Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656059 times)

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Take My Breh Away

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15600 on: April 10, 2016, 07:09:30 AM »
Earlier than projected election fuckery. This election is going to be amazing. 


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15601 on: April 10, 2016, 07:36:07 AM »
Being into lolis though is A-OK and not indicitive of anything. :heh

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15602 on: April 10, 2016, 08:21:30 AM »
Being into lolis though is A-OK and not indicitive of anything. :heh

Canonically 21

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15603 on: April 10, 2016, 05:11:57 PM »
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 55m55 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted J.D. Rhoades
Generally speaking, the drive to make the South competitive again rests on black voters.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2h2 hours ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Raw Story
"A lot of that came from the South."

(Home to the most loyal group of Dem voters without whom Dems couldn't win.)

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2h2 hours ago
Black voters in the South are the reason Dems can win Virginia and Florida, and stay competitive in North Carolina and Florida.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2h2 hours ago
Blacks generally are the reason liberals, in particular, can win national elections. Remove blacks & electoral scope of liberalism shrinks.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 17m17 minutes ago
I will say this until I am out of breath but Southern blacks are an integral part of pulling the South away from reactionary politics.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 20m20 minutes ago
2. The candidate whose theory rests on a political revolution isn't in a place to handwave away places where his message didn't suffice.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 21m21 minutes ago
Two thoughts: 1.'"It's the South" sounds dismissive in large part because Sanders touts wins in the rural West.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15604 on: April 10, 2016, 08:09:26 PM »
Did you guys read that article on Denny Hastert? What a sick fuck.

Ironically, Hastert was the guy the GOP picked after House leadership was completely decimated by scandals and missteps, because they figured he had nothing remotely interesting or surprising in his past:

That didn't happen. Democrats actually gained a modest number of seats, something all but unprecedented in the sixth year of a president's term. The shock of the result led to Gingrich's fall from power and resignation almost immediately.

What we would learn only later was that while driving the country toward impeachment Gingrich was himself carrying on an affair with a twenty-something congressional aide named Callista Bisek. Gingrich would later divorce his wife Marianne and marry Bisek - they remain married - just as he had years before married Marianne after carrying on an affair with her while married to his first wife.

Just after the election, impeachment seemed dead. Republicans promised a return to bread and butter issues after a perceived public rebuke of their obsessive focus on impeachment and the president's sex life. But that didn't last long. Indeed, what soon unfolded foreshadowed the pattern by which the 2013 RNC 'autopsy' was followed by the failure of immigration reform and the most racially charged GOP presidential nomination in history three years later. The GOP's base's hunger to punish the President was far greater than establishment belief that impeachment had proven to be a tremendous political loser. What's more, Gingrich's departure empowered the man who had already in many respects been running the show in the House: Majority Whip Tom DeLay. Notwithstanding the election results, DeLay was totally committed to moving ahead with impeachment and was able to use the threat of primaries to pull members back into the pro-impeachment camp.

Meanwhile, the Republican conference quickly settled on Rep. Bob Livingston as Speaker Designate for the next Congress and de facto leader as the House moved toward impeaching the president. But then news broke that Hustler's Larry Flynt (yes, it was all really weird) was preparing an article on affairs conducted by Livingston and other members of Congress. This pushed Livingston to admit his own history of adultery and then - the very day the House passed articles of impeachment - in effect resign the Speakership even though he had not actually become Speaker.

Livingston resigned from the House and was succeeded by David Vitter, who would continuing paying for sex with prostitutes after moving to Washington to take his seat in the House and later in the Senate. In 2007, Vitter's phone number emerged from a published list of the phone records of "DC Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Vitter nonetheless survived the prostitution scandal and was releected to the Senate in 2010. He failed in his bid to become Governor of Louisiana in 2015. Palfrey later committed suicide, aged 52, shortly after being convicted of money laundering tied to running the prostitution ring.

The rapid fire events of the previous six weeks - the upset election result, the resignation of the Speaker, the impeachment of the President, followed by the resignation of the de facto Speaker - left official Washington and especially the House Republican caucus in a state of shock and pandemonium. Various names were at first mooted to succeed Livingston. But consensus quickly formed around a man little known even in Washington, let alone in the nation at large: Dennis J. Hastert.

As bad as GOP leadership is now, and has been over the past few years, that 90's crop was packed to the gills with total scumbags.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15605 on: April 10, 2016, 09:50:41 PM »

As bad as GOP leadership is now, and has been over the past few years, that 90's crop was packed to the gills with total scumbags.

Give it time.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15606 on: April 10, 2016, 11:13:41 PM »
Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 55m55 minutes ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted J.D. Rhoades
Generally speaking, the drive to make the South competitive again rests on black voters.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2h2 hours ago
Jamelle Bouie Retweeted Raw Story
"A lot of that came from the South."

