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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16380 on: May 06, 2016, 01:56:53 PM »
i kind of hope they do a recount in new york and arizona including all the provisional ballots so when it comes back as hillary winning again i can just post this on facebook


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16381 on: May 06, 2016, 03:33:37 PM »
americans are so paranoid holy shit

What would you expect from the same people who think Jesus is coming back at any minute?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16383 on: May 06, 2016, 05:15:31 PM »


Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16384 on: May 06, 2016, 05:17:48 PM »
I will unify the party, and I'm pretty sure fuck you.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16385 on: May 06, 2016, 06:19:53 PM »

:dunno :umad

How mad would you be if somehow that pressure actually caused her to?

Personally, I'd be pissed because I'd lose ~$100

Phoenix Dark

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Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16387 on: May 06, 2016, 09:03:34 PM »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16388 on: May 06, 2016, 09:31:11 PM »
Yeah, I remember the Calvinball arguments about process, as well as the lowkey racism of the last few months of the Clinton campaign.  That shit was nooooooooo good.
wait what calvinball arguments haha im curious

The main one was about Michigan and Florida.  They moved their primaries up on the calendar against the wishes of the national party, so they would not get to send voting delegates based on that.  This was all understood well in advance.  Nobody campaigned in those states, and beforehand all the candidates had basically agreed to not challenge the DNC about counting the delegates.

Except Clinton won both states (Obama wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan, and "uncommitted" got like 40%), and when it became clear she didn't have an actual path, started talking about how terrible and undemocratic it would be to disenfranchise the voters of those two states.

I think her campaign also pushed the idea that she was ahead in the popular vote and therefor the winner, but basically doing a tally which awarded no votes for caucus states, counted Michigan and Florida, and didn't assign any of the "uncommitted" votes to Obama.

I'm sure there's a ton of fuckery I'm not remembering.  Clinton was closer in delegates then than Sanders was now, and her people had expected to win it, so they did not accept the loss easily.
Thanks for the write-up!

I went back and finally lurked GAF today and I'm now rooting for Trump because the meltdown there would be astronomical and hilarious

Trent Dole

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16389 on: May 07, 2016, 02:39:02 AM »

:dunno :umad
And her dumb fucking Correct The Record shills got #DropOutBernie trending as a counter with 1/10 the amount of tweets! :pacspit

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16391 on: May 07, 2016, 12:19:28 PM »
Bill Kristol knows a winner when he sees one.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16392 on: May 07, 2016, 01:38:30 PM »
Isn't it too late to get on some states ballots as an independent? Take your L 'pubs


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16393 on: May 07, 2016, 01:55:15 PM »
-The other side of income inequality. The discussion on this topic tends to focus on how much JOB TITLE makes contra their staff, not how little people are actually expected to live on, and the avenues they turn to to survive those realities. (From relying on scum like check cashers to cheating on taxes and getting in hot water with the IRS.) People don't like working hard to barely squeeze by, that makes them angry, and people wracked by emotion don't make logical decisions. :Spock:

-There is a world that doesn't show up in consensus reality. From off balance sheet accounting, to informal dispute resolution, to child abuse (big ups to the GOP and the fourth estate for saddling us with a child predator as Speaker of the House), there are things that exist but aren't officially recorded. I realize that someone like Nate would find this topic anathema, but when people aren't on the record they surprisingly act and believe things contrary to what goes on the record. (In December I believe studies showed that people were more inclined to show support for Trump in anonymous polling, especially college educated voters.)

-People who say racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted shit can in actual fact be racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted and want a government that implements those values. (The party of small government is saying who can and can't use bathrooms, as an example.) I am in no way surprised that Trump was dominating in California polling, our disenfranchised racist minority has been absolved of having to even pretend and use coded language for quite awhile now.

