North Carolina's state legislature is apparently passing an anti-anti-discrimination bill targeted at LGBT folks.
A law to prevent the "PC Police"? 
Text of the bill is
here. It's amending some previous law, so...
Previous law = normal text
Language being removed = strikethrough
Language being added = underlined
Basically they're defining gender as biological-at-birth gender and applying that to restrooms and changing areas, and inserting the idea of biological gender into existing equal opportunity law. The impetus is Charlotte passing a trans-friendly bathroom statute recently, I think.
The bill prevents any county or municipal governments from passing any sort of anti-discrimination or equal opportunity laws regarding employment or public accommodations. It also inserts language saying that the law (which says the policy of the state is to prevent discrimination in those areas) gives no basis for anyone to sue in cases of discrimination. Existing law calls for an agency which "shall use its good offices to effect an amicable resolution of the charges of discrimination" so I'm not sure where there's any kind of actual enforcement built into the law.
Oh, as a bonus measure it also prevents local governments from passing their own minimum wage laws.