tuesday, according to moles who were inside the meeting.

“$75 million to stop Trump and $25 million to Marco Rubio, but they gave Rubio a condition: he’s got to win the Florida primary or he’s out and Mitt Romney’s in,” Stone revealed. “That’s the plan.”

“First they’ll ramp up an enormous, negative campaign on TV against Trump and they’re going to hit this phony Trump University issue,” he continued. “They claim to have personal dirt on Trump – I doubt that – and they are also going to try and delve into his business affairs, but if Rubio fails to grab the Florida primary, then Rubio’s out and Mitt Romney’s in.”

“The plan is for Romney to file for the New Jersey, New York and California primaries in an all-out ditch effort to stop Donald Trump and you heard it here on”

Additionally, Marco Rubio’s wife called Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, to desperately beg Cruz to exit the race and aid Rubio, but Heidi said no, Stone said.

Breaking! Alex Jones reports on information consummate Trump Insider Roger Stone relayed to him on Saturday night after a speaking with reps from both the Rubio and Cruz campaigns.

Apparently Ted Cruz has offered to drop out of the POTUS race in exchange for a supreme court appointment. This is bombshell information that needs to go viral and could change the campaign as we know it.
:drudge  :drudge  :drudge  :drudge


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14129 on: February 28, 2016, 10:34:54 PM »
Also 'The Judgement to Lead' sounds like a bad Kant translation

Or an anime TV series episode title


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14130 on: February 28, 2016, 11:40:59 PM »
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse:

Given what we know about him today, here’s where I’m at: If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, my expectation is that I will look for some third candidate – a conservative option, a Constitutionalist.

I do not claim to speak for a movement, but I suspect I am far from alone. After listening to Nebraskans in recent weeks, and talking to a great many people who take oaths seriously, I think many are in the same place. I believe a sizable share of Christians – who regard threats against religious liberty as arguably the greatest crisis of our time – are unwilling to support any candidate who does not make a full-throated defense of the First Amendment a first commitment of their candidacy.

Conservatives understand that all men are created equal and made in the image of God, but also that government must be limited so that fallen men do not wield too much power. A presidential candidate who boasts about what he'll do during his "reign" and refuses to condemn the KKK cannot lead a conservative movement in America.


Thank you for listening. While I recognize that we disagree about how to make America great again, we agree that this should be our goal. We need more people engaged in the civic life of our country—not fewer. I genuinely appreciate how much many of you care about this country, and that you are demanding something different from Washington. I’m going to keep doing the same thing.

But I can’t support Donald Trump.

Ben Sasse

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14131 on: February 29, 2016, 12:35:19 AM »
We're witnessing the end of the GOP's short term national relevance brehs.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14132 on: February 29, 2016, 01:27:59 AM »
They're a mess now, but if they keep Trump from the nomination they should be aight.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14133 on: February 29, 2016, 07:54:52 AM »
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
Trump 49, Rubio 16, Cruz 15, Carson 10, Kasich 6


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14134 on: February 29, 2016, 09:42:56 AM »
Sanders seems like a genuinely good man, with the best political views that actually make sense for a modern world. I thought he was unlikely to get the nomination though for lots of reasons but mostly because he's a guy who looks like he's in his 70's/80's and he's not a speaker on the level of an Obama. You can have the most wonderful package of beliefs and policies but in America you have to look the part and talk the part.

That being said I was also fine with Hillary as I was the last time.

Bernie supporters can be annoying but that tends to happen with true believer style candidates that attract the most insane "my life depends on this election" style fans.



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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14135 on: February 29, 2016, 09:51:55 AM »

The case reveals how corporations have used the conservative majority on the court as a safety valve to nullify unfavorable rulings. As the Alliance for Justice has documented, time and again, the Roberts Court has issued 5-4 rulings that protect big corporations from liability, limit access to justice for workers and consumers, and allow companies to evade regulations on the environment, racial and gender discrimination, and monopolistic practices.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14136 on: February 29, 2016, 10:09:18 AM »
I think he's saying that they took the Obama election particularly not well but were graceful before with Clinton (who they impeached) and..then if you go far back enough you'll only get Carter. How old is AiA?

Only like 45.



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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14137 on: February 29, 2016, 10:15:45 AM »
I think he's saying that they took the Obama election particularly not well but were graceful before with Clinton (who they impeached) and..then if you go far back enough you'll only get Carter. How old is AiA?

Only like 45.