(Home to the most loyal group of Dem voters without whom Dems couldn't win.)

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2h2 hours ago
Black voters in the South are the reason Dems can win Virginia and Florida, and stay competitive in North Carolina and Florida.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2h2 hours ago
Blacks generally are the reason liberals, in particular, can win national elections. Remove blacks & electoral scope of liberalism shrinks.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 17m17 minutes ago
I will say this until I am out of breath but Southern blacks are an integral part of pulling the South away from reactionary politics.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 20m20 minutes ago
2. The candidate whose theory rests on a political revolution isn't in a place to handwave away places where his message didn't suffice.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 21m21 minutes ago
Two thoughts: 1.'"It's the South" sounds dismissive in large part because Sanders touts wins in the rural West.

This is why the Berniebro argument "Hillary's just winning the confederacy" is so asinine and in a way a huge backhanded "compliment" to Bernie. Bernie eats shit when it comes to nonwhites.

Yet somehow he'd be more electable than Hillary. ::)


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15607 on: April 10, 2016, 11:21:26 PM »

Not as good as this top favorite:

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15608 on: April 10, 2016, 11:21:55 PM »
I'd at least be willing to ignore that shit if Bernie stans weren't celebrating "major" wins in liberal states like....Oklahoma and Wyoming.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15609 on: April 10, 2016, 11:32:53 PM »
Did I say "Berniebros?" I meant to say Bernie himself.

Appearing on ABC’s This Week, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders — who has run off an impressive string of primary victories — dismissed actual vote totals that show former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with a commanding lead, saying those votes “came from the South.”


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15610 on: April 11, 2016, 12:06:53 AM »
Bouie's twitter feed has been really, really good during these primaries.

It's understandable why kids just getting into politics would make the mistake of thinking a state's primary electorate = its general electorate.  And losing political campaigns tend to say silly things, especially with these drawn-out primaries (see Rubio this time, Hillary in '08). 

But if you're a prominent person on the left half of American politics, in 2016, and you find yourself making an argument that implies black people's votes are somehow less valuable than other votes, you gotta stop.  Seriously.  Just stop.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15611 on: April 11, 2016, 12:22:04 AM »
They've gotten their President (albeit not a real black), now it's time for Socialist Jews' votes to count.

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Or billionaire nativists.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15613 on: April 11, 2016, 06:47:50 AM »
Finally someone speaks truth to power and stands up against the unhinged left-wing bullies who hate America and won't pledge allegiance to our nation and its leaders.

Good on Let's Get to Work which is in no way associated with Governor Rick Scott to support the American people who fully back Rick Scott in defending the nation against the violent left.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15614 on: April 11, 2016, 06:48:23 AM »
In 1996, Cara Jennings, then 19, and her sister Aimee started the Radical Cheerleaders in their hometown of Lake Worth, Fla., a town of 35,000 north of Ft. Lauderdale. Their fishnet-stocking, punked-out leather outfits and shredded garbage bag pom-poms caught on, as did their obscenity-laced chants against the neo-liberal agenda, the WTO and various other political causes. As the worldwide protest movement rose in the late '90s, the radical cheerleaders became fixtures at anti-globalization rallies, and cheerleading troupes have sprung up around the world.
A lot of the headlines have focused on the fact that you are a self-described anarchist. How is that going to manifest itself in how you go about governing?

The textbook definition that most folks reference when they ask me about being an anarchist is the overthrow of government. And that's an element of anarchism. I and other anarchists believe that there should be no hierarchy, and that all decisions should be made on a community level by individuals on a voluntary basis.

So it's been difficult running for office and acknowledging that I'm putting myself in a perceived and sometimes real position of power over other people. The reason that people are excited to see me out there, like at an immigration rally, is because they know, whether I like it or not, that I have additional power that they don't have. I don't want to claim the assumed power that comes with winning an elected office, but at the same time, I'm in this position to leverage that power, and be outspoken about things that are wrong and receive attention for that. I don't know really how you do that without falling into that trap of getting credit for a position of power that shouldn't exist in the fist place. It's challenging.

I've seen a few comments on anarchist discussion boards on the Web, saying, “If she was a true anarchist, she wouldn't be part of government.”

Sure. And I respect that critique. The practical reality is that in Lake Worth there's not a large anarchist community, and there's not even a large progressive community. So in order to make a better impact, I decided to run for office. I don't think it was the most anarchist thing to do, but it was a responsible thing to do.

The media outed me as an anarchist. It wasn't a secret–but for me it was more about the core issues that have a clear impact on people's day-to-day lives, not my philosophies about capitalism, or authority.

