Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656157 times)

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  • Senior Member
So John Boehner just (kinda) endorsed Paul Ryan for President...
would be kinda funny if Ryan somehow ends up being the nominee and then wins in light of Biden deciding not to run haha


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
Kasich ended up winning by 11 points? The polls were really off on that race.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
Kasich ended up winning by 11 points? The polls were really off on that race.

I think people polled emotionally but voted intelligently. My respect level for Northern Ohio went up a bit last night.

On a better note for Ohio, McGinty and his corrupt ass FINALLY got bounced out of the Court system.  Hopefully the full on defense of the Police will be tempered in the Cleveland area now! :rejoice

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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but AiA said no one in Ohio knows or cares about Kasich.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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but AiA said no one in Ohio knows or cares about Kasich.

Trust me, they don't. But apparently they are smart enough to keep the lesser of two evils in play.

I think 28% was his all time low.

GONYEA: Kasich's approval rating plummeted to 28 percent. In subsequent years, he tacked to the center, at least on some issues. He angered many conservatives by agreeing to take federal dollars to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, something most Republican governors have refused to do.

KASICH: Well, everybody has to do what they want to do, but for me because we brought Ohio money back, we now have an ability to treat the mentally ill, many of whom are in our prisons and jails.

But that trump bump got him in the 50's now.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"On Feb. 20, the Republican National Committee announced that a GOP presidential primary debate would be held on March 21 in Salt Lake City. They offered that debate to Fox News Channel to host, provided there were enough candidates actively campaigning," Fox News Executive Vice President Michael Clemente said in a statement.

"This morning, Donald Trump announced he would not be participating in the debate. Shortly afterward, John Kasich's campaign announced that without Trump at the debate, Kasich would not participate. Ted Cruz has expressed a willingness to debate Trump or Kasich — or both. But obviously, there needs to be more than one participant. So the Salt Lake City debate is cancelled," Clemente said.

Trump said earlier on Wednesday that he was scheduled to speak at a conference of the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC, and would be skipping the Utah debate.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Former House speaker Newt Gingrich said that Rubio campaigned in a way that quickly became obsolete.

“Rubio was prepared, much like Jeb Bush, for a reasonable dialogue in Washington policy language, offering positions that reflect 40 years of national security and foreign-policy experts. All of that disappeared. The market didn’t care,” Gingrich said.

Human Snorenado

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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Now we're never gonna find out if Rubio really was a R E N T B O Y.  :-\

(Image removed from quote.)


"Bernie only needs 57.5% of remaining delegates to win and is expected to win the majority of states."  :lol


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
I mean, it's not impossible

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*sigh* (x) H. Clinton


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Saving the McConnell rule for future situations.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Saving the McConnell rule for future situations.

Pull your head into your shell when you sense danger?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"Bernie only needs 57.5% of remaining delegates to win and is expected to win the majority of states."  :lol
This shows how pathetic and unprepared for electoral politics the Sanders people are. New GOP Frontrunner John Kasich needs to win 110% of the remaining delegates (and at minimum seven more states to even be on the first ballot barring a rules change for him specifically) and he's already locking down his campaign strategy for months to come:
"It's nuanced, and it's not simple," said Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges, who is part of Kasich's inner circle. "But it's our message and our path forward."
"Oh, yeah, look, I may go to the convention before this is over with more delegates than anybody else," Kasich said.

He stressed that money wouldn't be an issue for his campaign going forward, either.

"I heard Jake Tapper saying well, he doesn't have any money," he told Blitzer. "I mean, tell Jake I'll have all the money we need, okay?"
“We are going to go all the way to Cleveland and secure the Republican nomination.”
Meanwhile the Sanders people are probably going to be doing the same old thing rather than issuing real strategery memos.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Wait, forget it, I didn't know they were doing this:


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
From the comments:

This whole family of WalMartians for Drumpf



  • Junior Member
but AiA said no one in Ohio knows or cares about Kasich.

Trust me, they don't. But apparently they are smart enough to keep the lesser of two evils in play.

I think 28% was his all time low.

