Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2658219 times)

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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Ya, I only make 30,000 a year and have to pay 9000 of that back in tuition, but I'm white, so, luckily, no one makes broad generalizations about me on the internet. 

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Ya, I only make 30,000 a year and have to pay 9000 of that back in tuition, but I'm white, so, luckily, no one makes broad generalizations about me on the internet.

You're Canadian and a psychopath, shhhhh

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Not and only on the internet!


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  • captain of my capsized ship
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What an exercise in futility. Tax plans have to go through Congress.


  • Banana Grabber
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That's why I'm fine with Clinton's plan.  Stay the course


  • Senior Member
What an exercise in futility. Tax plans have to go through Congress.

That's the thing though. None of Bernie's pipe dreams are going to happen.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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What an exercise in futility. Tax plans have to go through Congress.

That's the thing though. None of Bernie's pipe dreams are going to happen.

None of Hillary's more reasonable shit is happening as long as the GOP controls the house, either. Unless people seriously think that the Freedom Caucus, who think she's the Butcher of Benghazi and Maleficent of the Ozarks, are really gonna cut any deals with a Hillary admin.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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What an exercise in futility. Tax plans have to go through Congress.

That's the thing though. None of Bernie's pipe dreams are going to happen.

And neither are Hillary's. I've noticed quite a bit of criticism of Bernie's pipe dreams as if he's the only one peddling them. But Hillary is also promising universal pre-k, free-ish college, Wall St regulations, etc. She's even promising to go farther than Obama has on immigration executive actions, which may not even be legal (to the Roberts court).

The reality is that when Hillary wins she's going to be embroiled in ugly partisan fights and obstruction from day one. She might not accomplish much of anything in her first 100 days. And I find it interesting that she has kinda adopted Obama's rosy 08 rhetoric about bipartisanship, when she (correctly) lampooned that shit at the time.

A Trump nom could hand democrats the senate but the House will remain in the hands of extremists who literally think she should be in jail for treason.


  • Senior Member
Hillary is doing a lot for downticket candidates and a ton of seats are up for grabs. Each passing day that Trump is frontrunner, more GOP congresspeople are in danger of losing their seats.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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If dems win the House I will PM you dick picks.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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the Senate was always likely to turn, now its dang near inevitable.

Barring a miracle the Congress will not turn, but isn't it likely that the GOP's hold will weaken? And as such the suicide bombers for America, I mean the Freedom Caucus loses some sway as well?


  • captain of my capsized ship
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"Likewise, I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence," he wrote. "Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz."

This guy .. :sabu


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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If dems win the House I will PM you dick picks.

Hell I'd they even hold their current numbers I'd be shocked.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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the Senate was always likely to turn, now its dang near inevitable.

Barring a miracle the Congress will not turn, but isn't it likely that the GOP's hold will weaken? And as such the suicide bombers for America, I mean the Freedom Caucus loses some sway as well?

The GOP will almost certainly have a net loss in the House, just not the 30 seats it's gonna take to flip control.

But who do you think will lose? People in competitive, purple districts. The lunatics in the Freedom Caucus are from the most insane districts in the country, they'll be re-elected easily because they're actually representing their constituents. Any sort of compromise or even responsible governing will just get them primaried in 2018 by someone even more insane. So, no. They'll lose no sway as long as the GOP retains control- if anything, down more reasonable members that might be persuaded to vote with Dems on some shit, they'll gain MORE sway.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea, a Trump blowout isn't going to change anything for the party. They'll still be angry, opposed to immigration, hate the establishment (some might even blame Trump's loss on the establishment sabotaging him), etc. Others will argue Trump loss because he wasn't a real conservative.

There's not going to be a moment where the average GOPers sit back and say "wow, we should pass immigration reform and stop saying ugly shit about minorities or gay people." And by the time the midterms are approaching in 2018 the party will once again be in a lather of anger and prepared to win a bunch of House seats back.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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The Dems really need to regain a lot of statehouses in the next two elections in the run up to the next census. Otherwise, we're just going to end up with another decade of gerrymandered US House districts designed to maintain as many GOP seats as possible.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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(Image removed from quote.)

Poor people are gonna feel the bern, alright.

Why don't they show effective tax rate? We make over 100k and our overall effective rate was never higher than 17.5% It never went down during W and never went higher under O. :shrug

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
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Something unexpected happened and he handled it well and that is bad somehow ???


  • Senior Member
His official Twitter tweeting a cartoon version of it is embarrassing breh. They're trying to capitalize on it after the fact and it's just dumb.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
His official Twitter tweeting a cartoon version of it is embarrassing breh. They're trying to capitalize on it after the fact and it's just dumb.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
His official Twitter tweeting a cartoon version of it is embarrassing breh. They're trying to capitalize on it after the fact and it's just dumb.

etc etc


  • Senior Member
Lol Hillary isn't any better. Jeb did some super cringey stuff too. I'm not interested in whataboutism when it comes to embarrassing moments.

If you think this Bernie-Birdie shit is cool, you're taking an L, I'm sorry.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
Gonna take lessons on what's embarrassing from the ninthing manchild who posts shit like this

The Queen slaying that crusty old guy in Arizona (Image removed from quote.)