So when I went door knocking, people would say to me, “But you're an anarchist!” And I would get to have conservations about what it meant to be critical of the government and to oppose hierarchy, and to build public power, and to do that by running for office.

Now at least a portion of the population here in Lake Worth thinks that being an anarchist means that you're community driven, and that you are going to represent the interests of the people in the community, not the business interests.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15615 on: April 11, 2016, 07:04:41 AM »
first we changed the definition of marriage, now we changed the definition of anarchist


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15616 on: April 11, 2016, 08:21:15 AM »
Holy shit, is Rick Scott a petty ***hole or what

LMAO. If you didn't already know, all you need to know is that half of Florida's populace calls him Voldemort behind his back. :doge

Edit: Also LMAO at Slate posting this yesterday when it was old news on Friday.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15617 on: April 11, 2016, 10:15:52 AM »
Honestly, I just want big banks to be broken up because I don't like rich people.


Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15618 on: April 11, 2016, 10:24:01 AM »
You know, historically speaking in times of such pronounced income/wealth inequality, "rich people paying slightly more in taxes and breaking up big banks" is a pretty good deal compared to, oh I don't know, guillotines. Which, I'm on record that such civility is a real wasted opportunity, but there you go.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15619 on: April 11, 2016, 10:32:16 AM »
You know, historically speaking in times of such pronounced income/wealth inequality, "rich people paying slightly more in taxes and breaking up big banks" is a pretty good deal compared to, oh I don't know, guillotines. Which, I'm on record that such civility is a real wasted opportunity, but there you go.


The fuck you on about?


Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15620 on: April 11, 2016, 10:35:48 AM »
Just saying that a bump of like 3% in taxes, restoring a sane capital gains tax rate, and breaking up/further regulating big banks from doing stupid shit probably beats having your head chopped off and all of your shit taken by the peasants.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15621 on: April 11, 2016, 11:05:31 AM »
Just saying that a bump of like 3% in taxes, restoring a sane capital gains tax rate, and breaking up/further regulating big banks from doing stupid shit probably beats having your head chopped off and all of your shit taken by the peasants.

Broke peasants have no guns and no cars. Who the fuck is worried about them?  :heh

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15622 on: April 11, 2016, 11:06:18 AM »
Guillotines are so messy, fam.  :donot

I mean, it's not like the Koch Bros are sweeping for car bombs or anything.  :whew


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  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15625 on: April 11, 2016, 01:12:56 PM »
Just saying that a bump of like 3% in taxes, restoring a sane capital gains tax rate, and breaking up/further regulating big banks from doing stupid shit probably beats having your head chopped off and all of your shit taken by the peasants.

Broke peasants have no guns and no cars. Who the fuck is worried about them?  :heh

The 'peasants' have the numbers on their side, breh. :gurl


Hard to reach for the sky when you're stuck on the goverment and big pharma titties. See how y'all played yourselves there, millenials?

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15627 on: April 11, 2016, 01:34:50 PM »
Just saying that a bump of like 3% in taxes, restoring a sane capital gains tax rate, and breaking up/further regulating big banks from doing stupid shit probably beats having your head chopped off and all of your shit taken by the peasants.

Broke peasants have no guns and no cars. Who the fuck is worried about them?  :heh

The 'peasants' have the numbers on their side, breh. :gurl


Hard to reach for the sky when you're stuck on the goverment and big pharma titties. See how y'all played yourselves there, millenials?
If I wasn't out of adderall I'd so type up a scathing reply!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15628 on: April 11, 2016, 01:38:59 PM »
Why Black Voters Support Hillary Clinton


She's not going to win. Just an FYI

The general but if her husband keeps talking I'd say the primary is in danger too.

The primary or the general?


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15629 on: April 11, 2016, 02:05:43 PM »
The general but if her husband keeps talking I'd say the primary is in danger too.

Care to make it interesting?


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15630 on: April 11, 2016, 02:15:15 PM »
AiA lets see your Hillary no predictit receipts.

Ps predictit is so fun omg


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15631 on: April 11, 2016, 02:15:55 PM »
AiA lets see your Hillary no predictit receipts.

Ps predictit is so fun omg

What is this predictit you speak of, fine sir?


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15632 on: April 11, 2016, 02:18:12 PM »

Bet on elections and shit. Share based.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15633 on: April 11, 2016, 02:19:23 PM »

Bet on elections and shit. Share based.

Nice, I'll check that out when I get home today.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15634 on: April 11, 2016, 02:38:35 PM »
I'm curious why you think Hillary won't be elected.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15635 on: April 11, 2016, 02:39:47 PM »

And that daughter's name? Ronald Reagan.

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Obvious fake but I still had a good chuckle.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15636 on: April 11, 2016, 02:41:36 PM »
I'm curious why you think Hillary won't be elected.

