Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656063 times)

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  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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When was the last time we had a republican nominee that at least pretended to believe in all of america? Was it Mccain? Romney believed in 53% Trump in 1%.

Probably about the last time a democrat did, so never.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
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"pretended" AiA. Pretended.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I hope Rubio's political career is ruined from this and is left to rolling cigars back in Havanna.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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"pretended" AiA. Pretended.

So you prefer to be lied to....I get it you're a liberal it makes total sense.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 03:00:59 PM by Am_I_Anonymous »


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
I hope Rubio's political career is ruined from this and is left to rolling cigars back in Havanna.

Oh he's done. The minute he steps down he'll be thrown out of the circle, which is probably a favor for him.


  • Junior Member
AIA... Wow it's refreshing to see this display of Alpha Male aggressive posting
I've been missing it ...

Who are your rooting for? Trump?

LOL, sure Trump. I suppose you didn't read, oh the last 3 pages before you piped in to get your e-cred.

Ok no Trump then who?
Are you a Kasich guy like me?

Im laying it all down right now.

Bernie sweeps all the states that matter today.



bernie fans can't even be specific about predictions

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Rubio is finished. He gave up his senate seat for this lmao. And after losing his home state today I don't see how he can run for governor there in two years. On the plus side he's only 44 so perhaps he can make a comeback some day...but who knows what the republican party will look like by then.

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
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Rubio was toast the second he tried to get anything done on immigration.  The republicans are absolute on that now.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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but who knows what the republican party will look like by then.

Pretty much what it looks like now. Except even more crazy.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 03:49:24 PM by Stoney Mason »


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(Image removed from quote.)


I was told Trump had a ceiling.

Funny how the people who are most wrong about Trump are also Hillary fans

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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I can't believe I'm posting a Buzzfeed Facebook video  :doge but these are the times we live in....

I know Drumpf's crowd is the exact crowd that is aghast that Obummer has the audacity to breathe so this probably proves nothing, but what does your shitty Uncle have to say about all this?


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Obama was all class there no doubt about it.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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The press is somehow slack-jawed by Breitbart’s predictable refusal to stand up to Trump. What is more interesting is that credible news organizations have for months now ignored the Trump campaign’s disregard for the media. For ratings and clicks, they’ve taken seats seven rows back at his self-parodic press conferences at Mar-a-Lago while his golf-club members are given front-row access. For ratings and clicks, they’ve allowed themselves to be penned up like farm animals at his rallies and risked scuffles with the Secret Service for covering the events like actual reporters. For ratings and clicks, Trump has been allowed to violate the rules of a presidential debate – consulting with a campaign manager during a commercial break — with impunity. For ratings and clicks, Trump has been allowed to phone in to prime-time and Sunday shows while his challengers have been required to show up on set.


spoiler (click to show/hide)



  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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If Donald Trump buys the presidency does that mean our capitalist rating levels up to level 2?

I mean isn't that the exact end goal of capitalism?


Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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I like the bias they are complaining about is based around money and advertising revenue. I thought Republicans loved those things!

edit: beaten by a couple of minutes. shit.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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That Trump/Obama video kinda really highlights that deep down many conservatives have always longed for a strongman type who promises law and order while ridiculing "those people" who have hijacked our democracy (be they brown people or welfare recipients).



  • Senior Member
The National Review and their ilk going off the deep end this election cycle, has been orgasmic to behold.

Human Snorenado

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  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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That Trump/Obama video kinda really highlights that deep down many conservatives have always longed for a strongman type who promises law and order while ridiculing "those people" who have hijacked our democracy (be they brown people or welfare recipients).

Serious question: What percentage of the party do you think feels this way? 20%? 30?

Man I know a lot and yeah there are some real assholes in this shit but can't you guys say the same?

Not all dude.


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  • Banana Grabber
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That Drumpf/Obama video kinda really highlights that deep down many conservatives have always longed for a strongman type who promises law and order while ridiculing "those people" who have hijacked our democracy (be they brown people or welfare recipients).

Serious question: What percentage of the party do you think feels this way? 20%? 30?

Man I know a lot and yeah there are some real assholes in this shit but can't you guys say the same?

Not all dude.

I would say exactly 53%.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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What's it going to be like when there are no more adults in the room?

Drumpf has been crashing on me like a tidal wave. Despite all metrics I still considered him a clown-show, but he's not is he? He's going to define the next couple of years....FUUUCCKKK

Someone talk me down plz

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Trump crushing Rubio by 20 points so far in FL


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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  • Senior Member
welp i guess that makes it official
trump v. clinton
gg usa 2016-2020


  • Senior Member
Time to read Reddit for delicious Sanders tears.  :lawd

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Rubio out



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Paul Begala on Rubio:  "He is a guy with a great future behind him."