>25% win, called by AP after less than 2% of votes counted (Image removed from quote.)

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea, I'm going to place the bird shit pretty low on that chart, in fact I might not even put it on the chart. I don't even like Bernie and you're making me defend him, which is more cringe worthy than the bird shit.

-Everything Hillary has done to appeal to young people/Hispanics/black people/etc
-Jeb putting on a sweater
-Netflix n Chill w/Ted Cruz
etc etc

all far worse than the harmless, non-cringey bird stuff.

take the L, Andy.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Stop bagging on Andrex, you guys. Hillary got punked in Alaska and Washington today and he's real torn up about it, alright?


  • Member

This is shit isn't even cmparable to that one tweet by the Sanders Camapaign


  • Senior Member
Stop bagging on Andrex, you guys. Hillary got punked in Alaska and Washington today and he's real torn up about it, alright?

As far as I'm concerned, she's the nominee at this point lol, not torn up at all. :snob


  • Senior Member
That's short sighted of ya

I saw this the other day. :lol

I really wish this primary were over because I don't like arguing with other Dem voters. It's really unproductive.


  • 🤷‍♀️
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Yeah, I bet you wish we could stop right now huh :smug


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  • 🤷‍♀️
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Can't wait until November when everyone starts talking about the bird that won the election


  • Senior Member
Bernie is literally Jesus 2.0. Except even better cause the original Jesus didn't give us free college and healthcare.


  • Senior Member
I really wish this primary were over because I don't like arguing with other Dem voters. It's really unproductive.

"A hivemind is good if the queen of the hive is one of my picking"


  • Senior Member
I'd vote for either Bernie or Hillary with no sour grapes whatsoever. I didn't vote in the MA primary for that reason. As far as who gets my vote, it's a non-issue. They're both really strong candidates with really good progressive positions.

I like Hillary('s policies/experience) a little more and Bernie('s supporters) a little less.


  • Hail Hydra
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  • Senior Member
The Queen of Cringe  :marimo


  • 🤷‍♀️
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Yeah that was painful to see in the episode


  • Senior Member
Where was that from?


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  • Senior Member
Hillary wasn't nearly as bad as the two "professional actresses" blowing her in that scene. Her SNL appearance was much more tolerable (though still pretty cringey in the standard politician-trying-to-be-cool way.)


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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His official Twitter tweeting a cartoon version of it is embarrassing breh. They're trying to capitalize on it after the fact and it's just dumb.

Your girl's had a ton of cringe-worthy tweets on her official feed.  Shit happens when you're old and tryna capitalize on social media.

Please don't go crazy making Hillary your new Apple.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member

More accurate than mainstream media.


  • Senior Member
His official Twitter tweeting a cartoon version of it is embarrassing breh. They're trying to capitalize on it after the fact and it's just dumb.

Your girl's had a ton of cringe-worthy tweets on her official feed.  Shit happens when you're old and tryna capitalize on social media.

Please don't go crazy making Hillary your new Apple.

I don't see how criticizing Bernie means I'm excusing anything anyone else has done, but ok

Also I don't like Apple much at all, lol.


  • Icon
Just giving you a heads up, kid.


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  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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Bernie is literally Jesus 2.0. Except even better cause the original Jesus didn't give us free college and healthcare.

Isn't that redundant since the whole point of a 2.0 release is to add missing features? I just hope they improved the resurrection feature which I guess technically worked in 1.0 but was rendered kind of useless by the 40-day limitation.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 02:26:48 AM by recursivelyenumerable »


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Wouldn't Jesus 2.0 be when he came back from the dead?  Or was that Jesus 1.1?

Someone goysplain me.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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Wouldn't Jesus 2.0 be when he came back from the dead?  Or was that Jesus 1.1?

Someone goysplain me.

That was just a feature of 1.0 (see my post), but in that version he wasn't able to stick around for very long before he was like kthxbye off to heaven. It was kind of like how in Windows9x you could tell the bugcheck bluescreen to just go away for a while.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 02:46:27 AM by recursivelyenumerable »


  • Icon
That's short sighted of ya

I wish stuff like this wouldn't be so widely shared.  "Bernie does poorly with southern Demos and with early voters" basically translates to "Bernie does poorly with black voters," who are disproportionately big chunks of those two groups.

So trying to dismiss those votes as somehow being less valid is ehhhhhhhh.  Bernie and his campaign have mostly been good on this stuff, and this particular piece isn't the most egregious example, but it's depressing (if unsurprising) to see how a lot of white liberals react when black folks don't support their preferences.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
The more Hillary has already won, the more her vocal supporters on the net sounds insecure.
Weird.  :doge

"Bernie is a crazy communist who will hike tax 100% ! Also he has been drawn on his twitter with a bird, MADNESS !"


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Hillary wasn't nearly as bad as the two "professional actresses" blowing her in that scene. Her SNL appearance was much more tolerable (though still pretty cringey in the standard politician-trying-to-be-cool way.)

You know, you're right, that's what bothered me most about, seemed so out of character for the show even


  • 🤷‍♀️
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Hawaii 's in the house, shut yo mouth