Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656861 times)

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Joe Molotov

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David Brooks has been drinking again. Sad!

If the G.O.P. is going to survive as a decent and viable national party, it can’t cling to the fading orthodoxy Cruz represents. But it can’t shift to ugly Trumpian nationalism, either. It has to find a third alternative: limited but energetic use of government to expand mobility and widen openness and opportunity. That is what Kasich, Rubio, Paul Ryan and others are stumbling toward.

How did this make it past the editor? Is it satire?


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this looks amazing

i don't know what's best, him looking through SECRET FILES, him talking to people in jail, him talking to conservative writers but it seemingly like they're sitting a hundred feet apart, poorly acted low budget recreation of events, GHOST HORSE COMING OUT OF THE SCREEN, etc.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
his look after "to steal America..."


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rubio :dead


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fuck i guess in the interest of 2020 he should probably drop out
a florida loss would most likely screw him over for life
such a shame
fucking donald trump is actually going to be the nominee
lol kasich yea right


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Time to flip the kill switch@Roboto

Format R drive.


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the most luxurious, magnificent, really just terrific, press conference of all time

Phoenix Dark

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Line wasn't long at my place, only around 15 people or so. But the poll worker said turnout has been high overall. I did see two people (who happened to be black) turned away from the polls for being in the wrong district. I should have clapped. Voter fraud effects all of us, Dude :doge


Human Snorenado

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Bernie is winning Michigan



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Trump using his speech to sell products


Human Snorenado

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Apparently none of the votes from Detroit have been counted yet, so he's probably gonna get destroyed still.

Phoenix Dark

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Hillary only up by 7% in Wayne County (Detroit) so far. Really surprising.


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My Precinct results:
Hillary Clinton 117      
Roque Rocky De La Fuente 1   
Martin J. O'Malley 1   
Bernie Sanders 147   
Uncommitted 3

Phoenix Dark

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Cheebs voted for Bernie Sanders


The Original Shat Pack predicts the biggest upset of the election thus far :lawd


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Two people voted for Chris Christie, three for Jeb! and six for Carson. (105-98-98-46 for Cruz-Trump-Kasich-Rubio) So I guess I could have voted in the GOP and been the only person to vote for Pataki or Rand after all.


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Phoenix Dark

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Two people voted for Chris Christie, three for Jeb! and six for Carson. (105-98-98-46 for Cruz-Trump-Kasich-Rubio) So I guess I could have voted in the GOP and been the only person to vote for Pataki or Rand after all.

how quickly you forget


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I don't forget! He never made it on the ballot, the establishment probably suppressing his campaign!
But then I noticed that George Pataki is still on the ballot. (And Rand! But not Jim Gilmore. :()

Phoenix Dark

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I might be taking an L in a few minutes brehs

Phoenix Dark

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Chris Matthews made a Watergate pun while discussing the water crisis with Flint's mayor  :lol


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It's not just The City that's outstanding, Livonia, Plymouth, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Romulus, Grand Rapids, Flint, etc. That should be more than enough to push Hillary over.

Just not by the 25-30 points she was leading in the polls.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 10:52:43 PM by benjipwns »


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Election nights focused on your state always remind you how much experts know about your states election procedures. And where things exactly are and how big they are in the state.


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lol AP calls Michigan for Sanders


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Michigan Berning.

Human Snorenado

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Come get that L, PD

Phoenix Dark

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No L for me :lawd

Cheebs and PD still winning :lawd


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some gaf dude:
This drives me up a wall. We've got one of the most qualified candidates ever and we're messing about with a guy who can't answer a single question without tying it back to one issue?

It's mind boggling. The more I have to hear about Bernie the more I hate him.


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Bernie's lead is going to drop looking at the areas outstanding, but man, that's still a real surprise win.

I only went to the polls for fuckery and to see what the turnout was like. (Apparently it was quite high in a lot of places, ~30% turnout!) I'm actually kinda surprised Bernie won my precinct. For one thing, there were way more college aged women than I'd ever seen at my precinct. And the lines of it haven't changed in decades.