Old enough to have lived under the Carter regime :snoop

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14138 on: February 29, 2016, 10:37:34 AM »
"Trump Mortgage failed. Here’s what that says about the GOP front-runner."
As some economists and Wall Street traders began to sense danger ahead of the crippling housing market collapse of 2008, Donald Trump waved away the worries and offered a concrete expression of confidence in the industry.

In the spring of 2006, the tycoon hosted a glitzy event at Trump Tower to introduce Trump Mortgage LLC, a new firm that specialized in selling residential and commercial real estate loans. He devoted a floor of the Trump Organization headquarters at 40 Wall Street to the new business. And his picture appeared atop the company website with the instruction: “Talk to My Mortgage Professionals now!”

“I think it’s a great time to start a mortgage company,” Trump told a CNBC interviewer in April 2006, adding that “the real estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come.”

Within 18 months, as the experts’ worst fears began to pan out and home prices began to dip, Trump Mortgage closed, leaving some bills unpaid and a spotty sales record that fell short of Trump’s lofty predictions. Trump distanced himself from the firm’s demise, saying at the time that he had not been involved in the company’s management and that its executives had performed poorly.

    He batted away skepticism from CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo, who cited a 10 percent decline in new home sales in one recent month.

    “I think the market is very good,” Trump responded. “We’re going to have a great company. It’s Trump Mortgage and And it’s going to be a terrific company,”one he predicted would quickly become an industry leader.

    Trump derided economists during the broadcast, saying they were often unable to predict significant events.

    “I went to the Wharton School of Finance. I was actually a very good student, believe it or not, but I’ve never been a huge believer in forecasting what’s going to happen because you really never know what happens down the road,” he said.
    Recently, as a candidate, Trump has presented himself as a truth teller who sounded an early alarm about the pending mortgage crisis. He told MSNBC last July that he had known the housing market “was a bubble that was waiting to explode.”

    “I told a lot of people,” Trump said. “And I was right. You know, I’m pretty good at that stuff.”



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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14139 on: February 29, 2016, 10:52:36 AM »

"He doesn't sweat because his pores are clogged with the spray tan he uses," Rubio said.

"Donald is not going to make American great again; he's going to make America orange," Rubio tried on the crowd.

"The other thing he says is he's always calling me little Marco. And I'll admit, he's taller than me. He's like 6'2", which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of a guy that's 5'2". I just see his hands -- they're like this (motions). And you know what they say about men with small hands -- you can't trust them!" Rubio joked.
standing athwart history, yelling Orange

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14140 on: February 29, 2016, 11:25:43 AM »

We tried. Tonight I'm going to my hq to help Bernie's get out for tomorrow.

I'm prepared for a big defeat but I'm not going down swinging and I'm talking to socialist orgs on what we can do to organize after the fact. It'll be tougher than I thought with the realization that many Bernie supporters are honestly aren't even interested in this from an inequality issue whether economically or racial but because they don't want their jobs sent overseas. But we have something to work with and that makes organizing easier than before this election.

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14141 on: February 29, 2016, 11:29:14 AM »
I will say that as I said on Facebook anyone who says Hilary or democrats are as bad as republicans this election is full on batshit and shouldn't be taken seriously. The people who say they won't vote if Bernie doesn't win are even more naive, who think progress is an overnight process and that losing our current progress (ACA, marriage equality) will make things worse for a lot of us. These people aren't thinking of how losing these things affects their poor friend or their gay, bi, or trans friend who legally couldn't marry. Or even the effects of new conservative SCOTUS seats will have on an entire generation. They don't care. They care about me, me, and I only.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14142 on: February 29, 2016, 11:45:20 AM »

spoiler (click to show/hide)

dem new level production values :doge

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14143 on: February 29, 2016, 12:04:00 PM »
It seems like Sanders' "movement" is going to die the minute he drops out. And to be fair I can't just lampoon Sanders for this...let's not forget Obama abandoned OFA after he won in 2008. Democrats seem pretty disinterested grassroots organization and spend too much time focused on a top down approach - much like the Soviet Union  :benji

A family friend of mine who was heavily involved in OFA said that he hoped it would morph into a state based organization to take over school boards, state congressional seats, etc. Instead it was pretty much abandoned after 2008, only to return for a few puzzling advocacy attempts for federal stuff; OFA emails went out in 2011 asking people to help Obama cut Medicare during the debt battle lol.


