Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| THE DARKEST TIMELINE  (Read 2656156 times)

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16800 on: June 06, 2016, 04:59:09 PM »
let's start a pool for what network on which bernie will inevitably become a pundit
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until he gets too senile even to wag his finger
Eh, was Dean a pundit after his failed run? They're very much the same imo. Renegadeish seemingly hyper left Vermonters.

Dean was actually pretty centrist, though. Definitely much more so than Bernie. Opposing the Iraq war is what made him the outsider candidate.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16801 on: June 06, 2016, 05:33:19 PM »
Trump Orders Surrogates to Intensify Criticism of Judge and Journalists

An embattled Donald Trump urgently rallied his most visible supporters to defend his attacks on a federal judge's Mexican ancestry during a conference call on Monday in which he ordered them to question the judge's credibility and impugn reporters as racists.

"We will overcome," Trump said, according to two supporters who were on the call and requested anonymity to share their notes with Bloomberg Politics. "And I’ve always won and I’m going to continue to win. And that’s the way it is."

There was no mention of apologizing or backing away from his widely criticized remarks about U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing cases against the Trump University real-estate program.

When former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer interrupted the discussion to inform Trump that his own campaign had asked surrogates to stop talking about the lawsuit, Trump repeatedly demanded to know who sent the memo, and immediately overruled his staff.

"Take that order and throw it the hell out," Trump said.

Told the memo was sent by Erica Freeman, a staffer who circulates information to surrogates, Trump said he didn't know her. He openly questioned how the campaign could defend itself if supporters weren't allowed to talk.

"Are there any other stupid letters that were sent to you folks?" Trump said. "That's one of the reasons I want to have this call, because you guys are getting sometimes stupid information from people that aren't so smart."

Brewer, who was on the call with prominent Republicans like Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, interjected again. "You all better get on the page," she told him.

In response, Trump said that he aspired to hold regular calls with surrogates in order to coordinate the campaign's message, a role usually reserved for lower ranking staffers than the nominee himself.

The e-mailed memo, sent by Freeman on Sunday, was cc'd to campaign manager Corey Lewandowski; Hope Hicks, Trump's top communications staffer; and Rick Gates, a top aide to campaign chairman Paul Manafort. It informed surrogates that "they're not authorized to discuss matters concerning the Trump Organization including corporate news such as the Trump University case.”

"The best possible response is ‘the case will be tried in the courtroom in front of a jury—not in the media,’” according to the e-mail, obtained by Bloomberg Politics.

A clearly irritated Trump told his supporters to attack journalists who ask questions about the lawsuit and his comments about the judge.

"The people asking the questions—those are the racists," Trump said. "I would go at 'em."


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16802 on: June 06, 2016, 05:36:03 PM »
what a fucking loon

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16803 on: June 06, 2016, 05:36:43 PM »


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16804 on: June 06, 2016, 05:44:18 PM »
like this dude is legitimately nutso


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16805 on: June 06, 2016, 09:38:37 PM »
And people say he isn't a republican?  :cac

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16806 on: June 06, 2016, 09:58:10 PM »
Hilary :bow2

Reddit politics :piss2


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16807 on: June 06, 2016, 09:58:29 PM »
AP called it for Clinton  :miyamoto


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16808 on: June 06, 2016, 10:54:28 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16809 on: June 06, 2016, 11:21:27 PM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16810 on: June 06, 2016, 11:42:35 PM »
Cenk's really losing it over Hillary winning/Bernie losing.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16811 on: June 07, 2016, 12:16:10 AM »
frankly, it's really exciting to say


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16812 on: June 07, 2016, 12:43:51 AM »
The salt on the internet is gonna be amazing.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16813 on: June 07, 2016, 01:31:04 AM »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16814 on: June 07, 2016, 01:35:34 AM »
The salt on the internet is gonna be amazing.

They did it. They called it for Clinton. Guess what i have to say to that? SCREW THAT. Join me and donate $50 to Bernie to show superdelegates that this campaign is the only one with the grassroots, small donor support that can take on Trump WITHOUT a superPAC.

Media is prepared to anoint Clinton tomorrow, social media is our only hope. #ItsNotOver | #ImDoneWithHer

Associated Press has just called the nomination race for Clinton using superdelegates. Let's show them what the pledged delegates and what the PEOPLE of New Jersey, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Montana and California want! And the answer is clear: WE! WANT! BERNIE! SHOW THEM AND PHONEBANK!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16816 on: June 07, 2016, 11:10:12 AM »


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16818 on: June 07, 2016, 11:41:55 AM »
Investing in Salt Commodities in preparation for today.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16819 on: June 07, 2016, 11:44:46 AM »
Investing in Salt Commodities in preparation for today.

Don't open r/politics without having a Gatorade handy, good lord.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16820 on: June 07, 2016, 12:36:02 PM »
Saw a guy wearing a bernie shirt today.  I live in Toronto.  SMH

We also have a fucking member of parliament that went down to campaign for him on the weekend.  That was shameful.   

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16821 on: June 07, 2016, 12:40:35 PM »
My mom, Hillary Stan #1 and nonstop Trump hater, defended his judge comments on the basis of "I can see merit in that comment but it's not something you should say out loud. He should have only shared that with his closest circle."

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16822 on: June 07, 2016, 12:41:58 PM »
How does one politely expose their own mom as a closet racist? 


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16823 on: June 07, 2016, 12:49:27 PM »
My mom, Hillary Stan #1 and nonstop Trump hater, defended his judge comments on the basis of "I can see merit in that comment but it's not something you should say out loud. He should have only shared that with his closest circle."
In her defense, the judge is hispanic. :hitler


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16824 on: June 07, 2016, 01:01:25 PM »
And that's exactly why he still does decently with a large part of the population.  I know quite a few people that would never say they support him out loud but when we're alone and politics come up they whisper about why he's really not that bad.  Fucking Texas, man.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16825 on: June 07, 2016, 01:15:33 PM »
And that's exactly why he still does decently with a large part of the population.  I know quite a few people that would never say they support him out loud but when we're alone and politics come up they whisper about why he's really not that bad.  Fucking Texas, man.

"Moreover, there's evidence that human polling undercounts Trump's votes, as people support him in larger numbers when they don't have to admit their leanings to a live human being. Like autoerotic asphyxiation, supporting Donald Trump is an activity many people prefer to enjoy in a private setting, like in a shower or a voting booth."


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16826 on: June 07, 2016, 01:17:03 PM »
My mom, Hillary Stan #1 and nonstop Trump hater, defended his judge comments on the basis of "I can see merit in that comment but it's not something you should say out loud. He should have only shared that with his closest circle."
In her defense, the judge is hispanic. :hitler

We worried about those damn red judges but we should have looked for the light brown ones all along !  :kinison


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16827 on: June 07, 2016, 01:25:36 PM »
Maurice's mom echoing Paul Ryan. "I mean it's a racist comment but....". Yet I still feel shocked everytime my own mom says something non-pc.

I now realized that only Asians/middle-easterners ever share those thoughts with me.  :(


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16828 on: June 07, 2016, 01:35:52 PM »
And that's exactly why he still does decently with a large part of the population.  I know quite a few people that would never say they support him out loud but when we're alone and politics come up they whisper about why he's really not that bad.  Fucking Texas, man.

"Moreover, there's evidence that human polling undercounts Trump's votes, as people support him in larger numbers when they don't have to admit their leanings to a live human being. Like autoerotic asphyxiation, supporting Donald Trump is an activity many people prefer to enjoy in a private setting, like in a shower or a voting booth."

I don't blame them. I hear if you admit you're a Trump supporter you're likely to have the Hispanic Inquisition beating down your door, raping your wives, dogs and jobs at the drop of a hat.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16831 on: June 07, 2016, 02:32:19 PM »
"Moreover, there's evidence that human polling undercounts Trump's votes, as people support him in larger numbers when they don't have to admit their leanings to a live human being. Like autoerotic asphyxiation, supporting Donald Trump is an activity many people prefer to enjoy in a private setting, like in a shower or a voting booth."

Trump didn't outperform his polls, though?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16833 on: June 07, 2016, 03:01:10 PM »
Hopefully Demi will institute an echo filter for this site cause right now we are an echo chamber. 


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16834 on: June 07, 2016, 03:13:45 PM »
Matty T doesn't link his source there. What I read last year of a similar vein looked at things you would guffaw at on their face, Mandark. (e.g. online polls) It's old as dirt now (6+ months) so the phenomenon shouldn't exist anymore (if it ever did). Not particularly scandalous to say you support the nominated Republican presidential candidate.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16835 on: June 07, 2016, 03:28:46 PM »
The "parenthesis meme," as Right Stuff editors call it, is a visual pun.

In Right Stuff propaganda, you'll often read that Jewish names "echo." According to the blog's lexicon page, "all Jewish surnames echo throughout history."

"The inner parenthesis represent the Jews' subversion of the home [and] destruction of the family through mass-media degeneracy. The next [parenthesis] represents the destruction of the nation through mass immigration, and the outer [parenthesis] represents international Jewry and world Zionism."


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16836 on: June 07, 2016, 03:29:59 PM »
There was a story a while back which showed Trump doing better in online polls than in phone polls, which might have been a sort of Bradley Effect but just as easily could show different sampling biases between the two methods.

More relevant I think is that the polls were pretty predictive of Trump's actual primary performance (Cruz was the candidate who consistently outperformed his polling averages, until the Acela primaries where he flamed out).  When the geek journos whiffed on Trump, it was because they dismissed the polls, not that they believed them.

Also, at least IME Trump supporters are pretty happy to tell you about it.  Loudly.  In spite of your efforts to aggressively direct the conversation to a different topic.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16837 on: June 07, 2016, 03:33:12 PM »
The State Department said it would take 75 years for the release of emails from top aides to Hillary Clinton from during her time as secretary of State.

Lawyers said it would take that long to compile the 450,000 pages of records from former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Jacob Sullivan and Patrick Kennedy, according to a court filing from last week, which was first reported by CNN.

"Given the Department's current [Freedom of Information Act] workload and the complexity of these documents, it can process about 500 pages a month, meaning it would take approximately 16-and-2/3 years to complete the review of the Mills documents, 33-and-1/3 years to finish the review of the Sullivan documents, and 25 years to wrap up the review of the Kennedy documents — or 75 years in total," the State Department said in the filing.
The 18th term curse strikes again.

Trent Dole

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16838 on: June 07, 2016, 05:21:17 PM »
Again with the fucking emails


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16839 on: June 07, 2016, 05:54:19 PM »
Also, at least IME Trump supporters are pretty happy to tell you about it.  Loudly.  In spite of your efforts to aggressively direct the conversation to a different topic.

I know this is an ancillary point, and that you probably recognize that it's not meaningful on its own (ultimately we're talking about something that's almost a matter of faith due to the blessed electoral college), but just today I saw a campaign contribution go out to an absolute nutter from someone I previously knew to merely be a hypocritical center-right voter preoccupied by a wedge issue.

With that though I bow out of this tangent with another quote.

Let's put it to a vote. Shall the ballots be open or secret?"

"We don't need Soviet-style voting," Charushnikov said, offended. "Let's vote the honest way, the European way: secret ballots."

Madrun Badrun

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16841 on: June 07, 2016, 06:28:13 PM »
How should these Bernie supporters be murdered cruelly, Walrus? 

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16842 on: June 07, 2016, 06:41:31 PM »
Campaigns talk to the press and set up breaking news scenarios? FRAUD.

Joe Molotov

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16843 on: June 07, 2016, 08:31:39 PM »
Save us, James O'Keefe!


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16844 on: June 07, 2016, 08:33:05 PM »
Can someone make a Hillary themed Yub Nub video?

Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16845 on: June 07, 2016, 09:22:22 PM »
hillary sweeping so far

even in north dakota  :whew


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16846 on: June 07, 2016, 09:28:14 PM »
hillary sweeping so far

even in north dakota  :whew

North Dakota? Sounds like the deep south to me.

Edit- ND is the one state for Sanders right now unless you have newer data.

Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16847 on: June 07, 2016, 09:28:36 PM »
lol that switched fast

hitler, north dakota must have reported


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16848 on: June 07, 2016, 09:42:50 PM »
lol that switched fast

hitler, north dakota must have reported

I think it's called Bismarck now. :ufup

Phoenix Dark

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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16849 on: June 07, 2016, 10:02:35 PM »
I googled that reference. Glad to see there's no such town as Hitler, ND.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16850 on: June 07, 2016, 10:41:05 PM »
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night declared herself the Democratic presidential nominee, delivering a soaring speech in which she reveled in the historic nature of her victory.
SOARING :usacry


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16851 on: June 07, 2016, 10:48:14 PM »
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night declared herself the Democratic presidential nominee, delivering a soaring speech in which she reveled in the historic nature of her victory.
SOARING :usacry



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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16852 on: June 07, 2016, 11:02:46 PM »
my incisive political cartoon: at the inauguration, instead of confetti, they have a huge sheet of glass held by drones that shatters and rains down over the crowd


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16853 on: June 07, 2016, 11:14:10 PM »
I googled that reference. Glad to see there's no such town as Hitler, ND.

I suppose not everyone's parents made Blood and Iron jokes when they were learning state capitals as a child... :goty2


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Re: US Politics Thread of Drumpf v. Killary |OT| We didn't listen.
« Reply #16854 on: June 07, 2016, 11:22:05 PM »

I missed all these. Makes for some entertaining reading right now.

*sips wine*


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16855 on: June 07, 2016, 11:44:06 PM »
my incisive political cartoon: at the inauguration, instead of confetti, they have a huge sheet of glass held by drones that shatters and rains down over the crowd
"what difference does it make if it was glass or paper?"


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Re: US Politics Thread of Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf Donald Drumpf |OT|
« Reply #16858 on: June 08, 2016, 12:32:35 AM »
Again with the fucking emails

Sorry some of us do? She broke the law in trying to get past the FoIA. Her IT department in pretty clear terms told her this sort of thing may be breaking laws, she did it anyway. The whole thing with the FBI "gathering evidence" during this election cycle is bullshit, however. Either indict her already or don't. This long "building a case" is not helping anyone.


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Re: US Politics Thread of Drumpf v. Killary |OT| We didn't listen.
« Reply #16859 on: June 08, 2016, 12:34:56 AM »
Narrowly avoided talking with young coworkers about how the media is totally lying to you and Bernie has a chance at lunch today.

It's funny how no one has wanted to argue with me when I said the options were a career politician with a history of lying, and two nutjobs running on single issue platforms that can't even articulate how they plan to solve those issues. Seemed like the best bait, but alas all I get is "at least one of the nutjobs isn't a racist!".