But support for Trump did show up in the data.  He was leading in national and state polls for months before the primaries started and tended to underperform those polls slightly, if anything.  I think the 538 state-by-state projections were fairly accurate while their long term predictions of Trump's downfall were off. That's because they, like Wang and the rest of the geek-pundits, were deferring to the polisci consensus about how the primary system works, and the assumption that the GOP and its attendant institutions would turn against Trump because they found him unacceptable.*  I only read a few of his columns but I don't remember him ever presuming to have the pulse of the electorate.

That sounds much more like the column Dana Milbank promised to eat if Trump got the nomination.  It's littered with phrases like "Americans are better than Trump" and "voters, in the end, tend to get it right" as well as pointing out Trump's comments about refugees (in the context of assuming they're so bad that of course GOP primary voters couldn't support them).  You find similar stuff from David Brooks, Michael Gerson, George Will, etc.

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*Even though that led them down the wrong path, I can't begrudge them that decision. The alternative is "I will apply my own expertise to a field without bothering to seriously consider the previous decades of study because I am a maverick outsider!" and that just gets us Freakonomics.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16394 on: May 07, 2016, 02:03:01 PM »
:lol their is no one who hasn't already failed at this that they can choose from. 

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16395 on: May 07, 2016, 11:36:07 PM »
Eight years ago, Clinton dropped out of the primary race on June 7, 2008, when, according to delegate counts at the time by several major news organizations, Obama was ahead of Clinton by roughly 124 pledged delegates.
Fast forward to today. According to ABC News’ delegates estimate, Clinton is currently ahead of Sanders by 321 pledged delegates: 1,683 to 1,362. (This is not counting Clinton’s enormous lead in superdelegates.)


oh god, remember when Obama clinched the nom and this shit happened


Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16396 on: May 08, 2016, 01:00:38 AM »
"Terrorist Fist Jab"



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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16398 on: May 08, 2016, 01:17:52 AM »
There's another clip that I can't seem to find on YouTube, like from Fox and Friends or something, with the same body language expert lady (who used to be on Red Eye a lot) and they're all trying to figure out the secret messages and she's all "no, it's just a simple thing people do" and then probably Steve Doocy is like "but what if it isn't?!?"

Isn't it too late to get on some states ballots as an independent? Take your L 'pubs
No, IIRC, Texas will be first and it's Monday.

Bloomberg's people "leaked" their study into it and suggested you needed to start before the end of March or an independent bid was doomed to irrelevancy even if you spent a billion dollars of your own money.

That's why the GOP is eyeing the Libertarians (ballot status is supposed to be everywhere this year) and Constitution (ballot status in a good number of states already and with actual cash/organization would easily get the rest of the way) Parties for a hostile takeover.

LP seems determined to run Gary again in hopes of cracking 1%.

The Constitution Party would actually welcome it, they've been trying to hook a former GOPer who someone might recognize for ages. They were trying to get Steve Stockman to be their nominee this year. Their nominee Darrell Castle can be dumped in a heartbeat, especially since he already dropped out once due to health concerns before getting back in the race just before their convention.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16399 on: May 08, 2016, 01:24:58 AM »
What about the Communist Party USA? They haven't run a presidential candidate since Gus Hall. Maybe Comrade Romney could shake things up.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16400 on: May 08, 2016, 01:29:38 AM »
I believe they have a standing position to endorse the Democratic Party candidate no matter what.

Kara can correct me if I have my Communist Parties confused.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16401 on: May 08, 2016, 01:54:27 AM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16404 on: May 08, 2016, 10:13:09 AM »


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Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16406 on: May 08, 2016, 01:02:50 PM »
I merely skimmed that shit, not reading it all. But lol @ "at least Bernie awoke the non voters, i.e. the majority of the country." If that's true why is he losing to Hillary by 3mil votes  :doge

How is it a revolution if you don't even come close. It takes a revolution to beat a powerful establishment machine....we saw it happen in 2008 :doge


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16407 on: May 08, 2016, 02:52:01 PM »
Warren :rejoice

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16408 on: May 08, 2016, 02:56:49 PM »
Bernie Sanders reminds me very much of myself the first time I ever played Final Fantasy XII.


Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16409 on: May 08, 2016, 03:01:46 PM »
Bernie Sanders reminds me very much of myself the first time I ever played Final Fantasy XII.

Our presidents are our main characters. Sometimes they are true, almost one-dimensional heroes like Washington, who is a pantalooned stand in for FFI's Warrior of Light. Other time's they're weak, ineffectual, unlikeable fellows like James Pierce, whose presidency I compare to being forced to play as Vaan in FFXII. Except Pierce didn't make me constantly see him dressed as a Thai rentboy with a bleach job.



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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16410 on: May 08, 2016, 03:42:23 PM »

I can't tell who Xerxes is supposed to be.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16411 on: May 08, 2016, 04:10:27 PM »
George Soros


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16413 on: May 09, 2016, 12:40:23 AM »
Bernie Sanders reminds me very much of myself the first time I ever played Final Fantasy XII.

Us Gamers, Millennials, huh?


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16414 on: May 09, 2016, 05:24:32 AM »
I merely skimmed that shit, not reading it all. But lol @ "at least Bernie awoke the non voters, i.e. the majority of the country." If that's true why is he losing to Hillary by 3mil votes  :doge

How is it a revolution if you don't even come close. It takes a revolution to beat a powerful establishment machine....we saw it happen in 2008 :doge

My state had our highest voting turnout for primaries since the 70's

But then we fucked up our supreme court choice completely  :brazilcry

Phoenix Dark

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Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16416 on: May 09, 2016, 11:15:58 AM »
Sounds like a disaster to me unless we want to borrow at exorbitant rates in the future.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16417 on: May 09, 2016, 11:25:13 AM »
If you buy back all the debt, wouldn't that make the US dollar worthless?

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16418 on: May 09, 2016, 11:31:21 AM »
If you buy back all the debt, wouldn't that make the US dollar worthless?

The US Dollar will be winning. It will be winning so much, you'll say "Mr. Trump, please, we're tired of the US Dollar winning so much!" but he'll say "NO! It's going to keep winning!" and then an eagle will land on President Trump's podium with an American flag held gently in it's beak and it's name was Marine Todd.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 12:20:41 PM by Joe Molotov »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16419 on: May 09, 2016, 11:59:17 AM »
"You know I'm the king of debt"

Campaign slogan right here.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16420 on: May 09, 2016, 12:38:55 PM »
Yeah, well, if you love debt so much why don't you marry it?!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16421 on: May 09, 2016, 12:53:09 PM »
Yeah, well, if you love debt so much why don't you marry it?!

Once Hillary packs the Supreme Court with her lieberal activist judges, you will be able to.  :phil


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16422 on: May 09, 2016, 12:54:35 PM »
He's basically saying that we should threaten debt holders with inflation and then get them to offer a discount? Disregarding how shortsighted that is, isn't most of the debt held within the country? The hard part for Hillary is juggling all the stupid shit that Trump says, like that's seriously something I don't think anyone has the chops for.

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16423 on: May 09, 2016, 01:51:51 PM »
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced Monday that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) would serve as the chairman of his transition team.

“Governor Christie is an extremely knowledgeable and loyal person with the tools and resources to put together an unparalleled Transition Team, one that will be prepared to take over the White House when we win in November,” Trump said in a statement. “I am grateful to Governor Christie for his contributions to this movement.”


Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16424 on: May 09, 2016, 02:36:52 PM »
Bill Clinton apparently liked to draw dicks on his security briefings:


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16425 on: May 09, 2016, 02:57:47 PM »
Stalin did something similar IIRC

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16426 on: May 09, 2016, 03:00:38 PM »
as an econ major,.....yea wtf am i reading
like i get what he's saying kinda in that he basically wants to short the debt in a way, but cmon man, one half-assed point for fifty asinine, bat-shit crazy ones aint cutting it. buying back debt in the quantities the usa is dealing with isn't an exhaustive comprehensive solution

"I love debt"


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16428 on: May 09, 2016, 03:22:11 PM »
Trump and Sanders are the same confirmed:
But new budget committee ranking member Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is poised to break dramatically from traditional Democratic views on budgeting, from Obama to Clinton to Walter Mondale and beyond.