GONYEA: Kasich's approval rating plummeted to 28 percent. In subsequent years, he tacked to the center, at least on some issues. He angered many conservatives by agreeing to take federal dollars to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, something most Republican governors have refused to do.

KASICH: Well, everybody has to do what they want to do, but for me because we brought Ohio money back, we now have an ability to treat the mentally ill, many of whom are in our prisons and jails.

But that trump bump got him in the 50's now.

 :point :point :point :point :point :point :point :point

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Do the moron
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We can't seem to agree on whether we want to fight the bigots or the banks first.

Why not both ?

Great Rumbler

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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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 :letsfukk :letsfukk :letsfukk :letsfukk :letsfukk :letsfukk :letsfukk

Trump tied with jihadi terrorism as something that could fuck up the world.  :neogaf


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Wikileaks has collected and archived the dreaded Hillary e-mails.  I'm sure your favorite wankpiece clickbait farm will peruse them and write a 5000 word essay nobody will read about them.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Indictment and jail any day now amirite?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Indictment and jail any day now amirite?

Yep, Bernie Sanders v Paul Ryan in the general, deffo.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Why would President Trump want Hillary to pick a justice for him? And then use the nuclear option to get it through a supermajority GOP Senate?


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Y'all see Hillary on Broad City? So cringe worthy.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Nah, Hillary's pick needs to be a fuck you pick. The GOP's action here cannot go unpunished. I'm thinking Goodwin Liu via nuclear option.

If you're going all in, then it's gotta be Obama.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
  • Senior Member
Nah, Hillary's pick needs to be a fuck you pick. The GOP's action here cannot go unpunished. I'm thinking Goodwin Liu via nuclear option.

If you're going all in, then it's gotta be Obama.
Michelle Obama.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Nah, Hillary's pick needs to be a fuck you pick. The GOP's action here cannot go unpunished. I'm thinking Goodwin Liu via nuclear option.

If you're going all in, then it's gotta be Obama.
Michelle Obama.

Sasha Obama- she'd be on the court for like 60 years.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Nah, Hillary's pick needs to be a fuck you pick. The GOP's action here cannot go unpunished. I'm thinking Goodwin Liu via nuclear option.

If you're going all in, then it's gotta be Obama.
Michelle Obama.

Sasha Obama- she'd be on the court for like 60 years.

Ya but in 50 years she'll be the leader of the Conservative Wing of the SCOTUS, and we'll all be like "OMG, I can't believe this old bat is still arguing against the constitutionality of catgirl marriage and robot abortions, just die already ffs."


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
It sucks that we don't have a political culture where Obama could propose Sasha as a post-term recess appointment and the GOP would actually recess Congress just so she was the ninth justice for a while.

Or a cat.

Really anything fun like that.

Hell, let her sit during the term but agree not to be the deciding vote.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
$hillary's first two SC appointments are going to be Goldman Sachs and Lockheed Martin amirite.

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The twist is when they're the two votes to overturn Citizens United.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

Will "True Conservatives" voting for Hillary outnumber Sanders voters voting for Trump? :doge

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  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Nah nah, most of them are going to accept that Bernie lost with as good a chance as he was ever going to get. The hate for Trump among libs/moderates has just been growing since Trump announced he was running. 12 years after Bush was reelected, the whole country is going to be amazed that Donald Trump is the biggest obstacle to Democrats getting into the White House.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

If only we could choose the correct candidate before the process to choose the correct candidate.

Anyone threatening to leave if it's a Hillary/Trump race should do some research because any parliamentary system is predicated on voting for a party and not a candidate.  :doge


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
It's good to see shapiro back working from his mom's basement.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
NRO is continuing to do WFB proud.
The End of GOP Optimism

Marco Rubio’s speech suspending his campaign after his crushing loss in the Florida primary was a requiem for an entire style of Republican politics.

Rubio represented an upbeat, opportunity-oriented vein in the GOP that ran through George W. Bush’s compassionate conservatism back to the late supply-sider Jack Kemp, who practically made a civic religion out of optimism and inclusivity.