First of all, where do they all live?!? And do they have first floor windows?!? ???


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Michigan 2014 Gubernatorial Election:
R - 1,605,034
D - 1,476,904

Michigan 2016 Presidential Primaries at 93%:
R - 1,237,318
D - 1,095,264



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Phoenix Dark

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GAF thread is pretty funny right now. Also shows how many people truly do view black people as a monolith, voting wise. Southern black voters in Mississippi are very different from urban black voters in Detroit or Ann Arbor. Sanders won a bit over 30% of the black vote today - enough to win. If Hillary had won 80-90% of the black vote as she did in the south she would have won tonight. Sanders is doing better with white voters.

Hillary needed to destroy Sanders in Wayne County with heavy turnout. It didn't happen. Sanders also won  Genesee County (Flint), despite the mayor being a top Clinton surrogate. Hell Sanders barely even showed up in Flint. Again...turnout. Looks like black people weren't excited about Hillary at all.



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My mom worked a precinct this year and she said that probably a third of The Blacks and half the "hispanics" were taking Republican ballots. Maybe they were more excited to vote against Trump/Cruz/Rubio than vote for Hillary?

One other thing amusing in the GAF thread is the assumption that the Democratic Party is mainly ideological progressives with college educations like them. Especially in Michigan, where there's a bunch of white male union workers both past and present who once voted for Reagan and Perot and Snyder. And they have outsized power in the Party compared to states with a significantly smaller union prescience. And they don't exactly see eye-to-eye with the black powerbrokers in the Party, and neither group cares much for the pro-immigrant wing or LGBT wing.

Michigan's actually a good state to wedge apart the Democratic coalition in, especially with the antagonism between Detroit and the rest of the state, that's pretty much how Snyder won in a landslide the first time. And the GOP does a lot of painting of the Democrats as the Party of Detroit in certain places in the state.

Human Snorenado

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My mom worked a precinct this year and she said that probably a third of The Blacks and half the "hispanics" were taking Republican ballots. Maybe they were more excited to vote against Trump/Cruz/Rubio than vote for Hillary?

One other thing amusing in the GAF thread is the assumption that the Democratic Party is mainly ideological progressives with college educations like them. Especially in Michigan, where there's a bunch of white male union workers both past and present who once voted for Reagan and Perot and Snyder. And they have outsized power in the Party compared to states with a significantly smaller union prescience. And they don't exactly see eye-to-eye with the black powerbrokers in the Party, and neither group cares much for the pro-immigrant wing.

Michigan's actually a good state to wedge apart the Democratic coalition in, especially with the antagonism between Detroit and the rest of the state, that's pretty much how Snyder won in a landslide the first time. And the GOP does a lot of painting of the Democrats as the Party of Detroit in certain places in the state.

Oh PD knows all about that


Phoenix Dark

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All those weeks of poligaf laughing at Sanders for talking about NAFTA  :doge

"But Hillary supported the auto bailout" is like the Clinton equivalent of "but Sanders marched with MLK." A lot of those jobs are gone folks. Yea people supported the bailout, it was necessary, but a lot of people still lost their jobs and never got them back.

I heard auto bailout ads for Clinton all week (on the radio).


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Should ask Jeb!'s PAC to give me some leftover money to run a campaign for PD explaining about what Snyder was saying in 2010 in the wake of Granholm/Kwame/GM and Chrysler and who Virg Bernero is.

He was going to be our Republican Obama. :doge

Phoenix Dark

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Snyder's descent was the biggest blow to accountants since Enron.  :doge

And the biggest blow to nerds since...well nm they're always embarrassing themselves


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Snyder's descent was the biggest blow to accountants since Enron.  :doge

And the biggest blow to nerds since...well nm they're always embarrassing themselves
Snyder also got jobbed by the GOPers who rode his coattails. They used his nerd cred as reason to ignore it all and try to pass five thousand super socially conservative bills.

