GOP primaries are all or nothing, not % split like dems right?
Or was it per state that it goes down like that?
Super Tuesday will be mostly PR still. With thresholds. (i.e. candidate has to get at least 10%, 20%, etc.)
It was the new rule this cycle on the GOP side that all primaries (with select exceptions) going March 1st or earlier had to be PR.
After this more and more states become WTA, though it'll still be mostly PR for the larger states until March 15th (Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri are all WTA on that day, along with NC as PR, it's basically the end game for everyone not Trump/Shrillary) and after that only Rhode Island, Oregon and Washington are PR in some form.
That's why Trump is in good position as long as he can squeak out first place finishes in WTA and/or not lose by too much in PR states.
Rubio desperately needs
wins from here on out. Same for Cruz (even though we can already pencil him in for Iowa and Texas wins, they won't be worth huge amounts as Trump will likely finish a close second) though he seems more likely to actually get some.
The longer Kasich and Carson stay in the race sucking off 15-20% (get your minds out of the gutter, I expect better of The Bore) they're holding back Rubio and Cruz, not Trump. (And I suspect if they were to drop out, it wouldn't exactly help
Rubio, especially since I'm assuming Carson voters will go to Trump and Cruz.) That's one reason Jeb! sucked it up and ditched. (Despite $24 million in SuperPAC money still.)