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14144 on: February 29, 2016, 12:06:05 PM »
It seems like Sanders' "movement" is going to die the minute he drops out. And to be fair I can't just lampoon Sanders for this...let's not forget Obama abandoned OFA after he won in 2008. Democrats seem pretty disinterested grassroots organization and spend too much time focused on a top down approach - much like the Soviet Union  :benji

A family friend of mine who was heavily involved in OFA said that he hoped it would morph into a state based organization to take over school boards, state congressional seats, etc. Instead it was pretty much abandoned after 2008, only to return for a few puzzling advocacy attempts for federal stuff; OFA emails went out in 2011 asking people to help Obama cut Medicare during the debt battle lol.

No offense but a lazy, borderline derelict until he was in his 40's isn't somebody I could ever get behind. Socialist or not.

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14145 on: February 29, 2016, 12:09:55 PM »
It depends on who you're talking about with sanders because the guy attracts a lot of different people for different reasons.

While I think it's true that the Democratic Party isn't interested in grassroots, I think sanders supporters could possibly be the parties future. Bernie's supporters are forcing Clinton further left. Whether president Clinton appeals to this demo is up in the air.

People said that after OWS happened that it was just a fad but that issue keeps coming back. I don't think the issue will just disappear because Sanders loses. Granted, a lot of his supporters are flaky slacktivists so who knows.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14146 on: February 29, 2016, 12:11:51 PM »
It seems like Sanders' "movement" is going to die the minute he drops out. And to be fair I can't just lampoon Sanders for this...let's not forget Obama abandoned OFA after he won in 2008. Democrats seem pretty disinterested grassroots organization and spend too much time focused on a top down approach - much like the Soviet Union  :benji

A family friend of mine who was heavily involved in OFA said that he hoped it would morph into a state based organization to take over school boards, state congressional seats, etc. Instead it was pretty much abandoned after 2008, only to return for a few puzzling advocacy attempts for federal stuff; OFA emails went out in 2011 asking people to help Obama cut Medicare during the debt battle lol.

No offense but a lazy, borderline derelict until he was in his 40's isn't somebody I could ever get behind. Socialist or not.

I'll have you know Mr. Marx wrote for the New York Tribune and had living arrangements in London.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14147 on: February 29, 2016, 12:19:46 PM »

:dead :dead :dead :dead :dead

Also- AiA, have you figured out who you're voting for yet since Trump will be the GOP nominee?


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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14148 on: February 29, 2016, 12:21:07 PM »

:dead :dead :dead :dead :dead

Also- AiA, have you figured out who you're voting for yet since Trump will be the GOP nominee?

I'll be writing in Donkey Kong this year.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14149 on: February 29, 2016, 12:25:02 PM »
You're a better man than this kid's parents/uncles/whatever.


Human Snorenado

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14150 on: February 29, 2016, 12:35:49 PM »
Super Tuesday prediction contest, winner gets a disinterested handy. Post your picks.


Alabama - Clinton
American Samoa - Clinton
Arkansas - Clinton
Colorado - Clinton
Georgia - Clinton
Mass - Sanders (upset special pick)
Minnesota - Clinton
Oklahoma - Clinton
Tennessee - Clinton
Texas - Clinton
Vermont - Sanders
Virginia - Clinton


Alabama - Trump
Alaska - Trump
Arkansas - Trump
Colorado - Trump
Georgia - Trump
Mass - Trump
Minnesota - Trump
Oklahoma - Trump
Tennessee - Trump
Texas - Cruz
Vermont - Trump
Virginia - Trump
Wyoming -Trump

Stoney Mason

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14151 on: February 29, 2016, 12:39:57 PM »
You're a better man than this kid's parents/uncles/whatever.

(Image removed from quote.)

I have family members like this. Christmas is amazing to hear their bullshit. One guy threatened to never attend again because how he was treated.

Never forget.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14152 on: February 29, 2016, 12:40:42 PM »
Super Tuesday prediction contest, winner gets a disinterested handy. Post your picks.