Donald Trump has grabbed this Kempian tradition by the collar and frog-marched it from the room with all the delicacy of one of his security guards ejecting a troublesome protester from a rally.
But Kempism lived on in George W. Bush, whose compassionate conservatism was latitudinarian on immigration and sought to win over minorities by softening conservatism’s edges.

Bush’s foremost domestic achievement was an enormous tax cut, and his Freedom Agenda was a Kemp-like advocacy of human rights on steroids.

This year, Trump has crushed Bushism underfoot. Yes, Trump has his own large-scale tax cut, but it has been an afterthought compared with his themes of immigration restriction, protectionism, and a robustly nationalistic, Jacksonian foreign policy.

After destroying Jeb Bush, Trump turned his attention to Rubio, a candidate who was Kempian in tone and affect. “I ask,” a visibly exhausted Rubio said in his Florida speech, “the American people do not give in to the fear, do not give in to the frustration.” Actually, if the Trumpian plurality in the Republican electorate has anything to say about it, fear and frustration will be high on the nation’s agenda in the fall.
The politics of Jack Kemp were inadequate in many ways — he was wrong on immigration and too obsessed with reliving the glory days of the Reagan tax cuts — and the party was due for a populist refurbishing. Yet Kemp represented a belief in the future and the power of ideas that was admirable and, at its best, invigorating.

Today, the most prominent representative of Kempism is the supply-sider’s former protégé House speaker Paul Ryan, an earnest policy wonk who has advocated Kempian ideas for years. At this moment, it looks like his reward may well be presiding over a Republican convention that crowns Trump as the party’s nominee and most important national voice.
So Kemp was wrong on immigration because he opposed immigration restriction, but Trump is wronger on it?
The GOP Should Steal the Nomination from Trump

RNC chairman Reince Priebus says that he expects every GOP presidential candidate to uphold a pledge to support the eventual nominee. Considering what we heard in Senator Marco Rubio’s concession speech, I find this difficult to believe. At best, Priebus is going to have a bunch of politicians tiptoeing around Trump in tacit nonsupport. And if enough big-name Republicans end up supporting Trump, it only accentuates the need for a new party.

An ABC exit poll — with all the usual caveats about the unreliability of exit polls — said that six in ten non-Trump-supporters say they would “seriously consider a third party if he became the GOP’s nominee.” The more disgust his big-government positioning and ugly rhetoric generate, the higher that number rises. And there are a number of rational reasons to support such a run.

For starters, Trump supporters are already very angry about everything. It’s not as if they could be any angrier with the establishment. Once Trump is gone (and he’ll leave with no coherent movement), these voters will either have to come back and look for alternative candidates with compelling messages, or leave the party altogether.

In the short run, a third-party candidate might insulate down-ballot candidates from Trumpism. You do remember Todd Akin, I’m sure? Imagine a candidate being ceaselessly asked to comment on the various impulsive and unsavory positions that the presidential nominee has taken. For example, “Do you agree with the GOP nominee that children of terrorists should be executed?”

Offering a conservative alternative — whether it be Cruz, Senator Ben Sasse, or whoever — would allow candidates to endorse someone who jibed more faithfully with their beliefs. This could shield them somewhat from this dynamic.

A third party would also help sink Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Electing a weakened and corrupt Democrat that Republicans would unite against in Congress is a far better reality than allowing a charlatan to hollow out a party from within.
Party nominees usually come to the convention with a majority of delegates. That could very happen for the Republicans this year.

What if it doesn’t? A friend noted on Facebook that in five of the last seven cases in which a candidate came to a party convention having earned a plurality of delegates, he didn’t win the nomination. He concludes, “Usually if the front-runner is unable to clinch a majority, it’s a sign of entrenched opposition limiting the potential of the candidacy.”

From a little bit of Googling, he appears to be right. Candidates who came to their conventions with a plurality won the Republican nominations in 1976 and 1948.

But the candidate who started with more delegates than anyone else did not win the 1952 Democratic, 1940 Republican, 1924 Democratic, 1920 Republican, or 1920 Democratic nominations. In those instances the nominations ultimately went to the candidate who came in third, third, seventh, sixth, and third, respectively, on their conventions’ first ballots.