His big move: naming University of Missouri – Kansas City professor Stephanie Kelton as his chief economist. Kelton is not exactly a household name, but to those who follow economic policy debates closely, tapping her is a dramatic sign.

HEULEN10 was right all along.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16429 on: May 09, 2016, 03:25:15 PM »
If we can borrow $100 Trillion and then buy back our debt at an 80% discount, then we've erased the national debt. This is gonna work, econbrehs.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16430 on: May 09, 2016, 03:35:05 PM »
But there's no such thing as debt, only assets, so what are we buying back?!? :doge

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16431 on: May 09, 2016, 03:52:15 PM »
Reminds me of the constitution party and Bo Gritz, who's economic policy was the mint one coin worth all the debt we had and pay it using that. Dude seriously believes we'd have to mint a coin that we could somehow give to our debtors (one coin) and they'd be like "OK"

Human Snorenado

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16432 on: May 09, 2016, 04:11:09 PM »
But there's no such thing as debt, only assets, so what are we buying back?!? :doge

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it doesn't actually exist.

I mean, I hate libertarians, but I'll admit they exist.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16433 on: May 09, 2016, 05:57:22 PM »
You know if Trump devalues the US dollar enough, Mexico won't pay to build the wall since remittances won't be shit.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16434 on: May 09, 2016, 06:17:31 PM »
Remember when all you guys had to do to reduce the national debt was elect a Clinton?


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16435 on: May 09, 2016, 06:44:13 PM »
Remember when all you guys had to do to reduce the national debt was elect a Clinton?
Code: [Select]
1992 4001.79
1993 4351.04
1994 4643.31
1995 4920.58
1996 5181.46
1997 5369.21
1998 5478.19
1999 5605.52
2000 5628.70
2001 5769.89

 :bow Bush/Cheney/Hastert  :bow2
Code: [Select]
2001 5769.89
2002 6198.40
2003 6760.02
2004 7354.65
2005 7905.30
2006 8451.35
2007 8950.75
2008 9986.08
2009 14589.07
2010 16373.00


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16436 on: May 09, 2016, 08:07:31 PM »
Hey, maybe he can get all of them to run! Put Sasse on the ballot in Nebraska, Coburn in Oklahoma, Romney in Massachusetts, Michigan and Utah—and plug in other candidates as needed to maximize the Nevertrump appeal in particular states. John Kasich could run in Ohio, Jeb Bush in Florida and so forth.

OK, that’s a ridiculous idea, but it’s not as ridiculous as it sounds. It would obviate the problem of recruiting a candidate willing to spend an arduous six months on a quixotic national campaign. True, such a strategy would preclude the possibility of an electoral-college majority, but that’s not a realistic goal even with a single candidate.

The objective instead would be to win as many states as possible and deny either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton an Electoral College majority. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, that would throw the election to the House, which would choose the president from among the top three finishers—presumably Trump, Mrs. Clinton and one of the Nevertrump candidates.

To be sure, it sounds a lot like Romney’s March plan for strategic Nevertrump voting in the primaries, or like the April Cruz-Kasich entente. But maybe the third time would be the charm.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 08:19:19 PM by benjipwns »

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16437 on: May 09, 2016, 09:44:13 PM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16438 on: May 09, 2016, 10:04:05 PM »
Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. The GOP spending vast amounts of money to attempt a general election coup that would send the election of the next President to the House. I'm totally sure that this would work flawless and there would be absolutely no backlash of any kind.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16439 on: May 10, 2016, 12:21:05 AM »
Mitt Romney winning Michigan.