I still love that the conservatives were so upset with Snyder SELLING OUT they were going to challenge his socially conservative Lt. Governor at the state convention. And then when the secret balloting on whether to bring the challenge was done more than half of them bailed out. :lol

I wonder if DWS could even make the Michigan Democratic Party worse. Shame Saul Anuzis never got to take his talents to the big game like she has. Those two matched up in some CNN show debate. :lawd

Human Snorenado

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Snyder's descent was the biggest blow to accountants since Enron.  :doge

And the biggest blow to nerds since...well nm they're always embarrassing themselves

Nerds frequently believe untrue shit, but belief in trickle down economics and privatizing necessary utilities?


Phoenix Dark

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Snyder's descent was the biggest blow to accountants since Enron.  :doge

And the biggest blow to nerds since...well nm they're always embarrassing themselves

Nerds frequently believe untrue shit, but belief in trickle down economics and privatizing necessary utilities?

Speaking of nerds and economics, I've been cracking up about this lately



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Human Snorenado

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Snyder's descent was the biggest blow to accountants since Enron.  :doge

And the biggest blow to nerds since...well nm they're always embarrassing themselves

Nerds frequently believe untrue shit, but belief in trickle down economics and privatizing necessary utilities?

Speaking of nerds and economics, I've been cracking up about this lately

buh buh buh buh it's only fun if I have to grind like a no life all league long

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Last night's loser was Nate Silver.  He, along with many other overpaid political pundits, have been biffing it hardcore this primary.  Remember in 2008 when people thought the guy was untouchable in terms of analysis and predictions and people couldn't stop jacking off to the guy?



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3:48 in  :lawd


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I just want to see Hillary being taken away in cuffs by the FBI so we can have a Sanders/Trump race. Is that too much to ask?


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Joe Molotov

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Obama is missing Nancy Reagan's funeral to go to SXSW. Get buttrekt, Reaganauts. :lawd


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She wouldn't want an admitted druggie sullying her funeral anyway.


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Joe Molotov

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She wouldn't want an admitted druggie sullying her funeral anyway.

I'm pretty sure Jeb Bush is still going to be there.


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I'm pretty sure Jeb Bush is still going to be there.
Too low energy to be threatening...typical stoner.


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Human Snorenado

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He ain't wrong.

14. Who did everyone think would be able to eventually beat out Trump? Jeb Bush. He had $100 million dollars to spend!

15. Why did Bush never gain traction? He's the brother of the worst president since Herbert Hoover. But no one in the GOP could admit this!


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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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He ain't wrong.

14. Who did everyone think would be able to eventually beat out Trump? Jeb Bush. He had $100 million dollars to spend!

15. Why did Bush never gain traction? He's the brother of the worst president since Herbert Hoover. But no one in the GOP could admit this!
Why is making a 30 part tweet series a thing now, didn't we invent twitlonger or something for this?

Human Snorenado

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He ain't wrong.

14. Who did everyone think would be able to eventually beat out Trump? Jeb Bush. He had $100 million dollars to spend!

15. Why did Bush never gain traction? He's the brother of the worst president since Herbert Hoover. But no one in the GOP could admit this!
Why is making a 30 part tweet series a thing now, didn't we invent twitlonger or something for this?

Here's why


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Former President George W. Bush has no plans to endorse a candidate now that his brother Jeb has dropped out of the Republican presidential primary.

“While I would never rule anything out, he definitely doesn’t have any plans to make an endorsement,” said an aide to the former president. “He and Mrs. Bush voted early in Texas for Jeb. Now, like a lot of voters, they are watching to see who can unite the party, represent conservative values and serve as president of all the people.”
If only we could have a President with such patient thoughtful loyalty and great restraint with great power like this again.


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Speaking of nerds and economics, I've been cracking up about this lately
Mors :rofl
Dude has a giant chip on his shoulder about so many things.


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if the gop really wants to stop trump, they just need to get obama to endorse him