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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That feel when a Clinton era has been zings you

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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What a time to be alive.


  • 🤷‍♀️
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welp i guess that makes it official
trump v. clinton
gg usa 2016-2020

The apathy is taking me

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Time to read Reddit for delicious Sanders tears.  :lawd

I really like the man but yeah they are insufferable.


  • relapsed dev
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  • Banana Grabber
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Kasich wins Ohio

Wondering if Cruz and he can duke it out until the convention.  Brokered convention would be so lolworthy

Sad that Bernie is out but it's time to rally behind Hilldawg



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Sanders may not win, but he leaves behind a vibrant social democratic movement, including lots of leftist down-ticket candidates who won primaries with his help.

Oh wait.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Sanders may not win, but he leaves behind a vibrant social democratic movement, including lots of leftist down-ticket candidates who won primaries with his help.

Oh wait.

All those "Sanders wins even though he'll lose" think pieces sure look dumb now. The future of the party is Obama, not Sanders cosigning a variety of ideas the president has already supported.



  • Banana Grabber
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Neogaf tears

I don't think many Hillary supporters actually realize that this isn't just a fight for a candidate, this is a fight for the future of the Democratic party. Many of us feel that Hillary represents everything that is wrong about the party and the wrong kind of future for the country. It ain't going to be as simple as crying in beers for a couple days.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Neogaf tears

I don't think many Hillary supporters actually realize that this isn't just a fight for a candidate, this is a fight for the future of the Democratic party. Many of us feel that Hillary represents everything that is wrong about the party and the wrong kind of future for the country. It ain't going to be as simple as crying in beers for a couple days.

Tough shit, fuckstick. If that's your concern, then you ought to be organizing precinct by precinct to transform the Democratic party. It's not fun, it's a fuckload of work, but it's how things are done. "Feeling the Bern" and idolizing one human being is fucking childish. This is why, even though I voted for Sanders and prefer his policies to Hillary, I want to drown a majority of Bernie's supporters in a fucking bathtub.


  • Banana Grabber
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I swore I'd never be "that guy," but I really fucking wish Obama would be able to stick around another term.  Even if he couldn't get anything done, at least I know I'd have an unflappable, strong-willed president with at least the appearance of sincerity.  I'll miss him.


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Anita Alvarez, the Chicago prosecutor who had the Laquan McDonald case (and didn't prosecute for over a year), lost re-election tonight.

Steve Contra

  • Bought a lemon tree straight cash
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Anita Alvarez, the Chicago prosecutor who had the Laquan McDonald case (and didn't prosecute for over a year), lost re-election tonight.
Thank god.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Three days before Florida’s climactic primary, Marco Rubio sank deep into a black leather armchair on his campaign bus. He had just spent 25 minutes smiling wide for supporters at a high-end boutique selling $150 candles. “Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday!” he shouted from the third step of a wood-paneled staircase. Now, on his parked bus, the afternoon sunlight shut out by drawn blinds, the smile was gone. The candidate knew it was already over.

“There will be a reckoning,” he warned.

“There will be a reckoning in the mainstream media, where all these networks and cable networks are going to have to ask themselves why did they give so much coverage for the sake of ratings,” he said. “There will be a reckoning in the conservative movement, where a lot of people who for a long time have espoused conservative principles seem to not care about those anymore in rallying around Donald Trump because they like his attitude.

“I think there are a lot of people in the conservative movement who are going to spend years and years explaining to people how they fell into this and how they allowed this to happen.”
“The Tea Party movement was ideological,” Rubio said aboard his bus. “It was about the direction of our country, it was about policy, about liberalism versus conservatism. This is all about anger. He knows there are people out there who are angry and frustrated because they’re hurting; and instead of saying, ‘I know you’re angry, here’s how we’re going to fix it, he says, ‘I know you’re angry, let’s get even angrier so you’ll vote for me, and then we’ll take it out on whoever you’re going to take it out on.’ It’s a hijacking of the movement, not an evolution of it.”
And an hour before the polls closed in Florida on Tuesday night, Rubio’s team was finally willing to acknowledge what their candidate hinted at on his bus—2016 wasn’t going to be their year. They were already looking ahead toward 2020. Their optimistic message, they said, didn’t match the angry mood of the GOP base this year. But Rubio’s team predicted that when the Republican Party emerges from the rubble of this election cycle, he would be well-positioned to unify and lead it.


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what a fruit cake


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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What ever happened to losing with dignity? Christ.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Obama will announce his SC nominee today. :hyper :popcorn

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The Tea Party was about solutions? :lol

You idiots built Trump. This is the product of 8 years of shit. This is what happens when that old lady asks you if Obama was born here and you say "I'll have to look into that." This is what happens when you claim access to healthcare is going to result in death panels. This is what happens when you insinuate a president and Secretary of State let four dudes die in Benghazi because they hate America. This shit didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere, it's a monster that has been built for decades but was perhaps most potent in 2010.