Alabama - Clinton
American Samoa - Clinton
Arkansas - Clinton
Colorado - Clinton
Georgia - Clinton
Mass - Sanders (upset special pick)
Minnesota - Clinton
Oklahoma - Clinton
Tennessee - Clinton
Texas - Sanders (don't underestimate their hatred of clinton)
Vermont - Sanders
Virginia - Clinton


Alabama - Cruz
Alaska - Trump
Arkansas - Cruz
Colorado - Trump
Georgia - Trump
Mass - Trump
Minnesota - Trump
Oklahoma - Trump
Tennessee - Trump
Texas - Cruz
Vermont - Trump
Virginia - Trump
Wyoming -Trump

My predictions


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14153 on: February 29, 2016, 12:48:53 PM »
It seems like Sanders' "movement" is going to die the minute he drops out. And to be fair I can't just lampoon Sanders for this...let's not forget Obama abandoned OFA after he won in 2008. Democrats seem pretty disinterested grassroots organization and spend too much time focused on a top down approach - much like the Soviet Union  :benji

A family friend of mine who was heavily involved in OFA said that he hoped it would morph into a state based organization to take over school boards, state congressional seats, etc. Instead it was pretty much abandoned after 2008, only to return for a few puzzling advocacy attempts for federal stuff; OFA emails went out in 2011 asking people to help Obama cut Medicare during the debt battle lol.

How dare you, there was this:
After the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which completed one piece of Obama's domestic agenda, Organizing for America enabled Americans to "co-sign with the president," creating a permanent record of the bills supporters. Those who co-signed could opt to have a certificate noting their participation sent to them for free. Over one million signatures of health care bill supporters were delivered to the president in April 2010.

On February 11, 2010, OFA launched a national campaign called "You Fight, We Fight" This program enabled people to pledge a number of hours in support of healthcare reform and President Barack Obama's domestic goals.
Together, along with President Obama, we beat the insurance companies and brought affordable coverage to 32 million without it, reduced costs for families and small businesses, and created the toughest patient protections in history.

Members of Congress know that reform would not have passed without all of your incredible work. But we also know that it would not have passed without their courage.

So we made a simple promise to these representatives: You fight for health reform, we'll fight for you.

Showing support for reform and those who fought for it is our number one priority right now. We're going all-out, organizing grassroots events around the country, running supportive ads on the air, and making sure that every American knows the truth about the historic legislation that representatives voted into law.

Please pledge to volunteer right away, using the form on the right.
Nevertheless, OFA members were never called upon to do volunteer work in support of including a public option in the bill, despite Obama's stated preference for such a provision

And then there was this:



What have you done for health care reform PD?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14154 on: February 29, 2016, 12:57:08 PM »
Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential election in heavily Democratic New York to Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner’s support grows to the point of being “surprisingly strong,” The Post has learned.


“There are some Democrats who think that Hillary can be taken if Trump mounts a strong campaign,’’ one of the state’s most prominent Democrats said.


The polls found that Clinton often had higher negative ratings with voters than did the more controversial Trump, whose inflammatory pronouncements have often angered and even horrified many of his fellow Republicans.

“In the suburbs and upstate, Trump has a net positive while Hillary is a net negative,” one longtime Republican operative contended. “She’s more of a liability than many Democrats realized.”
RUDY 2008 TRUMP 2016


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14155 on: February 29, 2016, 01:15:28 PM »
You're a better man than this kid's parents/uncles/whatever.

(Image removed from quote.)


That kid's face is priceless.

I have not asked my son or wife whom they are voting for yet but I assume it will be "Anybody but donald"


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14156 on: February 29, 2016, 01:21:44 PM »
I'm doing this just so AIA doesn't win the disinterested handy by default.

Super Tuesday prediction contest, winner gets a disinterested handy. Post your picks.


Alabama - Clinton
American Samoa - Clinton
Arkansas - Clinton
Colorado - Clinton
Georgia - Clinton
Mass - Sanders (upset special pick)
Minnesota - Clinton
Oklahoma - Clinton
Tennessee - Clinton
Texas - Clinton
Vermont - Sanders
Virginia - Clinton


Alabama -  :trash
Alaska - :trash
Arkansas - :trash
Colorado - :trash
Georgia - :trash
Mass - :trash
Minnesota - :trash
Oklahoma - :trash
Tennessee - :trash
Texas - Texas sized :trash
Vermont - :trash
Virginia - :trash
Wyoming - :trash


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14157 on: February 29, 2016, 01:22:38 PM »
It would be a disinterested 2 handy breh  :doge


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14158 on: February 29, 2016, 01:24:37 PM »

Mods Help

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Re: Donald Trump Destroys Beloved American Political Dynasty |OT| Sad!
« Reply #14159 on: February 29, 2016, 01:40:45 PM »
I also think Creepy is underestimating Sanders winning Texas.

Anecdotal but the largest black newspaper in Houston is running with Sanders.