2 reasons

1) Democratic saturation has reached it's peak for now.

2) She just isn't likable in the least bit and the youth who get shut out on Bernie will vote for anybody but her.

And personally I don't want a CAC grandmother deciding if we should go to war or no, come at me bro.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15637 on: April 11, 2016, 02:49:45 PM »

1) Democratic saturation has reached it's peak for now.

Lol what does this even mean. :lol If you think everyone except middle aged white guys will turn out for Trump or Cruz, then uh, there's nothing I can really say here except wait until November lol. :letsfukk

2) She just isn't likable in the least bit and the youth who get shut out on Bernie will vote for anybody but her.

If likeability was a prerequisite we wouldn't have gotten Nixon. I'm also still not sure why Hillary isn't "likeable." She seems perfectly fine in her speeches and interviews. :dunno

And most Berniebros will turn out for her after a few months of the GOP nominee making an ass out of himself, just like Hillarybots who turned out for Obama in 2008. :obama

And personally I don't want a CAC grandmother deciding if we should go to war or no, come at me bro.

What you want and what will happen are two different things. :umad


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15638 on: April 11, 2016, 02:51:19 PM »
Can't wait until you lose. You're breakdown will be delicious. Until we all realize Cruz or Trump is running this shit and all renew our canadian passports!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15639 on: April 11, 2016, 02:53:21 PM »
Can't wait until you lose. You're breakdown will be delicious. Until we all realize Cruz or Trump is running this shit and all renew our canadian passports!

Lol they're the two frontrunners. Are you expecting Paul Ryan to swoop down at the convention and sail the GOP to victory? :lol

Like it or not Hillary's gonna be facing Cruz or Trump in the general and they're going to lose to her, lol.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15640 on: April 11, 2016, 03:16:14 PM »
AiA you're delusional  :lol


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15641 on: April 11, 2016, 03:23:29 PM »
Further reading:

Why Republicans are very, very likely to lose the presidency in 2016

Clinton has way more electoral states "in the bag" than Trump or Cruz:

Hillary also slaughters Trump and Cruz in basically all polls (except Fox News, lol):

I mean sure, "anything can happen," that's true. Maybe Iran nukes us in October and Trump gets 80% of the vote. But based on the info we have it's highly doubtful Hillary Clinton won't become POTUS.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15642 on: April 11, 2016, 04:12:20 PM »
Pie charts :kobeyuck

Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15643 on: April 11, 2016, 05:03:41 PM »

What a weird interview. We are really missing out not having Joe in the race.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15645 on: April 11, 2016, 05:42:02 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15646 on: April 11, 2016, 05:56:44 PM »
AIA also said young people would flock to the GOP because of their disappointment in Obama.  Really has a finger on the pulse of the millenial generation, that fella.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15648 on: April 11, 2016, 06:50:51 PM »
AIA also said young people would flock to the GOP because of their disappointment in Obama.  Really has a finger on the pulse of the millenial generation, that fella.

Such skepticism.   Why, I bet you he talked to no less than three whole people under the age of 30 who plan on voting for Trump in November. 


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15649 on: April 11, 2016, 07:01:32 PM »
He has an uncle who was young for a whole decade!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15650 on: April 11, 2016, 07:09:17 PM »
AIA also said young people would flock to the GOP because of their disappointment in Obama.  Really has a finger on the pulse of the millenial generation, that fella.

Such skepticism.   Why, I bet you he talked to no less than three whole people under the age of 30 who plan on voting for Trump in November.

8   :beli


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15651 on: April 11, 2016, 07:10:10 PM »
He has an uncle who was young for a whole decade!

C'mon man this one was terrible. I expect better out of you.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15652 on: April 11, 2016, 07:13:37 PM »
I actually know a handful of millennials that voted for Cruz.  :neogaf

But you would be correct to assume that those millennials are a bunch of starry eyed, brainwashed BJU types.  :doge  :letsfukk

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15653 on: April 11, 2016, 08:08:18 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15654 on: April 11, 2016, 08:17:14 PM »
Which, of course, means that those promulgating this list are the actual SJWs,

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15655 on: April 11, 2016, 08:40:44 PM »
Will he find the real SJWs in his white Bronco or is that too problematic.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15656 on: April 11, 2016, 09:10:34 PM »

This took a lot of balls to brag about.  At least pretend you're not trying to steal the primaries.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15657 on: April 11, 2016, 10:44:36 PM »
:dead this election man

Holy shit... I'm legit shook.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf |OT| Scott Adams is actually the worst
« Reply #15658 on: April 11, 2016, 11:25:23 PM »
Citizen Super PAC is Kickstarter for conservative ad campaigns. :neogaf

Phoenix Dark

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