So now once again we'll hear how the party is going to change and everything will be fine. It's like these suit a tie mofos don't even know who pays the bills. Trump supporters aren't going away. They're going to be even more angry when he gets blown out in November, and even more angry during 2020 midterms. And once again the party will cater to them, win some seats, and prepare for another election disaster.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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I'm not sure Hilary can beat Trump.

I mean I know she is infinitely more suited for the job, and Trump is a raging idiot, but Hilary is so unlikeable and something about her face makes me distrust her. Real sorry for you guys you are stuck with these two. Unless Bern makes a comeback of sorts.

Trump is America's Boris Yeltsin, but without the street cred. So don't worry America, look how great Russia is doing now.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 09:47:02 AM by Premium Lager »

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
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Never forget


  • Do the moron
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Hard to believe he can win the general after alienating women, blacks, latinos (at the very least of mexican descent) and a few other demographics. All the more with the GOP going in half hearted. I would imagine having all networks and grassroot groups working their ass off on the ground at the local level is an important part of a campaign. Not gonna deny it's depressing he even has a shot at it.

Also, just like the far right in Europe, that shit won't wash overnight even if he would be handed an humiliating defeat. I always thought a strict two party system was trash but at least so far it gave the illusion to be shielded from this type of evolution.


  • Member
Hard to believe he can win the general after alienating women, blacks, latinos (at the very least of mexican descent) and a few other demographics. All the more with the GOP going in half hearted. I would imagine having all networks and grassroot groups working their ass off on the ground at the local level is an important part of a campaign. Not gonna deny it's depressing he even has a shot at it.

Also, just like the far right in Europe, that shit won't wash overnight even if he would be handed an humiliating defeat. I always thought a strict two party system was trash but at least so far it gave the illusion to be shielded from this type of evolution.
Honestly, given that Bernie has a snowball's chance in hell, it's a choice between a corrupt warmonger and Donald Trump. I think I'd prefer the populist idiot to win in this case.


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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All those "Sanders wins even though he'll lose" think pieces sure look dumb now. The future of the party is Obama, not Sanders cosigning a variety of ideas the president has already supported.

Not everyone gives a shit about the future of the Democrat party.

If 5% of Bernie voters show up in November and vote Green, it is a very good day for this country.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Hard to believe he can win the general after alienating women, blacks, latinos (at the very least of mexican descent) and a few other demographics. All the more with the GOP going in half hearted. I would imagine having all networks and grassroot groups working their ass off on the ground at the local level is an important part of a campaign. Not gonna deny it's depressing he even has a shot at it.

Also, just like the far right in Europe, that shit won't wash overnight even if he would be handed an humiliating defeat. I always thought a strict two party system was trash but at least so far it gave the illusion to be shielded from this type of evolution.

I'm actually starting to get a bit worried... There still will be plenty of women who will vote for him (you don't win so many Republican primaries without women voters), and Blacks/Hispanics historically have low turnout rates. A lot of swing states also happen to be Rust Belt, pro-union states with large working class White populations who have historically voted Democrat, much more concerned with economic issues than identity politics, and they may very well want to vote for Trump over someone who supported the trade deals that ravaged their hometowns.

The Republicans may have been a slapdash melding of small-government Libertarian/Tea Party types, the heavily religious, big-business "movement conservatives", and social conservatives that fragmented this primary... but the Democrats are also built on fairly shaky ground (what does a poor inner-city minority have in common with a trendy west coast hippie have in common with a union firefighter from the east have in common with a highly educated ivory tower type?). And an independent can at least chip off one or two of those blocks.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
I'm actually starting to get a bit worried... There still will be plenty of women who will vote for him (you don't win so many Republican primaries without women voters), and Blacks/Hispanics historically have low turnout rates. A lot of swing states also happen to be Rust Belt, pro-union states with large working class White populations who have historically voted Democrat, much more concerned with economic issues than identity politics, and they may very well want to vote for Trump over someone who supported the trade deals that ravaged their hometowns.

There's the same narrative in Europe but I honestly want to believe that not all working stiffs will be so easily conned by Trump. It's not that the proletariat can do no wrong but I was always skeptical of how they have to shoulder all the blame for that shit. But yeah... The litany of TINA candidates through decades is taking its tool. Clinton will have a full campaign to try to adress that, because despite how prominent the discussion about foreign policy always is in those (and that seem to be the focus of the argument for many today), it's almost a total non-issue in elections.

That feel when a Clinton era has been zings you

this works for both rubio and sanders  :aweshum