Also worth noting: In only one of the seven cases in which nobody had a majority of the delegates at the start of the convention did the party go on to win in November. The Republicans won in 1920–but they were up against a Democratic party in which no candidate came to the convention with a majority of delegates, either.
Trump likes to proclaim that our inability to enforce our immigration law is an existential threat, like terrorism: “Either we have a country or we don’t,” he says. When it comes to such threats, Trump’s tough-guy posturing encompasses all sorts of things: leaning on private companies and using the law to penalize them if they will not toe his line on immigration, violating the rights of U.S. citizens, and, famously, his pledging to treat the families of terrorism suspects like terrorists themselves, to be “very hard on the families.” Trump has publicly stated that — his words here — “a young and beautiful piece of ass” is a shield against all criticism. But the third/current Mrs. Trump is literally the poster girl for a modeling agency that is credibly accused of systematically abusing the very immigration laws whose robust enforcement is the purported raison d’être of his presidential campaign. If immigration abuse is an existential threat and getting tough on the families is our new national ethos, there’s only one conclusion.

Deport Melania Trump.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Is that national review "fuck the white trash" article still behind a paywall? I want to read the whole thing at some point.

edit: Nope, it's out.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Here's a link:
Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart London has done more to put homosexual camp in the service of right-wing authoritarianism than any man has since the fellows at Hugo Boss sewed all those nifty SS uniforms. He refers to Trump — this will not surprise you — as “Daddy,” capital-D.

And his newest:
As difficult as it is to imagine Donald Trump taking the presidential oath of office, it is much more difficult to imagine him taking it seriously, or indeed to imagine that there exists anything that is to him a “sacred obligation.” The federal character of the United States, and the fractured nature of the federal government — its three coequal branches and its further subdivided bicameral legislature — are designed to frustrate “We the People” when the people fall into dangerous and violent error of the sort with which they are now flirting. Yes, there are people in power maneuvering to frustrate the will of “We the People” on a dozen different things, ranging from economic and national-defense policy to the specific matter of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. That is prudence and patriotism, and the constitutional architecture of these United States is designed to prevent democratic passion from prevailing. Have your talk-radio temper tantrum. Have your riots. Our form of government, even in its current distorted state, was designed to handle and absorb your passions. You may dream of a dictator, but you will not have one.


  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Here's a link:

From the comments:

The white working class fixed my car and fought my wars, but f*ck 'em, they don't accept my nihilistic libertarianism.

No lies detected.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member

Here's a link:

From the comments:

The white working class fixed my car and fought my wars, but f*ck 'em, they don't accept my nihilistic libertarianism.

No lies detected.

the white working class has no specific claim to either of those duties  :lol


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
That piece on Kemp boils me. He was the Jon Huntsman of his time and every media conservative did all they could to box him out in favor of Bob Dole.  Now this asshole is trying to hold Kemp up as some paragon of conservative leadership and has a direct lineage with GWB and Rubio. GTFO

From the comments:
Kemp is a great example of why this generation of conservatism is such an abject failure.

Kemp was HUD Secretary. He advocated selling public housing to tenants for pennies on the dollar. He advocated for Section 8. He advocated for private - public partnerships in affordable housing development widely used today in places like New York City.

And today's conservatives call all this "socialism."


The sad part is this is only one of a hundred examples like this and no modern conservative admits to it or will even entertain the argument.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Did Jack Kemp ever publicly dismiss the size of his opponent's penis?

Human Snorenado

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7 years later, it's hard to say if just blindly, nihilistically opposing anything Obama ever proposed and acting like government doesn't need to exist has paid off for the country, so maybe Republicans should keep at it for 4-8 years of President Hillary just to be sure


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Maybe we underestimated just how powerful Biden's words are. The founding father's never saw this coming.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
That piece on Kemp boils me. He was the Jon Huntsman of his time and every media conservative did all they could to box him out in favor of Bob Dole.  Now this asshole is trying to hold Kemp up as some paragon of conservative leadership and has a direct lineage with GWB and Rubio. GTFO
You're ignoring the most important core ideal of Kempism that they share, they were optimistic! Also, tax cuts. But mainly, optimism!

Since you mentioned Dole/Kemp: