The thing is, the consulate
got backup, from the PMCs at the Annex which they weren't supposed to leave but did anyway. Within half an hour. And then when they retreated to the Annex they got serious from the nominal Libyian military after a few hours of locking down the streets around the Annex.
That's what the Michael Bay movie is about, the initial rescue attempt for the consulate and then holding the Annex overnight.
Okay, the real thing is, the GOP has been demanding for four years that it be recognized as a terrorist attack. And it was, and it was over like most of them. You've got a short window of action. IIRC, further attacks of the extent of the initial one never came. The attack on the Annex was ten minutes of mortar fire. It killed the two PMC guys because they were on the roof and wounded others because well, they were having mortar's dropped on them.
They couldn't save Stevens and the other fella because they were already dead when they got to the consulate from the Annex, and then the other guys got injured because they got delayed retreating.
And they were all PMCs who got backup from Libyan "state" forces.
The only plausible U.S. military response would have been an air strike on the mortar locations, which nobody knew were there, which nobody on the ground had the ability to locate and which were presumably abandoned after the ten minutes. I would assume the CIA has authority to order such resources up.
That said I should probably skim the report, I assume somewhere in there is a nice long accounting of what was going on at the Annex that could cause an Islamist militia to want to target a related building and then it for an attack. I assume there was too much freedom going on inside.
Robert Gates, former CIA director and Defense Secretary under Republican Presidents and then President Obama until stepping down in July 2011, has said that some critics of the government's response have a "cartoonish" view of military capabilities. He stated that he would have responded with equal caution given the risks and the lack of intelligence on the ground, and that American forces require planning and preparation which the circumstances did not allow for.
What B.S. lies.
Committee Chairman Mike Rogers wrote in an op-ed piece, "The Obama administration’s White House and State Department actions before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attack on September 11, 2012, ranged from incompetence to deplorable political manipulation in the midst of an election season."
That's my former Congressman who "left Congress to do a radio show" that never materialized, his leadership is sorely missed.